A Prayer for Endurance and Mercy (J. Thomas Choi), 인내와 자비를 위한 기도 (최정환)
Shall I suffer as much as you, Lord, who were insulted and crowned with thorns by people without sin and suffered all kinds of humiliation?
Shall I suffer as much as you, Lord, who were whipped until your flesh was torn and bleeding?
Shall I suffer as much as you, Lord, who were denied by those who were dear to you and accused of being unknown?
Shall I suffer as much as you, Lord, who were nailed to the cross in agony?
Shall I suffer as much as you, Lord, who suffered wounds in your soul and received no response until the end?
If I compare my suffering to the pain you endured, Lord, my suffering is nothing.
Therefore, I will endure while thinking of you, Lord.
Please have mercy on me through prayer...
J. Thomas Choi
2023. 05. 13
주님, 나의 주님… 제가 모욕받은 들, 주님께서 사람들로부터 죄없이 가시 면류관 쓰임을 당하시고 온갖 모욕받으신 만큼 하겠습니까?
제가 괴로운들, 살점이 떨어져 나갈 만큼 채찍질 당하신 주님만큼 하겠습니까?
제가 맘 아픈들, 아끼던 사람들이 주님을 모른다고 부정한 만큼 아프겠습니까.
제가 아픈들, 주님께서 십자가에 못 박히신 것만큼 하겠습니까?
제가 영혼에 상처를 입은 들, 마지막까지 응답받지 못하셨던 주님만큼 하겠습니까?
주님께서 겪으신 고통에 비한다면 제가 겪는 고통은 아무것도 아닙니다. 그러니 주님을 생각하면서 잘 버티겠습니다.
기도로 보살펴 주소서… 아멘.
최정환 토마스
2023. 05. 13
2023. 06. 11: Added the video clip of "Opportunities" from Evan Almight film
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