Fortunately or unfortunately, New Jersey State mandates conducting the annual review of all public college faculty members (both tenure-track faculty and lecturer) for reappointment. Kean University & WKU are not exceptions.
From 2021, All the annual review process will go to 'Cloud' - the Interfolio.
So, this is an archive of the old-fashioned Annual Review guide.
[Updated 2020-21 Annual Review / Reappointment Schedule of Kean University]
In summary, WKU CBPM Faculty need to prepare "Annual Review Package" and submit it to Kean CBPM School of Management ARTP Members and Exeuctive Director?
AY 2021-22 Kean University, CBPM Management & Marketing ARTP Committee Members
Dr. Rosa Lemel (rlemel@kean.edu), ARTP Chair (AY2021-22)
Dr. Sucheta Ahlawat (sahlawat@kean.edu)
Dr. Thomas Abraham (tabraham@kean.edu)
Dr. Gail Fraser (gfraser@kean.edu)
Dr. Valerie Vaccaro (vvaccaro@kean.edu)
KU CBPM, SMM Executive Director:
Dr. Shanggeun Rhee <srhee@kean.edu>
You can check out ARTP members in here:
Faculty - School of Management and Marketing
W-105F (908) 737-4176 mchattalas@kean.edu Tuesday W-105F 2:15PM to 4:45PM Wednesday W-105F11:30AM to 1:30PM Thursday W-105FBy Appointment Friday W-105F2:15PM to 4:45PM Saturday W-105F1:45PM to 2:45PM Dr. Sucheta Ahlawat W-103C (908) 73
Please use Google Drive (with School Email of xxx.kean.edu) to submit Reappointment Portfolio (Application Package, Updated CV, Evidence of Excellency etc.)
Please send the Google Drive Folder that contains all reappointment materials to all ARTP committee members of Kean CBPM Management & Marketing.
Example of Submitting Reappointment Package to ARTP Committee
Annual Review Application Package contains:
1. Kean University Departmental Evaluation Recommendation For Faculty Reappointment packages.
2. Updated Academic CV
3. Publications and/or any supporting evidence of excellency
Please see Annual Review Calendar Sample nad Manuals from HQ.
1. Annual Review Calendar Sample (2nd ~ 6th Year)
2. Manual for 2nd-6th year faculty
2nd-6th Year Reappointment Outline.pdf
This is an example of 2-6 year faculty member's Reappointment Application Package
For WKU Faculty, this is the Annual Review Criteria Form
First-Year Faculty Calendar
Manual for the First Year Faculty
First Year Reappointment Outline.pdf
2020-2021 ARTP Committee at Kean USA
Dr. Rosa Lemel" <rlemel@kean.edu>: Co-Chair
Sucheta Ahlawat <sahlawat@kean.edu> : Co-Chair
Thomas Abraham <tabraham@kean.edu>
Valerie Vaccaro <vvaccaro@kean.edu>
2020.09.01: Submission locations changed to KU CBPM Dean Dr. Wang Jin.
2020.08.28: Updated Calendar from Provost Office
2020.08.18; Archived the Annual Review Process of Kean/WKU