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최정환 박사 (한글 이력서)

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2017. 2. 11.


   (  )

인재개발 박사경영학 석사공학 석사

PhD, MBA, Master of Engineering





주소                (한국) 경기도 부천시 원미구 역곡1  

                        (중국) 절강성 온주시 위해구 대학로 Wenzhou-Kean University

                        [CBPM Building B211,  Wenzhou-kean University, 88 Daxue Rd, Ouhai District, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, China 325060; 中国 浙江省 温州市 瓯海区 大学路88, 邮政编码:325060]

이메일           TBA (contact personally) 

Skype             TBA

전화                TBA (한국

                   TBA (중국)

생년월일        1971 


2007–2014    인재개발학 박사, 미국 일리노이 대학교 (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 학위취득일2014 8 12).

                        박사학위논문: 직장자율환경과 긍정심리자본이 직원자율행동에 끼치는 영향 (The Effects of Autonomous Work Environment and Positive Psychological Capital on Self-directed Employee Behavior)

2005               MBA (국제경영, 인사관리), 독일 라이프치히 경영대학원 (HHL-Leipzig Graduate School of Management)
석사논문: 유럽 다우 케미컬 화공분야 엔지니어 인재채용을 위한 채용방식에 따른 효과 분석 ( Analysis of Effective Job Recruiting Tools for Chemical Engineers within Dow chemical Europe).

2004               MBA (경영전략, 재무), KDI 국제정책대학원

1996 – 1998  공학 석사(기계공학, 지능재료 시스템 제어), 인하대 공학대학원
석사학위논문: 전기유변유체 (Electro-Rheological Fluid) 이용한 상업용 차량 반능동형 현가장치 개발 (A Semi-Active Suspension Using ER Fluids for a Commercial Vehicle Seat).

1990 – 1996  공학사 (기계공학), 인하대학교 공과대학

강의 연구경력

2023 ~ 현재   부교수, Kean University of New Jersey, Wenzhou campus, China


                        인사관리, 조직행동론, 혁신관리, 경영학 원론, 경영통계 (Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Commercial Development of IT (Innovation Management), Principles of Management, and Business Statistics courses).           


    Kean 창업계획 경진대회, Wenzhou Campus 주관

    샤크탱크 (창업 경진대회), 심사위원


2016 ~ 2022  조교수, Kean University of New Jersey, Wenzhou campus, China

2015 ~ 2016  전임강사, Kean University of New Jersey, Wenzhou campus, China

2015–2015     초빙교수, 미국 Kean University, Union, New Jersey

                        강의과목: 인사관리, 조직행동론

2015–2015     초빙교수, 미국 라마포 대학 (Ramapo College of New Jersey)

                        강의과목:  경영전략

2014–2015    연구위원, 미국 몬클레어 주립대 (Montclair State University), 연구과제: 스포츠 스타디움에서의 관중 행동 분석 예측

2012-2013     강의 조교, 미국 일리노이 대학교:

    사회적 기업가 정신Social Entrepreneurship (Spring 2012)       

    기술과 인재개발 Technology and Human Resource Development (Spring 2013)

    인재개발원론Principles of Human Resource Development (Fall 2012, Online-class)

    국제 인재개발학 International Human Resource Development (Fall 2012)

    고급 인재개발 이론 실제 Advanced Theories and Practice of Human Resource Development (Fall 2012)

2012–2013    연구조교, 미국 일리노이대학교, 인재개발 학과 Jessica Li 교수, 아시아 리더십 프로그램 연구

2010–2011     연구조교, , 미국 일리노이 대학교 창업리더십 연구소 (Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership - AEL), 미국 대학에서의 창업교육 현황 분석

2009–2013   명상 프로그램 코치,  미국 일리노이대학교 국선도 지원 설립 지도사범활동

2009               연구조교, 미국 일리노이대학교내, 문제 연구소 (Center of Advanced Material for Purification of Water with Systems - WaterCAMPWS). 온라인 커뮤니티 개발 연구.

2008–2009   프로그램 평가위원, 미국 일리노이대학교 공과대학, 소수자 출신 농어촌 지역 학생을 위한 지원 프로그램 연구 평가. Special Program Office, College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Evaluated special programs for underserved student population in college of engineering.

2008               리더십 강사, 미국 일리노이대학교 리더십 센터 강사, “How to marketize oneself at job market by using personal homepage and social media”.

1996–1997    연구원,  인하공대, 현대자동차 국방연구원 지능형 재로를 이용한 반능동형 현가장치 개발프로젝트.

현장 산업체 경력

2011–2013     공동 창업자 이사, 미국 어바나-샴페인 지역화페 UC Smiles (비영리단체) 설립 운영, 2015 까지 75 지역 상점 참여 $120,000 지역화폐 발행 유통.

2006–2007   리더십 코치, 국선도 역삼동 CEO 전수장 지도 사범, 명상을 통한 스트레스관리, 심신 수련, 리더십 능력 개발 코치.

2006               선임 전략 컨설턴트, 이언 그룹 (EON Group), SK 텔레컴, 와이더 , 웅진, 하나은행 경영전략 컨설팅 수행.

2005               전략 컨설턴트, 독일 Dow Chemical (Schkopau). 인재 채용 채널의 최적화 전략 방안 수립.   

2005               전략 컨설턴트, 독일 Vita 34 (Leipzig). 제대혈 보관 서비스 가능성 진단 실행방안 수립.

1999–2004   엔지니어 제품개발 매니저, 한국 BOSCH (세종시). 자동차 Anti-Lock Brake (ABS) 모터 시스템 개발 아시아 담당. ABS 5.3, ABS 5.3 CR, ABS 8 개발 생산. 매년 250만개 제품 생산 일본, 미국, 말레이시아, 한국, 미국 자동차 제조업체에 공금.

기타 강의 경력

04.03.2014    “A Reflective Practice for Deep Learning in Business and Management: Tea Ceremony,” Ramapo College of New Jersey (http://leadershipcenter.tistory.com/search/%ED%96%89%EB%8B%A4).

05.04.2013    "How to develop Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math talents?" at Korean Scientists and Engineering Association Central Illinois Chapter.

04.24.2010    "Representation of Korea as a Korean-American," Building e-Community of Koreans Abroad (BeKA), Korean Culture Center, Illinois.

09.03.2009   "Utilizing professional social networking for STEM career success," at Korean Scientists and Engineering Association Central Illinois Chapter.

05.02.2009    "Leadership Development for Korean-American Students," Korean Culture Center, Illinois.

02.09.2006   "Strategic Innovation," IDC, Pyong-taek, S. Korea.

학내 초빙 강연

09.06.2012    "The effects of local currency system on environment," Dr. Mings class of Environmental Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

09.30.2009   "Understanding Korean Students" at International Student and Scholar Service, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

09.08.2008   "Sell Yourself," Illinois Leadership Center.

01.08.2008    "Leadership Development Program for Scientists and Engineers at Institute of Genomic Biology Lab," University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

수상 경력

2014   Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management, Organizational Behavior Division (Chair, Dr. Mary Unl-Bien), AOM Conference 2014 at Philadelphia.

2014   Best Paper Award, “How to get employees work by themselves?” at Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA) conference at Ramapo College of New Jersey, June 19-21.

2013   Dissertation Travel Award for an international study, Graduate College of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

2012   William Chandler Bagley Scholar, Distinguished intellectual and meeting the educational challenges of the future, College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

2012   Fabac-Tomlinson Award, Outstanding graduate student in EPOL, College of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

2012   Hardie Conference Award, Bureau of Educational Research Endowment and Charles Dunn Hardie.

2008   Best Paper Award, World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, Chesapeake, VA: AACE.

2008   Hardie Conference Award, Bureau of Educational Research Endowment and Charles Dunn Hardie.

2007   Most Valuable Thesis Award, Koukdundo Federation, Seoul, Korea. Thesis: Tao of Innovation.

2005   Highest Practical Value Award, European Human Resource Paper Competition, Interpool-personal.de, Berlin, Germany. Thesis: Analysis of Effective Job Recruiting Tools for Chemical Engineers within Dow Chemical Europe.

외부 연구비 조달 펠로우십  

2012   Focal Point Initiative Grant for UC Smiles Project, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ($10,000).

2011    Public Engagement Grant for Local Community Economy Development Project, Office of Public Engagement, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign ($15,000).

2011    Synergy Fellowship, Department of Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ($12,000).

2007   National Science Foundation (NSF) Research Symposium Grant, NSF and Association for Educational and Communication Technology (AECT) Research and Theory Division ($700).


신문 방송 출연


ABC News Channel 15, WCID, Sept. 10, 2012, “Local Currency To Boost Local Economy” by Marine Gilsovic. http://www.wicd15.com/news/topstories/stories/wicd_vid_5504.shtml


WKU University News he News-Gazette, May 20, 2016, “Two WKU teams won top prizes at 2016 Kean Business Plan Competition”. http://www.wku.edu.cn/view.jsp?id0=z0hp3nz8go&id1=z0hp3nzuxp&id=z0ioeuatzh

The News-Gazette, Oct. 09, 2012, “Currency for Local Merchants Unveiled” by Don Dodson. http://www.news-gazette.com/news/business/entrepreneurs/2012-10-09/currency-local-merchants-unveiled.html

Korean Daily (Joong-Ang Ilbo, Chicago), Oct. 09, 2012, “Protecting Local Community Economy with UIUC Style: Korean Graduate Students lead Urbana-Champaign Local Currency” by Joohyun Kim. http://www.koreadaily.com/news/read.asp?page=4&branch=NEWS&source=CH&category=society&art_id=1501724

CU Asian Times, Aug. 11, 2012, “Champaign-Urbana Prints its Own Currency” by Jae Hyuk Yang. http://cuasiantimes.com/?p=88



연구 출판물 저서

Doctoral Dissertation

            The Effects of Autonomous Work Environment and Positive Psychological Capital on Self-directed Employee Behavior: Evidence from South Korea.  (Ph.D. Degree awarded  by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,  Aug. 2014).


Choi, J.  (2009). 교감의 리더십, 해피스토리. Kyogam-Sharing Sense: Leadership Principles for Leading 4th Wave. Happy Story, Seoul, Korea.

Book Chapters

Choi, J.  (2005). Change everything except for your wife and children: Samsung Leadership. Perspectives on Leadership: Observations of an international group of MBA students. HHL–Leipzig Graduate School of Management.

Journal Publication in Progress

Choi, J. (2016). The effects of autonomous work environment and positive psychological capital on self-directed employee behavior. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resource Management (In progress)

Limbu Y., Choi, J. (2016). Impacts of social capital on preventive health behavior of underserved population in India (In progress)


Refereed Journal Articles


Choi, J. (2019). The Mediating Effect of Positive Psychological Capital between Autonomous Work Environment and Self-directed Behavior: Evidence from South Korea. Human Resource Development International (Finally accepted in June 11,  2019, In-print),  https://doi.org/10.1080/13678868.2019.1632094.  [ESCI, Impact Factor 1.87]


Choi, J. (2019). Let’s Agree to Disagree: The Impact of Perceptual Gap of Work Environment on Self-directed Employee Behavior. International Journal of Conflict Management (Published on June 13, 2019, https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/IJCMA-02-2019-0037, DOI: 10.1108/IJCMA-02-2019-0037), special edition - Conflict Management in Engineering. [SSCI, Impact Factor 1.35] 

Choi, J., An, R., Zhao, J., Mao, X., & He, L. (2018). Diffusion of Legal Software Use in China: Action Research at A Global Campus (Under Review, Submitted, Feb. 13, 2018, BUSI-D-18-00318), Journal of Business Ethics.

Li, J, Wu, F, Bell, A, Choi, J, Mehdiabadi A. H.  (2018). Talent Management Development in Confucian Asia: A Multi-Cased Study, The European Journal of Training and Development (EJTD-04-2018-0035, Accepted April 15, 2018)

Limbu, Y., Choi, J., McKinley C.  (2018). Exploring How Structural and Cognitive Social Capital Influence Preventive Health Behavior: Evidence from a Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) Population. Journal of Health Education (Accepted and Ready to Print, Mar. 02, 2018)


Jensen R. Limbu, Y.,& Choi, J. (2017). How does the stadium atmosphere at a college football game affect behavioural intentions across gender lines? The mediating role of spectator satisfaction. International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, v.9 (2), pp. 41-58 (Feb. 24, 2017) DOI. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2650323&redirectFrom=true 

Li, J., Hedayati A., Choi, J. Feng, W., Bell., A. (2016). Talent Management: Evidence from Asia. Human Resource Development Quarterly (HRDQ-15-0132, Accepted Nov. 15, 2015).

Choi, J. (2015). A multilevel approach to self-directed employee behavior: evidence from South Korea. Journal of Business and Economics, 11(2015), JBE20150424-2, DOI: 10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/11.06.2015/002

Kim S., Choi, J. (2015). How Does Gender Affect Social Networks and Business Performance?: A case of Micro-entrepreneurs in the U.S. (GWO-15-146). Gender, Work & Organization (May 30, 2015, Under review process).

Limbu, Y., Jensen R. & Choi, J. (2015). The Mediating Role of Spectator Satisfaction in the Relationship between Sports Stadium Atmosphere and Spectators' Behavioral Intentions. Journal of Business Research (May 30, 2015 Under review process), Elsevier.

Choi, J. (2014). Learning from Experiences of Project Successes and Failures in the Workplace. International Journal of Business & Applied Sciences. Vol. 3, No. 2, 2014. PA, USA.

Choi, J., Jeong, S., & Kehoe, C. (2012). Women in entrepreneurship education in US higher education. Journal of Business Diversity, 12(2), 11-26.

Choi S. B., Choi J., Lee Y. S. & Han M. S. (2003). Vibration control of an ER seat suspension for a commercial vehicle. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 125, No. 1, 60–68. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, NY, USA (SCI).

Choi S.B, Choi J., Nam M.H., Cheong C. C. & Lee H. G. (1998). A semi-active suspension using ER fluids for a commercial vehicle seat. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, Vol. 9, No. 8, 601–606. SAGE Journals (SCI).


Refereed Conference Proceedings

Jensen R., Limbu, Y., & Choi, J. (2016). Canada for the Womens World Cup? An Examination of How A Special Event Can Increase Sports Tourism?, Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA) conference at the the Newman Conference of the City University of New York, Aug. 17-19, 2016.

Kim, S. M., Choi, J. H., & Jeong, S (January, 2016). “An International Research Project on the Social Co-Operative Model for Underserved Female Domestic Workers' Empowerment”, the 2016 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Washington D.C., USA (Poster presentation)

Li, J. Hedayni, A, Choi, J. Wu, F. (2015). Talent Management: An Increasingly Noticeable Human Capital Strategy in Asia, 14th International Conference of the Asia Chapter of Academy of Human Resource Development, Macau, China, Nov.05-07, 2015

Jensen R., Limbu, Y., & Choi, J. (2015). The Influence of Sports Stadium Atmosphere on Behavioral Intention: The Mediating Role of Spectator Satisfaction. Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA) conference at the City University of New York, Aug. 12-14, 2015.

Choi, J. (2014). A multilevel approach to self-directed employee behavior: Evidence from South Korea. International Conference of Academy of Human Resource at Saint Louis, Feb. 2014.

Choi, J. (2014). How to get employees work by themselves?. Business and Applied Sciences Academy of North America (BAASANA) conference at Ramapo College of New Jersey, June 19-21.  

Choi, J., Jeong S. & Kehoe, C. (2012). Women in entrepreneurship education in US colleges and universities. Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA.

Choi, J., Jeong S. & Kehoe, C. (2012). Women in entrepreneurship education in U.S. higher education. USASBE 2012 Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Choi, J. (2011).  Seasoning decision styles of engineers at workplace. UKC 2011, Korean-Scientists and Engineers Association, Park City, Utah.

Park, U.Y, Han, S. H. & Choi, J. (2011). Behind the virtual anonymous curtain: Contents analysis of career transition of Korean engineers. Academy of Human Resource Development Conference, Chicago, IL.

Choi, J. (2010). Changes of entrepreneurship education in U.S. colleges and universities. College of Education Graduate Conference, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  

Choi J., Marszalek J., Lee J. & Linnemeyer S. (2009). Evaluation of support programs for underserved populations in engineering. American Society of Engineering Education, Austin, TX.

Huang, W.D., Yoo, S.J. & Choi, J. (2008). Correlating college students' learning styles and how they use Web 2.0 applications for learning in C. Bonk et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2008, 2752-2759. Chesapeake, VA.

Huang, W.D., Huang, W.R., Nakazawa, K., Choi, J. & Yoo, S. (2008). Design a better entrepreneurial learning: correlating entrepreneurial tendency and learning style.  The 8th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Business, Honolulu, HI.

Choi, J.,  Yoo, S. & Huang, W.D. (2008). Learning style and entrepreneurial tendency: Analysis of entrepreneurial tendency with learning style for non-business students. International Research Conference of Academy of Human Resource Development, Panama City, FL. 

Choi, S. B., Choi J. (1998). A semi-active suspension using ER fluids for a commercial vehicle seat. 4th European Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Proceedings, 217–224. Harrogate, U.K.

Choi J., Choi, S. B. (1997). A semi-active suspension using ER fluids for a commercial vehicle seat, National Conference of KSNVE, Proceedings, Vol. 430, 394–399. Gyong-Ju, Korea.


Choi J. (1995). Vibration control of a flexible single-link manipulator with Piezo-film actuator. Human Tech Conference of SAMSUNG, Seoul, Korea.


'Profile' 카테고리의 다른 글

RESUME (Dr. Jeonghwan Jerry Choi)  (0) 2025.01.13
Curriculum Vitae: Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi, PhD, MBAs, ME  (0) 2013.11.19
