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Meditation on Leadership/Thoughtful Leadership34

Innovation Discussion (Feb. 22, 2025) Innovation Discussion Executive Summary: This discussion examines how leaders navigate disruption through proactive strategies, balancing stability with innovation, addressing displaced workers, cultivating discoveries, and integrating AI with human insight.Overlooked Signals: Cognitive biases and inertia often cause leaders to miss early signs of disruptive change.Proactive Adaptation: Systemat.. 2025. 2. 23.
Democratizing Production Capability: An Examination of Industry 4.0’s Challenges and Prospects (by Dr. Jerry Choi) Democratizing Production Capability: An Examination of Industry 4.0’s Challenges and Prospects A Concise Overview of Decentralized Decisions in Production by Dr. Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi, Jan. 10, 2024Industry 4.0, initially developed as a German-led framework, was positioned as a transformative approach to manufacturing through the integration of cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things (IoT) a.. 2025. 1. 11.
Question of Digital Disruption and Artificial Intelligence: Thanks to Dr. Bennett's wonderful Webinar of "Digital Disruption and Artificial Intelligence: Wading through Hype to Leverage Virtual HRD in Tech", I get this question.    "I completely agree that Knowledge Management is becoming increasingly important in the AI era, especially for Human Resource Development. However, when knowledge generated by individuals is used for organizational purposes wi.. 2024. 12. 14.
Reevaluating Leadership Labels: The Complexity of 'Infectors' and Lessons in Ethical Leadership "Reevaluating Leadership Labels: The Complexity of 'Infectors' and Lessons in Ethical Leadership" I believe the topic of "Infector: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky" "raises important reflections on leadership practice and human dynamics.Am I an "infector"? These traits do resonate with me to some degree. However, I interpret this concept as an opportunity to explore the complexities of labeling in.. 2024. 12. 11.
[기고] 한국 앙시앙 레짐의 마지막 발악과 새로운 전환점 (In Korea, the Downfall of the Ancien Régime Has Finally Begun) [기고] 한국 앙시앙 레짐의 마지막 발악과 새로운 전환점한국에 드디어 앙시앵 레짐(프랑스어: Ancien Régime, 영어: Old Regime)의 말로가 열렸다. [In Korea, the downfall of the ancien régime (Old Regime) has finally begun.] 2024년 12월 3일, 헌법적 근거 없이 시도된 계엄령 발동은 한국 사회에서 앙시앙 레짐(구체제)의 마지막 발악이다. 한국의 앙시앙 레짐은 반민족, 친일의 역사적 뿌리를 가지고 있으며, 쿠데타, 군부 독재, 육사, 서울대 법대, 재벌, 그리고 이에 기생하는 언론 및 지식인 집단으로 구성된 구체제를 대표한다.이 체제는 4.19 혁명, 5.18 민주화 운동, 6.10 민주항쟁, 그리고 박근혜 탄핵과 같은 .. 2024. 12. 8.
Counterpoint: Aging Workforce: Rethinking the Real Challenge For over four decades, discussions on the risks posed by aging workforces have dominated business narratives. Yet, the anticipated operational disruptions due to Baby Boomer or Gen X retirements or stop-functioning have largely failed to materialize. Instead, businesses have adapted seamlessly, driven by the rapid co-evolution of human work and technological innovations such as automation and AI.. 2024. 12. 6.
Further Reflection on HR/Workforce Ecosystem Management Discussions 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2024. 8. 12.
Empowering Patients for Proactive Engagement in Modern Healthcare Through Personal Healthcare Charts! Empowering Patients for Proactive Engagement in Modern Healthcare Through Personal Healthcare Charts! (by Dr. Jerry Choi) 개인 건강 관리 차트를 활용한 환자의 적극적 건강관리 참여 강화! (최정환 박사) In today's healthcare framework, the emphasis on proactive patient involvement is undeniable. As healthcare models shift from focusing on sheer volume to emphasizing value, the active participation of patients in their healthcare .. 2023. 8. 23.
Stimulating Curiosity through Fundamental "Bildung" Meta-learning Questions Stimulating Curiosity through Fundamental "Bildung" Meta-learning Questions The journey of self-cultivation and personal development, often encapsulated in the German concept of "Bildung," ** involves delving deeply into profound existential inquiries. These questions, transcending the mundane and routine, beckon us to explore the profound mysteries of existence, knowledge, morality, and the cos.. 2023. 8. 21.
A Concise Overview: Unveiling the Role of Philosophy in Business Amidst the AI Revolution A Concise Overview: Unveiling the Role of Philosophy in Business Amidst the AI Revolution Executive Summary In our evolving AI-centric world, the necessity to reevaluate the significance of philosophy in business operations is paramount. This exploration delves into the ethical and ontological dilemmas faced in the AI era. It highlights the importance of creating ethical guidelines for AI, promo.. 2023. 7. 31.
Democratizing Production Power in the AI era: An Unstoppable Force? (인공지능 시대 생산력 민주화: 멈출 수 없는 힘?) Democratizing Production Power in the AI era: An Unstoppable Force? July 28, 2023, Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi, PhD, MBA, ME, Associate Professor of Kean University (Wenzhou) A management scholar, business consultant, certified meditation coach, former BOSCH Product/Production Engineer. Executive Summary: Bosch, under Chairman Dais and CEO Derenbach, has led the development of Industry 4.0, a revolut.. 2023. 7. 28.
6 + 2 Recommending Books for Business College Students 6 + 2 Recommending Books for Business College Students For Management Skill up! How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey, Managing Oneself (Harvard Business Review Classics) by Peter Ferdinand Drucker The (new) One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseve.. 2023. 6. 4.
'Ah-Q' Mentality in Business! [아Q 멘탈리티] 'Ah-Q' Mentality in Business! [아Q 멘탈리티] Summary: The "Ah-Q" mentality denotes a tendency to self-blame or blame others for failures, instead of examining larger societal or organizational structures, leading to self-deception and a reluctance to challenge authority. In business, it can create complacency, hinder innovation, and contribute to a toxic work environment and lack of diversity. It's c.. 2023. 3. 19.
궁궁을을’(弓弓乙乙)은 약자들의 "존버" 정신이다. 궁궁을을 (弓弓乙乙) 가진자들에게 핍박받는 약자 (궁 두자를 합하고 깃털처럼 가볍다는 것을 더하면, 약할 약 弱 자와 같다), 즉 을들이 연대하여 서로 함께 힘든 시기를 버텨내는 것을 말한다. 따라서, 궁궁을을이란 말은 약자들이 힘들 때 함께 버티는 "존버" 정신인 것이다. *존버 정신이란: 원래 스타크래프트의 럴커가 땅파고 버로우 한다는 말 (존나 버로우) 에서 나온 것으로, 땅파고 숨어서 기다리다보면 언젠가는 유용하게 쓰일 수 있다는 뜻이었다. 이외수 선생님이 2012년 젋은이들에게 해주고 싶은 말로 "존버 정신을 읽지 않으면 된다고" 해서 더욱 유명해 졌다. 이후 주로 주식이나 암호화폐 투자등에서 많이 사용한다. ================ Chart 45 When the uneasy days (.. 2022. 4. 3.
Cost of Doing Nothing About Growing Problem! (Dr. Reich)! Cost of Doing Nothing About Growing Problem >> Cost of Proposal Dr. Robert Reich proposed the concept of 'Cost of Doing Nothing'. He reasoned the "Cost of Doing Nothing" is much larger than the "Cost of Proposal". I interpreted this as "The preventive cost (a.k.a. preventive investment)" is much smaller than "Problem cost". Let's do something good to avoid unnecessarily high "cost of doing nothi.. 2021. 12. 7.
Observed Poor Management Problem Three NO! No Citizenship No Planning No Confrontation Three Too Much! Too much Self-interest Too much Show-off (pretending, face) Domination rather than Persuasion. ===== 2021. Dec. 02: Flash summary 2021. 12. 2.
Hire Only Fully Formed Adults (완전히 성장한 어른만 채용하라)! 완전히 성장한 어른만 채용 하는 7가지 기준 외부 기준: 책임감 상호이익 우선 경청하기 내부 기준: 명확한 미래상 확고한 가치관 관용 다중성 Seven Criteria to Hire Fully Formed Employees EXTERNAL Takes responsibility for their life and blames nobody else Think Win-Win Disciplined Listening INTERNAL Have clear vision, mission, and purpose Have a clear values and priorities Not only tolerate differences but also respect varied opinions, perspective, and expe.. 2020. 7. 13.
The Real Secret Weapon of the US? H1B - 미국의 최종비밀병기: 전문직 비자 A study indicates that the US college-educated employee's salary increases as the number of foreign-born H1B holders increases in a US city. Contrasting to the general belief of "Immigrants steals US jobs", the study results tell the highly education foreign born STEM talents contribute creating high paying jobs in the US. Michio Kaku, a physicists, argues that a powerful secret weapon of the US.. 2014. 5. 24.
Be attractive than competitive! (경쟁력보단 매력) We may not be able to be the most competitive person. But we definitely can be the most "Attractive" person. Let's be bright, gentle, confident, and disciplined ! ------------------- 가장 경쟁력있는 사람이 되긴 거의 불가능할지 모른다. 하지만, 가장 매력적인 사람이 되는 건 누구나 가능하다. 밝고, 친절하며, 자신감있고, 잘 정돈된 사람이 되어보자. Jeonghwan Choi, PhD, MBA, ME 2014. 5. 18.
A good rifle for a wrong target: a problem of HRD field of study. A good rifle for a wrong target: a problem of HRD field of study. [맞아죽을 각오로 쓰는 인재개발분야 (HRD) 문제점.] Having a good and reliable rifle gives a shooter a great chance to reach a target. However if a shooter targets a wrong target, a good rifle is useless, even worse it is frequently harmful. A wrong targeting problem is observed in HRD field of study. Prior to describing my claims, I define HRD is “a.. 2014. 2. 10.
A criteria for assessing a person (사람을 평가하는 기준). People must be assessed by what they have "taken", but not by what they have been "given". 사람은 그가 무엇을 스스로 "얻어가졌는가" 로 평가되어야지, 그가 무엇을 이미 "받았는가"로 평가되어선 안된다. Dr. Choi's Tonaghap Leadership Center. 2014. 1. 30.
Your Employees Want the 'Constructive Feedback'! Achtung Bitte!! (Warning) in translating the article. Your Employees Want the Negative Feedback You Hate to Give from Harvard Business Review http://blogs.hbr.org/2014/01/your-employees-want-the-negative-feedback-you-hate-to-give/ I cordially do not agree the definition of negative feedback used in this article. Generally, negative feedback examples are "being removed from a job or suffering som.. 2014. 1. 17.
Seniors are not expenses, but they are potentials (노인은 비용이 아니라 가능성이다). Seniors are not expenses, but they are potentials. Sen. Liz Warren argues that a society need to support seniors because they already paid for a society through their whole lives. And I want to add my idea. Seniors are not expenses, but they are potentials that are still needed to be unleashed for more knowledge, culture, and 'spirit' of a society. In order to cultivate and utilize these valuabl.. 2013. 11. 20.
We need to ask "Who built the North Korean nukes?" We need to ask "Who built the North Korean nukes?" We may not ask an important question about recent North Korean Nuclear threat. "Who built the Nukes?" Photo source: http://www.csmonitor.com/var/ezflow_site/storage/images/media/images/2010/0113/0113_doomsday_clock/7216329-1-eng-US/0113_Doomsday_clock_full_600.jpg While many people focus on the north Korean political leaders, Scientists and Engi.. 2013. 2. 13.