If I have to choose only one book out of 25 most influential business management book, I choose "The Essential of Drucker" .
Because Drucker's hindsight, insight, and foresight for management have guided development of modern management theories and practice, I cannot avoid choosing Drucker's masterpiece.
Jeonghwan (Philip) Choi.
The 25 Most Influential Business Management Books
There's never a shortage of new books about how to be more effective in business. Most of them are forgettable, but here are 25 that changed the way we think about management — from the iconic "How to Win Friends and Influence People" to groundbreaking tomes like "Guerilla Marketing" and quick reads like the "The One Minute Manager".
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/completelist/0,29569,2086680,00.html#ixzz1VUokVNRy
Full List
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