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Master of AI Policy and Strategy (Tentative) 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2025. 2. 7.
[Step-by-Step] People Analytics with Artificial Intelligence [Step-by-Step] People Analytics with Artificial Intelligence  Install or Update Python (if necessary):Download the latest version of Python from the official Python website.https://www.python.org/Follow the installation instructions for your operating system. Welcome to Python.orgThe official home of the Python Programming Languagewww.python.org Refer to the Beginner’ ners Guide https://www.pyth.. 2025. 1. 27.
Developing HR Concentration Developing HR Concentration at UMPIWhy UMPI Should Offer an HR Concentration and Prepare Students for PHR/SPHR CertificationsIntroducing an HR concentration at UMPI, aligned with preparation for PHR (Professional in Human Resources) and SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources) certifications, presents an excellent opportunity to meet industry needs and enhance student success. Here’s why:Hi.. 2025. 1. 24.
Driver License Prep, Maine State (by using AI) Road Test Prep https://youtu.be/wuNcdIx6kL4?feature=shared  General: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss6Gtpd5lVs&ab_channel=DrivingTV  On-Road TestingTo successfully navigate the on-road driver's license examination at the Caribou Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) in Maine, it's essential to understand the process and prepare thoroughly. Here's a detailed guide to assist you:1. Scheduling the Road .. 2025. 1. 17.
RESUME (Dr. Jeonghwan Jerry Choi) Jeonghwan (Jerry) ChoiPhD, MBA, M. EngE-mail: jeonghwan.choi@gmail.com  • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeonghwanchoi  ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8890-1601Tel.: (312) 380-1040 (USA) •  Zoom Contact: https://maine.zoom.us/my/jerrychoi71  [Date : Jan. 12, 2025 ]  EDUCATIONPhD, Human Resource Development – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2014)Dissertation: The Effects of.. 2025. 1. 13.
Democratizing Production Capability: An Examination of Industry 4.0’s Challenges and Prospects (by Dr. Jerry Choi) Democratizing Production Capability: An Examination of Industry 4.0’s Challenges and Prospects A Concise Overview of Decentralized Decisions in Production by Dr. Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi, Jan. 10, 2024Industry 4.0, initially developed as a German-led framework, was positioned as a transformative approach to manufacturing through the integration of cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things (IoT) a.. 2025. 1. 11.
More Detail Course Policies and Guidelines (UMPI Business Admin) Course Policies and GuidelinesClassroom Environment and Zoom EtiquetteOur classroom combines both in-person and virtual (remote) elements, providing flexibility for participation. While attending via Zoom is an option, some assignments and activities—such as group work and presentations—are most effective when conducted in person. We encourage you to make an effort to attend in person, particula.. 2025. 1. 10.
Instant Pot Recipe (Korean) 인스턴트 팟 요리법 Instant Pot Recipe (Korean) 인스턴트 팟 요리법       source: https://blog.naver.com/goedemorgen/223497727586 인스턴트팟 듀오 이지 60 레시피북가끔씩 유용하게 사용했던 인스턴트팟 레시피북이 사라져 버렸다. 늘 있던 곳에 있어야 하는데 대체 어디로...blog.naver.com  ========2025.01.02: Initially Archive 2025. 1. 2.
유신(維新)의 망령: 메이지에서 박정희, 그리고 2024년 계엄까지 유신(維新)의 망령: 메이지에서 박정희, 그리고 2024년 계엄까지 동아시아의 근현대사는 "유신"이라는 단어를 통해 각국의 정치적 변혁과 권위주의적 통치의 연속성을 보여준다. 고대 문헌에서 "유신"은 혁명이 아닌 발전적 개혁을 뜻하며, 근본적인 체제 변화를 추구하는 긍정적 개념이었다. 그러나 이 단어가 가장 널리 알려진 계기는 일본의 메이지 유신(明治維新)이다. 메이지 유신은 일본이 봉건적 막번 체제를 청산하고 중앙집권화와 서구화를 통해 근대 국가로 나아간 상징적 사건으로, 동아시아 전역에 깊은 영향을 미쳤다.반면 한국에서 "유신"은 전혀 다른 맥락에서 기억된다. 1972년 박정희 정권이 선포한 10월 유신헌법은 권력의 집중과 영구 집권을 목표로 한 체제로, 일본의 쇼와 유신(1936년)에서 영감을 받은.. 2024. 12. 23.
Question of Digital Disruption and Artificial Intelligence: Thanks to Dr. Bennett's wonderful Webinar of "Digital Disruption and Artificial Intelligence: Wading through Hype to Leverage Virtual HRD in Tech", I get this question.    "I completely agree that Knowledge Management is becoming increasingly important in the AI era, especially for Human Resource Development. However, when knowledge generated by individuals is used for organizational purposes wi.. 2024. 12. 14.
Reevaluating Leadership Labels: The Complexity of 'Infectors' and Lessons in Ethical Leadership "Reevaluating Leadership Labels: The Complexity of 'Infectors' and Lessons in Ethical Leadership" I believe the topic of "Infector: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky" "raises important reflections on leadership practice and human dynamics.Am I an "infector"? These traits do resonate with me to some degree. However, I interpret this concept as an opportunity to explore the complexities of labeling in.. 2024. 12. 11.
[기고] 한국 앙시앙 레짐의 마지막 발악과 새로운 전환점 (In Korea, the Downfall of the Ancien Régime Has Finally Begun) [기고] 한국 앙시앙 레짐의 마지막 발악과 새로운 전환점한국에 드디어 앙시앵 레짐(프랑스어: Ancien Régime, 영어: Old Regime)의 말로가 열렸다. [In Korea, the downfall of the ancien régime (Old Regime) has finally begun.] 2024년 12월 3일, 헌법적 근거 없이 시도된 계엄령 발동은 한국 사회에서 앙시앙 레짐(구체제)의 마지막 발악이다. 한국의 앙시앙 레짐은 반민족, 친일의 역사적 뿌리를 가지고 있으며, 쿠데타, 군부 독재, 육사, 서울대 법대, 재벌, 그리고 이에 기생하는 언론 및 지식인 집단으로 구성된 구체제를 대표한다.이 체제는 4.19 혁명, 5.18 민주화 운동, 6.10 민주항쟁, 그리고 박근혜 탄핵과 같은 .. 2024. 12. 8.
Counterpoint: Aging Workforce: Rethinking the Real Challenge For over four decades, discussions on the risks posed by aging workforces have dominated business narratives. Yet, the anticipated operational disruptions due to Baby Boomer or Gen X retirements or stop-functioning have largely failed to materialize. Instead, businesses have adapted seamlessly, driven by the rapid co-evolution of human work and technological innovations such as automation and AI.. 2024. 12. 6.
AI For Data Scientists: Multi-Agent Test I've been tinkering with a new AI framework for making AI agents.(It's not LangChain) A thread.1. The framework is CrewAI.CrewAI is a Python package.The benefit of CrewAI is that you can build AI agents that operate in a cohesive unit with less code than LangChain and LangGraph.Here's a quick example:2. Setting up a CrewAI ProjectIn one line of code, CrewAI creates an AI project template with th.. 2024. 12. 5.
침묵하지 않은 대가!: 미국대학 중국 캠퍼스에서 학문과 윤리를 지키기 위한 투쟁 2014년, 저는 미국 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaing에서 고생 끝에 박사학위를 어렵게 취득한 후 미국 뉴저지의 모 주립대학에서 연구와 교육에 매진하며 성공적인 경력을 쌓고 있었습니다. 2015년, 저는 학교의 제안에 따라 새로운 도전을 위해 중국 동남해안가의 3성 도시에 새로이 만들어진 뉴저지 본교 소속 중국 캠퍼스로 자리를 옮겼습니다.그곳에서 다양한 학문적 기여와 학과 활동 그리고 5년간의 Business, Management 학과장 활동을 통해 그 공을 인정받아 2022년 테뉴어를 획득했고, 2023년에는 부교수로 승진하였습니다.그러나 그 이면에 다가오는 중공 당국의 치졸한 보복을 예견하지 못했습니다. 갈등의 서막: 내부 고발과 보복2019년 7월 1일,.. 2024. 12. 3.
Maine BMV Test Preparation Address: 14 Access Hwy Ste 2, Caribou, ME 04736 EXAMS: Obtaining a Driver's License in MaineTo earn a driver's license in Maine, new drivers must successfully complete a written exam, a vision screening, and a road test. Proper preparation, including using the study guide and practicing with an experienced driver, is essential to building confidence and meeting these requirements.Eligibility and.. 2024. 12. 2.
"Trainability" for Human-AI Collaboration: The Core Skill of the AI Era "Trainability" for Human-AI Collaboration: The Core Skill of the AI Era By Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi, Ph.D., MBA, ME(With over 20 years of experience in Human Resource Development and Technology Management) Executive Summary:Trainability, the ability to effectively train and refine AI algorithms, is the essential skill of the AI era. By mastering data literacy, prompt engineering, and critical thin.. 2024. 12. 1.
AI Chatbot of ISD for UMPI Business Education: A Transformative Tool for Competency-Based Education Introducing the "ISD for UMPI Business Education" AI Chatbot: A Transformative Tool for Competency-Based EducationThe "ISD for UMPI Business Education" chatbot has been meticulously developed as a cutting-edge tool to assist educators in designing and delivering competency-based business education aligned with UMPI’s institutional guidelines and standards. This AI-driven instructional design ass.. 2024. 11. 26.
UMPI Master of Science Busines (MSB) Program Urgent Review Managerial Accounting & FinanceMAIM & MSB Corehttps://courses.maine.edu/d2l/home/370796 Leo TrudelJerry ChoiAdvanced Financial AnalysisMSB - FINhttps://courses.maine.edu/d2l/home/370786 Leo TrudelJerry ChoiFinancial Risk ManagementMSB - FINhttps://courses.maine.edu/d2l/home/370789 Leo TrudelJerry Choi Course Content Review Requirements1. Curriculum Quality✅ Is the content comprehen.. 2024. 11. 14.
[WCGA Initiative] How to Address Web Content Accessibility Guideline? Re-creation and Synthesis Strategy How to Address Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG)? Re-creation and Synthesis Strategy Executive Summary: Addressing WCAG Compliance with Re-creation and Synthesis StrategyThe University of Maine System (UMS) is committed to complying with WCAG 2.1 AA standards by 2026, fostering inclusivity for all users, including those with disabilities. Challenges such as resource constraints, content.. 2024. 11. 14.
UMPI Sports Management Onl the Fly! UMPI Business on the On the Fly!: Ignite Your Passion with the New Sports Management Concentration!Game On: Shape the Future of Sports with UMPI’s Cutting-Edge Concentration!  Are you ready to combine your love for sports with the dynamic world of business?At UMPI, we’re thrilled to unveil our Sports Management Concentration, a specialized track within the Business Administration program. Tailor.. 2024. 11. 9.
UMPI Technology Norm UMPI Technology Norm  ==========="Create" a standardized document within a sub-module using the "Basic Page with No Banner" template and incorporate the YourPace logo by inserting an image (YPLogo.jpg) from the designated 'Course Offering File' library. And, click 'This image is decorative" to show the logo.   Avoid Sub-module under a Sub-module but Make it as "Contents" in the same level.   Cou.. 2024. 11. 6.
The owl doesn’t rival the eagle or the bat, yet it holds dominion! (The Owl Strategy) The owl doesn’t rival the eagle or the bat, yet it holds dominion! (The Owl Strategy) The "Owl Strategy" is a unique business approach focused on carving out a niche without directly competing with industry giants (eagles) or low-quality players (bats). Rather than chasing prestige or lowering standards to cut costs, the strategy emphasizes accessibility, quality, and practical value. By targeti.. 2024. 11. 2.
The OWL Strategy of UMPI 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2024. 11. 2.