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Theory and Practice of Leadership/1.Learning

Models of Participation

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2009. 3. 25.

Figure: Cross Chain of Response Model for Participation in Adult Education (1981).  

1. Miller's Force-Field Analysis (1967)

2. Boshier's Congruency Model (1973, 1977)

3. Rubenson's Expectancy-Valence Model (1977)

4. Cookson's ISSTAL Model (1986) 

5. Darkenwald and Merriam's Psychosocial interaction model (1982)

6. Henry and Basile's Decision Model (1994)

7. Cross's Chain of Response Model (1981)

Contemporary Study

1) Yang's Longitudianl Study (1994) "Prediction of Participation in Continuting professional Education: A test of Two Behavioral Intention Models" Adult Education Quarterly, 1994, 44(2), 83~96

2) Yang (1995) "Explaning and Predicting aParticipation in Adult Education: A Longitudinal Study", Proceedings of the Adult Education Research conference, no. 36. Edmonton, Alberta: University of Alberta, may 1995. 

source: Merriam & Caffarella (1999) Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guilde (2nd), Jossey-Bass, pp. 60~71. 
