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INNOVATIVE BUSINESS PEDAGOGY WITH CONTENTS-MAKING AT COLLEGE OF BUSINESS OF WENZHOU-KEAN UNIVERSITY Dr. Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi applies and experiments the an innovative and impactful business pedagogy that underpins the 'contents-making'. Students of his course are making 'video or contents' for class project. Based on the buisness inquiry such as "How to manage oneself?" "How to get people to work by themselves?" Students form teams by themselves, and they work on the semester long project. =.. 2021. 1. 29.
How To Write a Professional Business Email? How To Write a Professional Business Email? (By Dr. Jerry Choi at WKU CBPM) Email is an important communication tool in business. For example, a business executive gets over 100 emails daily. But many do not write an email in a proper way. A wrong form of Email makes a reader frustrated, and the sender cannot get what intended to. Harvard Business Review suggests the best practice of Business Em.. 2021. 1. 24.
해외 자취 독거남 생존 집밥 =================================================================== ================= 매콤 만능 양념장 ==================================== =================================================================== *** 만능 김치 양념장: 설탕 1/2; 액젓 1/2; 새우젓 1/2; 간마늘 2스푼; 생강 조금; 양파는 반개: 모두 넣고 믹서기에 넣어 갈아냄. 부추 잘게 썰어서 2컵; 당근 채 1컵 썰어놓기. 풀 쑤기: 물 반컴 + 밀가루 반컵 먼저 개고, 불 올려 풀 쑤기; 식힌 풀에 양념장과 고추가루 1개 넣고 양념장/채소 모두 넣고 잘 섞음; *** 만능 .. 2021. 1. 12.