Dr. Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi's Award, Honor, Grant, Donation, and Contributions!
2023. 09. 23: Certificate of Appreciation : Symposium on Sustainability in Higher Education: The Relationship between Sustainble Development and Univerisites, organized by President's Sustainability Task Force of Kean University (New Jersrey), WKU Education Development Foundation, WKU Students Committee on Sustainability (SCS).
2023. 08. 31: Research Fund from Zhejiang State
Applied for the Reserach Fund in 2023. 06. 01
2023.03.08: Editorial Board Member, The Korean Academic Association of Business Administration (35th).
Google Maps (Sept. 20, 2022)
My review hit more than 3,000 (As of September 2021)
Contributions by Jeonghwan Choi
233 Contributions
2025. 05. 18: Donation to UIUC for Modern Korean History Professorship Fund ($100) and College of Education Fund for Excellence ($10).
2024. 01. 18: A generous donation of 5000 RMB was made to congratulate a student couple who recently welcomed their first child, all thanks to the assistance of Lawyer Chen
"Two of my students at WKU have welcomed the arrival of a beautiful baby girl. I have sent the 5,000 RMB that you generously waived for me this month for WKU's vacation period. This gesture allowed us to celebrate the birth of the new baby, and my two students, as well as the new parents, are truly grateful for your kindness. Thank you very much. ^^"
2021. 12.13: The Frits Rate Course Teaching Award (Organizational Behavior, MGS3032).
2021. 10. 26: Donation 5000 RMB to a Public Welfare Event for "Autism Children" on Nov. 18.
2021. 10. 12: Acknowledgment Letter for Dr. Jerry Choi for Returning and New Faculty WeChat Thread (Community of Practice) from Dr. Elizabeth Sugar Martinez at College of Liberal Art - English Department
2021. 06. 03: Donation to WKU Stadium (RMB 2,000)
2021.09.28: Stadium Chair: NO 2021-0019
2020. 10. 09: Donation to WKU Education Development Foundation (RMB 5,000)
All 2020 research award fund is donated to WKU Education Development foundation.
2020.09.09: The Award for Excellence in Research and Creativity in Academic Year 2019-2020.
2020. 03. 01 : Certificate of Donation (Emergency Healthcare Devices to Wenzhou City)
2019.11.08: WKU Best Service Award
2019.11.09: CapSim - Capstone Simulation Certificate
2014 Academy of Management - Outstanding Reviewer Award
2012. Oct. 20:
Fabac-Tomlinson Award
William Chandeler Bagley Scholar (Synergy Fellow)
Graduate & Professional Fellowship
Award amount A $12,600 (9 month) stipend. Tuition and fee waivers are included for most recipients excluding those in cost recovery or self-supporting programs. Please contact your departmental representative for its policy on courtesy tuition waivers. P
2005. 11. 11: Certificate of Prize of Highest Practical Value of "Interpool academic contest". by Internationale Personaldienstleistungen Beratug.Recruitierung.Betreuung
2005. 12. 31: HHL-Leipzig Graduate School of Management MBA Certificate
2004. 01. 31: BOSCH Career and Retirement Certificate:
2002. 10 .14: BOSCH CIP (Continuous Improvement Process) Certificate
2002. 12. 18: Certificate of "The Time Management Workshop for the Entire Business of Living".
2001. November 21 ~ Dec. 05. Certificate of MS Project
'AmericanBizEdu@China > 3.FacultyLife@China' 카테고리의 다른 글
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