On Nov. 24, 2020, Kean USA Office of the Provost / Vice President for Academic Affairs announced the "Faculty Activity Reporting: Initial Completion at Faculty180 - the Online Platform of Interfolio.
Click for the full message.
Dear Colleagues:
Thank you for your commitment to delivering an excellent academic experience to our students during very challenging semesters.
Kean University has adopted Interfolio as its faculty management system. Interfolio is a secure, online collaboration platform that provides customizable tools to manage all of the documents, workflows, data, committees, communication, and outcomes associated with review-based academic decisions. The first module being launched is Faculty Activity Reporting (Faculty 180) which is an online platform for faculty activity reporting that will assist in accreditation, other reporting analytics, and feed into all faculty evaluation processes (Retention and Tenure, Promotion, A328, Sabbatical, and Lecturer Evaluations). Please carefully complete the Faculty Activity Reporting module.
Some additional benefits of this module include:
· the creation of a central repository for current and past teaching, scholarship, and service contributions
· the ability to create a personal vita template
· the opportunity to enhance collaboration among fellow faculty
Resources and Support
Please click on this link to access Faculty180. This link will also be posted on our Interfiolio web page under Academic Affairs in the future. This will take you to your Interfolio Dashboard, where you will find the Faculty180 tab on the left side. If you have issues signing in, please contact the Interfolio Help Desk at help@interfolio.com.
Here you will find a self-guided training link through Interfolio University. Please complete the training as soon as possible.
We will be hosting a virtual university-wide faculty training session for Faculty180 on Thursday, December 3, from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can join the Zoom session using this link. If you cannot attend the training, the recording will be available on your Interfolio Dashboard.
Also available to you is a free training Faculty Activity Reporting webinar posted on Interfolio’s help page: FAR Training Webinar
If you have any questions about Faculty180, please email interfolio@kean.edu
Thank you,
Office of the Provost/ Vice President
for Academic Affairs
Townsend Hall 129
P: 908-737-3453
F: 908-737-3455
E: vpaa@kean.edu

Hi, Joy and Maria,
I am trying to get familiar with the Interfolio and update my information. From the notice form VPAA office, the training of Faculty 180 is scheduled at 3:30pm on December 3, which is 4:30 am in China. WKU faculty and staff have to watch the recording of the training. The notice indicated that recording will be available in the Dashboard. I did not see a tab for training recording in my Dashboard. Will it be available after the training?
What is the timeline for faculty to complete the Faculty 180?
What platform will be used for lecturer evaluation that can pull information from Faculty 180?
The PURPOSE of Faculty Activity Report at 'CLOUD' service.
Every year, Kean Faculty Members generally prepare more than 300 pages of Reappointment Application Packages that include Academic CV, Profile Information, Publications, and all relevant Faculty Activities. What if we can make the ARTP processes simple and easier at online with higher security? That is the idea of Kean's 'Going to Cloud' initiative of ARTP affairs.
Aligning with the transformation to Online Faculty Activity Report for Appointment, Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure, Promotion (ARTP) and HR affairs, WKU CBPM Management, Global Business, and Marketing (MGM) faculty members proactively complying with the movement.
WKU VPAA Office guided us to complete the FAR Initial completion by End of 2020 Fall Semester ( December . 18, 2020) based on the communication with Kean USA.
WKU CBPM MGM faculty members try to complete the initial inputs of FAR via Interfolio Faculty 180 platform by Dec. 18, 2020.
Faculty Activity Report via InterFolio Faculty 180 Platform
(Due, Dec. 18, 2020)
But the Due date for CBPM faculty members was postponed until the end of December 2020 at the CBPM faculty meeting on Dec. 08 because of time pressure of final grading.
1. Faculty Activity Report: Login
Kean University User Login | Clearlogin
Enter your credentials to continue
2. Faculty Activity Report: Training (Interfolio)
Rise 360
3. FAR: Webinar
Free Training Webinar: Interfolio Faculty180 - Faculty Activity Input (2019) | Help for Faculty Users in Faculty180 | Help Cente
Guide of Faculty Activity Report 180
1. Please login to the Faculty 180 by using your Kean ID/PWD.
Faculty Activity Report: Login
Kean University User Login | Clearlogin
Enter your credentials to continue
Please choose "Kean" (not Interfolio).
2. Mainly, you need to complete Profile and Activities.
2020.12.19: Faculty Activity Report (or Faculty 180) Online Course Completion
Faculty Activity Report: Training (Interfolio)
Key Terms:
Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR)
Also known as Faculty180, Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) is Interfolio's module that collects validated faculty data sets for accreditation, compliance, and seeing the full picture of faculty contributions at your institution.
An activity is anything a faculty member does that can be tracked as a record of their career for data collection and use cases like promotion, tenure, or annual reviews, grant applications, or supplementing public facing profiles. Generally, this describes some type of teaching, scholarship, service, or professional development – the core activities of university faculty.
A collection of sections to track data. There are two types of forms, profile and activity forms.
Profile Form
The Profile Form is the form that tracks personal information related to faculty user, such as contact information. Faculty control (most of) the data in this form through the FAR interface.
The Profile Form is always available under Profile on the navigation bar.
Activity Form
The Activity Form is the form that faculty enter their activities into during the year. It's configurable by an administrator at the client side, and is composed of sections.
There is one Activity Form that is always available under Activities on the navigation bar.
A section is a type of faculty activity information that a university wants to track, such as teaching, scholarship, or service. Sections are made up of fields.
Activity Classification
Activity Classifications are additional metadata tags that allow units to supplement the fields with other data they want to track. They can be used in multiple sections and can be set to only show for particular units. These classifications can appear on reports or CV templates or be used to filter a report or CV template down to the desired information before it is generated. They are also used in accreditation reports. Examples of Activity Classifications include Committee Role, Book Type, and Scholarly Type.
Vita Template
Vita Templates display the output of the faculty's activity reporting. They are a collection of sections from both the profile and activity forms.
Initiated Activity Input Form
While faculty members always have access to the Activities form on their menu toolbar, Administrators may ask for updates periodically. To make that easy for faculty members, they initiate a period of input for a particular time period. When a form is used as part of this request for information, that is the initiated activity input form. It will be linked from the Faculty Member’s Action Items until it is either completed or the period for input has ended.
Faculty Account
Full/part time faculty and, if applicable, professional staff who teach, have access to input data on the Profile and Activity Input Forms. (This may also include Deans or other higher level academic administrative positions.)
Support Account
Access to assist faculty in the process of data input on the Profile and Activity Input Forms and/or to run reports. This type of account is intended for users who serve in a support role, such as a member of the Institutional Implementation Team, IT resources, administrative assistants, student workers, etc.
Unit Administrator
Unit Administrators will generally have access to particular administrative functions for their specific unit.
Administrative rights can be added to either a support account or a faculty account.
System Administrator
The highest level administrator is responsible for the database configuration and general upkeep. Software administrators have the top permissions in the system.
Profile Input:
Please input all your personal profile information.
(Profile example #1) Personal Information
(Profile example #2) Work Experience; Degrees
Activity Input:
Please input all your school and/or professional activities in each section:
(Activity example #1) Teaching
Refresh your teaching tenure period, and input all course evaluation results in each item.
(Activity example #2) Scholarly Contributions and Creative ProductionsTeaching
Input all your publications, presentations, and conference activities. You can input your publications by hands, RIS or BibText importing.
Creating Vitas & Biosketches
Once you input all your necessary information, you can create and report your Academic CV or Resume for Annual Review:
(CV Example #1) Annual Report for Annual Reappointment
Only annual activities will be summarized in the newly created CV.
Full Year Report can be created for Tenure application.
Forms and Reports are not accessible up to now (Dec. 20, 2020)
Dec. 28 ~ Dec. 31, 2020 (Maintenance)
Extension of the due date of initial input of FAR was requested (until Jan. 08, 2021).
Jan. 15, 2021: two weeks extension of Lecturer Packet
Dear colleagues,
I am sure you have been informed that we are all required to complete Interfolio’s Faculty Activity Reporting (Faculty 180), which provides a centralized location for faculty to store and manage their professional/academic achievements, and streamlines faculty evaluation processes. I hope that you have all completed the Faculty 180 module of the Interfolio by now. Here is the link for the Faculty Activity Reporting (Faculty 180) virtual training recording. Please enter the following passcode: W#%AmX2K
The deadline for lecturers to submit the reappointment packet is now extended to February 2, 2021. It is important to note that starting from this year the lecturer evaluation packet has to be submitted through interfolio. Here is the link for a Lecturer Evaluation Case Packet Training. Please enter the following passcode: @*4FTSV9
Catherine Yu (staff of Office of Assessment and Accreditation) is the liaison person of Interfolio at WKU. Please contact Ms. Yu (yujue@wku.edu.cn) if you have questions on Interfolio. Ms. Yu will work with the Provost's Office at KUSA to answer your questions.
I am looking forward to reviewing your timely submissions of reappointment packets.
** 2022.09.12: VITAs & Biosketches (Promotion for AY 2022-2023 (UNIVERSITY) can be created and exported and shared with Promotion Committee via Interfolio.
For promotion Vitas & Bioskethes: Go to Legacy Vitas: Choose Promotion for AY 2022-2023:
Example: Promotion Vita Can be Shared in Website form:
2021. 06. 15: 2-6 Year Reappointment Case Open
Kean 2-6 year Reappointment Interfolio Guilde Video:
Guide Video:
비디오 회의, 웹 회의, 웨비나, 화면 공유
Zoom은 모바일, 데스크톱 및 회의실 시스템에서 비디오 및 오디오 회의, 채팅 및 웨비나를 안전하고 편리하게 진행할 수 있는 클라우드 플랫폼을 제공하여 첨단 엔터프라이즈 비디오 통신을 선도
Access Passcode: +z=7&ia1
Kean Interfolio send a Kean Viwe Case Email. Click and Login with your Kean ID/PWD.
Individuals would have different "personalized" preview packet.
1. Check Overview, and Check your Interfolio Packet. If you input your information, you must have all necessary data.
2. Click the Packet button, and we will mainly work on it!
3. Click the "View Instructions", and you can get information of "Reappointment Points".
Candidate Instruction here: Click ->
Candidate Instructions
Statement of University and Commission on Higher Education Criteria for Consideration for Reappointment
University Criteria for Reappointment (Source: RTP Guidelines p. 5)
1. Mastery of subject matter -- as demonstrated by such things as advanced degrees, licenses, honors, and general reputation in the academic area under consideration, etc.
- a. Earned Degrees*
- b. Honors, Awards and Distinguished Achievements
- c. Educational and Professional Experiences
2. Effectiveness of teaching – as demonstrated by such things as evaluation by colleagues and students, development of new teaching materials and courses, etc.
- a. Faculty Observations
- b. Student Evaluations
- c. Teaching Innovation
3. Scholarly abilities -- as demonstrated by such things as research in the academic field, contribution to artistic creation, publication, etc.
- a. Publications, Performances, Exhibitions
- b. Current Professional and Academic Association Memberships
4. Effectiveness in University and community service -- as demonstrated by such things as participation in University governance, improvement of Departmental, college, and University programs, service to students, service to the University community and to related professional organizations, etc.
- a. Past and Current Non-Teaching Responsibilities
- b. Community Activities Related to Professional Competence
5. Continuing growth -- as demonstrated in a consistently open and emerging pattern of reading, research and service that indicates a capacity for further professional development.
6. Evidence supporting attainment of additional departmental criteria (if appropriate) --to be included only if the Department has formally adopted criteria in addition to University-wide standards.
Commission on Higher Education Criterion for Reappointment
(Source: NJAC 9:1-1.8 (f). Formerly 17 NJR 1299.)
For persons hired after January 1, 1986 who do not hold the appropriate terminal degree or its equivalent, no reappointment shall be made to the fourth year unless the board of trustees of the university determines that for rare and exceptional reasons reappointment is necessary to support the mission of the university.
(Note: If the Department feels that the above “rare and exceptional reasons” exist, supporting evidence must be included with this reappointment form.)
Application Instructions
This application contains two submission sections: the Faculty Activity Reporting Vita and the Candidate Document section. Information you entered in the Faculty Activity Reporting Profile and Activity section will be generated into your 2nd - 6th Year Faculty Reappointment Evaluation Vitae which will eliminate duplication efforts. The Candidate Documents sections will allow you to upload your statement (Word Document or PDF) and allow you to amplify or expand upon any information that was generated into your 2nd - 6th Year Faculty Reappointment Evaluation Vitae.
The following are the Profile and Activity sections from Faculty Activity Reporting that are generated into your 2nd - 6th Year Faculty Reappointment Evaluation Vitae. Please make sure to thoroughly fill out the sections to ensure your application is complete:
- Contact Information
- Degrees
- Current Position
- Administrative Appointment
- Honors and Awards
- Grants
- Professional Licensures & Certifications
- Professional Membership
- Teaching
- Advising Load
- Mentorship/Supervision
- Work Experience
- Consulting
- Scholarly Contributions and Creative Productions
- Non-Credit Instruction
- Other Institutional Service
- Institutional Committees
- External Services
- Professional Development
*The Commission on Higher Education requires that "For persons hired after January 1, 1986 who do not hold the appropriate terminal degree or its equivalent, no reappointment shall be made to the fourth year unless the board of trustees ... determines that for rare and exceptional reasons reappointment is necessary to support the mission of the (institution)." (Source: NJAC 9:1-1.8 (f). Formerly 17 NJR 1299.)
4. We must submit two things for reappointment: 1). FAR Vita ; 2) Candidate Document.
4-1) Information you entered in the Faculty Activity Reporting Profile and Activity section will be generated into your 2nd - 6th Year Faculty Reappointment Evaluation Vitae which will eliminate duplication efforts.
*Update & Regenerate if you input new information!
4-2) The Candidate Documents sections will allow you to upload your statement (Word Document or PDF) and allow you to amplify or expand upon any information that was generated into your 2nd - 6th Year Faculty Reappointment Evaluation Vitae.
Four sections can be added and supported with "customized Candidate Documents".
Especially, Section 2 should be carefully addressed (Teaching Video; Exra detail in publication; Teaching Innovation;
Section 1: we don't need to add this section if the information is not new to the FAR Document.
1A: Eidence For Mastery of Subject Matter: Earned Degree
1B: Evidence for Mastery of Subect Matter: Honors, Awards, and Distinguished Achievement
1C: Evidence for Mastery of Subject Matter: Educational and Professional Experiences
Section 2: Evidence for Effectivness of Teaching: Faculty Observation (Required)
At least three (3) Observation, including one from the Departmental ARTP committee Chairperson, must be uploaded!
2A: Faculty Observation: Add three class observation videos:
2B: Student Evaluation: In case, the Vita does not include the course evluation result, please add student evaluation report here:
2C: Teaching Innovation: When you apply new pedagogical innovations in teaching, please descried it (Media Production maybe included such as Hperlinks, Website, Videos, and any other multimdeia contents).
3A: Evicences for Scholarly and/or Creative Abilitie: Publications! : Elaborate your publications
3B: Evicences for Scholarly and/or Creative Abilitie:Profesional / ACaddmic Membership
4A. Evidence for Effectivness inf University and Community Service: Non-Teaching Respoinsbility: External Service; Institutional Committees
5. Evidence Suggesting Continuing Growth:
6. Evidence Supporting Attainment of Additional Departmental Criteria (No Need in WKU CBPM Management, Marketing, and Global Business)
7. Optional Statement
5. Acknowledgement & Verification! (Sign & Submit): WE must check out all inputs, and we must acknowledge and verify our sumbission.
Please Confirm your Acknowledgement and Verification:
6. Preview Packet and Submission:
Make sure that all necessary information are in the 2nd-6year reappoinment Evaluation Vitae and Candidate Documents:
7. Confirm your submission of your 2-6 year reappointment evaluation !
Warming: Once you submit, your status will be changed to "Locked" - no change can be made!
2022-23 Reappointment Process (WKU CBPM MGM Department)
ARTP committee chairs, KUSA CBPM colleagues (AY 2022-23):
Benito Sanchez for Acct/Fin bsanchez@kean.edu
David Shani for GBUS and Econ dshani@kean.edu
Rosa Lemel and Sucheta Ahlawat for M&M rlemel@kean.edu
2022-2023 ARTP Committee Chair and Members of Management & Marketing at Kean USA
Dr. Rosa Lemel" <rlemel@kean.edu>: Co-Chair of ARTP
Sucheta Ahlawat <sahlawat@kean.edu> : Co-Chair of ARTP & Promotion Committee
Thomas Abraham <tabraham@kean.edu>
Valerie Vaccaro <vvaccaro@kean.edu>
2021. 08. 18: Questions to MGM ARTP about Schedule and Method of Reappointment!
2021-22 Reappointment Schedule for 2-6 years:
2022-23 Reappointment Schedeul for 2-6 years:
** Reference: 1st Year Faculty Members' Reappointment Schedule (Teaching Videos must be taken after Nov. 03, 2022; Due date: Nov. 18, 2022)
Source: Kean USA Faculty Forms:
Faculty Forms | Kean University
2021.08.20: How to Input n th Year Reappointment?
Login Kean Interfolio (personal)
Kean University User Login | Clearlogin
Enter your credentials to continue
2. You will get your personal name and n th year Faculty Reappointment Evaluation. Click your name
2. Check Overview and Click Edit!
3. Input Required Document / Evidence accordingly!
%% Important (Personal Tip): Please Use the Old Template of Reappointment (2-6 year). And print them out in PDF file by section! Then, you can add those section PDF on each requirement section.
Sample Traditional Reappointment Package
Reason: The required Candidate Documents follows the traditional Reappointment Package
For detail guide of the traditional Reappontment package preparation, please see this old guide:
Fortunately or unfortunately, New Jersey State mandates conducting the annual review of all public college faculty members (both tenure-track faculty and lecturer) for reappointment. Kean University..
Each section of the Candidate Document demands the "Evidence" to cover the section as the traditional Reappointment package. So, the best practice to address the demand is "Making the Traditional Reappointment Package" and separate file section by section to upload it accordingly.
"Required" Candidate Documents at Interfolio! :
1B. EVIDENCE FOR MASTERY OF SUBJECT MATTER: Honors, Awards and Distinguished Achievements
1C. EVIDENCE FOR MASTERY OF SUBJECT MATTER: Educational and Professional Experiences
PDF files by Section (Example)
4. Complete Acknowledgement & Candidate Verification Form!
5. Regenerate Vitae (Update all Faculty Activity Report data), and Submit!
6. Preview, Check, and Submit "Candidate Documents"
7. Once Submitted both Faculty Activity Reporting Vita & Candidate Documents: Those two sections are "Locked" and No Change is possible.
8. Please Carefully Communicate with your ARTP Committee at Kean USA
AY 2021-22 Kean University, CBPM Management & Marketing ARTP (Appointment, Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion) Committee Members
Dr. Rosa Lemel (rlemel@kean.edu), ARTP Chair (AY2021-22)
Dr. Sucheta Ahlawat (sahlawat@kean.edu)
Dr. Thomas Abraham (tabraham@kean.edu)
Dr. Gail Fraser (gfraser@kean.edu)
Dr. Valerie Vaccaro (vvaccaro@kean.edu)
KU CBPM, SMM Executive Director:
Dr. Shanggeun Rhee <srhee@kean.edu>
You can check out ARTP members in here:
Faculty - School of Management and Marketing
W-105F (908) 737-4176 mchattalas@kean.edu Tuesday W-105F 2:15PM to 4:45PM Wednesday W-105F11:30AM to 1:30PM Thursday W-105FBy Appointment Friday W-105F2:15PM to 4:45PM Saturday W-105F1:45PM to 2:45PM Dr. Sucheta Ahlawat W-103C (908) 73
2021.08.25: Undefined Agreement between Kean Federation of Teachers (KFT) and KU/WKU about Kean USA ARTP's extra work for WKU Reappointment.
Kean USA School of Management and Marketing (SMM) ARTP needs a defined 'Agreement' between KFT - KU/WKU in order to perform extra work for WKU faculty reappointment works.
2022. Aug. 30 Updated ARTP Calendar 2022-23 AY .
April 27, 2022: "Tenured Professor should have evaluation every Five Years" but in Wenzhou, post-tenure evaluation shall be every two years.
From Dr. Rhee at Kean USA, a tenured professor should submit evaluation every five years to renew the position.
However, WKU CBPM Dean said the post-tenure evaluation shall be every two years in Wenzhou. Necessary materials and criteria will be updated by Wenzhou.
**Remarks: 1st Year Reappointment has a different schedule and different requirements from 2-6 year reappointment.
2022. October. the first year reappointment schedule and requirement packet:
April 25, 2022: "Promotion Calendar"
In order to apply for promotion to Associate or Full professorship, One should apply for the Promotion to the Promotion Committee (different from ARTP committee).
Promotion Calendar (different from Reappointment).
[Updated by Dr. Kihwan Kim on 2022. 04. 26]
Source of Promotion Calednar:
Faculty Forms | Kean University
So far (2022), Kean USA CBPM has dual system of ARTP committee (reappointment & tenure) and Promotion committee.
In order to apply for promotion, CBPM faculty members should declare and apply for promotion to Promotion committee that is independent from ARTP committee.
Intelligence says that we simply need to send an Email with same updated Reappointment package.
Promotion Application Package:
April 27, 2022: (Intensive Discussion): Wrapping up the Tenure & Promotion Issues at WKU CBPM SMM , Management & Marketing Department (WKU CBPM Dean & Three Newly Tenured but Non-Associate Promoted Professors)
20220427_Discussion of Tenure & Promotion Issue of WKU CBPM Management Department Faculty Members:
- 2021 Applied to Tenure & Granted
- Tenured but No Associate Promotion
- KUSA / WKU were Ignorant to the Promotion
- Promotion should be applied separated from 6th year ARTP Reappointment & Tenure
- Reapply for 2022 year
HR problems & Dispute:
- Asymmetric Information of Research Requirement from KUSA / WKU / CBPM? (What is the condition of tenure & promotion from KUSA Provost? WKU ? and WKU CBPM?)
Unrealistic offer only for Chinese local?
- What is the WKU Identity? Chinese Institution? Sino-American Institution?
April 28, 2022: (Informal and suggesting) Criteria for Tenure & Promotion! (@ Kean USA CBPM School of Management & Marketing).
Tenure Criteria (Unofficial)
For Tenure & Association Promotion, new Provost Birdsell recommends,
(Within 6 years of Tenure-track years, total of 5~6 peer-reviewed articles that include at least one "A" level publication regardless of authorship rank)
1. At least one "A" level journal (ABDC A or SJR Q1 - One is enough)
A-level journal means:
1) ABDC Journal Quality List : A (Check here)
2) SJR (SCImago Journal & Country Rank): Q1 (Check here)
Scimago Journal & Country Rank
Scimago Graphica Scimago Graphica is a data analysis and visualization tool that allows you to build powerful charts using an easy to use no-code interface. Get Graphica for free
2. Several Peer-reviwed articles such as
B-level publications: 2 ~ 3
C-level publications: 2 ~ 3
3. No Predatory Journal Publication
4. Author rank would not be considered (First or Solo authorship is not required but highly recommendable)
May 21, 2022: New Contract (3 + 3) Practice for 1-6 years tenure track faculty and lecturers.
Dear all,
This email is to inform you of the one-year Pilot program about the faculty contract updates, which has been approved in the Board Meeting held in May 12th, 2022.
1. Tenure-track:
a) Tenure-track faculty will receive a 3-year initial appointment. They will be evaluated annually and rigorously to encourage continuous improvement in the areas of teaching, research, and service; and to ensure quality, standards and expectations are maintained. Following positive assessment of the initial Pilot years, and upon recommendation from the KUSA President and the WKU Board of Directors Academic Affairs Committee, a third-year review will determine reappointment for an additional three years. Faculty will be evaluated during years 4 and 5 for the purpose of encouraging ongoing improvement. During year 6, an evaluation will determine tenure and promotion.
b) During this transition year, all of you will be given contracts of different years in order to keep coherent with our new policy. Specifically, if you are in the first or second year of tenure-track currently, you are in the initial 3-year cycle, and you will receive 2-year or 1-year contract this year, respectively, and be reviewed for an additional 3-year reappointment in your third year of tenure-track. If you are in the fourth or fifth year of tenure-track currently, you are in the second 3-year cycle, and you will receive 2-year or 1-year contract this year, respectively, and be reviewed for tenure and/or promotion in your sixth year of tenure-track.
c) Please be aware that the contract term and working time are as below.
Contract Type | Contract Term | Working Time | ||
1 Year | 8/16/2022-8/15/2023 | 8/16/2022-6/15/2023 | / | / |
2 Years | 8/16/2022-8/15/2024 | 8/16/2022-6/15/2023 | 8/16/2023-6/15/2024 | / |
3 Years | 8/16/2022-8/15/2025 | 8/16/2022-6/15/2023 | 8/16/2023-6/15/2024 | 8/16/2024-6/15/2025 |
During the contract term, each tenure-track faculty is entitled to an 8-week dedicated break between June 16th and August 15th every year.
2. Lecturer:
a) Lecturer will receive a 3-year appointment. They will be evaluated annually for the purpose of encouraging continued improvement in the areas of teaching and service. A third-year review will determine reappointment for an additional three years. The annual evaluation process and the 3-year appointment renewal cycle will continue. With respect to the lecturers who are in the 2-year contracts at present, they will be given 3-year contracts after getting the nominations for reappointment when the current contracts expire.
b) Please be advised that current 12-month working-time contracts will change to 11-month working-time contracts. Salary and the 39-credit teaching assignment per academic year will not be impacted by this change.
c) Please be aware that the contract term and working time are as below.
Contract Type | Contract Term | Working Time | ||
3-year 11-month position | 8/16/2022-8/15/2025 | 8/16/2022-7/15/2023 | 8/16/2023-7/15/2024 | 8/16/2024-7/15/2025 |
3-year 10-month position | 8/16/2022-8/15/2025 | 8/16/2022-6/15/2023 | 8/16/2023-6/15/2024 | 8/16/2024-6/15/2025 |
During the contract term, 10-month Lecturer is entitled to an 8-week dedicated break between June 16th and August 15th every year, and 11-month Lecturer is entitled to a 4-week dedicated break between July 16th and August 15th every year.
3. Considering that you will be evaluated annually for continuous improvement, your compensation will be adjusted annually as before based on your personal performance. It will be paid evenly in 12 installments every year in accordance with contract period. That means no matter your working time is 10 month or 11 month, you will receive the payments 12 times altogether every year.
Your reappointment letter has being processed, but it takes some time for us to prepare them. You probably will receive it prior to the end of May. Thanks a lot for your patience.
If you have any question about this email, please don’t hesitate to contact Wendy at jindiwen@wku.edu.cn.
Happy weekend!
Human Resources Office
2022.05.23: WKU HR does not involve in the Post-Tenure process nor Promotion. But, WKU faculty should contact KUSA ARTP / Promotion Committee.
2022.05.30: WKU HR Notify that "Delay of Reappointment Letter" in early June, 2022. The contract was originally planned to recieve by December of last year to make people decicing whether they can join WKU or not for next academic term.
The significant delay disadvantage WKU (foreign) faculty members' career decision.
2022.06.01.: Faculty Promotion Procedures by WKU VCAA
2022.06.01: Sent Letter of Intention to KUSA CBPM SMM ED & interfolio@kean.edu
2022.06.09: New Contract (Final Decision) came from WKU (Far delayed from the plan - No later than Jan. 2022).
2022.06.19: WKU VPAA notified that ARTP should have consistent standards for evaluating faculty promotion.
(Two year Post-tenure evaluation in WKU while KUSA has five year term).
2022.06.28: Check-up: Kean University's Promotion Schedule (No update)
Faculty Forms | Kean University
Home | Kean University
With more than 50 undergraduate majors and 70-plus graduate options, Kean offers on-campus academic programs in Union, Jefferson, Toms River and Manahawkin, New Jersey, as well as in Wenzhou, China.
2022. 08. 24: Promotion Related Information from WKU VPAA
- The Provost Office just announced that the 2nd-6th year Faculty Reappointment Calendar has been approved and is posted at https://www.kean.edu/media/calendar-reappointment-activities-2nd-6th-2022-2023.
- Eric clarified today that while 3rd and 6th folks are applying for reappointment in Interfolio, other colleagues in the mid-contract cycle still need to "reapply" for annual evaluations, not for contracting purposes.
- Eric further stated that "Reviews for tenure and promotion will still be separate processes for this upcoming tenure review cycle in both KU and WKU. Receiving a tenure will not mean that it comes with a promotion automatically. This will be beneficial to many faculty since bundling of tenure and promotion might require external reviews and higher expectations on scholarly outputs. Reviews for tenure and promotion will still be separate processes for the upcoming tenure review cycle unless something changes unexpectedly. Please note that the final words will only come from the Office of Provost and Senior VPAA, which will send out the notification to all faculty directly. My message is only for your information".
2022.08.23: Information Sharing "Letter of Agreement On Faculty Promotion Procedures" Co-signed on 2021. October 04 between KFT and the Kean University:
Key sentences:
The University Promotion Committee considers promotions to be a matter of fulfilling benchmarks instead of a competition among faculty applicants.
1. Assistant Professor. An earned doctorate or other appropriate Professor terminal degree* or its equivalent** from an accredited institution in an appropriate field of study*** The requirement of an earned doctorate or other appropriate terminal degree or its equivalent for promotion to the rank of Assistant Professor shall not apply to faculty members employed in the University prior to February 22, 1974.In circumstances where the University finds the candidate has extraordinary qualifications, the University will consider waiving degree requirements.
2. Associate Professor. An earned doctorate or other appropriate terminal degree* from an accredited institution in an appropriate field of study***, and five years of professional experience. The requirement of an earned doctorate or other appropriate terminal degree or its equivalent for promotion to the rank of Associate Professor shall not apply to faculty members employed in the University prior to September 1, 1968. For Associate Professor, the expectation is that candidates will demonstrate a consistent record of scholarship and/or creative works, teaching and service to the University and community. Assistant Professors who are awarded tenure will automatically be promoted to Associate Professor at the same time. If the applicant does not meet the standards for associate professor, that applicant will also not be awarded tenure.
3. Professor. An earned doctorate or other appropriate terminal degree* from an accredited institution in an appropriate field of study***, and eight years of professional experience. For full professors, the expectation is that candidates will demonstrate excellence across the criteria presented in section III.F below.
4. The State recognizes that individuals may present qualifications as to education and experience that their peers will recommend to be the equivalent* of the above qualifications although not corresponding to the letter.
2022.09.04: Tenure Track Annual Evaluation (from VCAA)
2022.09.05: Tenured Professors do not need to update the Annual Review (for 2-6 years) Interfolio
2022.09.11: However, "Tenured professors" are recommended to update FAR annually for Continual Faculty Quality Improvement (by Kean/WKU Provost Office)
2022.09.13: "Unofficial" Notification of Kean Promotion Calendar.
All Promotion calendar is up https://www.kean.edu/media/promotion-calendar-2022-2023; so is 1st Year Reappointment Calendar https://www.kean.edu/media/reappointment-first-year-calendar-2022-2023.
A VPAA Office rep is "working on creating the Promotion cases in Interfolio for faculty who have already notified us of their intent to apply and will open case packets for 1st year faculty by the end of this week."
Please copy and paste the above links into a browser, if the Wechat window fails to load web pages.
2022.09.14: Kean Interfolio Released the "Promotion Packet" for candidates.
An official Guide for Promotion Interfolio (Instruction) is available here:
Apply - Interfolio
Packet required 13, 14, and Promotion acknowledgement by candidate; Promotion verification form.
(Promotion) Candidate Instruction:
Oct 5, 2022
Decisions about promotion shall include consideration of several broad and interrelated factors (Faculty Senate Guidelines on Retention, Tenure, and Promotion, A3.3).
1. Mastery of subject matter --- as demonstrated by such criteria as advanced degrees, licenses, honors, continuing education credits, and general reputation in the academic field under consideration, etc.
2. Effectiveness of teaching --- as demonstrated by such criteria as evaluation by colleagues and students, development of new teaching materials and courses, etc.
Should include formal course evaluation data from designated instrument.
3. Scholarly abilities --- as demonstrated by such criteria as published research in the academic field, contribution to artistic creation, the prestige of publication venues, presentations at international, national, or regional conferences etc. To ensure that Kean scholars are performing at a level of achievement demanded by their disciplines nationwide, a process of external peer review will be implemented beginning in the 2023-2024 Academic Year. The details to be negotiated in a subsequent agreement.
4. Effectiveness in University and community service --- as demonstrated by such criteria as participation in university governance, improvement of departmental, college, and all-University programs, service to students, service to the University community and to related professional organizations, etc.
5. Continuing growth --- as demonstrated in a consistently open and emerging pattern of research, continuing education courses and service that indicates a capacity for further professional development.
The following are the Profile and Activity sections from Faculty Activity Reporting that are generated into your Promotion for AY 2022-2023 Vitae:
- Degrees
- Honors and Awards
- Professional Licensures & Certifications
- Professional Membership
- Grants
- Current Position
- Administrative Appointments
- Work Experience
- Consulting
- Non-Credit Instruction
- Professional Development
- Advising Load
- Mentorship / Supervision
- Scholarly Contributions and Creative Productions
- Other Institutional Service
- Institutional Committees
- External Service
- Teaching
Promotion for AY 2023-24 (Packet)
Follow the Kean University Application for Promotion Template:
Fill in templates, and get prepared to submit section by section!
Promotion Acknowledgment by Candidate
Promotion Verification Form
Preview the Promotion Packet (for final check)
Submitted: FAR & Candidate Document (Both) and packet would be locked.
2022.10.14: Urgent Request for "Peer Evaluation: Three Peer Evaluation by Three Different Evaluators within two years" for Promotion.
Promotion Package Section 13: Peer Observation requests for "Three ARTP Peer Evaluation of Class Observation by Three Different Evaluators within Two years". Promotion applicants should keep the record of Class Observation results from ARTP by years to prepare the section.
The Peer evaluation form looks like this.
2023. 05. 30: Promotion Letter
2023. 05. 30: Promotion Letter
2022.10.14: Urgent Request for "Peer Evaluation: Three Peer Evaluation by Three Different Evaluators within two years" for Promotion.
2022.09.14: Promotion Packet Sample added.
2022.09.13: "Unofficial" Notification of Kean Promotion Calendar.
2022.09.11: "Tenured professors" are recommended to update FAR annually for Continual Faculty Quality Improvement (by Kean/WKU Provost Office)
2022.09.11: Updated Kean USA CBPM ARTP Chairs of 2022-23 AY
2022.09.05: Tenured Professors do not need to update the Annual Review (for 2-6 years) Interfolio.
2022.08.23: WKU VPAA notified that "Separated Tenure & Promotion" process.
2022.06.19: WKU VPAA notified that ARTP should have consistent standards for evaluating faculty promotion.
2022.06.09: New Contract (Final Decision) came from WKU (Far delayed from the plan - No later than Jan. 2022).
2022.05.30: WKU HR Notify that "Delay of Reappointment Letter"
May 21, 2022: New Contract (3 + 3) Practice for 1-6 years tenure track faculty and lecturers.
April 28, 2022: "(informal and suggestin) Tenure & Promotion Criteria at Kean USA CBPM (from Provost Birdsell)
April 27, 2022: "Promotion Issue" discussion Record
April 25, 2022: "Promotion Calendar" Update;
Feb. 02, 2022: Added the traditional reappointment process guide for reference:
Oct. 07, 2021: In the Kean system, 6th Year Reappointment and Tenure evaluation occurs at the same time.
Aug. 25, 2021: Communication with ARTP Chair about "Agreement between KFT-KU/WKU".
Aug. 20, 2021: Updated Whole Process of Reappointment at Interfolio
Aug. 18, 2021: Questions to ARTP about Reappointment Timeline and Method.
June 16, 2021: Kean 2-6 year reappointment case open: Guide updated
Jan. 15, 2021: FAR Extention by Feb. 02 for Lectuere.
Jan. 05, 2021: FAR Extention by Jan. 08 for Tenure-Track, Jan. 06 for Lecturer; Added "The purpose of FAR at Cloud".
Dec. 29, 2020: FAR extension (Jan. 06, 2021) requested.
Dec. 19, 2020: FAR INPUT Examples
Dec. 02, 2020: FAR Guide documentation started.