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How to Apply Pass/Fail Grade Option? (Wenzhou-Kean)

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2020. 6. 11.

Kean University Union / Wenzhou accommodates the demand for learning flexibility in the Remote Class situation in 2020. The University provides the "Pass / Fail Grade Option"  (This is for Spring 2020 Grade). 

The Pass (P) /Fail (U) option application procedures are here. :




For 2020 Fall Semester Grade 


Please use this "Pass/Fail Grading Application Form" to apply the option. (Dec. 18, 2020, updated form)





Many CBPM courses are not eligible for the PASS/Fail option. 



Process of Pass / Fail Application in WKU

In order to receive a P/U as opposed to a letter grade during the Fall 2020 semester, a student must do the following:


1)   Complete this form with a maximum of two courses to be changed to P/U;

2)   Discuss with an academic advisor and receive signed approval;

3)   Email completed form (from the student’s official school email address), copying the academic advisor, to the registrar's office at Registrar@wku.edu.cn for processing.

(WKU Student must do these processes). 



Academic Advisors need to double-check...

1. Is the applied course eligible?

2. Is the application form manipulated or not?  

3. Must be informed of the application to Registra from the student. 



Updated "Not Eligible Pass/Fail Courses".  (2020. Jan. 08) ? 


Clarification of Pass / Fail application (by Registra Office) .



Updated Process of Pass / Fail application (Jan. 10, 2021)


1. Check the eligibility of Pass/Fail option of the applicant

2. Sign and return the application to the applicant if the application is qualified. 

3. Get and archive the copy from the applicant. 


*The Pass / Fail application form is available here. 



表格与细则 - Wenzhou-Kean University





For 2021 Spring Semester Grade 


Please use this "Pass/Fail Grading Application Form" to apply the option. (May 13, 2021, updated form)




"Not Elligible Courses for P/F option"

• College of Business and Public Management students:  
 ACCT 2210  ECO 1020    FIN 3310    GE 2021     MGS 2150    MGS 4998     MGS 4999

• College of Science and Technology students: 
Natural Sciences Program students:
• BIO 2910 • BIO 3614 • BIO 3709 • BIO 4316 • BIO 4316L • CHEM 4909
Computer Science Program students:   All CPS courses at level 3000/4000

Mathematical Sciences Program students:   All MATH courses except for MATH 1000, MATH 1010, MATH 1016, MATH 2110

• College of Liberal Arts students:  ENG 1430   ENG2101   ENG 3029   ENG 3080   ENG 4817  PSY 4940  PSY 4950

• Architecture and Design students:   none



Undergraduate Seniors ONLY - The Office of the Registrar must receive the approved application by June 10, 2021.

All other students – The Office of the Registrar must receive the approved application by July 1, 2021.





May 13, 2021: Updated WKU Pass/Fail options


Jan. 10, 2021: Updated WKU  CBPM process considering the clarification from Dianne's clarification. 

Jan. 05, 2021: Updated WKU processes to avoid cheating. 

Dec. 18, 2020: Updated with Fall 2020. 

June 11, 2020: Posted by Dr. Jerry Choi


