Charity Session : A New Interpreation of Charity and Public Welfare:
Teach People to Fish - Do good to the People of Wenzhou
Mr. Ye Zhengmeng, Security-General of Zhejiang Xinhu Charity Foundation
Summary of the Charity Lecture Series by Doris - 徐佳吟 Doris.
1. Wrong charity methods will have adverse results. People who receive too much money will become dissatisfied and become evil, which called "Marginal effect of gratitude" or "the anger of loser." So choose appropriate donees is very important. There is a very important principle of choosing donees:
a. Focus more on giving to those who are temporarily short of money (e.g. people who suffer from disasters), not those who are desperately short of money.
b. An important saying: "One of the major obstacles to true and permanent goodness is undue giving."
c. Undue giving will lead to two results:
i. Foster dependency
ii. could result in moral kidnapping
2. How to teach poor people methods(授人以渔)in a systematic way?
a. These things include:
i. Inspire people with desire. We should let people realize the importance of good life and possibility of having good life. Show bright future to poor people. Communication with poor people and make reasonable business with them: for example, we give part of money to poor people, and poor people also need to invest some money or efforts.
ii. Teach people how to make money. Examples (emphasize the importance of teaching methods): 1. hire agricultural experts to teach poor farmers how to plant Cerasus humilis. 2. provide money for undergraduates to start up a business.
1) The greatest "method" is offering education.
iii. Provide some initial money to poor people to start their business.
iv. Relieve poor people's worries
1) Worries include:
a) afraid that products cannot be sold successfully.
b) afraid that the price of products will fluctuate.
3. Developing leadership is more useful than teaching all people methods.
a. Example: countryside CEO plan
i. Leaders are the most important. Develop leadership.
ii. Give leaders more knowledge, skills, and resources.
iii. Some detailed way to develop leaders:
1) Courses learning
2) Base on practice
3) Future plan planning
4) Paid on board learning
5) Synchronous tracking guidance
6) Induction competition
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