Evaluation of Special Programs (ICE/SAGE) in College of Engineering (UIUC)
Evaluation of Special Programs (ICE/SAGE)
1. Objective
- Justifying Special Programs to Stakeholders
- Improving Performance of Special Programs
- Feedback to Program Participants
- Publicizing outputs of Special Programs
- Cultivating Grant Opportunities
2. Research Questions
- Special Programs were helpful for new COE student? (Bloom's Taxonomy)
- Cognitive
- Affective
- Psychomotor
- Networking
- Special Program Participants are outperformed?
- Comparative
- Longitutinal
- Which course was the best one and why? (Kirkpatrick's program evaluation)
- Reaction
- Learning
- Behavior
- Result
- How about minority students' performance after special programs
3. Methodology
- Quantitative
- Online Survey
- Pre-Assessment
- Post-Assessment
- Classroom evaluation
- Quiz
- Exams
- Final grade
- Online Survey
- Qualitative
- Observation
- Courses
- Workshop
- Mini-Course
- Seminars
- Study sessions
- Invited Session
- Interview
- Focus Group
- Students
- Tutors
- Counselors
- Instructor Interview
- Focus Group
- Case Study
- Women
- Minorities
- Observation
- IRB Approval
4. Reporting
- Report to Stakeholders
- Insider
- Chancellor
- Dean of COE
- Participants
- Parents
- Students
- Instructors
- Affiliated Organizations
- AEL etc.
- Outsider
- Government
- Potential applicants
- Foundations
- Alumni
- Insider
- Publication
- Academy of Science & Engineering Education
- Academic Journals of Engineering
- ASME etc.
- Academic Journals of Education
- American Educational Research Association
- Journal of higher education
- Academy of Educational Leadership Journal etc.
5. Grant opportunity
- Government
- National Science Fund
- Private Foundations
6. Sustainable Growth
- Sustainable STEM Leadership Pipeline (UIUC)
- Outreach Programs (Domestic)
- Special STEM Education Program (International)
'Choi's Research > 4.Others' 카테고리의 다른 글
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Academic Journal of Entrepreneurship (1) | 2008.07.31 |
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