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Meditation on Leadership/Meditation on Leadership

Where Does Learning and Performance at the Workplace Occur?

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2014. 1. 7.

Where Does Learning and Performance at the Workplace Occur?

My simple answer for the question of "Where does learning for job occur" is 70% occur on the "Job experience"; 20% on "Assessment"; 10% on Training, regardless of the medium of learning (online/offline). In this perspective, I argue that HRD professional is not the person who deals with only Training.

Source: http://www.businessperform.com/articles/training-practice/social-learning-compliance-culture.html

According to Lombardo, Michael and Eichinger (1996) at Center for Creative Leadership, there is a 70-20-10 rule for people development (see http://leadershipcenter.tistory.com/297). This indicates 90% of workplace learning occurs on the "Job" in unstructured manners. The S-OJT is an effort that structuring the unstructured learning on the job (Swanson & Holton, 2009). In supporting the idea of "Manager as a facilitator of learning" (Ellinger, 1999), the HRD professional must deal with Developing people on the job collaborating with frontline managers/leaders as well as the training.

Let's assume you need to train an experienced software engineer at Google. The engineer is in charge of developing an innovative product that does not exist yet. The engineer's burning desire is "Learning something to develop a brand new product in a more effective way". As a HRD professional, how can you address his/her desire for the job?

Unfortunately, HRD professionals commonly don't have sophisticated knowledge/skills/ability that are required for a specific job like the google engineer. However, HRD professionals can address the demand of development in a different way. HRD can help the engineer to have a meta-skills such as "Learning how to learn"; "Learning how to get people to work"; "Learning how to manage oneself". "Learning how to build a good relationship with peers".

In summary, majority of learning occurs at a specific "Job" rather than in the classroom at the workplace. The role of HRD professionals is to help individuals to get meta-KSAos that help them to develop job specific KSAos.

Lombardo, Michael M. and Robert W. Eichinger (1996) The Career Architect Development Planner. Lominger Limited, Inc. p. iv. ISBN 0965571211.

Swanson and Holton (2009): Foundations of human resource development. Wiley.

Ellinger (1999): Managers as facilitators of learning in learning organizations, HRDQ
