반응형 Choi's Research/2.Unpublished8 Women in Entrepreneurship Education within U.S. Higher Education Women in Entrepreneurship Education within U.S. Higher Education Jeonghwan Choi Ph.D. student, Human Resource Education University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 351 Education Building, 1310 S. 6th Street, Champaign, IL 61820 Tel. (217) 819 1040 Fax. (217) 244 5632 E-mail: jchoi52@illiniois.edu [Copyright: Unpublished Article, Class of 2011 Spring, EPS590: Women in Higher Education, Prof. Dr. B.. 2011. 5. 11. Lesson Plan of Creativity Development and Stress Management for STEM HR. This lesson plan is for developing creativity and for managing stress at science and engineering workplaces. Based on Kouksundo (Korean self-discipline practice), I designed a workshop. All materials are copyrighted. 2007 Integral Leadership Center, Jeonghwan Choi Checklist for Training Package 1 Background 1.1 Needs Assessment Document 1.2 Design Document 1.3 Story Board 2 Administration/Planni.. 2011. 4. 23. Redefine Innovation Redefine Innovation: Foundation for Strategic Innovation Leadership Development (Unpublished, but copyright to Jeonghwan Choi 2008) Jeong Hwan Choi, MBA, Doctorate Student, Human Resource Education University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 351 Education, 1310 South Sixth Street, IL 61810 Abstract: New Definition of Innovation? Innovation is leader(s)’s strategic activities of 1) integrating and p.. 2011. 4. 22. Identical Twin or Fraternal Twin? (Korean vs. Japanese Innovation Strategy) Reaction Paper #3 Japan: S&T Strength and weaknesses in the 21st century (Ed Lincoln, NYU) Perspective on technology innovation: Korean experience (Yongrak Choi, KORP) Anticarcinogenic function of selenium (An-Sik Chung, KAIST) April 24, 2008 Identical Twin or Fraternal Twin? (Comparative study of National Innovation Strategy of Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan and Singapore) National innovation systems .. 2008. 8. 14. “Pali-Pali”: Passion or Hastiness (Fast Improvement of Biological Science in Korea) Reaction Paper #2 Starting a biomedical research institute in Korea (KAIST Improvement of Biological Science in Korea) Mar. 06 2008 “Pali-Pali”: Passion or Hastiness (Fast Improvement of Biological Science in Korea) Social and cultural factors, such as the aggressive mentality of the Korean people, high awareness of the challenges of globalization and political as well as historical contexts pla.. 2008. 8. 14. Does China Need Democratizing HRD to Improve Innovation Capability? Reaction Paper #1 Science and Technology Studies in China: The Question of “Innovation” Langdon Winner (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Jan 24 2008 Summary of Workshop l China is going to get own capacity of innovation l China’s new vision: 1) Endogenous innovation, 2) Harmonious development l Political constrains in Chinese schools (Curriculum and contents are restricted) l RPI’s “Think out o.. 2008. 8. 14. Analysis of Effective Job Recruiting Tools for Chemical Engineers within Dow Chemical Europe Analysis of Effective Job Recruiting Tools for Chemical Engineers within Dow Chemical Europe Andrea Ferrari, Anna Postol, Jeong-Hwan Choi, Joanna Izdebski, Philipp Frickhinger, Rustam Vagabov Remigiusz Smolinski Jahnallee 59, D-04109 Leipzig Tel. (+49) 03 41/98 51 60, Fax (+49) 03 41/4 77 32 43 Internet: http://www.hhl.de HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management HHL Leipzig Graduate School of M.. 2008. 7. 19. Tao of Innovation: New Conceptual Framework for Answering the question-How to improve productivity of Knowledge workers in 21st century Tao of Innovation (New Conceptual Framework for Answering the Question: How to improve productivity of knowledge workers in 21 century?) Jeong-Hwan Choi E-mail: jeonghwan.choi@gmail.com Tel: +82-(0)16-9345-2416 [*This paper was presented to 2006 Kouksundo Sabum Paper Competition] 2008. 7. 19. 이전 1 다음