CISCO Anyconnect is necessary when you want to use Kean Email, G-suite, Youtube, and mandatory software for Kean Learning.
However, Mac system's recent MacOS (specially afterh Monterey Ver. 12.4 ) is not compatible with Cisco's old version of Any Connect.
1. Please use the most recent Any Connect Software! (dmg file for Mac Users & exe file Windows Users )
Please download most recent one: anyconnect-macos-4.9.05042-predeploy-k9.dmg
Please Click only "VPN" without choosing the other modules of Any Connect when you install it.
2. For Mac Users, Pleas see the following website.
A. Run the Terminal
B. Follow this procedure, and Enter!
3. Run the AnyConnect
4. Click Connect Anyway
5. Type in your User Name and Password at Group!
Voila, Enjoy Any Connect in the Mac System.
2022.05.30 Update the Anyconnect Install File for MacOS 12.4 (Monterey)