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Meditation on Leadership85

The Root Cause of Recent Social Conflicts! Dr. Joseph Stiglitz, 2001 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences and former Chief Economists of the World Bank, indicated the root cause of recent financial system flaws are "socializing risk, privatizing profit." (2008, United Nation) Thus, he recommended stop socializing risk and stop privatizing profit. http://www.un.org/wcm/content/site/chronicle/cache/bypass/home/archive/issues2008/pid/5105?ct.. 2011. 4. 18.
Must think stuffs before thinking! A frame is the combination of beliefs, values, attitudes, mental models, and so on which we use to perceive a situation. We effectively look through this frame in the way we would look through tinted spectacles. The frame significantly effects how we infer meaning and hence understand the situation. Kahneman and Tversky defined a decision frame as ‘the decision-maker’s conception of the act, out.. 2011. 3. 29.
Meditation at Meadowbrook Park, Urbana, IL Meditation on Meadowbrook Park, Urbana, IL. In the south part of Urbana, Illinois, there is a Meadowbrook natural conservative park. The park is reserving native prairie field. At the starting point of the park, there is a statue of conflicting hammers. The hammer statue encourage people to think about 'conflicting relationship.' People starts to walk with this idea. A monster comes from the con.. 2011. 3. 21.
We don't need to be a monster to fight against it ! Several friends of mine told me, "In order to change an organization or a society, we need to attain sufficient power to do it regardless of by means" But I replied back "We don't need to, even we should not be a monster to fight again it." Because once we beat a monster as a monster, we would just replace the monster which we beat for a virtue. Keeping Legitimacy power is more important than be.. 2011. 3. 1.
Evidences of Mindfulness. Answering to Mindful Leadership: When East Meets West. Mindfulness is a state of being fully present, aware of oneself and other people, and sensitive to one's reactions to stressful situations. Leaders who are mindful tend to be more effective in understanding and relating to others, and motivating them toward shared goals. Hence, they become more effective in leadership roles. by Bill George. Q: How does one become mindfully aware? Bill: I would .. 2010. 10. 5.
Wir sind das Volk (We are the people) Vor allem aber stößt man auf einen detaillierten Bericht des Deutschlandradios aus dem Jahr 2005 darüber, wann und wo der Ruf "Wir sind ein Volk" das erste mal gebraucht wurde. Offenbar war er zunächst dazu benutzt worden, um während der Demonstrationszüge Anfang Oktober in Leipzig gegenüber bedrohlichen NVA-Soldaten und Stasi-Mitarbeitern auf die Gemeinsamkeiten hinzuweisen, die zwischen Demons.. 2010. 10. 2.
Why magic number is 7 +/- 2 ? Why Magic Number is 7 plus/minus 2 ? Because human (short-term) memory sustained till number 7 plus/minus 2, we manage 'works' well till number 7. Thus, we need to 'control' out work number as seven plus/minus 2. The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information by George A. Milleroriginally published in The Psychological Review, 1956, vol. 63, p.. 2010. 9. 26.
Meditation about Leipzig. I took many pictures when I was in Handelshochschule Leipzig during 2005. These pictures are masterpieces which I have taken at Europe. Inspired by aesthetic enlightenment, I would like to share my thoughts and memories at there with some pictures. Jeonghwan Choi Do you know "Leipzig," the city of Bach at Germany? Photo: Statue of Johann Sebastian Bach at St. Thomas Church. Johann Sebastian Ba.. 2010. 9. 9.
Genes or Environments? The Female Entrepreneur Prof. Zhang, assistant professor at Arizona State University, said: Family violence, physical abuse or parents divorcing can play a role in keeping a girl from becoming an entrepreneur later in life. “Childhood trauma might impede girls’ natural genetic inclination to become entrepreneurs,” Zhang said. “But environmental factors such as peer support, mentor programs, positive internships, and ot.. 2010. 8. 6.
Dead or Alive of Entrepreneurship in the U.S.: A Helicoptered Entrepreneur? Dead or Alive of Entrepreneurship in the U.S.: A Helicoptered Entrepreneur? by J. Philip Choi (Aug. 03 2010) Helicopter parents are seemed to taking an important role for booming up small business creation as Wall Street Journal article said [1]. Is it good for promoting entrepreneurship in a society? Babara did not agree with this helicoptering small business since a real business education can.. 2010. 8. 4.
Guidership rather than Leadership! Here is a situation you may have now or you will have soon. There is a large herd of horses. Six to ten horses are grouped by themselves and each group has a leading horse. You're aiming to a certain place to get pay offs. Weather is unpredictable. Terrain is so harsh. Wild animals approach to preys. In a midway of a long journey, a sudden thunderstorm has begun. Some horses are becoming crazy t.. 2010. 7. 26.
When I saw a dead sparrow today... I found a small sparrow's dead body in a small trail near to a campus library. All by walkers stepped away it and did nothing but walked away. I felt the sparrow should not be treated as a trash for it's losing life. It must be respected. I brought some paper towels, kneed on the trail, wrapped the sparrow's dead body with paper towels, and laid it in trash box. I had no other option but I shoul.. 2010. 7. 23.
The best parent is... (가장 지혜로운 부모란...) The most stupid parent is who tries making children respected by people. But, the best parent is who tries making its life respected by children. - Anonymous, Korean 'Father' - 2009. 9. 20.