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Journal of Entrepreneurship Research

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2008. 8. 31.
Frontier Journal of Entrepreneurship Research:

7. Journal of Business Venturing (Rank:7)
8. Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice (Rank: 8)
9. Small Business Economics (Rank: 9)
9. Journal of Small Business Management (Rank 9)

Financial Times Top Rankings of Entrepreneurship Research:

7. Journal of Business Venturing (NYU/Elsevier)
8. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (Baylor University, Waco, Texas)
9. Journal of Small Business Management (National Council for Small Business Management
13. Strategic Management Journal (John Wiley and Sons)
14. Academy of Management Journal (Academy of Management, Ada, Ohio)
15. Academy of Management Review (Academy of Management)
17. Human Resource Management (Routledge Journals, London)
19. Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes (Academic Press)

1. Strategic Human Resource Management
2. Academy of HRD (HRDQ, International HRD, Advanced HRD)

Entrepreneurship & Technology Education

Academy of Science & Engineering Education
Academic Journals of Engineering
ASME etc.
Academic Journals of Education
American Educational Research Association
Journal of higher education
Academy of Educational Leadership Journal etc.

Full Ranking of Business Journals


Exhibit 2
Financial Times Classification
1. Journal of Accounting and Economics (Elsevier)
2. The Accounting Review (American Accounting Association)
3. Journal of Accounting Research (University of Chicago)
4. The American Economic Review (American Economic Association, Nashville)
5. Journal of Political Economy (University of Chicago)
6. Econometrica (Econometric Society, University of Chicago)
7. Journal of Business Venturing (NYU/Elsevier)
8. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (Baylor University, Waco, Texas)
9. Journal of Small Business Management (National Council for Small Business Management
10. Journal of Finance (American Finance Associationb)
11. Journal of Financial Economics (University of Rochester/Elsevier)
12. Review of Financial Studies (Oxford University Press)
13. Strategic Management Journal (John Wiley and Sons)
14. Academy of Management Journal (Academy of Management, Ada, Ohio)
15. Academy of Management Review (Academy of Management)
16. Administrative Science Quarterly (Cornell University)
17. Human Resource Management (Routledge Journals, London)
18. International Journal of Human Resource management (Basil Blackwell, Oxford)
19. Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes (Academic Press)
20. Journal of Applied Psychology (American Psychology Organisation
21. Journal of International Business Studies (Academy of International Business/university of
South Carolina)
22. Management International Review (Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden)
23. Journal of Marketing Reserach (American Marketing Association)
24. Journal of Consumer Research (American Association for Public Opinion
Research/University of Chicago)
25. Journal of Marketing (American Marketing Association)
26. Management Science (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)
27. Operations Research (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
28. Journal of Operations Management (Elsevier)
29. Information Systems Research (Institute for Operations Research and the Management
30. MIS Quarterly (Society for Information Management, University of Minnesota)
31. Harvard Business Review (HBR Press)
32. California Management Review (UC Berkeley)
33. Sloan Management Review (MIT)
34. Long Range Planning (Elsevier, Oxford)
35. Academy of Management Executive (Academy of Management)
