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기타 대체 마인드맵 Software:
1. Freemind (무료)
2. Smart Draw (무료)
3. ThinkGraphic (무료)
4. Mindmanager (유료)
Mindmaps (마인드맵 소프트웨어) - 만득이
예제: Integral Innovation Leadership Research (by 최정환)
Integral Innovation Leadership Research
Education Study
- 氣 Cognitive (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis,
- 思 Knowledge
- Multiple Intelligence (incl. Emotional Intelligence)
- 神 Affective (Receiving, Responding, Valuing, Organizing, Characterizing)
- 心 Mind
- Leading minds (Gardner's)
- Technology Acceptance (UTAUT)
- 精 Psychomotor (Reflexes, Perception, Physical abilities, Skilled movement,
- Organizational Learning
- Teaching organization (Tichy's Leadership Engine)
- Learning organization (Senge's Fifth discipines)
- Ken Wilber: AQAL (All quadrant, All Level)
- 4 Quadrant
- Upper-Left "I" Interior-Individual Intentional e.g. Freud
- Upper-Right "It" Exterior-Individual Behavioral e.g. Skinner
- Lower-Left "We" Interior-Collective Cultural e.g. Gadamer
- Lower-Right "Its" Exterior-Collective Social e.g. Marx
- Level of Consciousness
- Egocentric (similar to Carol Gilligan's 'Selfish' stage)
- Ethnocentric or Sociocentric (Gilligan's 'Care' stage)
- Worldcentric (Gilligan's 'Universal Care' stage)
- Being-centric (Gilligan's 'Integrated' stage)
- Don Beck: vMEME
- Green: Communitarian/Egalitarian
- Organe: Achievist/Strategic
- Blue: Purposeful/Authoritarian
- Red: Impulisve/Egocentric
- Purple: Magical/Animistic
- Beige: Instinctive/Survivalistic
Innovation Schools
- Leadership study
- 7. Leader-Member Exchange Theory
- 8, Transformational Leadership Theory
- 9. Team Leadership Theory
- 10. Psychodynamic Approach
- 12. Culture and Leadership
- 14. Integrative (Holistic) Leadership Theory
- Entrepreneurship Education
Educational Technology
- Conventional learning (Cognitivism)
- Action learning (Constructivism)