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[INITIATIVE] Wenzhou-WKU-KAIST-KUNSAN (WWKK) International Entrepreneurship Research Group

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2023. 2. 9.

[INITIATIVE] Wenzhou-WKU-KAIST-KUNSAN (WWKK) International Entrepreneurship Research Group

2023. 02. 09: Dr. Shi @ Wenzhou University and Dr. Choi @ Kean University (Wenzhou) initiated the collaborative discussion for Wenzhou-WKU-KAIST-KUNSAN International Entrepreneurship Research Group.


Dr. Shi, from the Entrepreneurship Department at the College of Business at Wenzhou University, started a positive discussion about the International Research Group that involves Wenzhou University, Wenzhou-Kean University, KAIST in South Korea, and Kunsan University in South Korea.

The research group's topics include:

  • Wenzhou Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Transforming the industrial/economic model for urban and rural areas in and around Wenzhou
  • Addressing the brain drain problem for new businesses in Wenzhou
  • Developing business talent for the new economy.

The research agenda and topics are under construction.  



2023.02.17: China-Korea Entrepreneurship Form Presentation: 


2023.02.17: China-Korea Entrepreneurship Form Presentation: 




"CHINA-KOREA ENTREPRENEURSHIP FORUM (Edited)", 2023.02.17, Dr. Jeonghwan Jerry Choi (Short)

Presentation: Social Entrepreneurail Intention Change by Gender Under the COVID-19 Pandemic Sitution.


1. What can Chinese Univrsities learn from the other country's Entrepreneursip Education?

2. What career path can be preferable for college students (Start-up or Job seeking?) 3. What is teh Gender Senstive Training Program for entrepreneurs?

4. How to address "Entrepreneurial Talent Drainage" problem in Wenzhou (China), Daejeon (Korea), and Union (NJ, USA)?



2023.02.18: Published News Article :

Our school successfully held the China-Korea Entrepreneurship Academic Exchange Forum













2023.02.20: Proposing "International Entrepreneurship Collaborative Research" to Dr. Kai Wang at Kean USA. 






2023.02.20: Proposing "International Entrepreneurship Collaborative Research" to Dr. Kai Wang at Kean USA. ISER members are involving. 


2023.02.17: China-Korea Entrepreneurship Form Presentation: 

2023. 02. 09: Dr. Shi @ Wenzhou University and Dr. Choi @ Kean University (Wenzhou) initiated the collaborative discussion for Wenzhou-WKU-KAIST-KUSAN International Entrepreneurship Research Group. 




