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WKU Business Maker Space (a.k.a. BRIC) Initiative at CBPM 2nd Floor

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2018. 10. 17.

WKU Business Research and Innovation Center (BRIC) and Business Maker Space Initiative at CBPM 2nd Floor


WKU BRIC Initiative 

[Oct. 17, 2018]

WKU Entrepreneurial Talent Development Center Initiative (ETD Space)















Jan. 08, 2019


Design Freeze: 







Budget (Nov. 14, 2018)


300,000 RMB is approved by Dr. Tony Zheng 



Proposition for ETD Space (Dec. 07, 2018) after meeting with Liaoliao Yui: 


1. Pilot Stage:  Moving incumbent MakerXspace furnitures and equipment to ETD space by Feb. 2019 (Immediately): 


- To examine the ETD space utility, We may utilize the furniture and equipment at the MakerXspace in the Dining hall 2 quickly. 

- Studying the responses from users until Feb. 12, 2019 (before Spring semester starts)


2. Improving Stage: Reorganizing the space with newly supplying furniture and equipment (By end of Feb., 2019; 10,000 RMB)


- Based on the user responses, We may purchase and supply new furniture and equipment for the ETD space better. 


3. Design Stage: Redesign the space (if necessary, by End of May, 2019; LiaoLiao). 


- After a few months of operation, We may redesign the space with a better concept if necessary until the end of Spring 2019 semester. 


4. Renovation Stage: Renovate the ETD space with the new design and facilities (By Aug., 2019; Budgets will be determined according to the new design concepts)


- If needed, we can renovate the ETD space with the new design concepts by Aug. 2019. 


5. Design Freeze, Jan. 08, 2019. 



Aug. 24, 2019


Ready to go... 


All furniture and facilities are installed at the ETD Space. 


Aug. 24. 2019

Space is named as "Business Research and Innovation Center (BRIC)" by Dean Dr. Cao Jiang. 




Aug. 25, 2019


The Vice Chancellor (Tony Zheng) and Dr. Jerry Choi discussed the renovation of Outdoor space of BRIC. 


Sept. 01, 2019

BRIC Outdoor Event Space proposal was submitted. 








Meeting Minutes: 


Title: Outdoor Event Space Renovation at CBPM 2nd Floor

Participants:Liao Liao, Xu Kai, Zheng Xiaodong, Wang Yang, Huang Jian, Zhu Chaoyang, 

Place: Video Conference Room C-526, CBPM.

Time: 1:30PM ~ 3PM, Sept. 06 (Friday), 2019



1. Reviewed the proposal of Outdoor Event Space Renovation @ CBPM 2nd floor

2. Discussed concerns a few concerns (e.g. Table material; Connection with BRIC indoor space; Banner) of the proposal

3. Invited and listened a student's opinion of the space renovation

4. Checked the space by eyes, and outlined the purpose of the space. 



1) Students Survey (until Sept. 30) by CBPM Office (Ms. Wang Yang) - Ask for student's preferences (table material, banner, space structure)

2) Logistics will give Survey questionnaire to CBPM office (Sept. 12, Thursday)

3) CBPM office will distribute and collect survey data (Sept. 20, Friday)

4) Dr. Jerry Choi will analyze the survey data (Sept. 24, Tuesday). 

5) Next Meeting : Sept .27 (Friday?)





2019. 11.08: Grand Opening Ceremony



Introduction of Business Research & Innovation Center 




Oct. 08, 2021: Outdoor Space Budget Approval (Dr. Tony Zheng)



At the outdoor space of CBPM 2nd floor, we will have...


1. Makerspace activities
2. Hackathon (by IAIC)
3. MGM Day event
4. (Social & Commercial) Business Plan Competition
5. Social Entrepreneurial Events (Donation, Charity)
6. Wenzhou Business Community Engagement Events (Keynote Spacker, Invite Talk, Job Fair) 
7. TED x WKU (ongoing) 
8. Class concert / Student Talent Show

Dec. 30, 2021: Relocating Incumbent Steel Tables and Chair 





Dec. 31, 2021 ~ Jan. 04: The First Installation of Outdoor Tables and Chairs





13 tables and 26 chairs were set for the WKU CBPM BRIC Outdoor Event Space in Jan. 04, 2021. 

Special Thanks to MR. WEi at Career Center and Yuki (Yang Yang) at Logistics Department


2022. Jan. 06. Stage & Screen Idea: 

CBPM already has a large screen in the Lobby. But it is highly underutilized. 

BRIC outdoor event space can replicate the example of a large screen wall at the space. 

Inside of the Wall, there are implanted devices such as controller, speaker, and A/V facilities. 






2023. 05. 10: Resubmit: Proposals: Stage Installation for Outdoor Event Space at the CBPM 2nd Floor 

I hope this email finds you well. Earlier today (May 10, 2023), I had the pleasure of running into Mr. **** Wang and Mr. **** Zhou at CBPM 2nd floor while they were hosting guests from Shanghai. During our conversation, Mr. Wang shared with me some exciting developments regarding the advanced facilities available at CBPM, including the Bloomberg lab and the Business Research and Innovation Center (BRIC) indoor and outdoor space.

This conversation brought to mind a proposal I submitted in September 2020 for a "Stage Installation for outdoor events" at the CBPM outdoor event space. It's hard to believe that three years have passed since we last discussed this idea. However, I am pleased to say that we have successfully navigated the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, thanks to our collective efforts.

I would like to take this opportunity to resubmit my proposal for the "Stage Installation" at the CBPM 2nd floor outdoor event space. As we previously discussed, the space has the potential to host a variety of outdoor events, such as Invited Talks, Ted Talk style speeches, research conferences, donation events, business dinners, luncheons, etiquette education, and small performing arts events. To facilitate these events effectively, we will need to install one or two stages at the space.

I have attached the proposal for your consideration. The estimated cost of the installation is approximately 10,770 RMB, depending on the design and facilities required. The Logistics department's designers and IT experts can assist in implementing the idea, and the space can be utilized by CBPM, CLA, CSMT, and School administrators.

In addition, I would like to encourage the participation of the Liao community and the broader Wenzhou City in educational events at the space. This would demonstrate WKU's commitment to community engagement and its mission of promoting knowledge and cultural exchange.

Thank you for considering this proposal. I am excited about the potential for this project and look forward to working with you to bring it to fruition.










2023. 05. 10: Resubmit: Proposals: Stage Installation for Outdoor Event Space at the CBPM 2nd Floor 


2022. Jan. 06. Stage & Screen Idea: 

Dec. 31, 2021 ~ Jan. 04: Outdoor: The First Installation of Outdoor Tables and Chairs

Dec. 30, 2021: Relocating Incumbent Steel Tables and Chair 

Aug. 25, 2019:  The Vice Chancellor (Tony Zheng) and Dr. Jerry Choi discussed the renovation of Outdoor space of BRIC. 

Oct. 17, 2018: WKU Entrepreneurial Talent Development Center Initiative (ETD Space)








