The Mission of Kean University
Kean University, New Jersey's first Urban Research University, craetes a world-class, innovative and inclusive society through equity and excellence in teaching, learning, global research, and impactful public engagement.
Kean University's Core Values
- Academic Excellence
- Equity
- Inclusivity
- Wellness
- Social Moblity
- Public Impact
(Updated, Aug., 31, 2023)
The Goals and Values of Kean University College of Business and Public Management
(updated Dec. 2022)
CBPM Mission (Engagement in Innovation, Impact, Inclusion):
We transform diverse students into impactful members in the global community through engaged learning, excellence in teaching, research, and service by provding leading-edge management programs in a world-class, innovative, and inclusive environment in our regions.
CBPM Vision (GDP):
We aspire to become the college of choice in our regions recognized for a global orientation, professionl and experiential appraoch to management education, and a steadfast commitment to diversity and inclusion.
We embrace a culture of striving for excellence, integrity, fairness, respect, diversity, community, and social responsibility.
Introduction of Kean CBPM's Goals (Sept., 2021 by Dr. Jerry Choi with Ms. Wang Yang at WKU CBPM Office)
WKU CBPM's Actions: (updated Sept, 2023)
- Dress appropriately (Business Suit or Business Casual) - Be On Time, Always
- Open Door Policy: Please open door to welcome people (especially during the office hours).
- Solution Before Emotion
- Show Respect For Shared Area and Items
- Re-organize the Facility as It Was Given Or Make it Be Better - Communication Protocol: Talk with only relevant people in the appropriate level.
- Avoid Class / Time Interference: Fully use assigned "Class time" in order to avoid any class or exam interference
- Situation? Report It To School Immediately.
(Day: 0577) 5587-0707; Night 0577) 5587-0303)
Reference: WKU's Mission / Vision
Mission & Vision - Wenzhou-Kean University
Mission WKU is an educational institution committed to preparing high-performing Chinese and international students to become innovative and entrepreneurial leaders in a knowledge-based economy. It will contribute to China’s educational reform and serve
WKU is an educational institution committed to preparing high-performing Chinese and international students to become innovative and entrepreneurial leaders in a knowledge-based economy. It will contribute to China’s educational reform and serve as a model for other Chinese-American higher education initiatives.
As a leading World-Class Teaching University with a modern campus, WKU aspires to serve as an incubator for promoting technological and scientific progress in Zhejiang Province, and as a center for fostering cultural exchange between China and the United States.
2021. 08 .18: New Provost Dr. David Birdsell's Four areas of CBPM
Aug. 02, 2021
The Provost discussed four areas he will invest time and energy over the next 1-2 years:
- Student Success: Retention and Graduation rates - wants to achieve above 50%, and see a double-digit improvement over the next few years.
- Faculty Success: Emphasized it is not only scholarship (how many papers published); but does scholarly work have any "Impact" on the local economy, theory, and practice? Important that we talk about the impact for research.
- Service: It is an important and a major part of our responsibilities and student success (Student advisement).
-. Responsiveness: External engagement - as a public urban research university, we have a responsibility to respond to the needs of our community and our region.
Deans and faculty should be involved in national, professional, and academic organizations. We need to think about how we can become more active and build relationships with the public and private sectors in the near future.
For Ethics of Kean Campus, here is the information:
Ethics Office | Kean University
Ethics Forms
As required by New Jersey law and regulation, Kean University must distribute the Uniform Ethics Code, Plain Language Guide and Supplemental Ethics Code to New Jersey's Executive Branch Ethics Standards to all University trustees, officers and employees and special state officers and employees.
After you have reviewed all the documents, (see the links below), you must complete and sign the Receipt for the Uniform Ethics Code, Plain Language Guide and Supplemental Ethics Code. In addition, each Kean University trustee, officer and employee, must complete and sign the Disclosure of Outside Activities. This form must be signed by his or her supervisor sign as well. The form has been modified to meet the requirements of the New Jersey State Ethics Commission. Please return all completed and signed to the Office of University Counsel, Kean Hall Room 117.
- Uniform Ethics Code
- Plain Language Guide
- Kean Supplemental Ethics Code
- Receipt for Uniform Ethics Code, Plain Language Guide to New Jersey’s Executive Branch Ethics Standards, and Kean University Supplemental Ethics Code
- Outside Activity Questionnaire (OAQ) Form - Full Time Employees
Kean Student Code of Conducts (Ethics)
Kean University is committed to providing a campus environment that is conducive to academic inquiry in the university tradition. Kean is a metropolitan, comprehensive, teaching university that exists to foster inquiry and public discourse. It is also a community.
At Kean, student members of the community are expected to abide by certain standards of conduct that form the basis of the Student Code of Conduct [Code] and ensure that their guests and visitors do likewise.
These standards are embodied within a set of core values that include integrity, fairness, respect, community, and responsibility.
When students fail to adhere to the community standards, appropriate proceedings may be initiated under the Code to address the failure and its consequences.
Details are here:
Student Code of Conduct | Kean University
Kean New Faculty Academic Policy Manual (Part: D. 3. Community Standards and Student Conduct)
File of New Faculty Academic Policy Manual:
2021. Sept. 15: Newly Updated WKU Vision Goals:
GOAL 1: To enhance the reputation of WKU, create more world class programs and develop the university into a research institution which is the future of a regional university with a global reach
GOAL 2: To improve world class educational system of WKU and create programming and opportunities that would allow students to succeed not only in the next decade but well
GOAL 3: To implement additional premier undergraduate programs and systematically add masters and doctorate programs at WKU and make transformational changes to our curriculum, pedagogy and academic services
GOAL 4: To allocate more resources to faculty research and development and give faculty time to bring out the best in themselves which will be a precursor of bringing out the best in our students
GOAL 5: To position WKU as a cultural, economic and educational epicenter and resource for the local and global communities
GOAL 6: To secure a fast-growing university financially, physically, administratively that can face the challenges of the future
2021. Nov. 03. Dr. Joseph Youngblood, II (Senior Vice President for Transformational Learning & External Affairs, Kean University)'s Remarks.
Dr. Ernest Boyer, a former university president and the former President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, once asked, “What exactly is the role of a Public Research University?” His answer,
“...The academy must become a more vigorous partner in the search for answers to our most pressing social, civic, economic, and moral problems, and must affirm its historic commitment to the scholarship of engagement.”
2021. Nov. 30: AACSB All Faculty Meeting
KU / WKU CBPM AACSB Goal Alignment (Version 3, 2021. 11. 25)
WKU CBPM MGM wants to share updated information about the department for AACSB preparation as below.
First, this short Video clip of QIFA initiative at the WKU CBPM Social Media Lab Youtube channel can show "How WKU CBPM aligns with KU/WKU CBPM's Mission, Vision, Value, and Strategic Objectives". In addition, we talk about how WKU CBPM MGM engages in the Wenzhou business community.
The WKU CBPM MGM's mission based approach Kanban is attached as the first file.
Second, we share the whole 13 WKU CBPM MGM faculty members and five Research institutes list as the second attachment.
100% MGM faculty members are now working on campus and delivering "Face to Face" classes. All 13 MGM Faculty Members hold PhD degrees which means everybody is "Scholarly Academics (SA)" according to AACSB.
Third, MGM faculty members' services and our efforts for "Social Impact" and "Community Engagement" is summarized in the third file.
Thanks to your great support, MGM department is dedicated to multiple Project Based Learning Initiatives and Local Community Business Development Practices in the Wenzhou area. Those achievements were nicely disseminated, and it made great social impacts not only the Wenzhou area but also the Global society throughout multiple Social Media, research presentations, and mass-media exposures.
Fourth, You can see the general introduction of the MGM department in the fourth attachment. Especially, please give special attention to the "Career" section on page 11. Those four WKU CBPM MGM graduates achieved "Transformational Learning" within our campus and they are growing as World-class business leaders not only in China but also in the USA.
All WKU CBPM MGM Faculty members will be participating in the zoom conference on Tuesday (Nov. 30).
2021. Nov. 30: AACSB All Faculty Meeting
Meeting File:
Provost' Goals:
1. Student Success
2. Faculty Success
3. Equity
4. (Social and Community) Responsibility
5. Scholarship (Quality over Quantity, No predatory journal)
KU/WKU CBPM Faculty Evaluation Criteria
(refer to the Initial Evaluation of WKU CBPM Faculty):
1. Mastery of Subject Matter
2. Teaching Effectiveness
3. Scholarship (Research output / outcome / pipeline) : ABDC list, SCIGoogle scholar, H-index, SSCI, SCOPUS, SJR, ABS list.
4. Service (For Academia, School, Community, and Society)
5. Growth Planning
2022. 09.11: Summary of Dr. Choi's Efforts and Achievements since his affiliation (2015 ~ Current)
2022. Dec. 12. 13: Updated CBPM Mission, Vision, and Values
MISSION (8 keywords)
We transform diverse students into impactful members in the global community through engaged learning, excellence in teaching, research, and service by provding leading-edge management programs in a world-class, innovative, and inclusive environment in our regions.
VISION (4 key phrases)
We aspire to become the college of choice in our regions recognized for a global orientation, professionl and experiential appraoch to management education, and a steadfast commitment to diversity and inclusion.
VALUES (7 elements)
We embrace a culture of striving for excellence, integrity, fairness, respect, diversity, community, and social responsibility.
2023. May 01: Kean University's Code of Conduct and Ethics for Faculty Members.
CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD Kean Code of Conduct and Ethics DOCUMENTS:
- Uniform Ethics Code
- Plain Language Guide
- Kean Supplemental Ethics Code
- Receipt for Uniform Ethics Code, Plain Language Guide to New Jersey’s Executive Branch Ethics Standards, and Kean University Supplemental Ethics Code
- Outside Activity Questionnaire (OAQ) Form - Full Time Employees
2023. May 05: MSCHE (Middel State Commision of Higher Education)'s Standard II: Ethics and Integrity
MSCHE's requirements of Ethics and Integrity in the accreditation process for higher education institutions.
- 1. Institutions must have policies and procedures in place to ensure ethical behavior and integrity.
- 2. These policies and procedures must be periodically assessed to ensure they are effective.
- 3. Institutions must disclose any material issues related to ethics and integrity in a timely and accurate manner.
- 4. Ethical behavior and integrity must be demonstrated in institutional policies, processes, practices, and implementation.
- 5. Institutions must promote ethical behavior and integrity among faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders.
- 6. Institutions must provide training on ethics and integrity to faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders as appropriate.
- 7. Institutions must have mechanisms in place for reporting ethical violations or concerns.
- 8. Institutions must investigate reported ethical violations or concerns promptly and thoroughly.
- 9. Institutions must take appropriate action to address ethical violations or concerns.
- 10. The accreditation process includes an evaluation of an institution's adherence to ethical principles and values related to academic programs, research activities, financial management, governance, student services, and other areas as appropriate.
These requirements are outlined on page 10 of the Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation document.
2023. June 31, 2023 : New Mission and New Core Values of Kean University from President Repollett.
2023. June 31, 2023 : New Mission and New Core Values of Kean University from President Repollett.
2023. May 05: MSCHE (Middel State Commision of Higher Education)'s Standard II: Ethics and Integrity
2023. May 01: Kean University's Code of Conduct and Ethics for Faculty Members.
2022. Dec. 12. 13: Updated CBPM Mission, Vision, and Values
2022. Nov. 21: Deleted local WKU CBPM 's mission and vision (No Mao TanChang anymore)
2022. Sept. 11: Summary of Dr. Choi's Efforts and Achievements (example)
2021. Nov. 30: AACSB All Faculty Meeting
2021. Nov. 03: Kean's Mission (
2021. Nov. 03: Kean's Urban R2 School Direction: Engaged Scholarship in Civic Affairs
2021. Sept. 28: Added new WKU CBPM 's mission and vision
2021. Sept. 06: Added Updated WKU Vision Goals
2021.Sept. 02: Added the Student Code of Conduct (Ethics)
2021. Aug. 18: New Provost Dr. David Birdsell's Four Areas he will give attention.
2021. June 17: Added reference of WKU Mission / Vision
2021. May 24: Goal and Value Statement installed in the 2nd floor of WKU CBPM.
2021. May 24: Added WKU CBPM Norms for Faculty
2020. Oct. 14: Updating CBPM Vision, Mission, Objective,s and Stategy statement from Kean USA CBPM
2019. June 04: New Kean USA CBPM Dean Wang Jin got informed the updating CBPM Goals and Values.
2017.Sept. 23: Goals, Values of CBPM were tuned for AACSB accreditation purpose at Kean USA CBPM by Georfrey Mills following to the AACSB metnor's guide.
Fore reference: (Old Mission) before Aug. 31, 2023
Kean University, is a public cosmopolitan university serving undergraduate and graduate students in the liberal arts, the sciences, and the professions.
The University dedicates itself to the intellectual, cultural, and personal growth of all its members — students, faculty, and professional staff. In particular, the University prepares students to think critically, creatively and globally; to adapt to changing social, economic, and technological environments; and to serve as active and contributing members of their communities.
Kean offers a wide range of demanding programs dedicated to excellence in instruction and academic support services necessary to assure its socially, linguistically, and culturally diverse students the means to reach their full potential, including students from academically disadvantaged backgrounds, students with special needs, and adults returning or entering higher education.
Kean is steadfast in its dedication to maintaining a student-centered educational environment in which diversity can flourish and an atmosphere in which mutual respect characterizes relations among the members of a pluralistic community. The University seeks to combine excellence with equity in providing opportunities for all students.
Kean is a teaching university, and Kean faculty dedicate themselves to student learning as well as academic rigor. The focus on teaching excellence is supported by a commitment to research, scholarship, creative work, and innovative uses of technology. The focus includes the advancement of knowledge in the traditional disciplines and the enhancement of skills in professional areas.
Kean is committed to providing global educational opportunities for students and faculty. Kean is an interactive university, and the University serves as a major resource for regional advancement. Kean collaborates with business, labor, government and the arts, as well as educational and community organizations and provides the region with cultural events and opportunities for continuous learning. Kean is also committed to providing students and faculty educational opportunities in national and international arenas.
The Goals & Values of Kean University New Jersey (KUSA) / Wenzhou-Kean University (WKU) College of Business & Public Management (CBPM)'s Goals, Values, and Actions.
(Updated, Dec. 12, 2022)
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