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Essay of Leadership44

When you are in trouble, remember a word of wisdom... (힘들 땐 이말을 기억하세요) "Let it Be" by Beatles. 2010. 2. 17.
When heaven is going to give a great responsiblity to someone, (하늘이 장차 사람에게 큰 임무를 맡기려할 때..) When heaven is going to give a great responsibility to someone, it first makes his/her mind endure suffering. Mencius, an ancient Chinese Philosopher :: Kao Tzu (B) - Chapter 15Mencius said, "Shun rose up from the grain fields; Fu Yüeh was found as a construction laborer, Chieh Ko was pulled up from his fish and salt; Sun Shu Ao from the sea, and Pai Li Hsi from the marketplace. "Thus, when He.. 2010. 1. 22.
Four killing behaviors for human relationship (인간 관계를 저해하는 네가지 방식) 1. Browbeating (윽박 지르기) 2. Treating too well (너무 잘 해주기) 3. Treating too cold (무관심하기) 4. Being Poor (가련하게 굴기) source: 1. Jame Redfield (1993), The Celestine Prophecy. "The Fourth Insight: The struggle for power." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Celestine_Prophecy The Fourth Insight... The Struggle For Power To gain energy, we tend to manipulate or force others to give us attention and thus energ.. 2010. 1. 17.
The best way to predict the future is... (미래를 예측하는 가장 좋은 방법은?) The best way to predict the future is to invent it. 미래를 예측하는 가장 좋은 방법은, 미래를 만드는 것이다. by Alan Kay Early meeting in 1971 of PARC, Palo Alto Research Center, folks and the Xerox planners source: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Alan_Kay It is easier to invent the future than to predict it, 2010. 1. 15.
If you feel you're tied too much with your organization or work? (조직이나 일에 너무 매몰되었다면?) If you feel you're tied too much with your organization or work..., Don't believe, Don't fear, Don't ask. (Не верь, не бойся, не проси) "믿지 마라, 겁내지 마라, 구걸하지 마라" (Не верь, не бойся, не проси) by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn source: wiki Quote. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Talk:Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn source: 박노자 글방 http://blog.hani.co.kr/gategateparagate/25263 2010. 1. 12.
Start with easy and small deeds ! - 천하의 어려운 일은 반드시 쉬운 곳에서 시작하고 천하의 큰일은 반드시 세밀한 데서 비롯된다 In the universe the difficult things are done as if they are easy. In the universe great acts are made up of small deeds. The sage does not attempt anything very big, And thus achieves greatness. source: Tao Te Ching, Chapter 63. http://www.wussu.com/laotzu/laotzu63.html 천하의 어려운 일은 반드시 쉬운 곳에서 시작하고 천하의 큰일은 반드시 세밀한 데서 비롯된다 (天下難事 必作於易 天下大事 必作於細) 노자(老子) 63장(章) (原文) 爲無爲事無事 味無味 大小多少 報怨以德 圖難於其易 爲大於其細. .. 2010. 1. 1.
Choose yourself. "Painful Rebirth" or "Slow Death" - 불혹을 맞은 독수리의 자기 혁신 Choose yourself. "Painful Rebirth" or "Slow Death" When you or your organization do not grow any more, you have to choose "PAINFUL REBIRTH" or "SLOW DEATH" 당신이나 당신 조직이 더 이상 성장하지 못할때, 그때 힘든 결정을 내려야 합니다. "힘들게 다시 태어나거나, 아니면 천천히 죽어가거나" This is the story of an eagle. The Eagle has the longest life-span of it's species It can live up to 70 years. But to reach this age, the eagle must make a hard decis.. 2009. 12. 31.
How Leadership is Different from Management (리더십과 경영관리의 차이는)? Management and leadership complement each other, and 'both' are necessary for the success of an organization. 리더십과 경영관리는 서로 다르면서도 상호 보완적이므로, 조직이 장기적으로 성공하기 위해서는 양자의 균형과 조화가 이루어져야 한다. Source1: Lee, Seungjoo(2006), Strategic Leadership. page14. Source2: Kotter (1990), Bennis & Nanus (1997). 2009. 11. 6.
Firm performance differences comes from... (회사마다 성과가 다른 이유는...) Differences in firm performance comes less from differences in what firms know, but more from their ability to translate knowledge into action. 회사의 성과가 각기 다른 것은 각 회사마다 "아는 것이 다른 점" 보다는, 그 회사의 "아는 것을 행동으로 옮기는" 능력에 따라 다른 것이다. Source: Pfeffer and Sutton (1999), Knowing what to do is not enough: turning knowledge into action. California Management Review 42 (1), 83-108. Book: "The Knowing-Doing Gap" 2009. 10. 6.
Entrepreneurs employ more biases and heuristics than managers. (창업가들은 매니저보다 편견과 경험을 중시한다) Research on characteristics of entrepreneurs has generally focused on personality traits and demographics. Less attention has been devoted to behavioral characteristics of entrepreneurs. Corporate entrepreneurs need to develop a personal style or approach to the entrepreneurial process, and their styles are likely to include a number of behavioral characteristics. In a study in which start-up en.. 2009. 10. 5.
Teams are... (팀 이란...) Teams are the typical building blocks of an organization: They provide companies with the means to combine the various skills, talents and perspectives of a group of individuals to achieve corporate goals. In the past, managers used to colocate team members because of the high levels of interdependencies that are inherent in group work. Recently, though, more and more companies are beginning to .. 2009. 10. 5.
Altitude is defined by ... (사회적 지위를 결정하는 것은...) Attitude defines Altitude. 사회적 지위를 결정하는 것은 "태도" 다. Dr. Horst Saalbach (Founder of FESTO), at 2008 Leadership Class, HHL-Leipzig Graduate School of Management. 2009. 9. 30.
Action without Decision is.. (결정없는 행동이란..) "They [leaders, managers] know that the most time-consuming step in the process is not making the decision but putting it into effect. Unless a decision has 'degenerated into work' it is not a decision; it is at best a good intention." 어떤 일을 함에 있어서 가장 시간 낭비가 많은 것이 '결정은 하지않고, 무턱대고 밀어붙이는 것' 임을 리더나 매니저들은 잘 알 것이다. 만약 결정을 실행함에 있어 퇴보되거나, 나빠지는 것이 있다면 그것은 결정이 아니다. 아무리 좋게 보아도, 그것은 제대로 된 결정이 아니라 '좋은 의도' 정.. 2009. 9. 24.
Key to Failrue is... (실패의 열쇠는...) “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." 저는 성공의 열쇠는 모르겠습니다. 하지만 실패의 열쇠는 잘 압니다. 그것을 바로 '모든 사람들을 행복하게 하려고 하는 것입니다'. - Bill Cosby, American Comedian - Source: http://www.humorthatworks.com/learning/10-great-bill-cosby-quotes/ 2009. 9. 18.
The first, 'Congruence' at Art of War (손자 병법 제 1장, 도(道) 라는 것은...) The Tao (Moral Law) causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler [congruence], so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger. 道者,令民與上同意也, 故可與之死 可與之生, 而民不畏危也. 도자, 령민여상동의야, 고가여지사 가여지생, 이민불외위야. 道라는 것은 백성으로 하여금 윗사람과 한마음이 되게 하는 길이다. 그러므로 죽음을 같이 할 수 있고 삶을 같이 할 수 있다. 그리하여 백성은 위험도 두려워하지 않는다. source1: http://www.chinapage.com/sunzi-e.html source2: http://.. 2009. 9. 11.
Distorting Management Education (왜곡된 경영 교육) Formal management education programs typically emphasize the development of problem-solving and decision-making skills...but give little attention to the development of skills required to find the problems that need to be solved, to plan for the attainment of desired results, or to carry out operating plans once they are made. This distort managerial growth by overdevelop an individuals analytic.. 2009. 9. 11.
Drucker's Decision-Making Quotes (Decision-Making 이 중요한 이유는..) "The decision affects the work of other people, it must help these people achieve their objectives, assist them in their work, contribute to their performing better, more effectively and with a great 'sense' of achievement. It cannot be a decision designed merely to help the manager perform better, do his job more easily or obtain greater satisfaction from it." Decision-Making 이 중요한 이유는 그것이 직장 내.. 2009. 9. 6.
Sensemaking? (감을 잡는다는 것은?) Sense Making is "Structuring Unknown. " What is good for sensemaking is a good story." Sense making 은 "모르는 것을 구조화 하는 것이다." Sensemaking 에 좋은 것은 바로 "좋은 이야기" 이다. Kark Weick (1995), Sensemaking in Organization. Sense Making Framework: Karl Weick's Decision Making 1. Retrospection 2. Cues 3. Ongoing sensemaking 4. Social Sensemaking 5. Plausibility 6. Identity construction 7. Enactment 8. Projection .. 2009. 9. 3.
Hired vs. Fired (채용될 때, 해고될 때) Hire for Aptitude, Fire for Attitude ! 뽑을 때는 능력있어보여서 뽑지만, 해고 할 때는 그 사람의 "태도" 때문에 해고하게 된다. 2009. 9. 1.
If I am not in the side of problem solving, (내가 문제 해결의 편에 서지 않는다면?) 'If you aren't part of the solution, you could be part of the problem' '만약 그대가 문제 해결의 편에 서지 않는다면, 당신은 문제 그 자체일 수도 있습니다' source: Jean Helms et al (2009), Understanding Organizational Change (p. 37) 2009. 9. 1.