1. Returning to Campus Protocol
Four class forms of Kean University
Spring 2021 Prep Weeks | Kean University
Due to the continuing impact of COVID-19, courses that would normally be offered in-person have been converted to one of three categories of instructional methods: Face-to-Face (F2F), Hybrid, or Remote (100% Remote). Online (Kean Online) courses continue as usual without change because they were originally designed to be 100% virtual.
The amount of class time spent in the virtual Blackboard classroom and the kind of activities that occur in the virtual classroom depends upon the instructional method of the course and the instructor.
- Face-to-Face (F2F): These courses will initially meet remotely, then resume regular in-person instruction as soon as possible. That date is currently scheduled to be February 16. Instructors provide information on when, where and at what frequency classes will meet on campus.
- Hybrid: These courses will initially meet remotely, then starting February 16th the classes will alternate between in-person and remote sessions. The number of overall class meetings will be the same, but with some in-person course meetings and some remote course meetings. Blackboard is used to supplement the in-person instruction and coordinate remote instruction. Students are expected to access course content during regularly scheduled class days and times either in person or remotely during the scheduled time. Instructors provide information on when, where and at what frequency classes will meet.
- Remote (100% Remote): These courses are provided 100 percent remotely through Blackboard. No in-person class meetings are scheduled. For optimal learning, students participate in a virtual class setting in real time during the regularly-scheduled meeting time (synchronous learning) and may engage in independent learning at times of their choosing via Blackboard (asynchronous learning). Course instructors choose the proportion of synchronous and asynchronous requirements within the course, and communicate with students about these expectations. Students access course content via Blackboard.
- Online (Kean Online): Kean Online courses were created several years ago for specific academic programs in the School of Online Education which provides distance learning opportunities for non-traditional students; Kean Online students completed all coursework online prior to COVID-19. They utilize Blackboard exclusively and do not have specific meeting days and times. Kean Online courses follow established and predictable weekly patterns which includes standardization of experiences and consistency in requirements. Courses are constructed to allow maximum flexibility for students to be able to complete class activities across a number of days and at times of their choosing. Most Kean Online courses are offered over an eight-week schedule (there are exceptions). Kean Online courses are reserved primarily for Kean Online students but are open for all students to register (if space is available) one week before the semester starts.
International faculty need to step these processes
- Visa application: Applying for new Chinese commercial (Z) visa with an invitation letter and work permit
- Ticketing and Covid-19 test negative: Secure air ticket and Covid-19 test negative results within five days before travel making
- Quarantine: 14 days (2 weeks) quarantine according to Chinese government rule at arriving city
- Classes with campus protocol: Four types of class forms are available according to situation
2. Class Protocol Under Covid-19
Faculty and students can perform classes with these class protocol under Covid-19.
- Before entering the campus building, Faculty and students need to check up symptoms and preventive actions (mask, wash hand, disinfection, attendance listing etc.)
- Faculty and students can perform classes in the CBPM building.
- After classes, faculty and students are highly recommended using online informal communication via Email, WeChat, Blackboard rather than direct face to face contact.
- In case of infection or symptom, faculty and student should isolate oneself immediately. They can continue learning via remote or online format.
- Suggesting Installing Preventive Transparent Screen (2020. 08. 30).
Please join the WeChat group for WKU Returning Faculty
WKU HR Staffs:
Rainie (Huang Jiaru): Overall Returning Process
Bessie: (Hu Luhong): Invitation, Work permit, Visa application
Emerald (Yu Miao Miao): Air Ticket & Quarantine
Chelsea (Hu Chunchun): Faculty housing
Sherry: One-stop service
Returning to campus protocol: WKU CBPM International Faculty cases:
This is the rough returning to campus protocol for Wenzhou-Kean University College of Business International Faculty members.
You can easily make Chinese Visa Photo at Cheecle Photo
상호: 치클포토 | 사업자등록번호 215-19-48480 | 통신판매업 신고 제2008-서울송파-0443호 | 대표 최지용 TEL : 070-7687-1111 | FAX : 0504-470-2318 | E-mail : 주소: 서울시 송파구 위례성대로 22길 14 ��
(Only Microsoft Explorer browser works).
In Three Days (3 days), New Visa is issued successfully.
The visa should be used within three months, and it should be renewed within a month when the user arrives in China.
Quarantine Practice
Cisco VPN for PC (Windows and MAC) - WKU - IT Help Desk
Cisco VPN for PC (Windows and MAC) 陈奕余 • Created at:Oct 06, 2018 08:46:09 • Updated at:Nov 05, 2018 19:30:48 You can learn how to install Cisco VPN from the video as below http://video.wku.e
For Windows:
For Mac: (Ask it to WKU IT)
Cisco anyconnect for MAC - WKU - IT Help Desk
Please download this software from attachment.
Probably Macbook users encounter this error message. This is occurring because of the 64 bit only policy of recent Mac Operating System (since Catalina).
Tentatively, Macbook / Mac users (OSX, Catalina or higher) can try to use several alternative VPN services.
1. LETS VPN (Recommended by Xavier - a WKU student)
2. SETUP VPN (Free Chrome Web Extensions)
COVID-19 Test to Take an International Flight
Before Boarding to a Flight to China, many non-Chinese citizens are required to bring "COVID-19 Test Negative Certificate"
In several countries, Health Declaration Form with Chinese Embassy approval is required (Offline)
Several countries require "Online" Health Declaration Form with COVID-19 test negative.
When we need VPN, we can use WKU CISCO AnyConnect VPN with free outside of Campus and Inside of China.
Here is how to setup WKU CISCO AnyConnect.
When CISCO AnyConnect does not work on your Mac system in Wenzhou-Kean University!
CISCO Anyconnect is necessary when you want to use Kean Email, G-suite, Youtube, and mandatory software for Kean Learning. However, Mac system's recent MacOS (specially afterh Catalina, Ver. 10.15)..
COVID -19 Test Sites (South Korea case).
Jerry & Jongmin Choose this hospital to get COVID-19 test (Passport & US $180)
Quarantine Process
1. When you get off from the Airplane, You will be guided to an assigned Quarantine place.
2. You cannot choose the place, but the Chinese Health Authority will guide you.
Example of Flying to Quarantine.
3. Once you get into the quarantine place, you cannot get out of the place for 14 days. You must stay in a hotel room.
4. There will be very little accessibility of outdoor activities such as shopping or communication because you're a potential "Virus". :)
8AM and 2PM, You must measure your body temperature and report it to a WeChat group that controls your quarantine.
5. Quarantine expenses will be fully reimbursed by WKU. Please take the Fapioa (official receipt) from Quarantine place. Please show this to Quarantine authority to get Fapiao for WKU.
6. You need to complete many documents and app requirements such as Zhejiang customs. Please be patient and please comply with the authority. Fortunately, Chinese authorities will be kind and gentle to guide you.
8. Meals will be served by Authority (there will be limited alternatives if you can order external foods via app under the authority's permission). :)
Quarantine Tips from Laura Schlic
2020. 09. 07: In Aug. 27, Dr. Eric Yang communicated with a few WKU leaders of "Mandatory 7 days off-campus" of returning faculty members.
2020. 09. 10: Creating the Google Slides for Sharing Returning Advice and Tips
Google 프레젠테이션 - 프레젠테이션을 작성하고 수정할 수 있으며 무료입니다.
하나의 계정으로 모든 Google 서비스를 프레젠테이션으로 이동하려면 로그인하세요.
How to Get Green Health Code?
Go to Alipay Health, and follow the instruction of this manual:
2020.09.14: Medical Check-up
A Guide from WKU HR
This is Lina from HR department and I will help with your residence permit application.
As you are holding a Z visa, you are required to apply for residence permit within 30 days after the date of entry. For this special year, the period is even shorter as you have to get 14-day quarantine. We will need to apply for it at your earliest convenience.
1) By using TAXI, Go to the New Medical Center: 浙江省温州市鹿城区航标路87弄51号 (No.51, Lane 87, Hangbiao Road, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City)
2) Taking Photo at APM (self-service) at the first floor
3) Go to the second floor (You need the Wenzhou Green Code at Alipay app), and please go to Number 3 Desk. Then, say "I come from Wenzhou-Kean University).
4) You are expected to completing five examinations:
2nd floor: ECG; Ultrasonic; Internal Medicine, and Surgery & ENT
3rd floor: Chest X-ray.
5) Once you completed all five exams, please submit the completed document at the second floor.
Done (It will takes around one hour)
Residence Permit Application
Residence permit, here is the guidance:
- Please go to medical center for body check next week (Jerry is also doing the check, I think it would be much easier if you can do it together with Jerry.) We were just informed the center only opened on Monday and Tuesday this week. However, the opening time of the center keeps changing every week during this special period. We need to confirm with the center every Monday. We will keep you updated of the opening time for next week.
- The center will be opening from 8:30am to 10:30am. Following this the address of the medical center: 浙江省温州市鹿城区航标路87弄51号 (No.51, Lane 87, Hangbiao Road, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City)
- I have attached the photo of the building. You can take a taxi to the center and ask for reimburement from our university. Please remember to keep the receipt.
- The center is at the second floor of the building and you are required to take photo at the first floor through a bilingual self-service machine.
- You may need to pay 30 rmb for the photo and get Fapiao from the reception desk for reimbursment (you can pay it thourgh wechat or alipay, and please keep the spare photos as we will need it for residence permit).
- Tell them you are from WKU and you dont have to pay for the medical check.
- Things to bring: original passport, green code, face mask, WKU ID card (no worries for the card if you are going with Jerry). NO breakfast.
- After you finish body check, we will arrange and take you to the bureau for residence permit. We will keep you updated then.
Four things are necessary to apply for Resident Permits.
1. Passport
2. Photos (you may have extra photos from Medical Check).
3. Mask
4. Health Green Code
WKU HR will invite and bring you to Civic Center.
Morning 8:45AM at the WKU Main Gate.
All things will be guided by HR, and you need to appear!
It takes about 1 hours.
*** You can apply Reimbursement of the TAXI (Transportation) expense for Residence Permit to HR Department (Lina) with taxi receipts.
Returning Expense Reimbursement
When you successfully get back to campus, You can claim the 'returning expenses'.
Generally, those expenses are
- Hotel Quarantine expenese
- Covid 19 Test expense
- Visa application expense
Please get ready to show your "Evidences" such as Fapiao (official receipt), Receipts, or any supporting materials for your expenses.
Then, please summarize them with this cover and evidences.
Please Bring them to Zoe (Ms. Teng Yuwen, at WKU Finance (Training Building A-209).
Please be nice to her, she is the WKU Alumnus of CBPM Finance graduate (She was my student). ^^
Please bring your all pieces of evidence to Claim your reimbursement When you come to WKU FINANCE.
Don't forget to submit the What is your exchange rate in use (Date, Time, Exchange Rate with Evidence)!
Then, Zoe can help you to apply for reimbursement.
Oct. 13, 2020: Appreciation Ceremony for WKU Human Resource Team: All returned, returning, and will return faculty members appreciate the extraordinary efforts and endeavors of WKU HR staff members. We delivered our gratitude.
Nov. 06, 2020: Enforcing "Returning to Campusing by Feb. 01, 2021" from VCAA Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Office of WKU"
2021. 06. 11 : Going out from China to Home:
Required document: PCR + Antibody Test Negative Results within 48 hours!
Go to Number 1 Hospital (DiYi) or Pan Health Hospital
2021. 07. 26: Returning from Korea to China:
1. You need to do both antibody test and PCR (within 48 hours): Test in Korea within 2 days before boarding. After you receive the result, you need to submit online for the health code. Green health code is a must when you board the flight to China.
12월 1일부터 한국발 중국행 항공편 탑승객 코로나-19핵산 검사(PCR) 및 혈청 IgM항체검사 2 가지 음
12월 1일부터 한국발 중국행 항공편 탑승객 코로나-19핵산 검사(PCR) 및 혈청 IgM항체검사 2 가지 음성 증명서 지참 탑승에 관한 통지 2020/11/26 국가간 전염병 확산을 차단하기 위하여, 한국현지
Assigned Test Hospital!
Two Test Results are Necessary:
1. Detection of COVID-19 Gene Using Real-time RT PCR
2. Detection of COVID-19 Antibody (IgM only)
1. HS QR Code
2. Green Health Code from Chinese embassy (Necessary): 탑승 최소 3시간 전 Green Code
건강QR코드 신청 매뉴얼
건강QR코드 신청 매뉴얼 2021/04/20 한국발 중국행 탑승객들이 정확하고 효율적으로 건강QR코드를 신청하할 수 있게 하기 위하여 최근 주한 중국대사관은"건강QR코드 신청 매뉴얼"홍보물을 제
Health Declaration Certificate (As soon as you get Test Negative Results; at least 3 hours before departure)
Chinese New Entry Policy (5 weeks quarantine): 2021. Aug. 02:
Official Notification of 35 days Quarantine Policy (Aug. 03, 2021) from WKU One-Stop Service.
2 weeks Hotel Quarantine + One week (Entry or Wenzhou Hotel Quarantine) + One week (Wenzhou Hotel Quarantine) + One-week Housing Quarantine = Total Five Weeks quarantine.
Aug. 11, 2021: Message from WKU Provost Dr. Eric Yang
Aug. 12, Reported Remote Class plan to School for Extensive quarantine requirements from Zhejiang province.
e.g. WKU CBPM MGM department
Pan Health!
The name should be capital and put your family name in the front. They input the information according to your passport name.
2021.08.13: Negotiating the Wenzhou Hotel Quarantine! (2 weeks -> 1 week), and Home Quarantine?
Negotiation BATNA: 2 week mandate entry city quarantine + 1 week Wenzhou Hotel quarantine + 2 week Home Quarantine!
Negotiation made: 2 weeks Entry City Hotel Quarantine + 1 week (Wenzhou Hotel Quarantine) = 3 Weeks (21 days) Hotel Quarantine + 2 weeks (14 days) Home Quarantine.
2021.08.14: How to Sign Up for WeChat?
How to sign up for WeChat (Ultimate Guide in 2021)
Hey! Do you want to register a WeChat account? Please check this full guide and get your own private WeChat account quickly and succefully.
2021. 08. 1: A Travel Case (Health Declaration Issue in Europe) : Frankfurt (Germany) to Shanghai
Letter of Commitment on COVI-19 Vaccination
Document Template:
2021. 08. 19. Announcement of Lucheng (Wenzhou) COVID-19 Prevention and Control !
鹿城区新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作领导小组通告(第14号)English Version
To enter public areas such as schools, Supermarket, Hospitals, Hotels, Libraries, Coffee shops, Gyms, Transportations, these are mandated:
1. Body Temperature Check
2. Green Health Code
3. Vaccination Code
4. Mask
2021. 08. 24: Moving to Wenzhou Quarantine
After completing the two weeks Quarantine at an entry city, we moved to Wenzhou for an extra one week more quarantine at a Wenzhou Hotel.
We took an Ambulance to move to Hotel within Wenzhou.
Four Ouhai District Residents, Bienna Hotel (浙江省温州市瓯海区福州路666, Ouhai, Wenzhou) is the option.
Bienna Hotel (Ouhai, Wenzhou)
2021. 08. 25: WKU VACC suddenly notified "Urgent Work" for Fall semester preparation on the due date (Aug. 25, 2021).
2021. Aug. 29, Class Protocol under Pandemic from WKU Hospital
Simply summarized:
1. No mask mandate within Campus (But social distancing is highly recommendable).
2. Vaccine is necessary (But not mandatory)
3. In case of Symptoms, please call 5557-8120 (WKU hospital).
2021. Aug. 31: No "One live remoted class" for multiple sections
2021. Sept. 02: Flash Flood at Kean USA, and All System downed! (By Hurricane Ida)
Kean USA announced the "Cancellation of all Classes" at Kean campuses because of System down (Blackboard, Zoom, Kean Wise, Email)
This Kean USA announcement arrived 10AM (China Time), Sept. 02, 2021.
Alternative Remote Classes are discussed among Foreign Faculty Members
Zoom, Google Meets, Voov app, MS Teams (no VPN necessary), Video recording and uploading the file when system back.
*No reponse or guide from WKU admin sides (until the next day).
2021. Sept. 03: 2:10 AM
A simple and non-message Email come from WKU VCAA Office and WKU IT
2021. 09.03: New Quarantine Policy (2 + 1 + 1)
Confirmation of Quarantine Policy Change (Sept. 03, 2021):
2 weeks Hotel Quarantine at Entry City (14 days)
1 week Home Quarantine (Wenzhou, 7 days)
1 week Self-Monitoring (Wenzhou, 7 days, No campus access)
= total 28 days.
Announced the coming back to Face to Face class.
2021.09.07: Step on Campus.
To come inside of campus after long quarantine, we need three documents.
1. PCR test negative within 48 hours,
2. Green health code ,
3. Green Big data
2021. Nov. 26: Notice of Returning to Campus by Jan .16, 2022 for Spring 2022
WKU Academic Leaders (Dr. ERIC Yang and CBPM Dean Dr. CJ) did not comply the suggestion. They left the campus to the American home though the 'official discouragement' of the school policy. And, they did not return to the campus by Jan. 16, 2022. School leaders abandoned 'faculty members' for their self-interest during the winter (2021-22).
When a leader ignores people, people react negatively!
2021. Dec. 21: Notice of Updating Wenzhou Health code
2022. May 31, : Notice of Travel Policy (No Travel outside of Zhejiang Province without School approval; Two mandated PCR negaitive results and 48 hours quanratine required).
WKU again resrict the travel for pandemic situation.
Travel / Returning Protocol (School Approval is required for Travel).
2022. July 15, : WKU VPAA office "Ordered" coming backt to campus by July 31, 2022 (far earlier than the semester start of Wenzhou campus, Aug. 29, 2022) for Quarantine accommodation without out paying salary.
And it also denied to support the high quality research Conference participation at Seattle, USA during Aug. 03 ~ 07 although six Kean USA and Wenzhou Management professors were scheduled to present their manuscirpt at the Academy of Management conference.
2022. July 29 ~ Aug. 06: Returning to China (Air flight, Visa, Quarantine)
대사관 안내사항:
코로나 검사기관:
1차: 7월 27일 (수) 4PM, 정진석 내과의원 부천: 032-324-0208 : PCR 출국용 (여권, 이름 영문, 여권번호, 시간, 시약 종류 씨젠)
2차: 7월 28일 (목) 4PM, 순천향대학교 부속부천병원: 032-621-6200: PCR (출국용) 예약: 국제 진료실, 12만원 코젠 (여권지참)
필수 기입 사항: 성명; 생일, 여권번호; 시간, 시약종류,
1차 PCR (2일전) + QR 코드
1) 홈페이지또는 아래QR코드를 스캔하여 탑승전 48시간 이내의 PCR검사기구 및 관할지를 선택하고 개인정보 입력 후 서류를 업로드한다. 심사통과 후 “HDC”블루 건강 QR코드를 받을수 있다. 유효기간 내에 탑승하고, 탑승시 전자파일 혹은 인쇄본 QR코드를 제시해야한다.
2) 한국여권정보면+유효한 중국 비자면 또는 工作、私人事务、团聚 종류의 거류허가(学习거류 불가) 또는 영주증 제출
주의:검사결과지는 한국 전역의 모든 합법적인 검사기구에서 발행한 전자파일, 인쇄본, 이메일, 문자메시지 등 모두 가능하지만, 신청인의 성명과 여권번호나 생일등 정보,채취시간(구체적 시간), (진단시약 종류 다른 것)이 반드시 포함되어 있어야 한다.
심사통과 후 “HDC”블루 건강 QR코드를 받을수 있다. 유효기간 내에 탑승하고, 탑승시 전자파일 혹은 인쇄본 QR코드를 제시해야한다.
2차 PCR (1일전) : 탑승전 검사: 탑승전 24시간 이내(항공기 출발시간-24시간)에 2차 PCR검사를 진행해야 하며,반드시 1차 PCR검사와 24시간 이상의 간격이 필요하고 서로 다른 검사기구에서 다른 시약을 써서 실시한다.(시약 종류는 해당 기구에 직접 확인) 4.비행기 탑승 당일 블루코드와 1,2차 음성 결과지를 항공사에 제출하면, 확인 후 탑승수속 업무를 진행한다。
3)탑승전 검사: 탑승전 24시간 이내(항공기 출발시간-24시간)에 2차 PCR검사를 진행해야 하며,반드시 1차 PCR검사와 24시간 이상의 간격이 필요하고 서로 다른 검사기구에서 다른 시약을 써서 실시한다.(시약 종류는 해당 기구에 직접 확인) 4.비행기 탑승 당일 블루코드와 1,2차 음성 결과지를 항공사에 제출하면, 확인 후 탑승수속 업무를 진행한다。
슬기로운 격리생활
泉城驿站 주소:
1. 방역서비스 조직 및 업무
방역팀 - 체온/핵산검사 이동 등 방역격리 전반
호텔팀 - 식사, 생활용품 소모품 주문 및 시설보수
통역팀 - 한국어 통역 및 방역/호텔 문의관련 전달
통역팀 연결 微信群二维码
1. 일정 스케쥴
08:00~08:30 아침식사 배달
12:00~13:00 점심식사 배달
18:00~18:30 저녁식사 배달
18:00~18:30 쓰레기 배출
* 공통 매일 3회 체온측정
* PCR 검사는 거의 매일 실시(사전 방역팀에서 통지)
*** 그외 자유시간
0. 7/29 제남 1🦠 泉城驿站 入住隔离
1. 7/30 2🦠
2. 7/31 3🦠
3. 8/01 목적지별 이동수단 예약
4. 8/02 4🦠 山东健康码 등록
5. 8/03
6. 8/04 5🦠
7. 8/05 7隔离题解 16: 00 🦠🚄济南西
8. 8/06 06:00 🦠✈️遥墙-虹桥 居家观察
9. 8/07
10 8/08 10隔离题解 16:00 🦠🚄济南西
11 8/09 06:00 🦠✈️遥墙-虹桥 回家
注🦠 核酸检测 1, 2, 3, 5, 7天
2. 비용
숙박비용 260원/하루
식대 표준 80원/일, 기타 3가지(100,120,150) 선택 주문
* 관찰기간의 식수와 생활용품은 호텔에서 필요에 따라 제공
* 만약 부족하면 필요에 따라 스스로 프런트에 전화를 걸며, 직원이 시간에 따라 객실로 가져다 준다.
* 숙박비용은 직원이 통일적으로 시간을 집중하여 수취 (사전에 통지) 하며 위챗/알리페이 결제카드, 현금, pos기, 회사이체 등을 지원한다
* PCR 검사 비용 ?
3. 인천-지난, 지난-상하이(기타 목적지) 예약
* 7일격리 8/6, 10일 격리 8/9
济南遥墙-上海虹桥/T2 1개노선
9:55-11:35 (아래, 취소 출발 시간이 지연 많네요)
5. 7일격리, 10일격리
집중격리 7일 끝나기전… 居委会의 동의
주숙등기지역(공안)에서(社区, 小区)로도 표현. 관리하기도 합니다.
(1) 租房/房东 주숙등기 목적지 房东에 연락
(2) 居委会同意 : 시설격리후 주숙등기 居家观察 3일에 관한 정보교류 후에.. 居委会同意 여부 확인.
(3) 거주지로 이동, (居委会의 확인 통제 거쳐) 居家观察
* 현재 대부분의 居委会/社区에서는 7일 집중격리후 자가관찰3일 위한 이동은 엄격하게 통제(공항 또는 고속철역에서 공안 통제하에 직접 거주지 격리관찰 실시)하고 있으며, 집중격리지에서 7+3 격리를 권장(또는 지정)하고, 10일 격리 후 목적지까지 자유롭게 이동가능합니다.
(4) 주숙등기 - 居家观察3일 후 주숙등기
* 본인 거주지 주민위원회(居委会)와 居家健康监测
대표전화(근무시간 중) : +86-532-8897-6001
긴급연락전화(사건사고 등 긴급상황 발생시, 24시간): +86-186-6026-5087
영사콜센터(서울, 24시간) : +82-(0)2-3210-0404
세가지 건강마 격리기간 중 받아놓을 것
1. 도착지 건강마
2. Alipay 건강마
3. 도착지역 건강마 (통행마)
비용은 차이나 내에선 무조건 Fapiao 받아야함. WKU Fapiao 정보는 아래와 같음
격리 중 운동필요
2022. Aug .16. No financial advantage for "Returning Earlier (one month)".
2022. Aug. 17: Rectricting "Freedom of Travel" for Pandemic Control and Mandatory COVID19 test every three days
关于当前防疫政策及核酸要求调整的通知 Notice on the Adjustments of the Current Travel Policy and Covid Test Requirement
- 非必要不出温州市。
- 若教职工因必要原因要出市(不出省),需填写《出市审批单》(见附件),经部门负责人及分管领导审批后,将审批单于出行前交至人资部备案;或提交财务系统差旅申请,流程审批结束后,打印差旅申请单作为《出市审批单》,并于出行前交至人资部备案。
- 若有涉及出省审批或前往省内中高风险地区所在的设区市的,申请单经部门负责人及分管领导审批后,还需交至防疫办分管领导最终审批。审批完成的申请单请务必于出行前交至人资备案。
Dear all,
- DO NOT leave Wenzhou city unless it is necessary.
- If you do have to leave Wenzhou (within Zhejiang), please fill in the attached form and get approval from the Dean/Director and VCAA/Leadership in charge. The approved form MUST be submitted to Emerald from HR BEFORE the travel.
- If you do have to leave Zhejiang Province or visit the cities/districts where there are Medium or High-risk areas, the pre-travel application is required to be approved by Dean/Director, VCAA/Leadership in charge and Vice Chancellor for COVID-19 Prevention and Control Affairs. The approved form MUST be submitted to Emerald from HR BEFORE the travel.
2022. Aug. 26: A Spontaneous Requesting for "Dual Forms" of Class: Face to Face and Remote simultaneously with no financial benefits for teachers.
Friday 5:06PM order request for "Monday" morning action! : It implied teachers' weekend work!
2022.08.28 ~ 31: Unclear and Spontaneous Class Protocol Change
2022.08.28 ~ 31: Unclear and Spontaneous Class Protocol Change
2022. Aug. 26: A Spontaneous Requesting for "Dual Forms" of Class: Face to Face and Remote simultaneously with no financial benefits for teachers.
2022. Aug. 17: Restricting "Freedom of Travel" for Pandemic Control and Mandatory COVID19 test every three days
2022. Aug .16. No financial advantage for "Returning Earlier (one month)".
2022. July 29 ~ Aug. 06: Returning to China Again (2022)
2022. July 15: WKU Academic Affairs Office denied to support AOM conference participation to make faculty members back to WKU campus far earlier than semester start for Quarantine accodmodation with "No salary" for a month.
2022. May 31, : Notice of Travel Policy
2021. Dec. 21: Notice of Updating Wenzhou Health code
2021. Nov. 26: Notice of Returning to Campus by Jan .16, 2022 for Spring 2022
2021. Sept. 03: Local Quarantine Policy Change (Wenzhou, 2+1+1)
2021. Sept. 03: WKU VCAA and WKU IT's simple and non-message Email.
2021. Sept. 02: Flash flood shut-downed the Kean IT System.
2021. Aug. 25: WKU VCAA's message for Fall semester preparation (on the due date).
2021. Aug. 24: Moving into Wenzhou city (for extra quarantine).
2021. Aug. 19: Case of "Frankfurt to Shanghai" Travel Case added.
2021. Aug. 12, Report, REMOTE Class Preparation (according to WKU AA's request on Aug. 11).
2021. Aug. 02, Updated Chinese Quarantine Policy (Total 5 weeks: 2 weeks enforced + 2 weeks local + 1 week (self-monitoring).
2021. July 26, Updated Korea case (48 hours test negative).
2021. June 11, Going home (PCR + Antiboy test in Wenzhou)
2021. Feb. 26, Joseph Andrew's summary of "From Detroit to Shanghai".
2020.10.13: HR appreciation ceremony added.
2020. 10. 06: Reimbursement information added
2020.09.27: Medical Check updated
2020.09.10: Created "Google Slides" for sharing tips and advice for returning.
2020.08.28: Updated Quarantine process
2020. 07.30: Updated the 'returning to campus protocol
2020.07.05: New Chinese Visa Issued.
2020. 06.30: New Chinese Visa Application
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