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The CVO (Chief Vitality Officer) The Chief Vitality Officer (CVO) Vitalizes People's Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Energy. 2017. 10. 29.
A CVO Manages Energy, Attention, and Time to Maximize Productivity. A CVO Manages Energy, Attention, and Time to Maximize Productivity: Problem-Solving (Productivity) is a function of Energy, Attention, and Time This is a schematic diagram that how a laser cutter hack a chain locker. Like this case, a CVO (chief vitality officer) vitalize people to have enough energy, laser-focused attention, and sufficient time to solve a complicated problem. Energy: Tony Schwa.. 2017. 10. 29.
'인공지능'은 도구 중 하나다. 앞으로도 사람이 먼저다! '인공지능'은 도구 중 하나다! 앞으로도 "사람" 이 먼저다. 인공지능의 캄브리아기 대폭발은 언제 올까? (by 유경상의 인공지능 견문록) http://www.ttimes.co.kr/view.html?no=2017101715247735869&ref=face 위 기사에 따르면, 앞으로 인공지능 활용과 적용이 가속될 것이며 인력시장 (Labor Market), 특히나 과학기술분야 인력시장에 큰 변화가 올 것이라 예측하였는데, 제가 보기엔 조금 이른 판단이라 생각을 합니다. 먼저 제가 말하고 싶은 전제가 하나 있습니다. "인공지능은 도구(Tool)다" 입니다. 엔지니어 (Engineer)는 역사적으로 "도구"를 만들어 기술적 문제해결을 하는 사람들이라고 할 수 있습니다. 돌도끼부터, 전쟁 무기들, 증기기관, .. 2017. 10. 18.
Guiding to Graduate Schools Workshop Guiding to Graduate Schools Workshop Request for Recommendation Letter Template: ================================== The Purpose: The purpose of sharing this information is to enhance the understanding about Graduate studies in foreign countries. Four international faculty members at College of Business and Public Management (CBPM), Kean University (Wenzhou campus) share their experiences of Grad.. 2017. 10. 11.
How to get a strong recommendation letter for Graduate school application? How to get a strong recommendation letter for Graduate school application? Faculty members want to give a more practical guide and support for graduate school applicantsPhoto: Kean University (Wenzhou campus) Faculty members at 2017 Graduation Ceremony. However, faculty members have difficulties in writing a strong recommendation letter for two reasons: 1) Lack of applicant's information and 2) .. 2017. 10. 6.