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Meditation on Leadership/Thoughtful Leadership

Must think stuffs before thinking!

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2011. 3. 29.

A frame is the combination of beliefs, values, attitudes, mental models, and so on which we use to perceive a situation. We effectively look through this frame in the way we would look through tinted spectacles. The frame significantly effects how we infer meaning and hence understand the situation.

Kahneman and Tversky defined a decision frame as ‘the decision-maker’s conception of the act, outcomes and contingencies associated with a particular choice.’

Thus, framing (define problem, domain, mental mode, boundary, and  situation) is the must think stuffs before thinking. 

- JC - 

Examples of framing questions include:

  • What are our strengths? What are our weaknesses?
  • What do you see as our biggest challenge?
  • What behaviors will help drive the business strategy?
  • What is getting in our way?
  • What stands out for you in the data we just reviewed?
  • What are the possibilities we see in this situation?
  • How do you feel about this at a gut level?
  • What are we missing, neglecting or underestimating?
  • Where have we been? Where are we going? To what do we aspire?
  • What would we do if the roles were reversed?
  • What if one of our key assumptions is wrong, or backwards?
  • How would we do this if we had unlimited resources? If we had no resources? 

Tips for Creative Conversations

  1. Ask a "framing" question. What is the challenge or complex idea you need to address?
  2. Write about it. Take a few minutes to think about the question. What's your perspective on the issue? Write down your thoughts —bullet points, journaling, whatever works for you.
  3. Turn to the images. The images (postcards, magazine clippings, photos) should be arranged around a room, on tables or in decks of "cards" to sort through. Without talking (background music can be nice), look at the images. Choose an image that reflects or relates to what you are thinking and feeling about the question or challenge. (Don't over-think it ? if you're drawn to an image and aren't sure why, that's OK).
  4. Look closely. Once you've selected your image, pay attention to what you actually see. Look at the details. What is there? Write down as much as you can to describe the image.
  5. Talk about it. With your partner, team or group, describe your image. First tell them what you see. Then talk about why you chose that image. At first, the image is all yours — the others need to simply listen. After a few minutes, you can ask others what they see in the picture. Each person will then repeat the process.
  6. Consider So what? and What if? What did you learn from the images and the process of talking about them? How was it helpful? What was surprising? What was commonly shared? What were key differences? And what if you used these insights as you addressed the problem or challenge? What will you do now?

source1: Framing

source2: Can You Lead with Pictures?

