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AOM 2024 (Chicago) Conference 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2024. 7. 17.
AI Prompt Examples for Strategic Thinking (전략적 사고를 위한 인공지능 활용 사례) AI Prompt Examples for Strategic Thinking (전략적 사고를 위한 인공지능 활용 사례) 국토교통부 중견간부 강의 자료 (전략적 사고 및 문제해결)   *강의후 파일 삭제예정 (Copyright)      "지금부터 당신을 대한민국 정부에서 일하는 4급이상의 고위 공직자, 특히 국토교통부 관련된 업무를 주로 하는 공무원으로 지정해주세요. 모든 언어는 법적으로 명확하고 대한민국 법률을 위반하지 않아야 합니다. 가능하면 공손하지만 명확한 한글 언어를 사용합니다. 제공된 My Knowledge를 충분히 검토하시고 질문에 대한 답변을 해주세요.  만약 제공된 파일에 해당자료가 없는 경우 다양한 경로와 인터넷과 논문, 관련자료 중 가장 신뢰성있는 자료를 바탕으로 답변을 하세요. Dec.. 2024. 6. 16.
[INITIATIVE] Global Innovation Talent Pipeline Intiative Project Name: Global Innovation Talent Pipeline Initiative (2023) Project Background and Introduction Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU) has a proud tradition of molding high-caliber global talent, with graduates earning Master's degrees from world-renowned institutions. To enhance this legacy and bring a paradigm shift in the educational practices, we aim to apply for the "Innovation and Entrepreneu.. 2023. 9. 1.
[BIZEDU] Free Generative AI Sites Lists Free Generative AI Sites List Orginal source: https://www.clien.net/service/board/park/18138189 ChatGPT와 유사한 무료 AI 사이트 모음 : 클리앙 오늘 아침 레딧에서 본 글인데 유용한 것 같아서 공유차 올립니다. 유용한사이트 게시판에 글을 쓸 자격이 못되어서 모공에 올립니다. 확실히 AI의 시대가 다가오고 있음을 느낍니다. 필요하신 www.clien.net No Sign-Up: Bard [https://bard.google.com/] (web-browsing) Vitalentum [https://vitalentum.net/free-gpt] OraChat [https://ora.ai/chatbot-master/openai-c.. 2023. 8. 12.
Empower Your Future: Ignite Passion and Potential with "Cambridge and Kean University's" Extraordinary Collaboration 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2023. 8. 7.
[GUIDE] Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Paper, Thesis, and Dissertation Writing Tips! Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Academic Paper, Thesis, and Dissertation Writing Tips!  AI-assisted thesis writing harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to streamline and enhance academic compositions. Tools like ChatGPT and QuillBot offer paraphrasing assistance, ensuring content uniqueness and clarity. Grammar checkers with AI capabilities, like Grammarly, provide real-time feedback .. 2023. 8. 6.
[BIZEDU] AI Hash Tag for Business Strategy: Revolutionizing Business Problem Solving & Consulting AI Hash Tag for Business Strategy: Revolutionizing Business Problem Solving & ConsultingAI Assisted Business Problem Solving Techniques. In the rapidly evolving business environment, a robust strategic approach coupled with cutting-edge AI technology can provide an unrivaled advantage. The AI Hash Tag for Business Strategy framework seamlessly integrates this powerful combination to deliver exce.. 2023. 7. 24.
[INITIATIVE] COB+CS Collaboration for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Reform Project Funding COB+CS Collaboration for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education Reform Project Funding http://jyt.zj.gov.cn/art/2023/5/22/art_1228998760_58940155.html 浙江省教育厅办公室关于开展2023年度浙江省产学合作协同育人项目申报工作的通知 各设区市教育局,各高等学校: 为深入贯彻国家和省关于深化产教融合的精神,切实促进教育链、人才链与产业链、创新链有机衔接,决定开展2023年度浙江省产学合作协同育人项目申报工作。 jyt.zj.gov.cn (5) Innovation and entrepreneurship education reform projects. This project is mainly for colleges an.. 2023. 6. 3.
2023. 05. 25. KDI School Alumni Knowledge Forum: Korean Coporate Governance Problems and Solutions 2023. 05. 25. KDI School Alumni Knowledge Form: Korean Coporate Governance Problems and Solutions by Prof. Dr. Woochan Kim [Question] In the case of Korea, how shall we make a balance between the American-style Shareholderism and the European-style Stakeholderism to make healthy Corporate Governance? [Answer] Fundamentally, Stakeholderism arises from market participants' disappointment with gove.. 2023. 5. 26.
[INITIATIVE] Global Innovation Talent Pipeline Initiative (Kean University-Wenzhou) Global Innovation Talent Pipeline Initiative [BOSCH & Kean University (Wenzhou) Collaboration] Executive Summary: This proposal outlines the BOSCH-Kean University (Wenzhou, a.k.a. WKU) collaboration for the "Global Innovation Talent Pipeline" initiative. The collaboration aims to create better opportunities for WKU students by leveraging the expertise of BOSCH. The focus will be on sustainabilit.. 2023. 5. 22.
War for Energy as Capital (Healing Organization by Dr. Jerry Choi) War for Energy as Capital Healing Organization by Dr. Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2023 KU/WKU Research Day Workshop: organized by Exchange Club (WKU). Are you interested in learning about how to tackle toxic organizational culture in the workplace? Look no further than the upcoming career workshop featuring Dr. Jerry Choi and his innovative theory, "War for Energy as Capital". Dr. Choi's theory propo.. 2023. 4. 23.
Integrating A.I. tools for Management Education: Class Policy and Applications Integrating A.I. tools for Management Education: Class Policy and Applications (by Dr. Jerry Choi) 경영 교육을 위한 인공지능 도구: 수업 정책 및 활용 사례 (최정환) Executive Summary: In the ever-changing world of business, it's imperative for management education to remain up-to-date and innovative. By incorporating A.I. tools into the curriculum, we can usher in a new era of education that offers tailored, engaging, and.. 2023. 4. 4.
[INITIATIVE] Sustainability Initiative on Kean University (Wenzhou Campus) Sustainability Initiative on Wenzhou-Kean University Campus 2023. 02. 10: Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Landing PAD & Green Campus Initiative (Kean University, Wenzhou) Basic Introduction: The United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 interconnected global goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all. The SDGs were adopted in .. 2023. 2. 10.
[INITIATIVE] Wenzhou-WKU-KAIST-KUNSAN (WWKK) International Entrepreneurship Research Group [INITIATIVE] Wenzhou-WKU-KAIST-KUNSAN (WWKK) International Entrepreneurship Research Group 2023. 02. 09: Dr. Shi @ Wenzhou University and Dr. Choi @ Kean University (Wenzhou) initiated the collaborative discussion for Wenzhou-WKU-KAIST-KUNSAN International Entrepreneurship Research Group. Dr. Shi, from the Entrepreneurship Department at the College of Business at Wenzhou University, started a po.. 2023. 2. 9.
10/20/30 Rule of Powerpoint (Guy Kawasaki) For Business Pitch, Guy Kawasaki (CANVA founder and Venture Capitalist) suggested 10/20/30 rule of Powerpoint Ten slides. Ten is the optimal number of slides in a PowerPoint presentation because a normal human being cannot comprehend more than ten concepts in a meeting—and venture capitalists are very normal. (The only difference between you and venture capitalist is that he is getting paid to g.. 2023. 1. 15.
[INFO] WKU International Student Admission WKU International Student Admission (Brochure) https://wku.edu.cn/en/admissions/international-students-admission/ International Students - Wenzhou-Kean University NOTE: All of the materials should be in English. Completed Application; A Photocopy of passport (photo page to be included); A passport size colour photograph (2-inch bareheaded colour photo with white background, the aspect ratio shou.. 2022. 10. 20.
[SUGGESTION] Strategy for Development of the Industrial Economy (Wenzhou) by Dr. Jerry Choi Sept. 27, 2022: An office request for collecting ideas and strategies for "The Development of Industrial Economy (Wenzhou)" came from the Office of Research and Sponsored Program (Office of Government and Community Relations; Person in Charge: Ms. Zhang Yi (Zennie): zhangyi@wku.edu.cn ). Responding to the call, Dr. Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi suggested "Explore, Develop, and Uncover more collaborativ.. 2022. 9. 29.
[INFO] Kean/WKU CBPM AACSB Accreditation Application Since 2015, Kean University College of Business and Public Management has engaged in applying for AACSB Accreditation in order to transform the school into a prominent business school to serve our students, college, and community better. 2017 and 2019, Kean CBPM received several requests for significant improvement for accreditation from AACSB. In 2019, the New Dean, Dr. Wang Jin's leadership, K.. 2022. 9. 23.
International Collaboration of WKU CBPM - UIUC GIES Graduate Programs International Collaboration of WKU CBPM - UIUC GIES Graduate Program "Exclusive Opportunities for Kean University (Wenzhou) Students for UIUC GIES Business School's Graduate Programs"Background:At Kean University, spanning both the New Jersey and Wenzhou campuses, we pride ourselves on fostering collaborative initiatives with top-ranked business schools globally to facilitate premier business ed.. 2022. 1. 19.
AHRD Asian Conference @ Kean University (Wenzhou) Hosting the Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) International Research Conference in Asia [November 16-19, 2022] 举办人力资源开发学会 (AHRD) 亚洲国际研究会议 [2022年11月16-19日] Goals: To achieve the vision of Urban R2 (Research) School of Kean USA & WKU, two CBPM MGM faculty members (Dr. Jerry Choi & Dr. Chad Chae) wants to host the AHRD International Research Conference in Asia [November 16-19, 2022]. 为了实.. 2021. 11. 15.
Kean/WKU MSCHE Self-Study Session (2021. NOV. 10) & Peer Evaluator Role Kean/WKU MSCHE Self-Study Session (2021. NOV. 10) 2024. 04. 29:  Dr. Jeonghwan Choi completed the the Online Orientation for New Peer Evaluators at MSCHE <p d.. 2021. 11. 10.
WKU CBPM & O-K Center SUSTAINABILITY CONSULTING PROJECT WKU CBPM & O-K Center Sustainability Consulting Project 20180405: Initial Stage for Project Management Certificate Program in WKU 2019. July : Initiating the New Course Development at Kean USA 2021.09.28: Resuming the Project Management Certificate Program at O-K Center! 2021.10.27: Team Structure of PMC Program at O-K Center Background: The PMI Certificate Program development idea can be traced.. 2021. 10. 27.
Career Development Series Suggestion (WKU CBPM) - Image Consulting Course WKU CBPM students are becoming world-class global business professionals. In order to make our students' career goals, WKU CBPM plans, organizes, and delivers Career Development Series 1. Image Consulting for Business Professionals (How to make the best first impression in business?) 2021. 8. 25.
THE GOALS, VALUES, AND ETHICS OF KEAN/WKU CBPM for AACSB! The Mission of Kean University Kean University, New Jersey's first Urban Research University, craetes a world-class, innovative and inclusive society through equity and excellence in teaching, learning, global research, and impactful public engagement. Kean University's Core Values Academic Excellence Equity Inclusivity Wellness Social Moblity Public Impact (Updated, Aug., 31, 2023) The Goals an.. 2021. 5. 24.