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Meditation on Leadership/Meditation on Leadership

Meditation on "Why leadership development programs fail".

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2014. 1. 16.

McKinsey reported four major reasons of 'why leadership development programs fail'. 

1. Overlooking context

2. Decoupling reflection from real work

3. Underestimating mind-sets

4. Failing to measure results. 

And McKinsey suggests this solution: 1) Matching specific leadership skills and traits to the context at hand; 2) embedding leadership development in real work; 3) fearlessly investigating the mind-sets that underpin behavior; and 4) monitoring the impact so as to make improvements over time.

Photo source: http://blogs-images.forbes.com/mikemyatt/files/2012/12/Why-Leadership-Development-Fails.jpg

Overall, I agree with the McKinsey's points and solutions to increase effectiveness of Leadership development programs. 

But, I want to argue about one simple thing with this question. "Are current leaders (e.g. top-management) ready to invest future leaders?" 

In many research and and my personal experiences, incumbent leaders (top-management) 'superficially' give consent to developing future leaders meanwhile they 'have the fear to be replaced by future leaders' behind a curtain.  

Thus, managing the fear of current leaders' fear is the prerequisite condition for developing future leaders. 

P.S.) Special thanks to Bayasgalan Bayarmagnai for his sharing the article. 

