May 15, 2020: Approval
Kean Board of Trustees (BOT) approved the "Kean CBPM's Business Analytics Program".
May 16 ~ June 03: Hiring The Best Talent for Business Analytics (Dr. Chad Chae)
June 04, 2020: A Primitive Proposal of Integrative Business Analytics Program in Kean System (Union & Wenzhou) to the Chair of School of Management & Marketing.
June 05, Proposing "Collaborative Business Analytics Education".
(updated Nov. 30, 2020 after consulting with Prof. Gupta at Math, WKU).
2020.09.16, WKU CBPM Dean Dr. Cao Jiang introducted the Business Analytics Program starts in 2020 in public.
Business Analytics课程推行打响第一炮
The launch of the Business Analytics course was the first shot!
2020. 09.24: Request Syllabi of these courses.
MGS 3701: Data Mining in Business
MGS 4701: Integrative Applications of Business Analytics
MGS 3501: Database Management In Business
2020. 09. 24: UPDATE of BA Program Initiative in Wenzhou:
Thanks to your transformative leadership, Wenzhou-Kean would like to officially initiate the Business Analytics (BA) Program in 2021 Fall. I am confident that the BA program will be a flagship major in the CBPM both in Union and Wenzhou soon.
Last week (Sept 16), Dr. Cao Jiang introduced the Business Analytics Program. Many Business students were totally excited to have a chance to learn Business Analytics courses in the Kean system. Then, we are proposing Four classes (120 seats) of MGS3001 (Python Programming) in Spring 2021.
Dr. Chad Chung - a newly hired BA teacher will teach MGS3001 (Python Programming) in Spring 2021. And WKU MGM is now recruiting two more BA faculty members for starting the program next Academic year.
Therefore, we would like to study and elaborate those Business Analytics courses based on your Syllabi.
On the other hand, we need to talk about the "Exchange Program for BA major Students".
As we have discussed, WKU will have many BA students but lack courses and teachers. KUSA has courses and teachers but needs more students. Then, we need to collaborate by using an Exchange program. Below is the rough idea of the Exchange program. And we can keep talking about the "Global Collaborative Education for Business Analytics" .
We wish to build a nice and wonderful "Business Analytics Program" in Kean System basing on the great "Global Collaboration".
2020. 10. 14: The First Task Force Meeting (KUSA-WKU)
2020. 12. 08: WKU Business Analytics Option Approved by the Chinese Government