Hosting the Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) International Research Conference in Asia [November 16-19, 2022]
举办人力资源开发学会 (AHRD) 亚洲国际研究会议 [2022年11月16-19日]
To achieve the vision of Urban R2 (Research) School of Kean USA & WKU, two CBPM MGM faculty members (Dr. Jerry Choi & Dr. Chad Chae) wants to host the AHRD International Research Conference in Asia [November 16-19, 2022].
The virtual conference will invite more than 50 international renowned research presentations and more than 1,000 international participants for three days. Important figures from AHRD that will attend the conference may include Dr. Ronald L. Jacobs, a past president, and Dr. Jie Ke, a board member. As a hosting institution, WKU will emerge as an important Research nexus for the prestigious academic field.
该虚拟会议为期三天,将邀请1000多名国际参与者和50余场国际知名的研究报告。人力资源开发学会将委派参加本次大会的重要人物可能包括曾担任学会主席的Ronald L. Jacobs博士和现为学会理事的柯洁博士。温州肯恩大学作为举办机构将成为这一享有声望的学术领域的重要研究纽带。
WKU wants to become the Asian hub not only for HRD research but also for Business, Management, Leadership, and Organizational studies with this momentum.
AHRD is a one of the most prestigious global research communities who lead and set research agenda in the field of human resource development, career development, organizational change and development, leadership development, and workforce development. AHRD research conference in Asia has been hosted in mainland China twice before, one by School of Government Management, Peking University, in 2004, the other by Faculty of Education, East China Normal University, in 2011.
人力资源开发学会是全球在人力资源开发、职业生涯发展、组织变革和开发 、领导力开发和劳动力发展等领域领导并制定研究议程的最富盛名的研究社群。人力资源开发学会的亚洲研究会议此前曾在中国大陆举办过两次:一次由北京大学政府管理学院于2004年承办,一次由华东师范大学教育学部于2011年承办。
In Nov. 16 – 18, 2021, the AHRD International Research Conference in Asia occur in Malaysia (hosted by Universiti Putra Malaysia) (http://www.ahrd-aracd.upm.edu.my/). The 2022 conference that is being planned will mimic the agenda of the 2021 conference. That is, the first day may be devoted to pre-conference workshops, while the rest two-three days will be scholarly speeches and presentations on particular topics.
2021年11月16-18日,人力资源开发学会亚洲国际研究会在马来西亚举行,由马来西亚博特拉大学( Universiti Putra Malaysia)举办(会议官网为http://www.ahrd-aracd.upm.edu.my/)。2022年的会议将会模仿2021年会议的议程。也就是说,会议的第一天会是会前工作坊,而主会议的两到三天将围绕着大会主旨报告和研究报告分主题展开。
AHRD Chairperson, Dr. Ron Jacobs (Professor of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (rljacobs@illinois.edu) searches for the next host for AHRD International Research Conference.
人力资源开发学会(AHRD)的领导者Ron Jacobs博士是美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)的教授(rljacobs@illinois.edu)。他努力寻找AHRD下一年亚洲国际研究会议的举办方。
Dr. Xiaoping (Pauline) Tong at Beihang University at Beijing (txp_sibu@buaa.edu.cn) shared the news with Dr. Jerry Choi at WKU (one of her UIUC HRD PhD Alums) in Nov. 03.
11月3日,北京航空航天大学的童小平博士 (英文名为Pauline, txp_sibu@buaa.edu.cn) 与温州肯恩大学的Jerry Choi博士分享了这一消息。两人为UIUC人力资源开发博士项目的校友。
Dr. Choi tapped the possibility of hosting the AHRD Asian Conference with WKU ORSP in Nov. 04. Pauline, Jerry, and Jin Chun had a mixed meeting at ORSP office in Nov. 05. All the participants were positive to get the chance in WKU.
11月4日,Choi博士与温州肯恩大学研究及赞助项目办公室初步探讨了举办AHRD亚洲会议的可能性。11月5日,Pauline, Jerry和金纯在研究及赞助项目办公室进行了一次线上线下混合会议。所有与会人员都对为温州肯恩大学获取此机会持积极态度。
Current Status: 现状
AHRD sent an example of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), and Dr. Choi amended the document for approval from WKU Academic Affairs as appendix.
If the plan gets approved, WKU will be expected to
- plan, deliver, and provide activities consistent with the Conference purpose
- appoint Conference co-coordinators and Conference Committees
- 计划、交付和开心与该会议目的一致的活动
- 任命会议联合协调员和会议委员会
Details are available in the MOA document.
Action Plan: 行动方案
If the MOA can get approved, WKU CBPM will
- appoint three co-coordinators of the conference (Dr. Choi, Dr. Chae)
- form the conference committee by using ‘CBPM Research Committee Representatives (Dr. Liu – MGM, Dr. Salerno – FIN., Dr. Kunsu Park – ACCT) and the 13 committee members.
- look for sponsorship; make a website for the conference
- 委任三位会议联合协调员 (Choi博士和Chae博士)
-由商务与公共管理学院的研究委员会代表 (管理科学系的刘博士, 金融系的Salerno博士和会计系的Kunsu Park 博士)和委员会的13名成员组成会议委员会。
-寻求赞助; 制作会议网站。
Financial Support: 财务支持
The sponsorship from WKU for the conference will not exceed 60,000 RMB ( < 10,000 USD) because the conference will have the Virtual form. Fortunately, WKU CBPM can use the virtual conference room for the virtual conference.
由于本次会议采用虚拟形式,本次会议需要温州肯恩大学方面赞助的金额将不会超过6万元人民币(< 1万美元)。幸运的是,温州肯恩大学商务与公共管理学院可以使用虚拟会议室进行虚拟会议。
The conference will ask for registration fees from the participants who are mostly professors and graduate students in the field of HRD. These fees will cover the other administration cost of the conference.
Manpower Support:人力支持
The conference will need WKU
- ORSP’s coordination of Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations.
- CBPM two faculty members commitment in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the conference through the conference period.
- CBPM research committee members participation of conference management for three days.
- students’ participation in research presentation.
- students’ participation in managing the event.
Persons in Charge: 负责人
WKU CBPM Management & Marketing Department:
- Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 博士: jechoi@kean.edu
- Chungil (Chad) Chae博士: cchae@kean.edu
Beihang University, Beijing, School of Economics and Management, Leadership & Organization Management Department:
- Xiaoping (Pauline) Tong博士: txp_sibu@buaa.edu.cn
2021.11.15: First Proposal Draft was sent to WKU ORSP,
2021.12.23: WKU ORSP requested for unrealistic requirements.
Although Dr. Pauline Tong argued with the unrealistic demand, WKU ORSP said Government demanded those information.
2021.12.26: Request for Reconsideration Email to ORSP.
REMINDER_2022 AHRD research conference in Asia (virtual) at WKU.pdf
Dec. 30, 2021: Template of International Conference Application from WKU University Affairs (MR. Chen Bin).
(Written in Chinese) Application Document Template模版参考-市政府请示件.docx
Required Information for International Conference:
1) An official document that is provided by AHRD. If it is okay, please include the following contents:
a) Registration document and time of the organization’s legal establishment (登记证明及成立时间).
b) Operating mechanism (运行和管理机制).
c) Sources of funding(资金来源).
d) Scope of Business or Service(业务范围及服务对象).
2)Details of the conference. Please include the following contents: (May require more specific explanation, but it can be marked as a draft or preliminary plan when we submit)
a) List of keynote speakers and speakers, including the name, nationality, workplace, and title (主旨报告专家名单, 线上/线下).
b) List of participants, including the name, nationality, workplace, online/on site, and title.(参会嘉宾名单,线上/线下).
c) estimated scale of the conference, how many online/on-site… (会议规模,线上/线下).
d) Scheduled time table of the conference preparation(会议筹备进度表).
e) Detailed agenda of the Conference on site (会议日程安排表).
f) Budget of the Conference (can be divided into different parts, such as meal, transportation, IT support, equipment, etc.) (会议预算安排, 按项目).
g) COVID-19 Prevention and Control plan(疫情防控方案).
a) Registration document and time of the organization’s legal establishment (登记证明及成立时间).
b) Operating mechanism (运行和管理机制).
c) Sources of funding(资金来源).
d) Scope of Business or Service(业务范围及服务对象).
2)Details of the conference. Please include the following contents: (May require more specific explanation, but it can be marked as a draft or preliminary plan when we submit)
a) List of keynote speakers and speakers, including the name, nationality, workplace, and title (主旨报告专家名单, 线上/线下).
b) List of participants, including the name, nationality, workplace, online/on site, and title.(参会嘉宾名单,线上/线下).
c) estimated scale of the conference, how many online/on-site… (会议规模,线上/线下).
d) Scheduled time table of the conference preparation(会议筹备进度表).
e) Detailed agenda of the Conference on site (会议日程安排表).
f) Budget of the Conference (can be divided into different parts, such as meal, transportation, IT support, equipment, etc.) (会议预算安排, 按项目).
g) COVID-19 Prevention and Control plan(疫情防控方案).
2021.12.30: AHRD Information is available at AHRD.org.
2022.03.22: Official Approval of AHRD Asia Conference at Wenzhou-Kean University In November 2022.
2022. 03. 23: Team Structure Setup
2022. 04. 21: Checking UP (Proposing Suspension of AHRD Asia 2022 due to Pandemic and Lock-down situation in China)
2022. 05. 10: WeChat Conferencing (Dr. Cui Linbian and Dr. Choi Jeonghwan)
In summary, Dr. Cui and Dr. Choi would like to host "On-Demand based AHRD Conference in China 2022" in November 14-16, 2022. The conference would be "On-demand (Non-synchronized presentation, Non face-to-face, and Chinese HRD practitioners oriented pilot conferecne" for AHRD Asia International Conference 2023.
Meeting Minutes-AHRD Asia-220510.pdf
2022. 05. 11~16: [Proposal] AHRD Conference China (On-demand)
"AHRD International Research Conference in China 2022" (On-demand)
Conference Call (tentative)
[Final] 2022_HRD China CONFERENCE Proposal_5.17.docx
2022.06.01: New Call for Papers & Timeline
Target Timeline
[CFP]AHRD_OnDemand Research and Practice CONFERENCE_CHINA_Ver3.0.docx
2022. 09. 19: Extension of Abstract / Proceeding Accept (End of Oct. 2022)?
2022. 09. 19: Discontinue the application Zhejiang Provincial Fund support. The AHRD China Sig Conference will be supported by Kean University (Wenzhou)'s Dr. Jerry Choi and Dr. Chad Chae.
2022. 09. 19: Extension of Abstract / Proceeding Accept (End of Oct. 2022)?
2022. 05. 11~16: [Proposal] AHRD Conference China (On-demand) VER.2.1
2022. 05. 10: WeChat Conferencing (Dr. Cui Linbian and Dr. Choi Jeonghwan)
2022. 03. 23: Team Structure Setup
Mar. 22, 2022: Official Approval from Wenzhou-Kean University (25,000 RMB Budget).
Dec. 30, 2021: Template of International Conference Application from WKU University Affairs (MR. Chen Bin).
2021.12.23 ~ 26: WKU ORSP Feedback & Request for Reconsideration.
2021.11.15: Initial Archive (Proposal Submission to WKU ORSP)