The Clery Act is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to disclose information about crime on and near their campuses. This law is named after Jeanne Clery, a college student who was murdered in her dorm room in 1986, and is also known as the "Campus Safety and Security Act."
As a university, Kean University is subject to the requirements of the Clery Act and is required to disclose information about crime on and near its campus. This information must be made available to all current and prospective students and employees, and must include crime statistics for the preceding three years, as well as information about campus security policies and procedures.
Under the Clery Act, Kean University is required to publish an Annual Security Report that includes crime statistics, campus safety policies, and information about programs to promote safety and security on campus. The university must also provide timely warnings to the campus community about any crimes that pose a threat to safety, and must maintain a public crime log that is accessible to the public.
In addition, Kean University must participate in the collection and submission of crime statistics to the Department of Education, which maintains a national database of crime on college and university campuses. The Clery Act helps to ensure that students and employees have access to accurate and comprehensive information about crime and safety on college and university campuses, so that they can make informed decisions about their own personal safety.
If a witness to a crime (see below: Criminal homicide, Sex offencse, Aggravated Assault, Robbery, Buuglary, Motor Vehicle theft, Arson, Hate Crimes including any cimre motivated by race, gender, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin or disability, Sustance abuse related crimes, Dating violence, Domestirc Violence, Stalking) on the Kean University campus, they should take the following steps according to the requirements of the Clery Act:
Report the incident: The first step is to immediately report the incident to the campus police or to the local police department if the crime is still in progress. The witness should provide as much information as possible, including the location of the incident, a description of the individuals involved, and any other relevant details.
Contact Kean University Police directly at (908) 737- 4800 or at for assistance.
Contact the Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct at (908) 737- 5240 or by entering an incident report at:
Incident Reporting Form
The Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct along with the Office of Residence Life works collaboratively to administer the Code of Student Conduct, which identifies behavioral expectations for all students on and off campus. If you have knowle
In the event that an individual wishes to report anonymously, use the following CSA reporting form:
NOTE: In the case of an anonymous report, Kean University faculty and staff must provide information regarding campus resources and all available reporting options contained in the policy above.
What to report?
Cooperate with law enforcement: The witness should cooperate fully with law enforcement and provide any additional information that may be requested. This may include providing a statement, identifying suspects, or providing information about potential witnesses.
Seek medical attention: If the witness is injured, they should seek medical attention as soon as possible. The medical evaluation will also help document the extent of any injuries sustained in the incident.
Preserve evidence: If possible, the witness should try to preserve any evidence of the incident, such as clothing or physical items, that may be useful in the investigation.
Support services: The witness should be aware that support services are available through Kean University, including counseling services, victim advocacy, and assistance with reporting the crime to the police.
The Clery Act requires colleges and universities to have procedures in place for reporting and responding to crimes, and to provide support and resources to victims of crime. By taking these steps, a witness to a battery or assault can help ensure that the incident is properly reported, investigated, and that any necessary resources and support are made available to the victim.
Campus Security Authorities | Kean University
More Resource:
Origin of Clery Act:
Clery Act Information & Statistics | Lehigh University Police Department
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Firstly Archived 2023. 02.09
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