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[Example] Annual Review for Faculty (GUIDE)

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2023. 9. 21.

An Example of Annual Review for Faculty (Guide)

The University is delighted to unveil its annual review of Appointment, Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion (ARTP) processes. This comprehensive review underscores our steadfast commitment to nurturing academic excellence and fostering professional growth within our vibrant faculty community.

Through the ARTP initiative, we aim to bolster a culture of continuous improvement, recognizing and fostering the talents that drive our institution's esteemed reputation. Join us as we highlight the noteworthy strides made in this sphere, reflecting our persistent endeavor to shape a promising trajectory for our faculty, and consequently, for the greater academic community at the Sino-US University.



Instructions to Candidates for 2nd-6th Year Reappointment Evaluation



Decisions about academic faculty retention, tenure, and promotion shall be governed by these broad and interrelated factors:

1. Mastery of subject matter -- as demonstrated by such things as advanced degrees, licenses, honors, and general reputation in the academic area under consideration, etc.

a. Earned Degrees1

i. If the Candidate does not hold the terminal degree, an up-to-date transcript of graduate work and a statement of progress from the graduate college advisor must be uploaded. If the terminal degree is not pertinent to one's field of teaching, the Candidate must present other evidence of professional growth.

ii. If the Candidate is a Matriculated doctoral student please upload a Word document including the institution, semester hours beyond Masters, and field of study.

b. Honors, Awards and Distinguished Achievements

c. Educational and Professional Experiences

2. Effectiveness of teaching – as demonstrated by such things as evaluation by colleagues and students, development of new teaching materials and courses, etc.

a. Faculty Observations: please upload the observations document in the appropriate Candidate Document section.

b. Student Evaluations: please upload the course evaluations in the Teaching Activity section.

c. Teaching Innovation: please include this topic in your teaching statement.

3. Scholarly abilities -- as demonstrated by such things as research in the academic field, contribution to artistic creation, publication, etc.

a. Publications, Performances, Exhibitions

b. Current Professional and Academic Association Memberships

4. Effectiveness in University and community service -- as demonstrated by such things as participation in University governance, improvement of Departmental, college, and University programs, service to students, service to the University community and to related professional organizations, etc.

a. Past and Current Non-Teaching Responsibilities

b. Community Activities Related to Professional Competence

5. Continuing growth -- as demonstrated in a consistently open and emerging pattern of reading, research and service that indicates a capacity for further professional development. Please make sure to include this in your Research, Teaching, and Service statements.

6. Evidence supporting attainment of additional departmental criteria (if appropriate) -- to be included only if the Department has formally adopted criteria in addition to University-wide standards.


Interfolio / FAR Criteria

The following are the Profile and Activity sections from FAR that are generated into your 2nd - 6th Year Faculty Reappointment Evaluation Vitae. Please make sure to thoroughly fill out the sections to ensure your application is complete:

• Contact Information

• Degrees

• Current Position

• Administrative Appointment

• Honors and Awards

• Grants

• Professional Licensures & Certifications

• Professional Membership

• Teaching

• Advising Load

• Mentorship/Supervision

• Work Experience

• Consulting

• Scholarly Contributions and CreativeProductions

• Non-Credit Instruction

• Other Institutional Service • Institutional Committees • External Services

• Professional Development


The following documents should be uploaded to the Candidate Documents Section:

1. Curriculum Vitae (1 required)

2. Faculty Observations (3 required)

3. Research Plan (1 required)

4. Teaching Plan (1 required)

5. Service Plan (1 required)

6. Evidence Supporting Attainment of Additional Departmental Criteria, if appropriate (optional)

7. Optional Statement by the Candidate (optional)

Two Forms will also need to be completed:

(1) Acknowledgement by Tenure Track Candidate,

(2) Tenure Track: Candidate Verification Form



At least three (3) peer teaching observations, including one from the Departmental ARTP Committee Chairperson, must be uploaded. Each observation must be discussed with the Candidate, who has the right to respond in writing for inclusion in the reappointment file. If more than three observations are made, these also must be included with the file.

Each evaluation must:

1. Be signed by the faculty member making the observation

2. Indicate the date of the observation


1. In order to satisfy the requirements of due process, the class meeting chosen for evaluation should be one in which teaching competence may be fully demonstrated. Thus, examination sessions, class presentations by students, individual private instruction and similar situations are excluded.

2. Fairness to the Candidate would suggest that the observer be present from the very beginning of the class session so that important information and directions given to the students are not missed.

3. To be helpful to the Candidate as well as to the ARTP Committee, the evaluation should be directed to considerations such as the following:

• The Candidate's knowledge of the content area of the course: the precision and accuracy of information given to the students

          o evidence of the Candidate's scholarship observed in the class

          o apparent value of the readings and assignments given to the students

• The Candidate's ability to communicate and facilitate learning:

          o organization of the class presentation

          o clarity and relative importance of the objectives of the presentation

           o ability to motivate and guide students in deepening their knowledge

           o openness and facility in responding to questions


Here is the Peer Evaluation form Example: 







Statements on Research, Teaching, and Service are required and must be uploaded under the Candidate Documents section. Expectations for each statement are below and each document should be no more than 300-words.


A research plan is a summary of the work you intend to do, explaining how it fits into your prior output, what contributions the next step(s) will make to the broad scope of your scholarly ambitions, what you expect to accomplish during the coming year, and where you intend to place your work (which could be a refereed journal, a university press, a gallery, or some other venue dictated by the standard practices of people and institutions engaged in the kind of scholarly or creative work you do).

While a research plan may require that you summarize your work, it should not be treated as an abstract or a detailed statement of methodology for one or two projects. This is your opportunity to contextualize your work and explain how the individual contributions in article, chapter, or book form add up to a larger scholarly trajectory. Some scholars see their contributions as primarily methodological, advancing our understanding of analytic technique. Some build their work on well- established methodologies but use them to elucidate areas of study yet to be tackled in that scholarly tradition. Many combine these objectives. Please use the research plan to explain the larger scope of your work and how the various pieces now in view contribute to that agenda.


Every faculty member at Kean teaches. For the large majority, teaching represents the lion’s share of credit hours counted toward workload. Like research, teaching should evolve in response to changing circumstances and the discoveries you make about your discipline, your students, and the ever-changing toolsets that we can bring to bear on pedagogy. The teaching statement is your opportunity to discuss that evolution, reflect on what is working well and what you hope to do differently to improve student outcomes, and any other innovations that you intend to work on in the coming year.

A teaching plan will typically begin with a succinct statement of teaching philosophy, and then adduce evidence from practice of how that shapes your work in and outside of the classroom. Appropriate topics to cover might include the role of student-driven research in your teaching, of writing and revision, of out-of-class service projects, of peer critique, of Socratic dialog, of free writing, of journaling, of testing, and of long-form term papers. This is also the place to reflect on your engagement with various delivery modalities (e.g., all face-to-face, all online, a hybrid of face-to-face and online, etc.) and how you have developed your ability to excel in one or more of those modalities. You could show here how you have taken advantage of resources at the University such as the Center for Teaching and Learning or availed yourself of any of the many off-campus sources of instruction and peer support for pedagogy.


A service plan details your efforts to serve the University and/or the community outside of your research and teaching commitments (though these may overlap, more on which is below). Service falls into many categories: work on University committees, administration, some kinds of advising, mentoring students’ fieldwork that is not directly related to a class, or helping to build an executive program for a nearby constituency such as a group of small businesses or nonprofit organizations. Some service commitments will involve work with units of the University other than your Colleges and Schools, such as the division of Entrepreneurial Educational Initiatives, which fosters collaborations with school districts throughout the state. Others will be self-generated; all deserve mention in the service plan.

There are times when service projects overlap with your research and teaching initiatives; this is especially true of service projects that look off campus to the local community or to communities beyond our immediate area. If, for example, your scholarship deals with access to health services, and you have a grant to develop a health information campaign, and can include your students in that work (consistent of course with all of our Human Subjects protocols and other academic policies), that project likely checks all three boxes. You can indicate the connections under your research, teaching, and service plans, but expand the case in each specified area in the titled plan. Work that can yield high- quality publications, involve our students directly in research or service, and add value to a local community, is in many ways the most powerful and efficient way to maximize your own and the University’s impact.



Student evaluations for all courses taught during the review period should be uploaded to the Teaching Activity section under FAR. You must upload the student evaluations yourself as Interfolio does not pull them in automatically.

Data on all courses taught is uploaded to the Teaching Activity section of FAR each semester based on records in Colleague (the Kean student information system), and is view-only. The enrollment data will be shown when you are the primary instructor or co-instructor. If you feel there are any errors in this section, they should be reported to interfolio@kean.edu.




ARTP Annual Review Prompt Example


AS a tenured faculty member and an evaluator for a faculty reappointment at a college of Business, please write annual review report within 400 words for a candidate with these criteira: 1. Mastery of subject matter -- as demonstrated by such things as advanced degrees, licenses, honors, and general reputation in the academic area under consideration, etc.

2. Effectiveness of teaching – as demonstrated by such things as evaluation by colleagues and students, development of new teaching materials and courses, etc.

3. Scholarly abilities -- as demonstrated by such things as research in the academic field, contribution to artistic creation, publication, etc.

a. Publications, Performances, Exhibitions

b. Current Professional and Academic Association Memberships 4. Effectiveness in University and community service -- as demonstrated by such things as participation in University governance, improvement of Departmental, college, and University programs, service to students, service to the University community and to related professional organizations, etc.

a. Past and Current Non-Teaching Responsibilities b. Community Activities Related to Professional Competence 5. Continuing growth -- as demonstrated in a consistently open and emerging pattern of reading, research and service that indicates a capacity for further professional development. Please make sure to include this in your Research, Teaching, and Service statements.

6. Evidence supporting attainment of additional departmental criteria (if appropriate) -- to be included only if the Department has formally adopted criteria in addition to University-wide standards.


Please write the report with these "Good points" and "Need to Improve points".

Good points:

1. good research progress

2. good teaching evaluation from students

3. proactive service participation

Need to Improve:

1. please aim higher in the quality of research publication 2. Please try to serve for 'socielt impact' domain for urban research and/or community engagement ======================

Independent from the annual review report, Please write a class observation report based on the following Criteira within 250 words with these good points and need to improve points: • The Candidate's knowledge of the content area of the course: the precision and accuracy of information given to the students o evidence of the Candidate's scholarship observed in the class o apparent value of the readings and assignments given to the students • The Candidate's ability to communicate and facilitate learning: o organization of the class presentation

o clarity and relative importance of the objectives of the presentation o ability to motivate and guide students in deepening their knowledge o openness and facility in responding to questions Good points:

1. Nice interaction with students

2. Quite good quality of scholarly knowledge delivery Need to improve:

1. Encourage students in participating the constructive discussion



Output Example: 


Annual Review Report for Faculty Reappointment: College of Business

After a comprehensive review of the candidate's performance in the past academic year, this report presents the findings based on the criteria outlined: 1. Mastery of Subject Matter

The candidate has demonstrably shown a high level of mastery in their subject matter. Their advanced degrees, licenses, and honors testify to their competence. Additionally, their growing reputation within the academic community underlines their expertise in the field.

2. Effectiveness of Teaching

Teaching evaluations, both from peers and students, have reflected favorably on the candidate. Their development of new course materials and initiation of fresh courses have enriched the college's curriculum.

3. Scholarly Abilities

The candidate's scholarly pursuits have been commendable. They have consistently contributed to the academic field through research, publications, and occasional artistic contributions. Their active memberships in professional and academic associations further accentuate their commitment to academic growth.

Good Points:

Their research trajectory has shown consistent progress, marking them as a potential thought leader in their domain.

Student evaluations have consistently been positive, reflecting their effectiveness in teaching.

Their proactive participation in service activities, both within and outside the university, is laudable.

Areas for Improvement:

While their research contributions are noteworthy, aiming for higher-tier publications would further bolster their academic standing.

Delving into societal impact domains, especially urban research and community engagement, would round off their service contributions and amplify the college's reach and impact.

4. University and Community Service Effectiveness

The candidate has been actively engaged in university governance and has played a significant role in enhancing various programs at the departmental, college, and university levels. Their service to the student community and participation in professional organizations are commendable.

5. Continuing Growth

There's evident commitment to professional growth in the candidate's endeavors. Their consistent engagement in reading, research, and service points to a promising trajectory of further professional development.

6. Departmental Criteria

At this time, no additional departmental criteria have been introduced beyond the university-wide standards.

Class Observation Report

Upon observing the candidate's class, several strengths and areas for growth were identified: Strengths:

The candidate displayed a commendable rapport with students, fostering a conducive learning environment.

Their delivery of scholarly knowledge was precise, reflecting a deep understanding of the course content.

Areas for Improvement:

While the class had moments of engagement, there's room to enhance student participation. Encouraging more constructive discussions would promote a richer, more interactive learning experience.





2023. 09. 21:   Initially Archive


