This lesson plan is for developing creativity and for managing stress at science and engineering workplaces.
Based on Kouksundo (Korean self-discipline practice), I designed a workshop.
All materials are copyrighted. 2007 Integral Leadership Center, Jeonghwan Choi
Checklist for Training Package |
1 |
Background |
1.1 |
Needs Assessment Document |
1.2 |
Design Document |
1.3 |
Story Board |
2 |
Administration/Planning |
2.1 |
Goal Statement and Performance Objectives |
2.2 |
Instructor Background/Qualification |
2.3 |
A list of questions to guide the needs assessment process |
2.4 |
Lesson Outline and Training Times |
2.5 |
Media Master List |
2.6 |
Handout Master List |
2.7 |
Workshop Agenda |
2.8 |
Post-Course Evaluation Form |
2.9 |
Other Workshop Supplies |
2.10 |
Delivery Preparation Checklist (think about this in terms of 2-6 months, two weeks, one week, and one day before training as well as day of) |
2.11 |
Reference for all materials used in training manual (APA format) |
3. |
Media Master |
This section includes all of the masters for all media used during the workshop. If a PowerPoint presentation will be used, simply include a printout (6 per page) of the slides. Be sure slides are appropriately referenced to the lesson plan and ordered in the way they would be used during the workshop. Include mock-ups of any flipcharts, blackboard, etc. that should be developed. |
4. |
Handout Masters / Students Materials |
This section includes all of the masters for all handouts used during the workshop. Be sure the handouts are appropriately referenced to the lesson plan and ordered in the way they would be used during the workshop. Suggestions for student materials include learner direction, agenda, problem statement, goal statement, terminal objectives, text, activity guide sheets or worksheets, handouts, overhead masters, inventories, self-assessment, tests, definition of terms, and references |
5. |
Lesson Plans |
5.1 |
All lesson plans for 6-8 hours worth of instruction |
5.2 |
Any content (i.e. instructor’s notes, reading materials, etc.) information needed to deliver instruction |
Checklist for Instructional System Design |
1 |
Need Assessment Document |
1.1 |
Problem Statement |
Brief narrative describing the background or history of the performance |
Description of potential learners |
Description of the current and desired state of performance |
Symptoms and probable root causes of performance gap |
Description of type of problem the performance gap represents |
1.2 |
Need Assessment |
A list of questions to guide the needs assessment process |
Description of from whom the data will be collected |
Description of data collection methods to be used |
2 |
Design Document |
Work setting is described in enough detail to understand the constraints, resources and culture of the development, delivery, and application environments |
Learner analysis includes description of learner-related characteristics |
Contents analysis is complete and relevant to instructional purpose |
Goal statement is clear, appropriate to the level of instruction, and identifies an instructional need |
Terminal/Concluding objectives are clearly stated, are grammatically consistent/parallel, and can be achieved and measured through instruction |
Terminal/Concluding objectives serve as a basis for achieving the workshop goal |
Enabling/During objectives identify component skills or knowledge needed to achieve terminal/concluding objectives |
Enabling/During objectives are clearly stated, are grammatically consistent/parallel and serve as a basis for learning activities |
Storyboard outlines major sections and instructional events of the training program |
3 |
Administration/Planning Section |
Goal statement and performance objectives are listed |
Instructor background/qualification is described |
Learner background/qualification is described |
Overview of the lesson outline and training times is included |
A list of media master is included |
A list of the handouts is included |
Media and handout masters/files are included |
Workshop agenda is included |
Other workshop supplies are identified |
Delivery preparation checklist identifies things to do 2-6 months, 2 weeks, 1 week, and one day before training as well as the day of training |
A post-course reaction evaluation is developed to elicit useful information from the learners and serves as the basis for continuous improvement |
Reference are provided in APA format |
4 |
Development Document |
All lesson plans outline a sequence of instructional strategies and is referenced to performance objectives |
A variety of instructional strategies is used to address trainees’ various learning styles |
Instructional support materials (transparency master, handout masters, and related materials are included as required for each lesson |
Time estimates for each instructional strategy are estimated in the lesson plan |
Equipment to support instruction is included in the lesson plan |
Methods to facilitate practice include directions on how to set up and debrief the activity |
During and after performance assessments are appropriate for the instruction and objectives |
Instructional design program has sufficient information to be used by another instructor with a similar background to the developer |
Information in learner’s material is easy to use and clearly presented |
Information in learner’s materials serves as a job aid back in the application environment |
5 |
Overall organization and writing style is consistent and well-structured |
Organization is proper and consistent |
Writing style is proper and consistent |
Section I: Background
Stress Management Skill Up for Scientists & Engineers
1. Problem Statement
1. 1 Background and History of the Performance Problem
KIST (Korean Institute of Science & Technology) is the oldest and top-ranked national funded research institute in Korea. The institute has 1,700 staff including 422 core researchers[1]. In 2007, one research division manager died of sudden heart attack which is believed come from excessive stress. In addition, four general researchers quitted their job. Dr. Kum, the president of KIST, hopes to know the root cause of low retention rate of this year, and he also hopes to make a strategy for keeping invaluable human resources as long as it possible.
When Dr. Kum consulted this problem with Healthcare department manger[2], he heard that many researchers are revealed on the highly stressful job environments since 2004, the year of changing project funding system. PBS (Project Based funding System) is a newly adopted managerial cost controlling system in Science & Engineering field: Researchers are 100% funded by Head Quarter, based on their performance. Only project performances and qualified reports are two criteria for funding.
The Healthcare department manager said that furious competition and ton’s of reporting works drive scientists and engineers getting tired. In addition, cutting the budget of healthcare programs induced 60% off of regular counseling and healthcare training. She continued that if KIST cannot provide the proper stress management program as well as amendment of PBS, many researchers will leave in near future.
Since the PBS system is a national wide policy, the president can not change it. Then he decides providing stress management skill-up program for Scientists & Engineers in optional bases by supplying on-line education. However, all researchers (including 9 division managers and 33 research project managers) should complete the 4 hour stress management workshop, but Core researchers can participate the program voluntarily.
1.2 Description of Potential Learners
1. 9 Division project managers
2. 33 Research project managers
1.3 Description of Current and Desired State of Performance
- Unaware of importance of stress management
- Possess a low level of stress management skills
- Unfamiliar with dealing mental & physical stress
- Skeptical to taking counseling or training
Desired State of Performance
- Understanding the importance of stress management
- Effectively managing mentally and physically stressed subordinates
- Having abilities to manage stress in various situations
- Coaching their subordinates to take counseling and mental training with ease
1.4 Symptoms and Probable Root Causes of Performance Gap
1.4.1 Knowledge
- Potential learners do not know the importance of stress management
- Potential learners are not familiar with dealing mental stress
- Potential learners are not familiar with dealing physical stress
- Potential learners do not have enough knowledge about relationship with health and performance
- Potential learners do not know how they can coach to get help from healthcare department
1.4.2 Skills
- Potential learners are not practicing mental training for dealing with psychological stress
- Potential learners are not practicing physical training for reducing stress
- Potential learners do not take any counseling from healthcare department
1.4.3 Motivation / Attitudes
- Potential learners feel that they do not need improving their stress management skills
- Potential learners are reluctant for taking counseling with healthcare professionals
- Potential learners may have previous negative experiences that prevent them taking mental & physical training
- Potential learners do not want to agree to their subordinates have health problem
- Potential learners do not want to spend time to train their subordinates
- Potential learners are skeptical to the effectiveness of the stress management skill-up program
1.4.4 Environment
- Potential learners are exposed to the highly competitive environment (PBS)
- KIST has limited budget/resources for healthcare activities
- Many research labs are running in 24hrs/7days process work environment, researchers cannot leave labs during the process is ongoing
1.5 Description of Type of Problem the Performance Gap Represents
Even though root causes can be founded in four different categories, the biggest two problematic factors are Motivation and Environment. But the performance gap represents a motivation/attitude problem from the beginning.
Concerning to motivation factor, although the healthcare manager of KIST provides the knowledge of stress management techniques through internal networking system, many Scientists and Engineers are reluctant to take counseling or training for improving stress management capability because of negative reinforcement from managers.
Moreover the reluctant attitude of project managers is the most challenging one for Scientists & Engineers to participate stress management counseling or training. Although project managers are also exposed in stressful work environments, they have to focus on utilizing their human resources to achieve assigned goals. They are seriously worrying about absenting key researchers from experiments and researches regularly.
In sum, the performance gap stem from motivation/attitude best represents the root cause because KIST provides general knowledge of stress preventing and learning environment for improving stress management skills. But may research project managers do not understand the importance of stress management and their lack of knowledge lessen the motivation of practicing stress management program.
This workshop focuses on improving potential learners’ knowledge which addressing knowing importance of stress management for Scientists & Engineers, practicing Creativity performance enhancing program (C-PEP) and recognizing the procedure of stress management counseling in KIST.
2. Need Assessment
Needs Assessment Questions (What do you want to know about your performance problem?) |
Data Sources (From whom or what will you collect these data?) |
Methods (What methods will you use to collect the needs assessment information?) |
How Scientists & Engineers manage their stress? |
- Scientists & Engineers in KIST - Journals of Healthcare for Scientists & Engineers - National Scientists & Engineers Association - Newspaper, Magazine, and Special articles |
- Literature review of S&E workforce health care research - Analysis of Websites - Survey analysis - Interview with Scientists & Engineers in KIST |
Why Scientists & Engineers cannot practice stress management skills? (What is the most serious barrier?) |
- Healthcare manager at KIST - Counselor at Healthcare department - Scientists & Engineers in KIST - Patients who visited counselor - Project Managers of R&D department |
- Key informant Interview (Patients) - Focused Group Interview (Healthcare manager, , Counselors) - Interview with Project Managers - Survey analysis of Scientists & Engineers |
What are the most wanted stress management practice? |
- Scientists & Engineers in KIST - Project Managers - Trainees at physical education program - Physical or Mental Trainers in KIST - Professionals of stress management |
- Nominal Group Technique (incumbent trainees) - Survey analysis of Scientists & Engineers - Interview with Project Managers - Focused Group interview (Professionals of stress management, |
What are the desired outcomes of stress management? |
- President of KIST - Project Managers at R&D department - Scientists & Engineers - Healthcare manager - Counselor |
- Interview with President - Interview with Project Managers - Focused Group Interview with Healthcare manager and /Counselor - Survey analysis of Scientists & Engineers |
3. Design Document
3.1 Learner Analysis
Demographic (Age, gender, race) |
1) 9 Division project managers A. Average age: 53 years old B. All male 2) 33 Research project managers A. Average age: 47 years old B. 97% male C. All have Ph. D. degree of related field. |
Physiological (Heart condition, lung capacity, general physical condition) |
3. One division manager has a diabetic problem, and another has high blood pressure problem 4. 25% of Research project managers are overweight 5. 65% of project managers reports ‘over-stressed’ 6. During the workshop special care is required for who may have a physical or psychological disorder. |
Experience (Length of service, time on job, similar experience) |
1. Division project managers average work experience: 18 years 2. Research project managers average work experience: 11 years Although the length of experience may vary, not many participants have experienced taking systematic stress management course. |
Learning Style |
Potential learners have very strong analytical skills, and they are mostly practical. They prefer hand-on activities, practicing the new knowledge and skill, and learning by doing. |
Aptitude (special talents or skills) |
They have strong analytical skills and problem solving techniques in a scientific manner. But they are not good at understanding “soft skills” such as emotions, intangible knowledge, and psychological approach. |
Knowledge (Education, basic skills, specialized training) |
Potential learners have enough knowledge about the importance of Key researchers, and they are required how to manage the key researchers’ stress to prevent the burn-out syndrome. |
Attitude (feelings about topics, training, job organization) |
The workshop is mandatory for potential learners, and they may have lower motivation. Meanwhile core researchers’ expectation level about the program will be higher because they will be highly influenced by the potential learner behavior. It is important for trainer to understand there are two different groups which have different attitudes. |
3.2 Setting Analysis
3.2.1 Development Environment |
Resources |
· There is an available network of professionals with experience in stress management, clinical counseling, meditation, physical education, and health care use when developing the course. · The instructor has a certification of meditation coach, and 10 years experience of dealing stress management issues. · The developers possess a general overarching desire to provide the real value for Scientists & Engineers · The president of the institute strongly support the program |
Constraints |
· There is a lack of a physical location where all people involved in the development of the course are together. · Some developers can participate contingently (Max. 2 hours/day, 2 weeks) · Time is limited (2 weeks to deliver) · Organization regulations: o Limitations to S&E workforce profiles o Limitations to have meeting or research them o Limitations to facilities |
Culture |
· Those involved in the development of the course are passionate about stress management and helping scientists & engineers · Developers have graduate degree about their field, and they have strong sense to catch the clients needs · All developers have enough experiences in their profession, and they are tend to be constructive in a team |
3.2.2 Delivery Environment |
Resources |
· Instructor has more than 3 years experience of teaching stress management, clinical counseling and physical, mental training · Training materials (Video, Projector, and Document) · Licensed video training program (“Meditation for Stress Management”) · Internal networks (Wireless ADSL Internet connection) · Facilities which are capable max. 50 people with full audio-visual equipments |
Constraints |
· The potential learners are very protective of their time and hard to find a time slot for delivering the workshop. · During the workshop, two participants may not participate in physical training session · The facility is not enough to conduct physical training session, so contents should be customized to fit in a limited space |
Culture |
· This is a voluntary course for core scientists & engineers, many participants have a desire to improve their skills, knowledge and attitude about stress management. · This is a mandatory course for divisional project managers and research project managers, they are skeptical to the course. In addition, they worry about absenting from their normal works · Because all participants are scientists & engineers they tend to have strong interests about scientific and analytic communications · Because of the desire to have potential learners assimilate a practical experience with stress management, the course will be designed to be ‘learning by doing’ and hands-on. |
3.2.3 Application Environment |
Resources |
· Healthcare department will setup a webpage for providing “Stress management” on-line program in KIST Intranet · ‘Stress management practice’ will be broadcasted on regular time (30 min.) through KIST Intranet · On-line counseling will be provided in the website, all private issues will be confidentially treated and scientists & engineers can ask any questions anonymously · Reference guides and tools to refer back to as a refresher when the skills and knowledge are needed will be provided · Scientists & Engineers who hope to take regular stress management program will be guided by healthcare department |
Constraints |
· Although the participants will have new knowledge and skills to employ, there is still a risk of a regression in attitude. There is no guarantee of taking on-line stress management program and practicing it · On-the-job pressures that do not let Scientists & Engineers’ apply what they learned in the workshop · Same ‘stress management practice’ will be perceived as an boredom sooner or later |
Culture |
· Because participants are all returning to their own laboratory and businesses, their situations may vary greatly. Especially Bio-tech, Chemical, and Process Engineering related managers and workforces are not easy to take off their regular 24 hours/7days work environment. So, special auditing or supporting is required. · If participants can feel the value of the program, they can share the material and the program with other Scientists & Engineers in the nation which can make a big impact to the culture of their workplace · Colleagues, subordinates, family and other peer group members may have an influence on the learners. There may be pressure to participate, perform stress management program in regular bases |
3.3 Job/Task and Content Analysis
Job Categories |
Tasks |
Contents |
World Leading Scientists & Engineers |
Understanding the mega-trends of science & engineering field |
Introduction · Understanding the change of the world · What is the key “Driver” of 4th Wave? · Understanding contemporary issues of the world · Why the science & engineering are important? · What are the core components of innovation? |
Understanding the innovation mechanism |
Cases of Creativity · Archimedes of Syracuse · Sir Isaac Newton · Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz · Alert Einsten Mechanism of Creativity · The Flow (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) · Intuition from rest · Sharpen the Saw? |
Being an Innovator |
Keeping & Improving Creative Competencies |
Stress & Healthcare · What is Health? · Key components of healthcare · Where disease comes from? · Find your inner voice Stress & Meditation · What is meditation? · Science of Mind & Meditation · Effectiveness of meditation · Practices of meditation Stress Management through Meditation · History of mind control · Categories of mind control · Mechanism of mind control o Psychological training o Physical training o Integrative practice · Strategic Scientists & Engineers? o Strategic thinking o Creative leadership o The Breathing |
Stress management |
Practicing the C-PEP |
Practice of Meditation for Stress Management · Components of mind control practice · Principles of mind control · C-PEP (Creativity Performance Enhancing Program) for Scientists & Engineers |
Facilitating & sharing C-PEP |
Summary & Suggestion · Creativity is the mother of innovation · Scientists & Engineers are key talents for innovation · The flow (concentration) & stress management can promote creativity · Mind control can help stress management · Find your inner voice and create a new mental DNA |
Apply the stress management coach |
Procedure of coaching · How to evaluate stress level · How to use healthcare program · How to take on-line stress management program · How to get help o Visit professionals o On-line Q&A |
4. Storyboard outlines of Stress Management Program for KIST Scientists & Engineers
· Understanding the change of the world
· What is the key “Driver” of 4th Wave?
· Understanding contemporary issues of the world
· Why the science & engineering are important?
· What is the core competency for innovation?
Experiences of Creativity
· Archimedes of Syracuse
· Sir Isaac Newton
· Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz
· Albert Einstein
Mechanism of Creativity
· The Flow (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)
· Intuition from rest
· Sharpen the Saw?
Stress & Healthcare
· What is Health?
· Key components of healthcare
· Where disease comes from?
· Find your inner voice
Video (“The Mind, session 5: Comfortable mind”)
· What is mind control?
· Science of Mind & Meditation
· Effectiveness of mind control
· Practices of mind control
Mind control & Stress Management
· History of mind control
· Categories of mind control
· Mechanism of mind control
o Psychological training
o Physical training
o Integrative practice
· Strategic Scientists & Engineers?
o Strategic thinking
o Creative leadership
o The breathing
Practice of Mind Control & Stress Management
· Components of mind control practice
· Principles of mind control
· C-PEP (Creativity Performance Enhancing Program) for Scientists & Engineers
Summary & Suggestion
· Creativity is the mother of innovation
· Scientists & Engineers are key talents for innovation
· The flow (concentration) & stress management can promote creativity
· Mind control can help stress management
· Find your inner voice and create a new mental DNA
Procedure of stress management coaching
· How to evaluate stress level
· How to use healthcare program
· How to take on-line stress management program
· How to get help
o How to make a feedback
o Visit professionals
o On-line Q&A
Section II: Administration / Planning
Goal Statement and Performance objectives
The goal of this training program is to teach participants to understand the importance of stress management skills, to practice the customized stress management program(C-PEP) regularly, and to take counseling without hesitation.
Terminal Goals (After completing the workshop, participants will be able to…) |
Level |
Enabling Goals (During the workshop, participants will…) |
Level |
Identify the mega-trend of science & engineering field |
II |
· Discuss the next key driver of 4th wave · Recognize contemporary challenges to scientists & engineers · Describe three major components of innovation |
Describe the creativity and it’s components |
II |
· Discuss the cases of creative scientists · Identify two factors of creativity · Define the flow, and the intuition |
Recognize the importance of stress management |
II |
· Define the mind control · Tell the relationship between stress and healthcare · Discuss scientific evidence of mind control (Meditation) · Review the history and the category of mind control (Meditation) · Explain the importance of breathing |
Practice the stress management program |
· Define C-PEP · Memorize structure of the C-PEP · Recall the sequence of the C-PEP · Recognize the principles of mind control · Explain effects of each posture · Demonstrate the C-PEP |
Recall the stress management and C-PEP |
I |
· Recognize the change of healthcare concept · Memorize the importance of stress management · Order the C-PEP |
I I I |
Apply the stress management coaching |
· Name the responsible department and professionals · Describe the procedures of counseling · Apply the counseling process on KIST Intranet |
Instructor Background / Qualification
Instructors |
Background |
Qualification |
Jeong-Hwan Choi, MBA - Current: Doctoral Student at HRE of UIUC - Contact: |
- Professional: n Senior Business Strategy Consultant (EON group, Korea, Dow Chemical & Vita 34, Germany) n Project Manager & Research (BOSCH) - Education: n MBAs (Germany, Korea) n ME (Mechanical Engineering) |
- Co-developer of C-PEP - 2 years Experience in Business Strategy Consulting (Specialized in high-tech business growth strategy) - 5 years Experience in Project Management & Research at Automotive Industry - Certificated instructor of Meditation - Have specialty in developing “Creativity” for scientists & engineers |
Gum Nam (Black Belt) - Current: Instructor of Mental training at KIST - Contact: |
- Professional: n Mental Trainer in KIST (since 2001) n Mental Trainer in Korean Tax Bureau (since 2000) n Manager of Instructor Development Program at Kouksundo - Education: n Certification Program of Mental Trainer (2002) n Instructor development Program of Mental Trainers (2001~2003) n XXX College at Civil Engineering |
- Co-developer of C-PEP - 12 years mental training (Kouksundo Meditation) - Have specialty in developing Creativity for Scientists & Engineers - Certificated instructor of Meditation (Black belt) |
Geum-Ok Lee, MD - Current: Healthcare manager at KIST |
- Professional: n 12 years health care experiences at KIST n MD at Public Healthcare Sites (1992~1993) - Education: n XXX medical school (1991) |
- Certificated Medical Doctor - Conducted many managerial projects of health care improvement for Scientists & engineers |
Learner Background / Qualification
Demographic (Age, gender, race) |
1) 9 Division project managers D. Average age: 53 years old E. All male 2) 33 Research project managers F. Average age: 47 years old G. 97% male H. All have Ph. D. degree of related field. |
Physiological (Heart condition, lung capacity, general physical condition) |
1) One division manager has a diabetic problem, and another has high blood pressure problem 2) 25% of Research project managers are overweight 3) 65% of project managers reports ‘over-stressed’ 4) During the workshop special care is required for who may have a physical or psychological disorder. |
Experience (Length of service, time on job, similar experience) |
1) Division project managers average work experience: 18 years 2) Research project managers average work experience: 11 years Although the length of experience may vary, not many participants have experienced taking systematic stress management course. |
Learning Style |
Potential learners have very strong analytical skills, and they are mostly practical. They prefer hand-on activities, practicing the new knowledge and skill, and learning by doing. |
Aptitude & Qualification (special talents or skills) |
Potential learners have strong analytical skills and problem solving techniques in a scientific manner. But they are not good at understanding “soft skills” such as emotions, intangible knowledge, and psychological approach. However, they are required having a non-special geriatric diseases such as high blood-pressure or metal disorder. |
Knowledge (Education, basic skills, specialized training) |
Potential learners have enough knowledge about the importance of Key researchers, and they are required how to manage the key researchers’ stress to prevent the burn-out syndrome. |
Attitude (feelings about topics, training, job organization) |
The workshop is mandatory for potential learners, and they may have lower motivation. Meanwhile core researchers’ expectation level about the program will be higher because they will be highly influenced by the potential learner behavior. It is important for trainer to understand there are two different groups which have different attitudes. |
Lesson Outline and Training Times
Workshop Sessions |
Lesson Outline |
Training Time |
Session 1 Identify mega-trends of science & technology field and describe the innovation mechanism |
Introduction · Understanding the change of the world · What is the key “Driver” of 4th Wave? · Understanding contemporary issues of the world · Why the science & engineering are important? · What is the core competency for innovation? Experiences of Creativity · Archimedes of Syracuse · Sir Isaac Newton · Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz · Albert Einstein Mechanism of Creativity · The Flow (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) · Intuition from rest · Sharpen the Saw? |
Total: 2 hours 50 min. Greeting: 20 min. Introduction: 30 min. Experiences of creativity & mechanism of creativity: 50 min. |
Session 2 Recognize importance of stress management & practice/recall the stress management program |
Stress & Healthcare · What is Health? · Key components of healthcare · Where disease comes from? · Find your inner voice Video (“The Mind, session 5: Comfortable mind”) · What is mind control? · Science of Mind & Meditation · Effectiveness of mind control · Practices of mind control Mind control & Stress Management · History of mind control · Categories of mind control · Mechanism of mind control o Psychological training o Physical training o Integrative practice · Strategic Scientists & Engineers? o Strategic thinking o Creative leadership o The breathing Practice of Mind Control & Stress Management · Components of mind control practice · Principles of mind control · C-PEP (Creativity Performance Enhancing Program) for Scientists & Engineers Summary & Suggestion · Creativity is the mother of innovation · Scientists & Engineers are key talents for innovation · The flow (concentration) & stress management can promote creativity · Mind control can help stress management · Find your inner voice and create a new mental DNA |
Total: 3 hours 50 min. Importance of stress management: 1 hour Video watching: 30 min. Principles of Mind control & Stress: 1 hour Practicing C-PEP & Summary: 1 hour 10 min. |
Session 3 Apply the stress management coaching program |
Procedure of stress management coaching · How to evaluate stress level · How to use healthcare program · How to take on-line stress management program · How to get help o How to make a feedback o Visit professionals o On-line Q&A |
Total: 1 hour Introduction of KIST Stress Management Program: 20 min. Practicing the coaching program: 30 min. Wrap-up Workshop: 10 min. |
Media Master List
Workshop Sessions |
Media |
Description |
Session 1 Identify mega-trends of science & technology field and describe the innovation mechanism |
PPT #1 |
Powerpoint Slides
Introduction Experiences of Creativity Mechanism of Creativity |
Session 2 Recognize importance of stress management & practice/recall the stress management program |
PPT #2, Video Clip (the Mind) |
Powerpoint Slides Stress & Healthcare Mind control & Stress Management Practice of Mind Control & Stress Management Summary & Suggestion Video (“The Mind, session 5: Comfortable mind”) (Source: KBS) |
Session 3 Apply the stress management coaching program |
PPT #3 |
Powerpoint Slides Procedure of stress management coaching |
Handout Master List
Workshop Sessions |
Handout |
Description |
Session 1 Identify mega-trends of science & technology field and describe the innovation mechanism |
Draft of speech |
KIST President Dr. Kum’s Speech |
workshop outline |
Outlines of the workshop |
Handout #1-1 |
Group discussion (Team Resume) |
Handout #1-2 |
Summary of World Economic Forum report |
Handout #1-3 |
Handout for Group discussion of WEF & Session questions |
Handout #1-4 |
Creativity experience sharing & Session questions |
Handout #1-5 |
Evaluation Sheet for Session 1 |
Session 2 Recognize importance of stress management & practice/recall the stress management program |
Handout #2-1 |
Individual diagnosis of stress & session questions |
Handout #2-2 |
Group inquiry & Identification of breath style |
Handout #2-3 |
Recalling C-PEP |
Handout #2-4 |
Evaluation Sheet for Session 2 |
Session 3 Apply the stress management coaching program |
Handout #3-1 |
Procedure of Stress management Program in KIST & Role playing evaluation |
Handout #3-2 |
Evaluation Sheet for Session 3 |
Handout #3-3 |
Workshop Evaluation Sheet |
Workshop Agenda
Sessions |
Agenda |
Details |
Session1 |
Identify the mega-trend of science & engineering field |
· Discuss the next key driver of 4th wave · Recognize contemporary challenges to scientists & engineers · Describe three major components of innovation |
Describe the creativity and it’s components |
· Discuss the cases of creative scientists · Identify two factors of creativity · Define the flow, and the intuition |
Session2 |
Recognize the importance of stress management |
· Define the mind control · Tell the relationship between stress and healthcare · Discuss scientific evidence of mind control (Meditation) · Review the history and the category of mind control (Meditation) · Explain the importance of breathing |
Practice the stress management program |
· Define C-PEP · Memorize structure of the C-PEP · Recall the sequence of the C-PEP · Recognize the principles of mind control · Explain effects of each posture · Demonstrate the C-PEP |
Recall the stress management and C-PEP |
· Recognize the change of healthcare concept · Memorize the importance of stress management · Order the C-PEP |
Session3 |
Apply the stress management coaching |
· Name the responsible department and professionals · Describe the procedures of counseling · Apply the counseling process on KIST Intranet |
Post-Course Evaluation Form
This is the evaluation sheet for the workshop. Please indicate your opinion by scale or answer some open questions. Your opinion will be referred to improve instruction and feedback to instructors. You can identify yourself to get the results of this survey or to support future instruction design. Your kind help is very appreciative. (Grey: Mandatory)
Department: |
Age: |
Name: |
ID number: |
Questionnaire |
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
1 |
Overall, the workshop was useful |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
Instructors prepared well and delivered valuable knowledge |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
The Workshop was well structured |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
The workshop was timely and appropriate at the contemporary issues |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
The workshop’s objectives were clear |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Instructor delivered contents effectively |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
6 |
Time is enough to understand and practice |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
7 |
The presentation materials were proper to understand |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
8 |
The handouts were proper to enhance knowledge about topics |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
9 |
The attitude of instructors were proper |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
10 |
Instructor did not show any discrimination to participants |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
11 |
Instruction methods is proper and effective |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
12 |
Facilities for workshop were good and well-organized |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
13 |
Equipments for workshop were functioned well |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
14 |
Coordination were effective and smoothly conducted |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
15 |
Do you want to recommend this workshop to your colleagues? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
16. What is the most valuable thing in this workshop, and why?
17. If you have any suggestion to improve this workshop, please describe.
- Thank you for your participation -
Other workshop Supplies
CD for the workshop
1. Presentation Materials
2. Video Clip (the Mind, source: KBS 2006)
Presentation Equipments
1. Projector
2. Computer (Desk top or Notebook)
3. Pointer
4. Catering for Presenter
1. Table & Chair
2. Stationary (Flip Chart, Papers, Marker, Pencil, Tape, Post-it)
3. Clock
4. Catering for Participants
5. Audio Visual System (Recording)
Delivery Preparation Checklist (think about his in terms of 2-6 months, two weeks, one week, and one day before training as well as day of)
Schematic Diagram of Delivery Preparation Process
Checklist for Delivery |
1 |
Proposal Review |
1.1 |
Contact to Responsible Person / Manager |
1.2 |
Feasibility Study (Learner, Resources, Capabilities, Experiences, Strategies) |
1.3 |
Recruit Instructors |
1.4 |
Proposal review |
1.3 |
Suggesting proposal |
2 |
RFQ Review |
2.1 |
Client Requests Reports |
2.2 |
Need Assessment Report |
2.3 |
Freeze Research Methods |
2.4 |
Resource Analysis Report |
2.5 |
Feasibility Study Report |
3 |
Contract Review |
3.1 |
Contract Review (Terms, Instructor, Payment, Contracts documents) |
3.2 |
Development Document Review |
3.3 |
Contents Review (Feedback from Clients) |
3.4 |
Research or Survey to Potential Learners |
4 |
Proto Review |
4.1 |
Simulation Report |
4.2 |
Freeze Contents |
4.3 |
Lesson Plan Report (Announce to Clients) |
5 |
Final Review |
5.1 |
Check Facilities |
5.2 |
Check Equipment |
5.3 |
Final Review of Contents |
6. |
Post Review (Between 1 week) |
6.1 |
Evaluation Report |
6.2 |
Feedback from Clients |
6.3 |
Contract Revision |
References for all materials used in training manual (APA format)
References for Session 1
Bierly, P. E., Kessler, E. H., & Christensen, E. W. (2000). Organizational learning, knowledge, and wisdom. Journal of Organization Change Management, 13(6), 596-618.
Clemence, R. V. (Ed.). (1951). Essays. "the creative response in economic history (reprinted from journal of ecnomic history, nov. 1947, 149~159)", edited by richard V. clemence. Cambridge: Addison-Wesley Press.
Covey, S. R. (1989). The seven habits of highly effective people, Free Press.
Covey, S. R. (2004). The 8th habit: From effectiveness to greatness (29 Nov 2005 reprint ed.)Free Press.
Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1992). Flow: The psychology of happiness, Rider.
World Economic Forum. Annual report 2006/7. Retrieved Nov.08, 2007, from
References for Session 2
Bok, S. Rethinking the WHO definition of health.
Davis, R. (2003, July 27). The science of meditation. Time,
Hassan, S. (2000). Releasing the bonds: Empowering people to think for themselvesAitan Publishing Company.
Kim, H. (2003). The tao of life. Saybrook University.
Ko, G. (1973). Kouksundo. Seoul, Korea: JongRo.
Lee, Y. (2006, Feb. 12). The Mind , [Motion Picture] Korean Broadcasting System (KBS).
Lim, K. (1998). The breathing story. Seoul, Korea: MyongSang.
Lim, S. (1986). History of ancient asia (han dan go ki). Seoul, Korea:
Ryu, G. (2005, July 02). Journey to fantasy. Message posted to
WHO. Retrieved Nov. 25, 2007, from
References (Lesson Plan 3)
Mindtools Website, Retrieved Nov. 25, 2007, from
KIST Website, Retrieved Nov. 25, 2007, from
Section V: Lesson Plans
Checklist of Evaluating Lesson Plans (5. 1)
Use this checklist to evaluate all of your lessons plans as you complete them. You may want to make multiple copies of this checklist
Lesson Plan Number/Title: 5.1 Identify mega-trends of science & technology field and describe the innovation mechanism |
Does your lesson plan include |
Description of Participants (optional) |
Population addressed |
Duration of lesson |
2 hours 50 minutes |
Topic to be covered/trained by lesson plan |
Two Topics |
Enabling objectives |
Described |
A list of all media needed to teach this lesson |
Addressed at the end of each session |
A list of all other materials needed to teach this lesson including participant materials |
Addressed at the end of each session |
A list of actual facilitation questions for all activities |
Addressed at the end of each session |
Does you lesson plan: |
Reference all media where it is to be used? |
See bibliography |
Reference all other materials including participant materials where they are to be used? |
See bibliography |
Include enough detail so that someone with a similar background to yourself could teach the course with minimal preparation? (Keep in mind a cookbook or other procedural manual) |
Describe processes as detail as it can be easily reproduced |
Have you |
Developed all media needed to teach this lesson? |
See the PPT #1 |
Developed all other materials needed to teach this lesson (where appropriate) including participants materials? |
See draft of speech, workshop outline, reference #1-1, #1-2, #1-3, #1-4, #1-5 |
5. 1 Lesson Plan for Session 1
Title: Identify mega-trends of science & technology field and describe the innovation mechanism
Population |
Total 37, President, Divisional managers, Research project managers 1. President of KIST (Dr. Kum) 2. Potential learner group1: 9 Division project managers 3. Potential learner group2: 33 Research project managers 4. 6 managers are not available for their business trip/vacation |
Duration of Lesson |
2 hours 50 minutes |
Trainer |
Jeong-Hwan Choi, MBA - Ph. D. Student at UIUC Human Resource Education - Former EON group strategy consultant, BOSCH research Engineer (6+ years) - Experienced developing innovation leaders in Europe and Korea - Co-developer of C-PEP Program |
Topics |
· Mega-trends of science & technology · Creativity and innovation mechanism |
Enabling objectives |
During this lesson, trainees will: · Discuss the next key driver of 4th wave · Recognize contemporary challenges to scientists & engineers · Describe three major components of innovation · Discuss the creative scientists’ experiences · Identify two factors of creativity · Define the flow, and the intuition |
Time |
Activity |
09:00 ~ 09:20 AM |
Trainer Activity |
Trainee Activity |
Greeting |
1) Introduction (by President) 2) Ice Breaking - Divide class into six groups - Direct for making a group resume - Decide name of each group and explain the rationale |
1) Make a group (6 members) 2) Decide Group Name 3) Make a group resume - What are the group’s characteristics? - Background of group members? - What the group want to learn? |
Media, Material |
A draft of speech, Workshop Outline, Name card, Marker, Reference #1-1 |
Facilitation Question |
- What is the main objective of this workshop (from Dr. Kum’s speech)? - What are the learners’ most wanting topic in this workshop? |
09:20~09:50 AM |
Trainer Activity |
Trainee Activity |
Mega-trends in Science & Engineering |
1) Introduce agenda for the session and explain the key “Driver” of 4th wave 2) Explain the contemporary challenges for science & engineering field 3) Explain Contemporary Mega-Trends in Science & Engineering 4) Guide doing Group discussion by using WEF report |
1) Realize agenda for this session 2) Tell the “Key Driver of 4th wave” 3) Group discussion: the 2007 WEF report - Recognize current challenges in science and engineering field - Indicate the contemporary solutions for making innovation - Describe the limitation of knowledge |
09:50~10:40 AM |
Trainer Activity |
Trainee Activity |
Creativity & Mechanism of Creativity |
1. Introduce Scientists’ experiences of generating Creative ideas 2. Ask group to list their experiences of generating creative ideas 3. Explain the mechanism of creative thinking 4. Explain the Seven habits & 8th habit 5. Guide groups to identifying possible alternatives for promoting creativity |
1) List minimum One experience of “Creative thinking” with saying time, condition 2) Find out the similarity & difference of creative thinking generation with cases and other members 3) Describe three major components of innovation 4) Discuss the two factors of creativity (Agree or not, if not what other should be included) 5) Indicate possible alternatives for promoting creativity |
Media, Material |
PPT #1 |
Reference #1-2 (Summary of WEF report) Reference #1-3 Reference #1-4 |
Facilitation Question |
- What are the mega-trends in Science & Engineering field? - What are the challenges to Scientists & Engineers? - How world leading organizations are making innovations? - What is the mechanism of innovation? - What are the two main factors for creativity? - How can participants apply your understandings in this session to motivate your subordinate’s creativity? |
10:40~10:50AM |
Trainer Activity |
Trainee Activity |
Session Evaluation |
1) Prepare the evaluation sheet for the Session 2) Distribute the evaluation sheet 3) Give 5 minutes to complete evaluation sheet 4) Gather evaluation sheet |
1) Take the evaluations sheet 2) Complete 6 scale questions for evaluating the session 3) Complete open end suggestion 4) Hand on the evaluation sheet |
Media, Material |
Reference #1-5 (Evaluation Sheet) |
Facilitation Question |
- What are the good / bad / need improvement subjects for this session? |
10:50~11:00AM |
Break |
Checklist of Evaluating Lesson Plans (5. 2)
Use this checklist to evaluate all of your lessons plans as you complete them. You may want to make multiple copies of this checklist
Lesson Plan Number/Title: 5.2 Recognize importance of stress management & Practice/Recall the stress management program |
Does your lesson plan include |
Description of Participants (optional) |
Population addressed |
Duration of lesson |
3 hours 50 minutes |
Topic to be covered/trained by lesson plan |
Two Topics |
Enabling objectives |
Described |
A list of all media needed to teach this lesson |
Addressed at the end of each session |
A list of all other materials needed to teach this lesson including participant materials |
Addressed at the end of each session |
A list of actual facilitation questions for all activities |
Addressed at the end of each session |
Does you lesson plan: |
Reference all media where it is to be used? |
See bibliography |
Reference all other materials including participant materials where they are to be used? |
See bibliography |
Include enough detail so that someone with a similar background to yourself could teach the course with minimal preparation? (Keep in mind a cookbook or other procedural manual) |
Describe processes as detail as it can be easily reproduced |
Have you |
Developed all media needed to teach this lesson? |
See the PPT #2, Video clip #1 |
Developed all other materials needed to teach this lesson (where appropriate) including participants materials? |
See handout #2-1, #2-2, #2-3, #2-4 |
5.2 Lesson Plan for Session 2
Title: Recognize importance of stress management & Practice/Recall the stress management program
Population |
Total 37, President, Divisional managers, Research project managers 5. President of KIST (Dr. Kum) 6. Potential learner group1: 9 Division project managers 7. Potential learner group2: 33 Research project managers 8. 6 managers are not available for their business trip/vacation |
Duration of Lesson |
3 hours 50 minutes |
Trainer |
Jeong-Hwan Choi, MBA - Ph. D. Student at UIUC Human Resource Education - Former EON group strategy consultant, BOSCH research Engineer (6+ years) - Experienced developing innovation leaders in Europe and Korea - Co-developer of C-PEP program Gum Nam (Certified Black Belt of Kouksundo Meditation) - Mental Trainer in KIST - 12 years experience in Meditation - Co-developer of C-PEP program |
Topics |
· Recognize importance of stress management · Practice/Recall the stress management program (C-PEP) |
Enabling objectives |
During this lesson, trainees will: · Define the mind control · Tell the relationship between stress and healthcare · Discuss scientific evidence of mind control (Meditation) · Review the history and the category of mind control (Meditation) · Explain the importance of breathing · Define C-PEP · Memorize structure of the C-PEP · Recall the sequence of the C-PEP · Recognize the principles of mind control · Explain effects of each posture · Demonstrate the C-PEP · Recognize the change of healthcare concepts · Memorize the importance of stress management · Order the C-PEP |
Time |
Activity |
11:00 ~ 12:00 AM |
Trainer Activity (Choi) |
Trainee Activity |
Importance of Stress Management |
1) Conduct the call up questions “How the stress affect to your life?” 2) Introduce “What stress undermines” 3) Explain the relationship between stress and health 4) Explain the definition of Mind Control 5) Explain the reason why the meditation is the best mind control practice 6) Guide doing group discussion “What are the pros/cons of meditation” |
1) Answer the question “How the stress affect to my life” (List 3) 2) Tell the definition of mind control 3) Discuss the pros/cons of meditation with group members 4) Complete the handout # 2-1 |
01:00~02:30 PM |
Trainer Activity (Choi) |
Trainee Activity |
Mind Control & Stress Management |
5) Show the Video Clip (Scientific evidences of Meditation) 6) Guide doing group inquiry (gather and answer questions) 7) Explain the history of mind control 8) Explain the categories of mind control (meditation) 9) Guide doing “Identifying breadth status” 10) Describe the relationship between mind control and breathing |
4) List more than three group questions about video clip 5) Follow the instruction of “Identifying breath status” 6) Tell the participants’ own breathing style 7) Complete the handout #2-2 |
Media, Material |
PPT #2, Video Clip (the Mind) |
Handout #2-1, #2-2 |
Facilitation Question |
- Why stress management is important? - What is the BITE model? (definition of mind control) - How the mind control decrease stress ? - What is the relationship between breath and mind control |
02:30 ~ 3:40 AM |
Trainer Activity (Nam) |
Trainee Activity |
Practicing/Recalling C-PEP (Creativity Performance Enhancing Program) |
1) Introduce the C-PEP 2) Explain the principles of C-PEP 3) Demonstrate C-PEP and explain the effect of each posture n Whole body stretching n Pelvis stretching n Ankle stretching n Waist stretching n Back stretching n Side stretching n Neck stretching n Shoulder stretching n Big breathing n Meditation 4) Explain the changing of the concept of health 5) Review the C-PEP n Importance of stress management n Principles of C-PEP n Order of C-PEP |
1) Follow the instruction of trainer 2) Memorize the order of C-PEP and effects of each posture 3) Demonstrate C-PEP 4) Complete the handout #2-3 |
Media, Material |
PPT #2 |
Handout #2-3 |
Facilitation Question |
- Why the C-PEP is developed? - What is the order of C-PEP and effects of each postures? - What is the changing concept of health? |
3:40~3:50PM |
Trainer Activity |
Trainee Activity |
Session Evaluation |
1) Prepare the evaluation sheet for the Session 2) Distribute the evaluation sheet 3) Give 5 minutes to complete evaluation sheet 4) Gather evaluation sheet |
1) Take the evaluations sheet 2) Complete 6 scale questions for evaluating the session 3) Complete open end suggestion 4) Hand on the evaluation sheet |
Media, Material |
Handout #2-4 (Evaluation Sheet) |
03:50~4:00 PM |
Break |
Checklist of Evaluating Lesson Plans (5.3)
Use this checklist to evaluate all of your lessons plans as you complete them. You may want to make multiple copies of this checklist
Lesson Plan Number/Title: 5.3 Apply the stress management coaching program |
Does your lesson plan include |
Description of Participants (optional) |
Population addressed |
Duration of lesson |
1 hour |
Topic to be covered/trained by lesson plan |
Apply coaching program |
Enabling objectives |
Described |
A list of all media needed to teach this lesson |
Addressed at the end of each session |
A list of all other materials needed to teach this lesson including participant materials |
Addressed at the end of each session |
A list of actual facilitation questions for all activities |
Addressed at the end of each session |
Does you lesson plan: |
Reference all media where it is to be used? |
See bibliography |
Reference all other materials including participant materials where they are to be used? |
See bibliography |
Include enough detail so that someone with a similar background to yourself could teach the course with minimal preparation? (Keep in mind a cookbook or other procedural manual) |
Describe processes as detail as it can be easily reproduced |
Have you |
Developed all media needed to teach this lesson? |
See the PPT #3 |
Developed all other materials needed to teach this lesson (where appropriate) including participants materials? |
See handout #3-1, #3-2, #3-3 |
5.3 Lesson Plan for Session 3
Title: Apply the stress management coaching program
Population |
Total 37, President, Divisional managers, Research project managers 9. President of KIST (Dr. Kum) 10. Potential learner group1: 9 Division project managers 11. Potential learner group2: 33 Research project managers 12. 6 managers are not available for their business trip/vacation |
Duration of Lesson |
1 hour |
Trainer |
Geum-Ok Lee, MD - Experienced 12 years at Healthcare Department - Certificated Medical Doctor |
Topics |
· Apply the stress management coaching program |
Enabling objectives |
During this lesson, trainees will: · Name the responsible department and professionals · Discuss the procedures of coaching · Apply the coaching process on KIST Intranet |
Time |
Activity |
4:00 ~ 4:20 PM |
Trainer Activity |
Trainee Activity |
Introduction of KIST Stress Management Coaching Program |
1) Introduce the procedure of stress managing coaching program of KIST 2) Explain the stress evaluation method 3) Introduce the healthcare organization & professionals 4) Explain the professional stress management service of healthcare department |
1) Answer the question “What is the procedure of stress management coaching program 2) Describe the stress evaluation tools 3) Memorize the health care professionals 4) Recall the available service from healthcare department 5) Complete the handout # 3-1 |
04:20~04:50 PM |
Trainer Activity (Choi) |
Trainee Activity |
Practicing Coaching Process by Role Playing |
1) Assign numbers to each group members (1~6) 2) Instruct the Role Play 3) Distribute cards which contain the role 4) Guide doing role play game 5) Guide completing evaluation sheet 6) Wrap up the role play 7) Ask what participants experienced 8) Recall the procedure of coaching & tools |
1) Define numbers 2) Identify role 3) Consult with coach with the role 4) Evaluate the coaching 5) Listen/Identify/Give solutions to group members 6) Complete the handout #3-1 (evaluation of coaching) 7) Tell the experiences of role playing |
Media, Material |
PPT #3 |
Handout #3-1 |
Facilitation Question |
- What is the procedure of stress management program? - Who is the responsible person for stress management program in KIST? - What can health department provide? - How can apply coaching stress management program on the job? |
4:50~5:00PM |
Trainer Activity |
Trainee Activity |
Session Evaluation |
1) Prepare the evaluation sheet for the Session 2) Distribute the evaluation sheet 3) Give 5 minutes to complete evaluation sheet 4) Gather evaluation sheet |
1) Take the evaluations sheet 2) Complete 6 scale questions for evaluating the session 3) Complete open end suggestion 4) Hand on the evaluation sheet |
Media, Material |
Handout #2-4 (Evaluation Sheet) |
05:00~05:10 PM |
Trainer Activity |
Trainee Activity |
Wrap-up Workshop |
1) Prepare the program evaluation sheet for the Workshop 2) Distribute the evaluation sheet 3) Give 10 minutes to complete evaluation sheet 4) Gather evaluation sheet |
1) Take the evaluations sheet 2) Complete 6 scale questions for evaluating the session 3) Complete open end suggestion 4) Hand on the evaluation sheet |
Media, Material |
Handout #3 (Workshop Evaluation) |
Draft of Speech
As a “research institute to represent the dreams and futures of science and technology in the 21st century,” KIST also works hard as a major contributor to the creation of a science and technology-oriented society.
Since its foundation in 1966, KIST has led the national growth and development of Korea as the home of Korea’s scientific and technological renaissance. Now making the utmost use of its accumulated capabilities and accomplishments, it is determined to take the leading role in making Korea “an advanced powerhouse of science and technology” and building “a science and technology-based society” in the 21st century. Part of its proud history involves its creation of a foundation for Korea’s growth in industry and economy and solidifying it further with its scientific and technological attainments.
Now KIST will also devote itself to discovering and addressing the national agenda in early stages in addition to leading the efforts to create the next generation's driving force for growth. It will mobilize all of its abilities and authorities to upgrade the entire elements of organizational operation and research activities to global standards in order to reinforce its roles of advising scientific and technological solutions to the national agenda and establish itself as a “research institute to represent the dreams and future of science and technology in the 21st century.”
However we are confronting the various challenges such as globalization competition, tremendous technical innovation, and diversification of research environment. The only one way to countermeasure these challenges is developing innovative scientists & engineers. But we have experienced that losing two outstanding researchers a few months ago, and I know many of key researchers are departing our institute for their unaffordable stress. We, managers, should responsible for this unexpected high turnover. In this workshop, we hope to learn advanced stress management skills but the more important learning objectives is aware ourselves. I hope this workshop can be a turning point of changing our minds and starting point of addressing our invaluable people’s wellness and happiness.
Finally I hope KIST can be a best workplace which generate world-leading technology but also provide the best research environment for all scientists and engineers in the world,. Let’s try together to achieve this wonderful vision.
Thank you.
President of KIST
Dongwha Kum, Ph. D.
Workshop Outline
· Speech of President Kum
· Ice Breaking
· Understanding the change of the world
· What is the key “Driver” of 4th Wave?
· Understanding contemporary Mega-trends in Science & Engineering
· Why the science & engineering are important?
· What is the core competency for innovation?
Creativity Experiences
· Archimedes of Syracuse
· Sir Isaac Newton
· Friedrich August Kekule von Stradonitz
· Albert Einstein
Mechanism of Creativity
· The Flow (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)
· Intuition from rest
· Sharpen the Saw? (Seven habits & 8th habit, Steven Covey Ph.D.)
Stress & Healthcare
· What is Health?
· Key components of healthcare
· Where disease comes from?
· Find your inner voice
Video (“The Mind, session 5: Comfortable mind”)
· What is mind control?
· Science of Mind & Meditation
· Effectiveness of mind control
· Practices of mind control
Mind control & Stress Management
· History of mind control
· Categories of mind control
· Mechanism of mind control
o Psychological training
o Physical training
o Integrative practice
· Strategic Scientists & Engineers?
o Strategic thinking
o Creative leadership
o The breathing
Practice of Mind Control & Stress Management
· Components of mind control practice
· Principles of mind control
· C-PEP (Creativity Performance Enhancing Program) for Scientists & Engineers
Summary & Suggestion
· Creativity is the mother of innovation
· Scientists & Engineers are key talents for innovation
· The flow (concentration) & stress management can promote creativity
· Mind control can help stress management
· Find your inner voice and create a new mental DNA
Procedure of stress management coaching
· How to evaluate stress level
· How to use healthcare program
· How to take on-line stress management program
· How to get help
o How to make a feedback
o Visit professionals
o On-line Q&A
Handout #1-1
Group Discussion
1) Make a group (6 members)
2) Decide Group Name
3) Make a group resume
- What are the group’s characteristics?
- Background of group members?
- What the group want to learn?
Handout #1-3
1. Agenda for this session
2. Tell the “Key Driver of 4th wave”
3. Group discussion: the 2007 WEF report
- Recognize current challenges in science and engineering field
- Indicate the contemporary solutions for making innovation
- Describe the limitation of knowledge
Handout #1-4
Cases of Creativity & Mechanism of Creativity
1. List minimum One experience of “Creative thinking” with saying time, condition
2. Find out the similarity & difference of creative thinking generation with cases and other members
3. Describe three major components of innovation
4. Discuss the two factors of creativity (Agree or not, if not what other should be included)
5. Indicate possible alternatives for promoting creativity
Handout #1-5
Evaluation of Session 1
Evaluation Subject |
Very Bad |
Poor |
Good |
Very Good |
Trainer is well prepared for this session? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Subjects are valuable for the topics? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Training methods is effective? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Time is enough to understand presented topics? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Facilities are well organized? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Coordination is well provided? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Session materials are well prepared? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
If you have any suggestion for improving this session, please describe
Handout #2-1
Individual Questions
1) How stress affects my life? (List 3)
2) What is the BITE Model?
3) How can you score below questions?
No 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 Yes |
I have big stress on my job |
I have clear and organized thinking ability |
I have stable emotions |
I have flexible & strong minds |
I am enjoying total wellness |
4) What are the Pros/Cons of Mediation Practice to practice it on your job?
Handout #2-2
1. Group inquiry (List more than three group question about the Video Clip: Scientific evidences of Meditation)
2. Instruction of “Identifying breath status”
1) Close your eyes
2) Calm down for 30 seconds
3) Try to feel your own breathing
4) Sketch your breathing style
5) Tell the your own style
My breathing style is _______________________________________________________
3. What is the relationship between Breathing and Mind Control
Handout #2-3
Practicing & Recall C-PEP
1. What are the principles of C-PEP?
2. List the order of C-PEP and describe the effect of each posture
3. How the concept of health is changing (Describe two added concepts)
Handout #2-4
Evaluation Subject |
Very Bad |
Poor |
Good |
Very Good |
Trainer (Choi) is well prepared for this session? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Trainer (Nam) is well prepared for this session? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Subjects are valuable for the topics? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Training methods is effective? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Time is enough to understand presented topics? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Facilities are well organized? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Coordination is well provided? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Session materials are well prepared? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
If you have any suggestion for improving this session, please describe
Handout #3-1
1) Describe the procedure of Stress Management Program in KIST
2) Who can help me to conduct the stress management coaching program?
3) What professional programs are available at Healthcare department?
4) Evaluate the coaching performance? (Score 1 ~ 10 from bad to good)
Listening |
Communication |
Identifying root cause |
Solution |
Total |
#1 |
#2 |
#3 |
#4 |
#5 |
#6 |
4) What are the Pros/Cons of Mediation Practice to practice it on your job?
Handout #3-2
Evaluation Subject |
Very Bad |
Poor |
Good |
Very Good |
Trainer is well prepared for this session? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Subjects are valuable for the topics? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Training methods is effective? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Time is enough to understand presented topics? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Facilities are well organized? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Coordination is well provided? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Session materials are well prepared? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
If you have any suggestion for improving this session, please describe
Post-Course Evaluation Form
This is the evaluation sheet for the workshop. Please indicate your opinion by scale or answer some open questions. Your opinion will be referred to improve instruction and feedback to instructors. You can identify yourself to get the results of this survey or to support future instruction design. Your kind help is very appreciative. (Grey: Mandatory)
Department: |
Age: |
Name: |
ID number: |
Questionnaire |
Strongly Disagree |
Disagree |
Agree |
Strongly Agree |
1 |
Overall, the workshop was useful |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
Instructors prepared well and delivered valuable knowledge |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
3 |
The Workshop was well structured |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
The workshop was timely and appropriate at the contemporary issues |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
4 |
The workshop’s objectives were clear |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Instructor delivered contents effectively |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
6 |
Time is enough to understand and practice |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
7 |
The presentation materials were proper to understand |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
8 |
The handouts were proper to enhance knowledge about topics |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
9 |
The attitude of instructors were proper |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
10 |
Instructor did not show any discrimination to participants |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
11 |
Instruction methods is proper and effective |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
12 |
Facilities for workshop were good and well-organized |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
13 |
Equipments for workshop were functioned well |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
14 |
Coordination were effective and smoothly conducted |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
15 |
Do you want to recommend this workshop to your colleagues? |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
16. What is the most valuable thing in this workshop, and why?
17. If you have any suggestion to improve this workshop, please describe.
- Thank you for your participation -
[1] KIST Website:
[2] Interview with HealthCare Department Manager at KIST on 06/20/2007
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