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Essay of Leadership44

Sensemaking in the Artificial Intelligence Era! Sensemaking in the Artificial Intelligence Era! Keynote Speaking at the International Conference on Smart Cities (Seoul, Korea), July 19, 2019. by Dr. Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi ...더보기 This is Dr. Jerry Choi at Kean University. Today I would like to present "Sensemaking in the Artificial Intelligence Era". Recent applications of Industry 4.0 or Digital Transformation fundamentally changes in human l.. 2019. 7. 23.
A CVO Manages Energy, Attention, and Time to Maximize Productivity. A CVO Manages Energy, Attention, and Time to Maximize Productivity: Problem-Solving (Productivity) is a function of Energy, Attention, and Time This is a schematic diagram that how a laser cutter hack a chain locker. Like this case, a CVO (chief vitality officer) vitalize people to have enough energy, laser-focused attention, and sufficient time to solve a complicated problem. Energy: Tony Schwa.. 2017. 10. 29.
Even a pig can fly if it stands at the center of a whirlwind ~ Lei Jun "Even a pig can fly if it stands at the center of a whirlwind,"- Lei Jun, Xiaomo CEO (May 2015) Interpretation: "What's the company's secret to success? According to its 45-year-old CEO, Lei Jun, who was interviewed in The Wall Street Journal, it's simply about "seizing the right opportunity." source: http://www.businessinsider.com/xiaomi-ceo-lei-jun-discusses-secret-behind-success-pig-flying-wh.. 2016. 9. 26.
Dr. Choi's Energy Planner for Creating Multiple Capitals. Energy Planner Template by Dr. Choi Powerpoint file for Energy Planner (Letter Size, A4 compatible): Left Side: Right Side: Energy Planner Pocket Size (95mm x 173 mm) Energy Planner Pocket Size Full (95 mm x 173 mm) 6공 다이어리 속지 (무지) 리필 구입후, 프린터에 95mm x 173 mm 용지에 맞추어 프린트하기 https://www.coupang.com/vp/products/5429292212?vendorItemId=75511171143&sourceType=MyCoupang_my_orders_list_product_title&isA.. 2014. 12. 27.
What is the "Talent Development"? ATD (formerly, ASTD) CEO, Tony Bingham, clarifies the new brand of 'Talent Development' “Talent development is people development...The term talent development means building the knowledge, skills, and abilities of others and helping them develop and achieve their potential so that the organizations they work for can succeed and grow. This is the work of the profession we’ve served for more than.. 2014. 5. 24.
Why Chinese and Japanese are different from other Asians? Why Chinese and Japanese are different from other Asians? Comparison of Cultural Dimensions (US, China, S. Korea, Japan, and Taiwan) In general, far eastern Asian countries such as China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan are known for their collectivistic, hierarchical, and uncertainty avoidant national culture that are contrasting to individualistic, horizontal, and uncertainty tolerate culture of the .. 2012. 11. 7.
Why do people resist a New HR Practice for the change? Why do people resist a new HR practice for the change? Photo Source: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/negative-effects-group-cohesiveness-21587.html In general, resistance to change such as introduction or application of a new HR practice is a universal phenomenon in all types of organizations (Swanson & Holton, 2009). Launching an HR practice in business organization may not be exceptional. Resis.. 2012. 11. 7.
The Book of "Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It?" Why Work Sucks and How to Fix It? Source of the Photo: http://www.jibberjobber.com/blog/2008/06/24/why-work-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it-with-me-dan-pink-and-scott-stratten/ When people have high demands and high control, their life can be hectic but manageable. They figure out what needs to be done and when. When people have high demands and low control, their life is both hectic and miserable. Ther.. 2012. 10. 20.
Dr. Peter Northouse's Leadership Lecture at UIUC Dr. Peter Northouse's Leadership Lecture at UIUC On Sept. 26 2012, Illinois Leadership Center (contact: Mr. Heath Harding, Associate Director) hosted a special lecture of Dr. Peter Northouse - the prominent leadership scholar in the world. Dr. Peter Northouse is well-known his seminal textbook of "Leadership: Theory & Practice - http://www.sagepub.com/books/Book235117). Dr. Peter Northouse prese.. 2012. 9. 27.
Dr. K. Peter Kuchinke's Lecture: But is it Education? Situating Training and Development in the Canon of Education Research and Practice. The business and management field is too important to be taken solely by business experts such as MBAs. We need multiple perspectives and multiple paradigms to address current business and management problems. Learning, teaching, education, and human development perspectives are essential fields of scholarship that provide more human centered values to business and management. - Dr. K. Peter Kuc.. 2012. 9. 19.
Shaping a Research Topic for Vitality Study in MNC. Shaping a Dissertation Topic of Vitality in MNC. "How to unleash subsidiary actor's potential in MNC?" A. Voices from field about performanceMethod: Email interview Sample: 24 people in personal networks Participants: 15 are employees in Korean large corporations, Five are come from BOSCH Korea. 9 are employees in the US, China. Interview Questions: How employees think about performance? What is.. 2012. 8. 27.
Given or Taken - How subsidiary employees cultivate job autonomy in an MNC? Given or Taken - How subsidiary employees cultivate job autonomy in an MNC? Conventionally, autonomy in the workplace is belief to be given by superiors to subordinates. However, autonomy can be taken by subsidiary employees at an MNC. In detail, there are positive given and taken autonomy and negative given and taken autonomy. Voice of engineers at an MNC Positive Autonomy Given (Grounded frequ.. 2012. 8. 21.
Problematizing the Tension between Autonomy and Control at the workplace. Problematizing the Tension between Autonomy and Control at the workplace. One of the most challenging things to a leader is managing and balancing the tension between 'autonomy and control' at the workplace. If a leader control over every detail issues (micro-management) in the workplace, subordinates of the leader lose their interests in works and avoid any self-directed actions or decision-mak.. 2012. 7. 31.
How to build a well networked organization? A sloan management study indicates that well networked organizations such as IDEO, IBM, and U.S. Army draw outperformances from their people through effective learning and development practices. But what is the most important enabler for building good networks in an organization? Although there may be many different enablers for building good networks for collaboration within organization, I sug.. 2012. 1. 15.
Can yoga wreck your body?: Responding from a Kouksundo expert. Recently, several medical studies clam that Yoga can wreck human body (see the today's NBC nightly news). It inspires international debates and disucussions as followings. 1. How Yoga Wreck you body (NY Times) http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/08/magazine/how-yoga-can-wreck-your-body.html?pagewanted=all 2. Yoga can wreck your body (NBC Nightly News, see the Youtube video in this article) http://www.. 2012. 1. 13.
Ten Competencies for Entrepreneurial Success Empirical evidence suggests that the competencies for entrepreneurial success are many and varied: however, overall, there are probably 10 that appear most regularly: source: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_ten_competencies_of_an_entrepreneur 10 COMPETENCIES FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL SUCCESS: 1. Integrity - the entrepreneur has a clear sense of values and beliefs that underpin the creative and busi.. 2010. 7. 18.
Must Read Online Magazines & Newspapers for Business Leader & MBA  Top 5 (Online) Magazines for Business Leader & MBA 1. Harvard Business Working Knowledge: Frequently, this is better than HRB. http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ 2. Knowledge @ Wharton: Practical knowledge, skill, and ability for business people. http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/ 3. MIT Sloan Management Review: Best arguments in business world. http://sloanreview.mit.edu/ 4. Economist: Who can beat this .. 2010. 7. 15.
Talent = Aptitude + Attitude (재능=능력+태도) Talent is a combination of aptitude and attitude. (재능이란 능력과 태도의 조합이다.) - Jeonghwan Philip Choi, 2010 - Comments: A talent can be realized only if he/she has both enough competency (frequently accounted for knowledge, skill, ability, and others) for a task and socially acceptable attitude. Discrepancy of one from other deter talents realization in a society. from wikipedia: Talent is generally co.. 2010. 6. 18.
Entrepreneurs are job creators. All over the world people agree that entrepreneurs are job creators and that they develop new products and services which benefit the whole society. Yet, the image of entrepreneurs has declined in the past two years. 54% of all Europeans believe that entrepreneurs only think about their own wallet and 49% believe that entrepreneurs exploit other peoples work. In 2007, the figures were clearly lo.. 2010. 6. 6.
Talent is a Public Good (재능은 공공재이다). Talent is a public good, not private good. (재능은 공공재 이다.) References: Is Education a Public Good? http://samvak.tripod.com/publicgoods.html Education used to be a private good with positive externalities. Thanks to technology and government largesse it is no longer the case. It is being transformed into a nonpure public good. Technology-borne education is nonrivalrous and, like its traditional co.. 2010. 4. 1.
The Antonym of "Capitalism" is...? (자본주의의 반대말은?) The Antonym of "Capitalism" is "Democracy" not "Socialism" (자본주의의 반대말은 "사회주의"가 아니라 "민주주의" 입니다.) Michael Moore, 2010. source: http://www.michaelmoore.com/ Reference: President Franklin D. Roosevelt called for a "Second Bill of Rights." Roosevelt's January 11, 1944 State of the Union speech is available at the FDR Library website. The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or sho.. 2010. 3. 24.
Dr. Muhammad Yunus at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaig said... 1. I don't know anything, thus I can do anything. 2. I learned from conventional bank system, and I did it exactly opposite. 3. Does micro credit is good for only entrepreneurial poor? No. there is no difference among people! 4. Who create poverty? It's not made by individuals, but system and history. 5. Human is not just money making machine, human is multi-dimensional creature. We also can thi.. 2010. 3. 2.
Prominent Scholars' Opinion to Growth of Entrepreneurship Education in the U.S. Some key remarks of prominent entrepreneurship (education) researchers in the U.S. Vesper & Gartner (1997): Measuring Progress in Entrepreneurship Eduction Over the last 20 years of surveys of entrepreneurship courses (Vesper, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1993), a growing number of business schools have developed a series of courses in entrepreneurship, variously labeled as either a.. 2010. 3. 2.
A New Role of 21C Education is... (21세기 교육의 새로운 역할은..) A New Role of 21C Education is "Educating Job Creators, not Job Seekers" 21세기 교육의 새로운 역할은 "구직자를 교육하는 것이 아니라, 새로운 직업을 만들어 내는 사람들을 교육하는 것이다." By Jeonghwan Choi, Founder of Integral Leadership Center, Entrepreneurship Education Researcher, Ph.D. student at UIUC. (Mar. 01, 2009) 2010. 2. 28.