반응형 Temp10 Measurement (Toxic and Healing Management) Toxic vs. Healing Management Measurement (Idea) Please indicate the situation of your surroundings. 당신을 둘러싼 (업무) 환경에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까? Measurement of Excellence Tom Peters: In Search of Excellence (7S model) ===== 2022.Nov.09: Measurement Idea 2022. 11. 9. Theorizing The Toxic Management To Avoid It! Theorizing the Toxic Management to Avoid It: What and how does kill work vitality? Toxic Management kills organizational and personal work vitality. The Nuts and Bolts of Writing a Theory Paper: A Practical Guide to Getting Started! The Online Appendix is available at: https://www. dropbox.com/s/pi4jkm7kxe1utic/AMR_FTE_Exercises.do cx?dl=0as Taxonomy of Ways to Make a Contribution to Theory: (so.. 2022. 10. 1. Dr. Chio's Integral Leadership Center & Healing Organization Institute (Intellectual Property) Dr. Choi's Integral Leadership Center & Healing Organization Institute. Intellectual Property All Integral Leadership & Healing Organization Institute's contents are reserved. Copyright 2022. Dr. Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi. All rights reserved (모든 저작권은 저작권법 (제25조2항)에 따라 보호됩니다) 2022년 3월 17일 * This intellectual property is protected by U.S., South Korea, and International copyright laws. Reproduction .. 2022. 3. 17. To A Worrying Girl... To A Worrying Girl... 18 yrs: you are pretty enough, And you may have a long way to go.28 yrs: more beautiful,38 yrs: more gorgeous, 48 yrs: more attractive, 58 yrs: more humorous, 68 yrs: more wiser, 78 yrs: more childish, 88 yrs: more lovely, 98 yrs: more spiritual, 108 yrs: more lively. 118 yrs: more giving. Keep vitalizing yourself! Chief Vitality Officer. 2018. 1. 6. ABC to unleash your hidden capacities ABC to unleash your hidden capacities (AWARENESS + ABILITY + CHOICES = CAPACITY) 1. "A"wareness: Remove the caps from your capacity2. a"B"ility: Develop the capacities you already possess3. "C"hoice: Do the things that maximize your capacities Develop the Capacities You Already Possess - Energy Capacity: Your ability to push on physically- Emotional Capacity: Your ability to manage your emotions.. 2017. 12. 3. The CVO (Chief Vitality Officer) The Chief Vitality Officer (CVO) Vitalizes People's Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Energy. 2017. 10. 29. What to manage for healthy economy? A healthy economy is a result of balancing 'economic prosperity' and 'economic justice'.This idea comes from communicating with a Chinese student today. She wants to share her concerns about current Chinese economy; business; management problems, and I catch a sense that the young talented individual has a (disoriented) dilemma - increasing economic prosperity as well as economic justice. I sugg.. 2015. 10. 28. What motivate people? It's not just money... Managers and Executive, You may have difficulties in motivating your people to engage in their work. And you may think "Should I give more bonus or reward to motivate my people?". OK... but can you take a moment and think what non-financial rewards can make people engage in their work? Daniel Pink proposes three factors that lead to better performance and personal satisfaction. 1. Autonomy2. Mas.. 2015. 4. 4. The most fatal sin at the workplace! - Jealousy. The most fatal sin (at the workplace) is "Having a jealousy on virtuous and competent people". However, the best healing (at the workplace) is "Loving virtuous and competent people". - Lee, Jema : a Korean healer and philosopher. 妬賢嫉能 天下之大病好賢樂善 天下之大藥투현질능 천하지대병; 호현낙선 천하지대약. "어진 자를 질투하고 능력있는 자를 질시하는 인간의 마음이야말로 천하의 대병大病이요, 현명한 자를 대접하고 선한 자를 존중하는 인간의 마음이야말로 천하의 대약大藥이다." 동무 이제마 (東武 李濟馬) 2014. 12. 29. Definition of Chief Vitality Officer who vitalizes self, family, and organization. Chief Vitality Officer (CVO) is a top executive who takes actions of vitalizing (such as encouraging, inspiring, and energizing) individuals, teams, and whole organizational structures to draw the best results throughout unleashing human capabilities basing on positivity. CVO mainly creates and sustains multiple capitals that are 1) Financial capital, 2) Organizational capital, 3) Social capital.. 2012. 1. 18. 이전 1 다음