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20231114_Police_Workplace Conflict at a Sino-US University (Student Reactions) 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 11. 14.
[CONTINUE, 2023Fall~] RECORD: Toxic Management Cases and Workplace Conflict at a Sino-US University 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 11. 4.
International Faculty Advocacy Introduction to the International Faculty Advocacy The International Faculty Advocacy is a vital assembly dedicated to upholding the principles of shared governance and faculty representation in global higher education institutions. Founded with a vision to amplify the voices of faculty members from diverse international backgrounds, the group serves as a beacon for promoting effective collabora.. 2023. 10. 26.
Research Fund Expense Claim Research Fund Expense Claim: 2023.10.25: There is a counter with assistants at WKU Hall A217. Those assistants are happy to guide on how to use WKU financial system. Your institute (CSEC)'s budget code on the financial system is BM202007120038. When you start filling the cost application form, please change "Budget Holder" to "Office of Research and Sponsored Programs(Office of Government and Co.. 2023. 10. 25.
[Proposal] Educational Retreat Program in Seoul, Korea [Proposal] Educational Retreat Program in Seoul, Korea (Collaborated with Deokseong Women's University) Overview: Duration: 2+1 weeks (February, August) Fee: To be annonced Participants: To be announced Accommodation: Weeks 1 & 2: Duksung Women's University Dormitory (Breakfast provided on weekdays) Week 3: Jongno Residence (Twin-sharing rooms) Guidance & Support: Leader: A guide will be provide.. 2023. 10. 5.
[GUIDE] Business Journal Rankings for Research Quality Evaluation Business Journal Rankings for Research Quality Evaluation Executive Summary: Evaluating Business Research Quality for Faculty Career Advancement The progression of business faculty careers is not only pivotal to the continuous triumph of business education but also essential for the individual success of business educators. A cornerstone of this career development, especially in AACSB-accredited.. 2023. 10. 4.
[RECORD] EXCLUSION CASES (since June 30, 2023) 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 9. 30.
Go Where You Are Valued! Go Where You Are Valued! The concept of "Go Where You Are Valued" is crucial, especially in our professional lives. Often, the routine nature of our jobs blinds us to the chronic lack of appreciation we might be enduring. Reflecting on this is vital. Ponder over the following points: Do you experience a sense of appreciation and respect in your workplace? Are your efforts and exceptional work re.. 2023. 9. 28.
[GUIDE] Simplification of Campus Visit / Entry Online Application Process [GUIDE] Simplification of Campus Visit / Entry Online Application Process In order to further enhance the management of visitors entering the campus and simplify the online application and confirmation process, the following adjustments will be made to the campus entry online application process: For faculty and staff helping visitors apply for entering the campus, applications will be completed.. 2023. 9. 27.
No Trust, No Standing - 무신불립(無信不立) The phrase "무신불립(無信不立)" can be translated into English as "Without trust, one cannot stand" or "No trust, no standing." The phrase conveys the idea that trust is essential for establishing stability or credibility, whether it be in personal relationships, organizations, or nations. The aforementioned statement is found in the 'Ann Yeon' section of the "Analects." When his disciple, Ja Gong, inqu.. 2023. 9. 27.
[GUIDE] Request for Release Time for Research (RTR) in COB [GUIDE] Request for Release Time for Research (RTR) in COB Executive Summary: Gratitude is expressed for the cooperation as the Research Time Release (RTR) pilot process is initiated this spring at the Local Campus. Modeled after the approach at the HQ Campus, this initiative aspires to create equilibrium in research outputs and is committed to providing transparency in the allocation of researc.. 2023. 9. 26.
[Example] Annual Review for Faculty (GUIDE) An Example of Annual Review for Faculty (Guide) The University is delighted to unveil its annual review of Appointment, Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion (ARTP) processes. This comprehensive review underscores our steadfast commitment to nurturing academic excellence and fostering professional growth within our vibrant faculty community. Through the ARTP initiative, we aim to bolster a cultur.. 2023. 9. 21.
International Business Research Forum on Advanced Management and Urban-Research (Kean University, New Jersey and Wenzhou) International Business Research Forum on Advanced Management and Urban-Research (Kean University, New Jersey and Wenzhou) 1. Introduction In an ever-evolving world, the facets of advanced management and urban research emerge as pivotal domains guiding societal progress. Leading this endeavor are the Kean University campuses located in New Jersey and Wenzhou, pioneering the inception of the Inter.. 2023. 9. 15.
[RECORD] WKU CBPM Faculty Meeting (since Sept. 2023) 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 9. 14.
[GUIDE] How to find a Staff or Person-in-Charge at WKU? [GUIDE] How to find a Staff or Person-in-Charge at WKU? Navigating the bustling environment of Wenzhou-Kean University efficiently necessitates connecting with the right individuals who can assist in achieving your goals. Finding the appropriate staff or person-in-charge is not just convenient but vital to smooth operations and successful endeavors within the university. In this guide, we provid.. 2023. 9. 9.
[GUIDE] How to use ShunFeng (SF) Express to send a package? [GUIDE] How to use ShunFeng (SF) Express to send a package 外国朋友来中国,随时随地寄顺丰 ==== 2023. 09. 01: Initially archived from the Dr. Rob Burton's posting at WKU Professors and Friends WeChat Group. 2023. 9. 1.
[INITIATIVE] Global Innovation Talent Pipeline Intiative Project Name: Global Innovation Talent Pipeline Initiative (2023) Project Background and Introduction Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU) has a proud tradition of molding high-caliber global talent, with graduates earning Master's degrees from world-renowned institutions. To enhance this legacy and bring a paradigm shift in the educational practices, we aim to apply for the "Innovation and Entrepreneu.. 2023. 9. 1.
[제안서] O-K 센터에서의 고급 인력 개발 서비스 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 8. 28.
[RECORD] Mental Health Concerns Related to Whistleblowing at an American University's China Campus (Since 2021) 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 8. 24.
Empowering Patients for Proactive Engagement in Modern Healthcare Through Personal Healthcare Charts! Empowering Patients for Proactive Engagement in Modern Healthcare Through Personal Healthcare Charts! (by Dr. Jerry Choi) 개인 건강 관리 차트를 활용한 환자의 적극적 건강관리 참여 강화! (최정환 박사) In today's healthcare framework, the emphasis on proactive patient involvement is undeniable. As healthcare models shift from focusing on sheer volume to emphasizing value, the active participation of patients in their healthcare .. 2023. 8. 23.
차이나 과학기술분야 지원과 운영의 명암 한국내 최고 과학기술분야 대학의 교수님께서 차이나의 청화대학을 방문하시고 차이나 과학기술분야 지원의 밝은 점들을 적어 주셨습니다. (2023년 8월 13일). 칭화대학교 방문을 하고 왔습니다. 몇 가지 인상적이었던 점들. 더보기 1. 중국의 과학 기술 수준은 외부에서 상상하는 것 이상으로 높고, 상당 부분 저평가 되고 있음. 한국의 수준을 뛰어 넘은지는 오래 되었고, 대부분의 연구 분야, 특히 인공지능, 바이오 등 첨단 연구 분야에서는 중국 내 연구자들은 글로벌 탑티어를 형성하고 있음. 저평가 되는 이유로는 아직 대부분의 중국 연구자들이 영어 사용이 능숙하지 않고, 미국/유럽 위주 학술지 문화라고 생각함. 하지만 이 문제들은 최근 몇년 사이 빠르게 해결되고 있는데, 젊은 세대들은 영어 수준이 뛰어나고, .. 2023. 8. 22.
Stimulating Curiosity through Fundamental "Bildung" Meta-learning Questions Stimulating Curiosity through Fundamental "Bildung" Meta-learning Questions The journey of self-cultivation and personal development, often encapsulated in the German concept of "Bildung," ** involves delving deeply into profound existential inquiries. These questions, transcending the mundane and routine, beckon us to explore the profound mysteries of existence, knowledge, morality, and the cos.. 2023. 8. 21.
[GUIDE] Kean/WKU CBPM CANVAS Kean University's Transformation to the CANVAS Learning Management System Kean University inclduing all multipe campuses, recognizing the ever-evolving needs of modern education and its stakeholders, has embarked on a transformative journey by transitioning its Learning Management System (LMS) to CANVAS. This shift underscores the university's commitment to providing an intuitive, flexible, and .. 2023. 8. 21.
[Proposal] Prestigious People Development Services at O-K Center ([提议] O-K中心的尊贵人员发展服务 ) 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 8. 17.