WHITE PAPER: How Did WKU CBPM React to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic? (since Jan, 21, 2020 ~)
Jan. 21, 2020,
A business professor (Dr. Jeonghwan Jerry Choi) at WKU CBPM got a strange message from his friend at the University of Kansas (USA) via Facebook. The message told that a strange virus outbroke in Wuhan, China. And the situation was highly incremental. The professor prepared 100 medical masks to bring back when he returned to school in Feb. 07, 2020.
Jan. 27, 2020,
WKU HR announced that 2020 Spring Semester would be postponed until Feb. 22, 2020 because of 2019 Nobel Coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan, China.
Jan. 31, 2020: Donation for Wenzhou, China from International Faculty Members
WKU CBPM's international faculty members donate Medical Masks, Protecting Cloths, Medical Gloves, and Medical Goggles to Wenzhou City and Wenzhou-Kean University from South Korea (Dr. Choi), Philippines (Dr. Candy Chiu), Thailand (Dr. Somkiat) to show the global solidarity. These global donation activities are coordinated by Wenzhou-Kean Foundation (Mr. Meng Jun and Ms. Jennifer Lu) and WKU CBPM Office (Ms. Wang Yang).
Jan. 31, 2020. Recognition of International Donations from the World (Korea, Phillpean).
Dr. Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi and his Nephews (Yoon, Yejun and Yoon Seojun) from Korea
Dr. Candy Chiu from Philepean.
Feb, 02, 2020
WKU HR announced that "Please DO NOT return to Wenzhou before March 01, 2020" because of the incremental situation of the Coronavirus in Wenzhou, Zhejiang area.
Feb. 04, 2020
In responding to the situation, Kean USA and WKU setup several principles. (Feb. 04, 2020: Brief from WKU CBPM Dean Dr. Cao Jiang)
1. Student and faculty health and security come first. Currently, we have a government mandate not to start the spring semester by 3/1. The actual start will be determined by Kean USA pending the virus situation.
2. At the meantime we must serve our students, particularly graduating seniors who need to start to work or attend graduate school in June.
3. As such we must prepare to start online delivery on Feb 24, and ready to deliver 5 weeks' worth of content (Mar. 27, 2020) in the next three weeks, and hope the epidemic is under control so we can resume in-classroom teaching at the earliest possible time. Otherwise, we have to be ready for full-semester online delivery.
4. Many business courses already have Blackboard (BB) online modules ready to go, while others need to be developed as we go. All faculty will receive extensive BB training.
5. At the meantime, please do NOT send students traditional syllabi until future communications from Eric, because of their difference with online version syllabi.
Feb. 10, 2020
Kean Online Team organized the "Kick-off meeting" Monday, Feb. 10th @ 8AM (EST) to help Online course developers to initiate online course development to ensure world-class education in the epidemic situation in WKU.
Online Course Developer's Guide Orientation (course)
Course Structure of Kean Online Course
Unit 1: Design (Sample of Learning Activities)
Please complete the "Online Course Developer" Guide Orientation Online course!
Go to Developer Resources: You can get almost all necessary templates and resources to develop an online course.
You may complete five documents and Upload them to the relevant Blackboard folders:
1. Course Map (Feb. 10)
2. Unit 1 Map (Feb. 12)
3. Unit 2-8 Map (Feb. 14)
4. Unit 9-16 Map (Feb. 16)
3. Syllabus (Feb. 16)
Templates are here:
Feb. 11, 2020 (Business Courses to be Developed)
MGM/MKT/GBUS Courses to be developed for Online courses.
Feb. 11, 2020 (Course Map Development)
Course Map Completion: All course developers of WKU CBPM worked on providing the course map of each course by Feb. 10, 2020 (EST)
Sample: MGS3032: Organizational Behavior Course Map.
At WeChat (Chinese Social Media) Group, all WKU CBPM faculty members (except Dr. Sven Dahms for the technical problem) were working together to build online courses.
Feb. 12, 2020 (Unit 1 Development)
Unit 1 sample.
Feb. 14, 2020 (Unit 2-8 Development)
21 WKU CBPM Faculty Members, Dean of WKU CBPM, and a Staff (Ms. Wang Yang) are organized as a Group at WeChat (Chinese Social Network Service) for collaboration of Online course development.
Feb. 16, 2020 (Unit 2-8 Development)
Uni 9-16
Sample of Dr. Rob Majerison (MGS4010, Operations Management)
Feb. 16, 2020 (Online Course Syllabus Development)
Online Course Syllabus Development
Please be sure that all grades are marked in a proper way.
Feb. 17, 2020: Online Training Starts (for Instructors)
In Feb. 17 (Monday, 12:01AM, Eastern Time), All faculty members who are engaging in Online course teaching start the Three Online Courses.
1. WKU Online Faculty Training (Spring 2020)
2. WKU Online Student Orientation
To complete these three online courses,
First, Go to www.kean.edu
Second, Scroll over QUICKLINKS
Third, Click Blackboard
Fourth, Login with your kean.edu ID/Password (not wku ID/pwd)
Once online course instructors login to the Kean Blackboard, You can see Blackboard dashboard.
Click course, and they can find out three assigned Online Training course
Completion of three online courses are necessary for all WKU Online course instructors and teachers between Feb. 17 ~ 19, 2020. (by Wednesday, Feb. 19th, 11:59PM US EST).
Feb. 19-20, 2020: Online Training (for Instructors)
1. Online Developer Course
2. Online Faculty Training
3. Online Student Training
4. KOFT Online Faculty Training
Mutual Understanding of "Two Certificates of Kean Online Course Development & Training" between WKU CBPM and Kean Online Team.
Example of Kean Online Faculty Training
Feb. 23, 2020: All online courses were reconstructed for a technical reason.
Technical Format!
Feb. 24, 2020: A compromise of course teaching at Online ( CJ and Jerry).
Agreement of Understanding (No structural change).
But, individual instructors have contents change and grading authority with appropriate evidences (inside / outside of Blackboard).
Feb. 24, 2020: The First Online Teaching day (WKU)
Blackboard Live Session Works fine.
Once recorded, instructors can share the recorded video like this.
Feb. 24, 2020: Live Session Scheduling by Repeat Function
Blackboard Live Session Scheduling
Feb. 25, 2020: Grading Policy Chaos
Blackboard Live Session Scheduling
Responding to the Email from WKU Online Tech (WKU Online Faculty Training Spring 2020: Updates from the Leadership Team; WKU Online Tech - wkuonlinetech@kean.edu <do-not-reply@blackboard.com>; 12:17 AM),
These questions were raised (by Dr. Jerry Choi)
1. Instructors do not have any Grading authority at all? Why not?
2. I still do not understand why students and instructors must suffer from totally complicated DQ writing and grading. Can instructors have the full authority of grading?
3. Unavailable students must be contacted by instructor, Not administrators? Why?
4. Should we make two (2 hours) Live session per Unit? What is that mean?
5. Instructors have or do not have the Class pace (speed) management or not?
Should we complete each Units according to Kean Online Team?
Then, what is the schedule of Unit completion?
Feb. 27, 2020: WKU Online Academic Leadership Team addressed several issues
From WKU Online Academic Leadership Team
From: WKU Online Tech - wkuonlinetech@kean.edu <do-not-reply@blackboard.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 7:41 AM
Subject: WKU Online Faculty Training Spring 2020: Copy of email sent to students - February 25th
For your information this email was just sent to all WKU students. It is important that you understand how student concerns are being addressed.
Dear WKU Students,
We wanted to clarify some concerns that some of you have expressed. They are valid concerns and we are glad for the opportunity to address them.
Time Zone
All graded activities including discussions and assignments will go by US EST as this is how Blackboard is configured. This means that an assignment that is due Sunday at 11:59pm US EST this would equate to Monday at 12:59pm Beijing Time. If your first post to the unit’s discussion question is due by Tuesday at 11:59pm US EST this equates to Wednesday 12:59pm. There is a 13 hour difference.
Discussion Boards and Rubric
Discussions are very important learning activities in an online course. They represent conversations that would happen in a typical face to face course. In order to make the conversations as beneficial as possible so that everyone can learn from each other there are several important guidelines. To earn full credit for work inside of the discussions in each unit the following elements are considered:
- Did the student post his/her initial response to the discussion question (DQ) by the second day of the unit which for Unit 1 is Tuesday at 11:59pm US EST. The discussions are not tied to the live sessions. You can start your responses before the live session happens. Please consult the Course Dates document in Course Information which lets you know what is due on every day of the semester for exact dates. (Timeliness)
- Was the student response to the initial question posted by the faculty member a good response? Did it answer the questions? Did the student support their arguments with facts found in the readings or elsewhere? This shows the faculty member that you have been really thinking about the topics. Please note that in most cases there is no right or wrong. This is more about effort. (Quality)
- Did the student participate fully in the conversations? Conversations are meant to happen throughout the entire duration of the unit. For Unit 1 this is seven days from Monday to Sunday. It is up the student to decide which days he/she will participate on as long as the first post is done by the second day of the unit. For example a student can post on Tuesday (the initial response) and Wednesday and Friday. Another example is a student posts the initial response on Monday but interacts with others on Saturday and Sunday. Students have flexibility on what days they post. (Frequency)
- Did the student respond to five peers/the instructors during the unit? Discussions are meant to be highly interactive. This is where you can show what you know and learn from each other including the faculty. You are required to respond to five peers throughout the unit. Remember these are conversations similar to what you would have as if you were in person. You are simply talking (writing) to each other. (Interactivity)
Each discussion question is worth 15 points per week and you will be evaluated based upon the factors noted above. You should work with your faculty member to make sure that you are on track with meeting these requirements. The rubric (assessment criteria) that is being used is attached.
In each online course you will find at least one assignment per unit. You should begin working on your assignment(s) as soon as the units open. Your assignments are not connected to when the Live Sessions happen. Communicate with your individual course faculty member regarding assignment requirements and grading related issues.
Online courses are built to be equivalent to face to face courses in terms of workload. They have the same learning objectives and required number of hours associated them. Your faculty built your courses taking these factors into consideration.
For a three credit course, there are three hours of work within Blackboard per unit. This is equivalent to the three hours that you spend inside of a classroom. How this equates in Blackboard is 1 hour for the Live Session, 1.5 hours for discussions (DQs) and .5 hours for navigation (moving around the unit).
In a typical face to face students are recommended to spend 2-3 hours for every credit taken doing things like homework and readings. For a three credit course this means 6-9 hours of work outside of the classroom. In our online courses we expect the same.
So when you take into account what happens inside of Blackboard and outside of Blackboard this means 9-12 hours per unit of work is to be completed. For some students it could be less and for some it could mean more. This is a range.
Time Management
Based upon the amount of hours you need to spend in your courses and the work you have to complete Time Management is super important for your success. There is no room for waiting until the last minute to complete any of the planned activities. It is important for you to stay ahead of your work and if you need assistance from your faculty member ask for it right away. Your faculty member might not know you are struggling until you tell them. Don’t wait until the last minute in a unit to express your concerns. Make sure to begin your work in a unit as soon as it starts.
Contacting Faculty
Your faculty understand the importance of communicating with you. In each course there are several ways for you to reach them including “Ask the Instructor” for general questions, “Messages” for private questions and “Live Sessions”. Faculty members have been asked to respond to your concerns within 24 hours. They need to be your first point of contact on anything related to your coursework.
If you feel that you are not getting the responses you need to continue your work and meet your deadlines then you should reach out to your Dean. Below is a listing of those Deans who have been given access to your courses, for monitoring and assessment, for you to contact if this happens:
Dean Cao Jiang, College of Business and Public Management
Dean Raquel Stuart, College of Liberal Arts
Dean Larry Brown, College Science and Technology
Dean David Mohney, Michael Graves College, Architecture
Associate Dean Rose Gonnella, Michael Graves College, Design
Live Sessions/Connectivity
In each unit of the course your faculty member will be providing a 1 hour live session. While attending the live session is suggested it is not required because it is recorded. We recognize that many students are taking multiples courses and this could create conflicts. It is up the student which live session he/she will/can attend. Attendance during these live session is not taken and it does not factor in the grades. If you have connectivity issues during the session you rest easy knowing that your session has been recorded. Your faculty member will provide for you in the announcements a link to the sessions as they have been recorded.
Grading will not happen until the unit it over. The first unit ends on Sunday March 1st so do not expect grades right away. Grading for each unit needs to be completed by the faculty five days after the unit has ended. Keep in touch with your faculty member via Messages regarding any grading issues you have about your grades.
We realize that online learning in such a structured environment is new to many of you. We encourage you to work with your faculty to help you progress through your courses. In the meantime we will continue to listen to your concerns and provide any explanations necessary so that you can be successful. Your faculty will also be provided with a copy of this letter so that they are aware of what you have been told.
We wish you a great semester!
WKU Online Academic Leadership Team
This is an example of a Guide for Discussion questions (DQ) and Assignment for simple and efficient completion of course tasks.
Feb. 28, 2020: WKU Online Academic Leadership Team addressed several issues
Reminder of Management detail:
Another Reminder for keeping the Micro-Management
Feb. 28, 2020: All accessible WKU CBPM Faculty members gathered in a WeChat group (WKU CBPM Faculty). Ownership was transferred to CBPM Office staff.
29 members ( 25 faculty members; Dean (CJ); and Three Staff members)
Group ownership: Ms. Wang Yang
Adminstrative notice: Change group name: Transferring ownership.
Feb. 29, 2020: First three weeks schedule updated.
Feb. 29, 2020: Shared again "How to Grade Discussion Questions" at Assignment for Online course development course developers.
"How to Grade Discussion Questions"
March 02, 2020: Confusion of Discussion Question Numbers
Originally, the Discussion questions post numbers.
Somebody says DQ posts must be 6 as originally proposed.
Somebody says DQ post must be 3 for the first three weeks as HQ said.
Individual instructors need to decide DQ and assignment workloads individually with own risk.
March 02, 2020: A High Dedication of CBPM Faculty
A Professor of WKU CBPM makes an online class at 2 AM (USA Time, Night) to make 3 PM (China Time, afternoon) class.
March 02, 2020: School Opening Delays continues
Wenzhou municipal government notifies that School opening continue delaying.
March 02, 2020: Continual Technical Problem in using Blackboard Collaborate (live streaming)
Instructors report 'Frequent and Continual' technical problems in performing Live session (live streaming) at Blackboard (Kean Learning Management System) especially on Monday (daytime in China) classes.
March 03, 2020: Evidence of WKU CBPM Faculty Members' Online Teaching
Dr. Jerry Choi (MGS 4999 W01, W02, MGS3032 W01) @ South Korea
March 05, 2020: Payment issue arises for Online Teaching outside of China.
WKU continues paying for online teaching in China.
New instructors who do not have Chinese bank accounts get payment to their international bank account.
March 07, 2020: Summer / Fall 2020 Teaching Preference
CBPM Office requests for Summer / Fall teaching preferences while academic schedules are obscure.
March 16, 2020: Kean New Jersey begins "REMOTE EDUCATION" at al campuses due to the Coronavirus.
Different from WKU, KU does not demand the Discussion Question requirement (5 comments / Unit DQ).
March 25, 2020: A Recommendable Online Class Setting (by Dr. Jerry Choi)
A Recommendable Online Class Setting for Teacher
Facility | Item | Function | Price |
Laptop | (Any laptop higher than intel i5 processor with at least 8 GB ram). ASUS VivoBook 14 (2020) |
Online Class Performing | $ 723 |
External Monitor | Samsung LED Monitor (24 inch) | Displaying and moderating class contents | $ 110 |
Subtotal: $833 | |||
Webcam | Logitech Webcam C270 (Logitech Webcam C920 is recommendable for high quality, $100) |
Video / Audio input | $26 |
LED Lamp | Clip LED Stand | Light up for Videoconferencing | $10 |
Back Screen | Roll Blind Curtain | Back screen for focusing and engagement | $15 |
Learning Management System | Blackboard (Possibly, Zoom.us service for video conferencing & Google Classroom) |
Managing and Performing online classes. | Free |
Stationary | Keyboard, Mouse, Paper, Cable, etc. | Supporting productive online classes | |
Subtotal: $51 | |||
(items gained in South Korea) | Grand Total | $844 |
March 25, 2020: Reappointment Letter sent by WKU
WKU notified the annual contract (reappointment letter)
DATE: April 01, 2020: WKU Online Course Showed up in Wenzhou TV
Wenzhou TV reported the advanced Online Class performance of WKU.
Dr. Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi appears on Wenzhou TV as a good example of Online Teaching.
April 02, 2020: Example of Online Class (MGS4999 W02) by Dr. Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi
April 22 ~ May 06, 2020 Advising for Course Registration 2020 Summer / Fall
To help students registering 2020 Summer / Fall semester course, Faculty members invite 'virtual advisement session'.
Students who got necessary information from advisors would send a confirmation email with these information.
Title: Confirmation of Advice for 2020 Summer / Fall Course Registration
This is [ English name: Chinese Name (Pingyin): student ID: ]. I certify that I get necessary advice for registering 2020 Summer / Fall semester.
Date: MM/DD/2020
Once advisor get the confirmation letter from advisees, s/he would release the academic hold before May 06, 2020 to enable student registering 2020 summer / fall course.
DATE: April 29, 2020: Online Class Structures Adjustment Issue (Dispute among Kean Stephen LeBeau; WKU Online; and a CBPM Faculty).
Email (from Jerry to Stephen, cc: CJ and WKU Online): April 29, 2020.
This issue was started when Unit 16 course structure was changed to Unit 15 structure in Mar. 07.
You can see the below Email.
WKU online team then requested for changing Unit 14 and 15 only like this guide.
However, I am suggesting "Adjustment" of Unit 9, 10, 11, 12 ,13, 14 ,15 as attached file in this Email because I need to comply the grading policy as we had.
According to the original plan, we must have 1000 scores from 16 DQs and 16 AS as below.
In order to meet the well-distributed 1000 score demand, I must change grading scores (DQ and AS) from Unit 9 as I am suggesting in the attached file.
But WKU online is "negative" to my suggestion and just orders me changing Unit 14; 15.
This is an issue between an instructor and WKU online.
Can you please give us a practical resolution?
If that so, I will cooperate by all means.
DATE: April 29, 2020: Warning from WKU CBPM Dean of WKU Online courses survey - Very Low Faculty Participation Score.
A clarification letter was sent to explain the low faculty participation on WKU Online classes.
An Online Class Participation Issue (WKU 2020 Spring, MGS 4999)
DATE: May 01, 2020: Kean Leadership Email: Prepare For Fall 2020
Kean VPAA request for Online / Remote Teaching for Fall 2020
See the full message below.
Preparing for Fall 2020 Dear colleagues, The rapid transition to remote instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge to all of us. We quickly acted to ensure that our students successfully complete their Spring 2020 coursework and can continue on their academic paths to degree completion. I truly appreciate those who demonstrated commitment to our students, which was evident as you swiftly pivoted from face-to-face instruction to virtual modalities. You helped our students navigate extraordinary challenges while you and your families faced similar ones. You should be congratulated; the University and I personally thank you for stepping up and making this transition possible. While I wish the road ahead was an easier one, it may not be. We could not expect what happened this spring, and we cannot predict what fall may have in store for us. COVID-19 not only imposed severe hardships but may also impose a level of transformation on the nation, and especially on higher education, that we could not have imagined a few months ago. Yet, we must now prepare for the possibility of an equally challenging summer and fall. As you know, we are already preparing for online course delivery for both summer sessions. Now is also the time to prepare for online course delivery for Fall 2020. No one can predict the public health situation in September 2020, so it is both necessary and prudent to prepare for the worst-case scenario and hope for the best. Whether instruction for Fall 2020 will be delivered online, face-to-face, or back and forth between the two as a hybrid of both modalities, preparing each course for online instruction would be inevitable. Further, such preparation will improve and enhance delivery of quality education by ensuring consistency and robust assessment of student learning outcomes. To ensure the best possible instruction and learning outcomes for our students, all summer and fall courses must be prepared using Blackboard following the process developed by the School of Online Education. That is, structuring every course in units and every unit clearly delineating its learning outcomes and associated assessment leading to the overall assessment of the course. The School of Online Education will continue to provide faculty with examples, technical support and training to achieve certification. Only those so certified will be assigned teaching responsibility for Fall 2020 courses. We must be prepared to offer courses on a single platform – Blackboard – using a uniform pedagogy for course delivery. The course content you deliver will be driven by the curriculum course outlines. Your course must conform with the approved course outline and learning outcomes. Your can improve each course further with your creative capabilities, your experience and your knowledge of the subject matter. By so doing do, you will produce learning outcomes that are both elegant and innovative. I am sure with your commitment to the mission of the University and the success of our students, you will find novel ways to further enhance your course and the learning experience for our students. I am confident that your enthusiasm for the material and the personal touch that you add will expand upon what you do in the brick-and-mortar classroom and will continue to inspire our students even more. For some programs that have been offered by the School of Online Education and for some courses that were prepared for Wenzhou-Kean University this spring semester, this work has been mostly done, but for many of the courses we plan to offer in Fall 2020, this work must begin now. Your deans and the School of Online Education will provide you with resources and guidance to get started. Many of you have completed or are completing the School of Online Education training in preparation for summer offerings. Please note that all faculty scheduled to teach courses in Fall 2020, at all Kean campuses in the U.S. as well as WKU, must successfully complete training for online education on the Blackboard platform by June 30. This required training can be completed in approximately 10 hours. We will supplement this training and will provide additional direction during this year’s Faculty Activity Days and Professional Development Days. They will be held virtually to enhance your capabilities and increase your skills in online course delivery. We are ready to help, so please reach out to your dean, the School of Online Education or my office if you need any assistance. We are all in this together, and together we will meet our obligations to our University and our students. Finally, in an effort to reduce the financial burden our students bear to continue their coursework, I strongly encourage you to use Open Educational Resource (OER) material. You know most of our students take on more than one part-time job to pay their tuition. You can pay it forward by using OER in lieu of traditional textbook materials and other instructional materials. The Learning Commons staff stands ready to help. Your deans will have details to share regarding the process. Thank you. Be well, stay safe. Suzanne Bousquet, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs |
Vice President for Academic Affairs • vpaa@kean.edu |
Adding to Kean VPAA's Email, Eric Yang (VPAA at WKU) clarified the issue for WKU.
May 06, 2020
DATE: May 17, 2020: Online Course Evaluation for Online Courses
Every semester, WKU instructors are required for performing the course evaluation. In COVID-19 era, the course evaluations were 100% performed online.
Course Evaluation Example: (at least 60% participation)
June 01, 2020: Invitation, 2020 Virtual Commencement of WKU
All WKU CBPM Faculty members are invited to the virtual Commencement Ceremony.
June 06, 2020 @ WKU Youtube Channel for Live
2020. 06. 02: PASS/FAIL OPTION
School provides students the PASS/FAIL Option in 2020 Spring to accommodate the flexibility of Online courses.
Please be reminded that the deadline for submitting your Pass/Fail grade option for the Spring 2020 semester is Wednesday, July1, 2020. Graduating Seniors should submit their P/F requests to their academic advisor by Friday, June 12, 2020. Please fill out the attachment and send it to your faculty academic advisor for approval.
Undergraduates can select up to two classes from the Spring 2020 semester to have a "P" (pass) or "U" (fail). A "P" represents a grade of C or better. A "U" represents anything below a C. The "P" and "U" grades will not affect a student's GPA. Students must get the approval of their faculty advisor on the courses they choose before the change is processed. Faculty advisors will meet virtually with their advisees who wish to do this to make sure the courses they are selecting are eligible for this option, and will not negatively affect their progress toward their degree. After the meeting, the faculty advisor should email the request and student's information from their Kean University or WKU email account to the Campus Registrar, Ms. Dianne Mohammed at mohammedd@wku.edu.cn for processing.
Course that are not eligible for the Pass/Fail option:
ENG 1430 ENG 4817 MGS 4999 ACCT 2210 MGS 4998
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can a "P" grade be recalculated if I retake the course?
Answer: A "P" grade cannot be recalculated because it does not have numeric value as an A, B, C, D or F grade.
2. Can a P/F grade be removed from my transcript?
Answer: Grades cannot be removed from your transcript. Recalculated grades are applied to your overall GPA, but all former grades remain on your official transcript.
Please contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@wku.edu.cn with any questions regarding this notice and discuss your P/F options in detail with your academic advisor.
PASS (P) / FAIL (U) Option Application Procedures in WKU CBPM for 2020 Spring Online Courses (suggested by Dr. Jerry Choi, June 043, 2020)
June 05 ~ June 12, 2020 : Final Grade Input
There are several different Grading options:
1. Conventional Grading Criteria
2. Online Course Grading Criteria
3. Accounting Course Grading Criteria.
MGM Department use this Grading procedure and criteria: https://leadershipcenter.tistory.com/499
June 15~ July 01: Pass / Fail Grade Option Application of non-graduating students.
A typical complaint of the 2020 Spring Online Course Teaching and Grading in the non-Management course.
Repeatedly; Subjectively; Unfairly graded in the perspective of students.
Attitude is a matter, but learning or course itself.
June 27, 2020: Kean Conversion is announced.
Stephen LeBeau's Email.
FAQ of Conversion:
June 28, 2020: Kean University has launched Zoom,
We are excited to announce that Kean University has launched Zoom as our new web conferencing solution. We have selected Zoom for its simplicity and reliability, not to mention consistency across devices for a seamless user experience.
Included in the Kean University site-license is cloud recording capability, extended meeting time limit from 40 minutes to 24 hours up to 300 participants.
July 06, 2020: US ICE (Immigration and Customers Enforcement) Syas International Students Must Take In-Person Classes to Remain in the USA.
Two issues arise.
1. Does KU/WKU need to should do in-person classes to accommodate students?
2. How to manage KU/WKU Exchange Program?
July 27, 2020: Returning Order from WKU HR
All faculty and staff members are required to return to WKU campus by the end of August.
Please see returning faculty protocol
Returning to campus protocol: WKU CBPM International Faculty cases: This is the rough returning to campus protocol for Wenzhou-Kean University College of Business International Faculty members. 1. R..
July 28, 2020: Four Types of Courses in Fall 2020
Important Information About Kean USA: Fall Registration and Courses
1. Face-to-Face (F2F)
2. Hybrid
3. Remote
4. Kean Online (ONL)
As the Fall 2020 semester approaches, it is important for all students to understand the methods of instruction that will be offered at Kean as well as the process for registration.
*Please read this entire email as it contains important time-sensitive information. If you have not already registered for your Fall courses, you are strongly encouraged to do so as soon as possible to avoid any potential late fees.
The University will be offering four different types of courses in the Fall:
Face-to-Face (F2F): These courses will be delivered mostly on campus with some resources augmented by Blackboard. Most classes will meet face-to-face during the normally scheduled days and times (with few exceptions) until the Thanksgiving break after which all course content and activities will be conducted remotely using Blackboard.
Hybrid: These courses will alternate between F2F and online sessions. While the number of overall class meetings will be the same, there will be fewer in-person course meetings than online sessions. Blackboard will be used to supplement the F2F instruction and coordinate any remote instruction. Students should expect to access course content during regularly scheduled class days and times either in person or remotely (synchronously). Courses will meet exclusively remotely through Blackboard after the Thanksgiving break.
Remote: These courses are provided 100 percent remote through Blackboard. No on-site class meetings will be scheduled. Students should expect mostly synchronous instruction, meaning students will regularly login to Blackboard to access instruction and activities happening on the scheduled course days and times. Additional activities posted to Blackboard will be used to supplement the instruction.
Kean Online (ONL): These courses are designed and offered via Kean Online. They are offered asynchronously using Blackboard and do not have specific meeting days and times. ONL courses are very structured and have specific schedules for each unit. Courses are constructed to allow maximum flexibility for students to be able to complete class activities across a number of days, at any time. Most ONL courses are offered over an eight-week schedule (there are exceptions).
Students are strongly encouraged to register now to ensure the best availability of classes.
The University is in the process of classifying all courses in KeanWISE. You will receive an email in early August notifying you to review the instructional method of each of the courses on your schedule. The method of instruction offered may vary by location (i.e. Kean Ocean, Kean Skylands, etc.), so please review your schedule and the classes offered by location carefully.
After reviewing its instructional method, if you wish to add or drop a course you will be able to do so without financial or academic penalty until the add/drop deadline on September 8. For more information about registration, visit the Registration Information page on Kean.edu.
If you wait beyond August 12 to initially register for any courses, you will be assessed a late registration fee of $105. If you wait to initially register after September 1, you will face a late registration fee of $210 (Note: State Unemployment Tuition Waiver students must wait until the last day of add/drop to register).
If you have not completed or updated your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for 2020-21, now is the time to do so. Your financial aid counselor is available to meet with you remotely, especially if there’s been a change to your FAFSA due to COVID.
The names of your advisor, financial aid counselor and the other members of your Kean success team are available on your Student Experience account. To log in, use your Kean email username and password.
We look forward to welcoming students back for the Fall semester.
For Windows:
For Mac: (Ask it to WKU IT)
2020. 09. 02 Eric Yang's Guide to Creating BlackBoard for 2020 Fall Classes
Please note that unlike the spring online courses, building of course contents on the BlackBoard needs to be done by our faculty (but not School of Distance Learning). Here is important information that is helpful to your class building:
(1) Contact Daniel Chen (chenyiyu@wku.edu.cn) if you like to copy existing Blackboard courses (created in spring or summer, or created by Kean USA colleagues) to the same courses (or for multiple sections of a course) offered in fall 2020.
(2) For building your conversion book content to Blackboard shell: signs in on BlackBoard, a course named “Bb Conversion_WKUFall2020" is listed as one of "My Courses". Go to this course, and find step 8, in which video tutorials will guide you to learn how to build the courses to the Blackboard.
(3) Each instructor has the ability to edit their course availability dates in Blackboard. They can be edited under course properties.
Here are the steps:
· Change Edit Mode to ON
· Go to Control Panel
· Expand the Customization section
· Select Properties
· Under Set Course Duration
· Change the start date. Note: days and times are Eastern US time.
· Click Submit.
Please ask your ED or dean for any additional questions.
I am looking forward to seeing you all on campus soon!
2020. Sept. 04: Acting Vice Chancellor's Urgent Request!
2020. Sept. 15: Acting Vice Chancellor's Reaction to Unprepared Courses.
Some College of Liberal Arts and College of Science & Technology folks will face the 'music'.
Aug. 2020: Returning to Campus
Dec. 07, 2021: COVID-19 situation on Campus.
105 students were quarantined immediately, and the number increased
Dec. 08, 2021: Preparing the Worst Scenario
Brain Storming Ideas:
- Give "Incomplete" Grade - Complete Final Exam in Spring Semester
- Wait until students' quarantine is over (two weeks) - Complete the Final exam in the last week of December.
Possibility of Campus Lockdown (Worst Scenario)
Dec. 08, 2021: Urgent message sent out! (for WKU CBPM MGM Department)
Sample of Zoom Exam (2021. Dec. 09)
(if you are NOT using BB online testing already) This is a good example asking for Zoom protectors:
Dear Sir/Madam, I'm the professor of xxx. I have two students in quarantine unable to participate in the final exam next week. I will arrange a synchronous online exam for them (Dec 15, 8:30 pm - 9:50 pm). Please help assign a proctor for the online exam. Below is the zoom link. Thank you.
During the exam, students should turn on the video. I'll send them the exam questions when the exam starts. They are required to write down the answers, take a picture of the hand-written answers and send it back to me immediately after the exam is over.
Best, xx
xx is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: xxx Final Exam
Time: Dec 15, 2021 08:15 PM Beijing, Shanghai
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://kean-edu.zoom.us/j/ xxx
Dec. 12, 2021: Lockdown Mode (Students - No Leaving Campus)
While WKU Academic Affairs did not inform anything about the Situation, WKU CBPM prepared the 'Winter Semester' schedule adjustment and we agreed on the change.
Dec. 13, 2021: Urgent message for the final week sent out! (for WKU CBPM MGM Department)
2021. Dec. 13: WKU Academic Affairs : Academic Schedule Adjustment for Winter.
Feb. 08, 2022: Idea of "Hybrid" form of lecture delivery for Spring 2022 from WKU CBPM Dean and Reaction:
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