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Essay of Leadership/Quotes for Research5

Must Read Online Magazines & Newspapers for Business Leader & MBA  Top 5 (Online) Magazines for Business Leader & MBA 1. Harvard Business Working Knowledge: Frequently, this is better than HRB. http://hbswk.hbs.edu/ 2. Knowledge @ Wharton: Practical knowledge, skill, and ability for business people. http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/ 3. MIT Sloan Management Review: Best arguments in business world. http://sloanreview.mit.edu/ 4. Economist: Who can beat this .. 2010. 7. 15.
Prominent Scholars' Opinion to Growth of Entrepreneurship Education in the U.S. Some key remarks of prominent entrepreneurship (education) researchers in the U.S. Vesper & Gartner (1997): Measuring Progress in Entrepreneurship Eduction Over the last 20 years of surveys of entrepreneurship courses (Vesper, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1993), a growing number of business schools have developed a series of courses in entrepreneurship, variously labeled as either a.. 2010. 3. 2.
Teams are... (팀 이란...) Teams are the typical building blocks of an organization: They provide companies with the means to combine the various skills, talents and perspectives of a group of individuals to achieve corporate goals. In the past, managers used to colocate team members because of the high levels of interdependencies that are inherent in group work. Recently, though, more and more companies are beginning to .. 2009. 10. 5.
The first, 'Congruence' at Art of War (손자 병법 제 1장, 도(道) 라는 것은...) The Tao (Moral Law) causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler [congruence], so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger. 道者,令民與上同意也, 故可與之死 可與之生, 而民不畏危也. 도자, 령민여상동의야, 고가여지사 가여지생, 이민불외위야. 道라는 것은 백성으로 하여금 윗사람과 한마음이 되게 하는 길이다. 그러므로 죽음을 같이 할 수 있고 삶을 같이 할 수 있다. 그리하여 백성은 위험도 두려워하지 않는다. source1: http://www.chinapage.com/sunzi-e.html source2: http://.. 2009. 9. 11.
Drucker's Decision-Making Quotes (Decision-Making 이 중요한 이유는..) "The decision affects the work of other people, it must help these people achieve their objectives, assist them in their work, contribute to their performing better, more effectively and with a great 'sense' of achievement. It cannot be a decision designed merely to help the manager perform better, do his job more easily or obtain greater satisfaction from it." Decision-Making 이 중요한 이유는 그것이 직장 내.. 2009. 9. 6.