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Advice for Freshmen/Freshwomen business students!

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2016. 3. 29.

Recently, I have advising sessions with my 67 advisee students who are all freshmen/freshwomen in business school.

When I ask a question of "What would you like to do in summer?", Many students say "I will study English; I will prepare national Exam; I will take a driver's license; I will get a part-time job; I will travel". Yes, they are good students. ^^

But, as a bad advisor smile emoticon , I frequently give this advice for students.

"Go out from your comfort zone, Nerd ^^; Do something for good; Make as many mistakes as you can; Build your own story; Let me listen your interesting story after the summer.".

Yes, I am a firm believer that "Learning by heart is more valuable than learning by brain". And freshmen year is the perfect time for "Learning from mistakes" especially for future business leaders. ^^

Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi, PhD, MBA, ME

Mar 29, 2016
