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American Business Education in China: Construction, Construction, and Construction.

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2015. 10. 6.

American Business Education in China: Construction, Construction, and Construction. 

What I expected to see in China was like this. In my perception, China is still developing and it needs more improvement. But... 

What I am seeing in China is "Construction, Construction, and Construction". 

Almost everywhere in Wenzhou area, I can observe many mega buildings and fancy houses are under construction.  

When I see this building in downtown Wenzhou, I feel like I am in Chicago or New York City. 

I can observe at least 4~5 large modern style Living and Commercial complex buildings are under construction when I drive 40 minutes from my accommodation (ChaShan area) to downtown Wenzhou.  

I am living in a fancy Faculty Apartment in ChaShan area near to Wenzhou University and Wenzhou Medical College. This apartment has all necessary facilities, washing machine, heater, air conditioner, bed, panel TV, Internet, Gas, and comfortable bath. 

I can observe many large Apartment complexes in downtown Wenzhou city. Commonly the first or second floors are dedicated to Commercial stores, and upper three are living areas. This new style building can be observed in Edgewater Area in New Jersey. 

However, many building constructions are not yet completed or not well finished. When I enter to several fancy buildings in ChaShan area and downtown Wenzhou city, I can see many construction and interior projects are still going on. 

I cannot avoid "Dust and Noise" problem in living in China now, because of many constructions in everywhere.  Although I cleaned up my apartment every day, my foot contaminated by dust  frequently. Dust also causes a sore throat problem which I didn't have in the US. Noise issue is another teasing problem. Every in the early morning, I can wake up with sawing and hammering noises from construction sites. And I can hear construction noises until midnight.  The noise continues even in Weekend and Holidays. 

Currently, I can see a lot of constructions are occurring in China. These large number of constructions change the life and scenes of China dramatically. We may need to change our perceptions about China from underdeveloped nation to developing and developed nation at least in the perspective of construction and living condition. 

Dr. Jerry Choi, 

Sept., 2015. 
