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International Collaboration of WKU CBPM - UIUC GIES Graduate Programs

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2022. 1. 19.

International Collaboration of WKU CBPM - UIUC GIES Graduate Program 

"Exclusive Opportunities for Kean University (Wenzhou) Students for UIUC GIES Business School's Graduate Programs"


At Kean University, spanning both the New Jersey and Wenzhou campuses, we pride ourselves on fostering collaborative initiatives with top-ranked business schools globally to facilitate premier business education for our students.

In line with this endeavor, we have joined forces with the highly reputed UIUC Gies School of Business, aiming to provide our students with unparalleled access to some of the finest graduate programs worldwide.

Since January 2022, the UIUC has generously extended exclusive opportunities to prospective Kean University applicants, including a waiver for TOEFL/IELTS requirements and a simplified application process facilitated through Dr. Jerry Choi, a distinguished alumnus of UIUC.

We sincerely hope this event will be a nurturing platform, especially for our senior students contemplating advancing their studies in graduate school.

2024 Year Application


Career Workshop: WKU CBPM - UIUC GIES Business School

Date/ Time: Sept. 21, 2023 / 9PM (China Time)

We warmly extend an invitation to WKU students to capitalize on an exceptional opportunity presented by the UIUC Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA) and Master of Business Analytics (MSBA), Master in Management (MSM), and MS in Technology Management (MSTM) Programs this year.

Building on a fruitful history of abundant applications from WKU, the UIUC Gies School of Business is eager to foster this enduring partnership. Committed to embracing more proficient and dynamic WKU students, the program is facilitating an expedited application process, devoid of TOEFL/IELTS prerequisites and with straightforward recommendation procedures, bolstered by substantial support from both institutions.

Seize this opportunity to enrich your academic trajectory, as we are enthusiastically welcoming students from non-accounting backgrounds as well!


WeChat Group for MS in ACCOUNTANCY 


WeChat Group for MSBA, MSTM, MSM (Management)




Before 2023 Year Application



Jan. 19, 2022: UIUC Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA) Program's Special Offer to WKU students: 


Background: UIUC MSA program took more than 20 applications every year from WKU. However, strangely the program only got three applications in 2022. UIUC MSA program wants to get more excellent and lovely WKU students. 


Due date: Feb. 01, 2022 (possibly extended)


1. NO TOEFL / NO IELTS necessary

2. Expedited and Simple application (a short recommendation remark or List of WKU students from Dr. Jerry Choi - an UIUC Alum - is OK) 

3. Non-accounting undergraduate welcomes too (diversity matters!) 


Technically, the UIUC MSA program gives WKU students "TOEFL / IELTS waiver" and simpler "Recommendation".





Original UIUC MSA Program Information: 

Jan. 19, 2022: Discussion between WKU CBPM (Dr. Jerry Choi) and UIUC GIES Graduate Program (MSA)




Professor Rachel Schwartz,

Academic Director, MSA Program

"Schwartz, Rachel" <rschwart@illinois.edu>



Associate Director, Recruiting and Admission

Department of Accountancy
1045 BIF, 515 E. Gregory Drive  |  Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 333-5030  | 



Associate Director, International Recruitment and Admissions

Graduate Programs
BIF 3019, 515 E. Gregory  |  Champaign, IL 61820
(217) 333-2886  |  
jiaxing2@illinois.edu WeChat/Line: GiesGradPrograms |Click here to schedule a meeting with me!


Emily Ziegler

Associate Program Director, MSA

Department of Accountancy

3019N Business Instructional Facility

515 E. Gregory Drive, Champaign, IL 61820





Jan. 19, 2022 ~ : WKU Applicatns Information (2022 MSA Program)


Mr. Yuchen Mo (Brik): 2022. Jan. 19

Mr. Hongyin Liu (Jonson): 2022. Jan. 20


Ms. Wang Yuetong (Alice) : 2022. Jan. 24



April 28, 2022: Update from UIUC MSA for 2022 season (4 +1 joined, MSBA did not accept offer, MSF did not accept an offer)


April 28, 2022: Informed and Updated the WKU CBPM - UIUC GIES Business School Collaboration 



2022.08.10: 2022 UIUC GIES Business School Graduate School Fair Planning (Sept. 21, 2022, 8PM)



2022. Aug. 29 (First day of AY 2022-23):  Suggesting Virtual Graduate School Fair (UIUC Gies Business School). 


To. Dai Mengmeng (Jenny) at WKU Career Office 
Title: Virtual Graduate School Fair (UIUC Gies Business School) 
Date: Sept. 21 (Wednesday)
Time: 9PM (China time) - subject to change. 
Place: CBPM A-102 
Participants: WKU CBPM Students 
Coordinator: Dr. Jerry Choi (WKU CBPM) & Ms. Jia Xing (UIUC Gies Business School) 
Brief description: UIUC Gies Business School offers one of the best world-class graduate programs. For example, the Master of Science in Accountancy has been consistently top-ranked (#2 in the world). Master of Science in Finance, Master of Science in Financial Engineering, Master of Science in Management, Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Technology Management programs are all remarked as top-quality prestigious business education programs as well. Recently, Master of Science in Business Analytics and several Online degree programs stretched GIES business school options.  From 2022, UIUC Gies Business School and Wenzhou-Kean University College of Business and Public Management started international collaborations. The Gies Business School provides several advantages for WKU applicants. 1) TOEFL Waiver, 2) Expedited and Simple application process (One reference letter from Dr. Jerry Choi - UIUC 2014 PhD Alumnus), 3) Diversity advantage (Non-business or specific major students will be welcomed). UIUC Gies Business School welcomes well-prepared and well-rounded capable WKU students. 


2022. Sept. 21:  Career Workshop (Virtual Graduate School Fair - UIUC GIES Business School and WKU CBPM). 


Career Workshop (UIUC MSA Program)

Date/Time: Sept. 21 (Wed.) 2022, 9PM

Place: CBPM C-225

Zoom Link:  https://kean-edu.zoom.us/j/6367944506

UIUC Associate Director of International Recruitment and Admission talks about the Program


UIUC - WKU Graduate School Fair

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Gies Business School invites WKU CBPM students' application to world-class business education. 

Date/Time: Sept. 21 (Wed.) 2022, 9PM
Place: CBPM C-225

Mz. Emily Zigler (UIUC Senior Associate Director of MSA program) 
Mz. Jia Xiang (UIUC Associate Director of International Recruitment and Admission talks about the Program) 
Ms. Chen Yang (UIUC MSA Graduate Student, WKU 2022 Alumus) 

Organized and Coordinated by: 
Dr. Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi, UIUC 2014 PhD, WKU CBPM Management Faculty. 


Short Video of the Event: 



Full Video of the Event: 





2022. Sept. 25:  More than 24 students showed their commitment to applying for the UIUC GIES MSA program (4 days after the graduate school fair). 


【腾讯文档】23.UIUC_MSA_ Program_WKU Prospect


23.UIUC_MSA_ Program_WKU Prospect







2022. 09. 26: Further Collaboration (Master of Science Business Analytics)





Only for Wenzhou-Kean University, 
UIUC MS Business Analytics program offers…

1. NO TOEFL / NO IELTS necessary

2. GRE/GMA optional – the MSBA program does not require GMA/GRE. Good quant and coding skills is important. 

2. Expedited and Simple application (a short recommendation remark or List of WKU students from Dr. Jerry Choi (jechoi@kean.edu) - an UIUC Alum - is OK)









2023. 04. 10: Summary of 2022-23 Collaborative Recruiting for UIUC GIES School of Business and Kean University (Wenzhou) College of Business. (MSA: 37 interests; 19 applicants;  MSBA: 35 interests; 18 applicants).   More than 15: MSF; MTM; Management Science, and non-Business applications could be identified too. 



2023. 08.29: 2023-24 Meeting the second term Collaboration: Recruiting for UIUC GIES School of Business from Kean University (Wenzhou) 



2023. 09. 19:  WKU CBPM Interim Dean and VCAA stopped international collaboration initiative by an American Expatriate Professor at College of Business in searching for "Mediocre" rather than "Excellence". WKU Students lose the chance to going to Cambridge and UIUC. 



2023. 09. 16: 2023-24 Announcing to Call for Coordinator of Having the 2023 Workshop on Sept. 21, 9PM on Kean (Wenzhou) CBPM Builidng.


2023. 08.29: 2023-24 Meeting the second term Collaboration: Recruiting for UIUC GIES School of Business from Kean University (Wenzhou) 


2023. 04. 10: Summary of 2022-23 Collaborative Recruiting for UIUC GIES School of Business and Kean University (Wenzhou) College of Business. (MSA: 37 interests; 19 applicants;  MSBA: 35 interests; 18 applicants). 


2022. 09. 26: Further Collaboration (Master of Science Business Analytics)

2022. Sept. 25:  More than 24 students showed their commitment to applying for the UIUC GIES MSA program (4 days after the graduate school fair). 


2022. Sept. 21:  Career Workshop (Virtual Graduate School Fair - UIUC GIES Business School and WKU CBPM). 

2022.08.10/9.14: 2022 UIUC GIES Business School Graduate School Fair Planning (Sept. 21, 2022, 9PM)

April 28, 2022: Update from UIUC MSA for 2022 season (4 +1 joined, MSBA did not accept offer, MSF did not accept an offer)

Jan. 19, 2022: UIUC Master of Science in Accountancy (MSA) Program's Special Offer to WKU students:


