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AmericanBizEdu@China/1. Guides & Policy

[GUIDE] Simplification of Campus Visit / Entry Online Application Process

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2023. 9. 27.

[GUIDE] Simplification of Campus Visit / Entry Online Application Process

In order to further enhance the management of visitors entering the campus and simplify the online application and confirmation process, the following adjustments will be made to the campus entry online application process: For faculty and staff helping visitors apply for entering the campus, applications will be completed directly after the submission, and don’t have to be confirmed by the head of departments or colleges anymore.

For visitors applying for entering the campus themselves, applications only need to be confirmed by the faculty or staff being visited, and don’t have to be confirmed by the head of departments or colleges anymore.

Campus entry applications follows the principle of "who confirms, who takes responsibility". We kindly recommend all faculty and staff to deal with the campus entry application process properly.


Option 1: Visitor(s) can directly apply for entry / visit for approval from Faculty/Staff by using QR Code


Once application received, Faculty / Staff can make an approval to invite a visitor at ONCE system (You will ge an Email and Mobile Phone Message to complete the approval process). 

Then, you can approve it. 


Reference:  At the Kean University (Wenzhou) main gate, you can follow this instruction. 




Option 2: Faculty / Staff can apply for external visitor coming into campus. 

1. Go to ONCE WKU System (This is an example of Faculty)







2. Click the Campus Visit Apply by Faculty / Staff


(2023. 09. 27: The Menu is not available for Teacher's ONCE system. Logistics is working on it to make it available soon).


If the menu is not available, you can click "More" -> Gogo Losgistics Services -> Click Campus Visit Apply



You can complete your Campus Visit application as below: 



Once application received, Faculty / Staff can make an approval to invite a visitor at ONCE system (You will ge an Email and Mobile Phone Message to complete the approval process). 

Then, you can approve it. 





Please enjoy your gathering! 



2023. 09. 28: Added the Main Gate Instruction

2023. 09. 28: Added Menu accessibility at the ONCE system

2023. 09. 27: Initially Archived

