Business Journal Rankings for Research Quality Evaluation
Executive Summary: Evaluating Business Research Quality for Faculty Career Advancement
The progression of business faculty careers is not only pivotal to the continuous triumph of business education but also essential for the individual success of business educators. A cornerstone of this career development, especially in AACSB-accredited, research-teaching balaned institutions, is academic research. The benchmark for evaluating the significance and impact of this research often hinges on journal publications.
Renowned metrics utilized by numerous business schools include the UTD Top 100 research ranking, the ABDC ranking, the Financial Times Top 50 Journals list, and notably, the Academic Journal Guide (AJG) from the ABS list.
Additionally, universal research quality indicators like SCOPUS and SSCI, along with other standardized journal indices, offer insights into research caliber.
Armed with these specialized business research rankings and broader research metrics, our intention is to holistically assess the research quality of our business faculty and researchers, thereby promoting excellence and ensuring our institution remains at the forefront of business education.
1. UTD* (24) List
The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings™ are based on research contributions to specific journals. As of my last training cut-off in January 2022, the UTD rankings considered research contributions to a set of 24 leading business journals. These journals span various areas of business discipline.
Here's a list of those journals:
The Accounting Review
Journal of Accounting and Economics Journal of Accounting Research
Journal of Finance
Journal of Financial Economics Review of Financial Studies
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Review
Administrative Science Quarterly
Strategic Management Journal
Management Science (MS) & Information Systems (IS):
Information Systems Research Management Science
MIS Quarterly
Operations Research
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research Marketing Science
Journal of Consumer Research
Operations Management:
Journal of Operations Management
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Production and Operations Management
Organizational Behavior:
Journal of Applied Psychology
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Personnel Psychology
International Business:
Journal of International Business Studies
The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings™ - Naveen Jindal School of Management - The University of Texas at Dallas
Research Rankings Overview The UT Dallas’ Naveen Jindal School of Management has created a database to track publications in 24 leading business journals. The database contains titles and author affiliations of papers published in these journals since 19
2. The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Ranking
ABDC journal ranking is a list that classifies business-related academic journals into different quality categories. The ABDC Journal Ranking aims to reflect the quality and impact of the journals, and it is regularly updated.
The rankings are typically divided into the following categories:
A* (A Star): World Elite
A: High Quality
B: Quality
C: Acceptable
Please check out the whole list of ABDC ranking here
ABDC Journal Quality List - Australian Business Deans Council
Downloads ABDC Journal Quality List (xls file, includes 2019, 2016, 2013 and 2010 lists: see corresponding sheets) ABDC 2022 Journal Quality List Review Report (pdf file) Journal rankings in the search tool below are current to the most recent completed r
Total 2689 Journliast are listed in the ABDC ranking in 2023 JQL:
Excel file:
PDF file:
ABDC A*, journal ranking
Journal Title | Publisher | ISSN | ISSN Online | Year Inception | FoR | 2022 rating |
Academy of Management Annals | Academy of Management | 1941-6520 | 1941-6067 | 2008 | 3507 | A* |
Academy of Management Journal | Academy of Management | 0001-4273 | 1948-0989 | 1958 | 3507 | A* |
Academy of Management Learning and Education | Academy of Management | 1537-260X | 1944-9585 | 2002 | 3507 | A* |
Academy of Management Review | Academy of Management | 0363-7425 | 1930-3807 | 1976 | 3507 | A* |
Accident Analysis and Prevention | Elsevier | 0001-4575 | 1879-2057 | 1969 | 3509 | A* |
Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal | Emerald Group Publishing Limited | 0951-3574 | 1758-4205 | 1988 | 3501 | A* |
Accounting, Organizations and Society | Elsevier | 0361-3682 | 1873-6289 | 1976 | 3501 | A* |
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction | Association for Computing Machinery | 1073-0516 | 1557-7325 | 1994 | 4609 | A* |
Administrative Science Quarterly | Sage Publications | 0001-8392 | 1930-3815 | 1956 | 3507 | A* |
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology | Elsevier | 0065-2601 | 1557-8410 | 1964 | 3507 | A* |
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics | American Economic Association | 1945-7782 | 1945-7790 | 2009 | 3801 | A* |
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy | American Economic Association | 1945-7731 | 1945-774X | 2009 | 3801 | A* |
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics | American Economic Association | 1945-7707 | 1945-7715 | 2009 | 3801 | A* |
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics | American Economic Association | 1945-7669 | 1945-7685 | 2009 | 3801 | A* |
American Economic Review: Insights | American Economic Association | 2640-205X | 2640-2068 | 2019 | 3801 | A* |
American Journal of Agricultural Economics | Oxford University Press | 0002-9092 | 1467-8276 | 1919 | 3801 | A* |
American Journal of Political Science | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0092-5853 | 1540-5907 | 1950 | 3599 | A* |
American Journal of Public Health | The American Public Health Association | 0090-0036 | 1541-0048 | 1911 | 3599 | A* |
American Journal of Sociology | The University of Chicago Press | 0002-9602 | 1537-5390 | 1895 | 3507 | A* |
American Political Science Review | Cambridge University Press | 0003-0554 | 1537-5943 | 1906 | 3599 | A* |
American Psychologist | American Psychological Association | 0003-066X | 1935-990X | 1946 | 3507 | A* |
American Sociological Review | Sage Publications | 0003-1224 | 1939-8271 | 1936 | 3507 | A* |
Annals of Probability | Institute of Mathematical Statistics | 0091-1798 | 2168-894X | 1973 | 4905 | A* |
Annals of Statistics | Institute of Mathematical Statistics | 0090-5364 | 1973 | 4905 | A* | |
Annals of Tourism Research | Elsevier | 0160-7383 | 1873-7722 | 1973 | 3508 | A* |
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior | Annual Reviews | 2327-0616 | 2014 | 3507 | A* | |
Annual Review of Psychology | Annual Reviews | 0066-4308 | 1545-2085 | 1950 | 3507 | A* |
Annual Review of Sociology | Annual Reviews | 0360-0572 | 1545-2115 | 1975 | 3507 | A* |
Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory | American Accounting Association | 0278-0380 | 1558-7991 | 1981 | 3501 | A* |
Australian Tax Forum | Tax Institute | 0812-695X | 1984 | 4801 | A* | |
Automation in Construction | Elsevier | 0926-5805 | 1872-7891 | 1992 | 3504 | A* |
Biometrika | Oxford University Press | 0006-3444 | 1464-3510 | 1901 | 4905 | A* |
Boston University Law Review | Boston University School of Law | 0006-8047 | 1921 | 4801 | A* | |
British Accounting Review | Elsevier | 0890-8389 | 1095-8347 | 1968 | 3501 | A* |
British Journal of Industrial Relations | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0007-1080 | 1467-8543 | 1963 | 3505 | A* |
British Tax Review | Sweet & Maxwell | 0007-1870 | 1956 | 4801 | A* | |
Cambridge Law Journal | Cambridge University Press | 0008-1973 | 1469-2139 | 1921 | 4801 | A* |
Canadian Tax Journal | Canadian Tax Foundation | 0008-5111 | 1953 | 4801 | A* | |
Columbia Law Review | Columbia Law Review Association, Inc. | 0010-1958 | 1945-2268 | 1901 | 4801 | A* |
Contemporary Accounting Research | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0823-9150 | 1911-3846 | 1984 | 3501 | A* |
Cornell Law Review | Cornell Law School | 0010-8847 | 1915 | 4801 | A* | |
Critical Finance Review | Now Publishers | 2164-5744 | 2164-5760 | 2012 | 3502 | A* |
Decision Sciences | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0011-7315 | 1540-5915 | 1970 | 3509 | A* |
Decision Support Systems | Elsevier | 0167-9236 | 1873-5797 | 1985 | 4609 | A* |
Econometric Theory | Cambridge University Press | 0266-4666 | 1469-4360 | 1985 | 3802 | A* |
Econometrica | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0012-9682 | 1468-0262 | 1933 | 3802 | A* |
Economic Theory | Springer International Publishing | 0938-2259 | 1432-0479 | 1991 | 3803 | A* |
Energy Economics | Elsevier | 0140-9883 | 1873-6181 | 1979 | 3801 | A* |
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice | Sage Publications | 1042-2587 | 1540-6520 | 1976 | 3507 | A* |
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space | Sage Publications | 0308-518X | 1472-3409 | 1968 | 3599 | A* |
Environment and Planning B: planning and design | Sage Publications | 0265-8135 | 1472-3417 | 1969 | 3599 | A* |
European Economic Review | Elsevier | 0014-2921 | 1873-572X | 1969 | 3801 | A* |
European Journal of Information Systems | Taylor & Francis Online | 0960-085X | 1476-9344 | 1991 | 4609 | A* |
European Journal of Marketing | Emerald Group Publishing | 0309-0566 | 1758-7123 | 1967 | 3506 | A* |
European Journal of Operational Research | Elsevier | 0377-2217 | 1872-6860 | 1977 | 3507 | A* |
Experimental Economics | Springer International Publishing | 1386-4157 | 1573-6938 | 1998 | 3801 | A* |
Federal Law Review | Australian National University | 0067-205X | 1964 | 4801 | A* | |
Foreign Affairs | Council on Foreign Relations | 0015-7120 | 1665-1707 | 1910 | 3599 | A* |
Foreign Policy (Washington) | National Affairs, Inc. | 0015-7228 | 1945-2276 | 1971 | 3599 | A* |
Games and Economic Behavior | Elsevier | 0899-8256 | 1090-2473 | 1989 | 3803 | A* |
Gender and Society | Sage Publications | 0891-2432 | 1552-3977 | 1987 | 3507 | A* |
Global Environmental Change | Elsevier | 0959-3780 | 1872-9495 | 1990 | 3599 | A* |
Harvard Law Review | Harvard University Press | 0017-811X | 2161-976X | 1886 | 4801 | A* |
Health Economics | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 1057-9230 | 1099-1050 | 1992 | 3801 | A* |
Human Relations | Sage Publications | 0018-7267 | 1741-282X | 1947 | 3507 | A* |
Human Resource Management (US) | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0090-4848 | 1099-050X | 1961 | 3505 | A* |
ILR Review (Industrial and Labor Relations Review) | Sage Publications | 0019-7939 | 2162-271X | 1947 | 3505 | A* |
Industrial Marketing Management | Elsevier | 0019-8501 | 1873-2062 | 1971 | 3506 | A* |
Industrial Relations: a journal of economy and society | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0019-8676 | 1468-232X | 1961 | 3505 | A* |
Information & Management | Elsevier | 0378-7206 | 1872-7530 | 1977 | 4609 | A* |
Information and Organization | Elsevier | 1471-7727 | 1873-7919 | 1990 | 4609 | A* |
Information Systems Journal | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 1350-1917 | 1365-2575 | 1991 | 4609 | A* |
Information Systems Research | The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) | 1047-7047 | 1526-5536 | 1990 | 4609 | A* |
Insurance: Mathematics & Economics | Elsevier | 0167-6687 | 1873-5959 | 1982 | 3502 | A* |
International & Comparative Law Quarterly | Cambridge University Press | 0020-5893 | 1471-6895 | 1952 | 4801 | A* |
International Economic Review | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0020-6598 | 1468-2354 | 1960 | 3801 | A* |
International Journal of Hospitality Management | Elsevier | 0278-4319 | 1873-4693 | 1982 | 3504 | A* |
International Journal of Information Management | Elsevier | 0268-4012 | 1873-4707 | 1980 | 4609 | A* |
International Journal of Research in Marketing | Elsevier | 0167-8116 | 1873-8001 | 1984 | 3506 | A* |
Journal of Accounting and Economics | Elsevier | 0165-4101 | 1979 | 3501 | A* | |
Journal of Accounting Research | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0021-8456 | 1475-679X | 1963 | 3501 | A* |
Journal of Applied Econometrics | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0883-7252 | 1099-1255 | 1986 | 3802 | A* |
Journal of Applied Psychology | American Psychological Association | 0021-9010 | 1939-1854 | 1917 | 3507 | A* |
Journal of Banking & Finance | Elsevier | 0378-4266 | 1872-6372 | 1976 | 3502 | A* |
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics | Taylor & Francis Online | 0735-0015 | 1537-2707 | 1983 | 3802 | A* |
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0306-686X | 1468-5957 | 1974 | 3501 | A* |
Journal of Business Venturing | Elsevier | 0883-9026 | 1873-2003 | 1985 | 3507 | A* |
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics | Taylor & Francis Online | 1061-8600 | 1537-2715 | 1992 | 4905 | A* |
Journal of Conflict Resolution | Sage Publications | 0022-0027 | 1552-8766 | 1957 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management | American Society of Civil Engineers | 0733-9364 | 1943-7862 | 1983 | 3504 | A* |
Journal of Consumer Psychology | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 1057-7408 | 1532-7663 | 1992 | 3506 | A* |
Journal of Consumer Research | Oxford University Press | 0093-5301 | 1537-5277 | 1974 | 3506 | A* |
Journal of Corporate Finance | Elsevier | 0929-1199 | 1872-6313 | 1994 | 3502 | A* |
Journal of Development Economics | Elsevier | 0304-3878 | 1872-6089 | 1974 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Econometrics | Elsevier | 0304-4076 | 1872-6895 | 1973 | 3802 | A* |
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization | Elsevier | 0167-2681 | 1879-1751 | 1980 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control | Elsevier | 0165-1889 | 1879-1743 | 1979 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Economic Growth | Springer International Publishing | 1381-4338 | 1573-7020 | 1996 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Economic Literature | American Economic Association | 0002-0515 | 2328-8175 | 1963 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Economic Perspectives | American Economic Association | 0895-3309 | 1944-7965 | 1987 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Economic Theory | Elsevier | 0022-0531 | 1095-7235 | 1969 | 3803 | A* |
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 1740-1453 | 1740-1461 | 2004 | 4801 | A* |
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management | Elsevier | 0095-0696 | 1096-0449 | 1974 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Experimental Psychology: general | American Psychological Association | 0096-3445 | 1939-2222 | 1916 | 3507 | A* |
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis | Cambridge University Press | 0022-1090 | 1756-6916 | 1966 | 3502 | A* |
Journal of Financial Econometrics | Oxford University Press | 1479-8409 | 1479-8417 | 2003 | 3802 | A* |
Journal of Financial Economics | Elsevier | 0304-405X | 1974 | 3502 | A* | |
Journal of Financial Intermediation | Elsevier | 1042-9573 | 1096-0473 | 1990 | 3502 | A* |
Journal of Financial Markets | Elsevier | 1386-4181 | 1878-576X | 1998 | 3502 | A* |
Journal of Health Economics | Elsevier | 0167-6296 | 1879-1646 | 1982 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Human Resources | The University of Wisconsin Press | 0022-166X | 1548-8004 | 1966 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Information Technology | Sage Publications | 0268-3962 | 1466-4437 | 1986 | 4609 | A* |
Journal of International Business Studies | Springer International Publishing | 0047-2506 | 1478-6990 | 1970 | 3507 | A* |
Journal of International Economics | Elsevier | 0022-1996 | 1873-0353 | 1971 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Labor Economics | University of Chicago Press | 0734-306X | 1537-5307 | 1983 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Management | Sage Publications | 0149-2063 | 1557-1211 | 1975 | 3507 | A* |
Journal of Management Accounting Research | American Accounting Association | 1049-2127 | 1558-8033 | 1989 | 3501 | A* |
Journal of Management Information Systems | Taylor & Francis Online | 0742-1222 | 1557-928X | 1984 | 4609 | A* |
Journal of Management Studies | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0022-2380 | 1467-6486 | 1964 | 3507 | A* |
Journal of Marketing | Sage Publications | 0022-2429 | 1547-7185 | 1936 | 3506 | A* |
Journal of Marketing Research | Sage Publications | 0022-2437 | 1547-7193 | 1964 | 3506 | A* |
Journal of Monetary Economics | Elsevier | 0304-3932 | 1873-1295 | 1975 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0022-2879 | 1538-4616 | 1969 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Operations Management | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0272-6963 | 1873-1317 | 1980 | 3507 | A* |
Journal of Organizational Behavior | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0894-3796 | 1099-1379 | 1980 | 3507 | A* |
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | American Psychological Association | 0022-3514 | 1939-1315 | 1965 | 3507 | A* |
Journal of Political Economy | The University of Chicago Press | 0022-3808 | 1537-534X | 1892 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Product Innovation Management | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0737-6782 | 1540-5885 | 1984 | 3599 | A* |
Journal of Public Economics | Elsevier | 0047-2727 | 1879-2316 | 1972 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Retailing | Elsevier | 0022-4359 | 1873-3271 | 1993 | 3506 | A* |
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty | Springer International Publishing | 0895-5646 | 1573-0476 | 1988 | 3803 | A* |
Journal of Service Research | Sage Publications | 1094-6705 | 1552-7379 | 1998 | 3506 | A* |
Journal of Strategic Information Systems | Elsevier | 0963-8687 | 1873-1198 | 1991 | 4609 | A* |
Journal of Sustainable Tourism | Taylor & Francis Online | 0966-9582 | 1747-7646 | 1993 | 3508 | A* |
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | Springer International Publishing | 0092-0703 | 1552-7824 | 1973 | 3506 | A* |
Journal of the American Statistical Association | Taylor & Francis Online | 0162-1459 | 1537-274X | 1888 | 4905 | A* |
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 1532-2882 | 1532-2890 | 1950 | 4609 | A* |
Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Association for Information Systems (AIS) | 1536-9323 | 1558-3457 | 2000 | 4609 | A* |
Journal of the European Economic Association | Oxford University Press | 1542-4766 | 1542-4774 | 2003 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology) | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 1467-9868 | 1934 | 4905 | A* | |
Journal of Travel Research | Sage Publications | 0047-2875 | 1552-6763 | 1962 | 3508 | A* |
Journal of Urban Economics | Elsevier | 0094-1190 | 1095-9068 | 1974 | 3801 | A* |
Journal of Vocational Behavior | Elsevier | 0001-8791 | 1095-9084 | 1971 | 3505 | A* |
Journal of World Business | Elsevier | 1090-9516 | 1878-5573 | 1997 | 3507 | A* |
Law Quarterly Review | Sweet & Maxwell | 0023-933X | 1885 | 4801 | A* | |
Management Accounting Research | Elsevier | 1044-5005 | 1096-1224 | 1990 | 3501 | A* |
Management Science | INFORMS | 0025-1909 | 1526-5501 | 1954 | 3507 | A* |
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management | INFORMS | 1523-4614 | 1526-5498 | 1999 | 3509 | A* |
Marketing Science | INFORMS | 0732-2399 | 1526-548X | 1982 | 3506 | A* |
Melbourne University Law Review | Melbourne University Law Review Association | 0025-8938 | 1839-3810 | 1957 | 4801 | A* |
MIS Quarterly | University of Minnesota Press | 0276-7783 | 2162-9730 | 1977 | 4609 | A* |
Operations Research | INFORMS | 0030-364X | 1526-5463 | 1952 | 3507 | A* |
Organization Science | INFORMS | 1047-7039 | 1526-5455 | 1990 | 3507 | A* |
Organization Studies | Sage Publications | 0170-8406 | 1741-3044 | 1980 | 3507 | A* |
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes | Elsevier | 0749-5978 | 1095-9920 | 1966 | 3507 | A* |
Organizational Research Methods | Sage Publications | 1094-4281 | 1552-7425 | 1998 | 3507 | A* |
Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal | Taylor & Francis Online | 1472-9342 | 1757-8469 | 2001 | 4801 | A* |
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin | Sage Publications | 0146-1672 | 1552-7433 | 1974 | 3507 | A* |
Personality and Social Psychology Review | Sage Publications | 1088-8683 | 1532-7957 | 1997 | 3507 | A* |
Personnel Psychology | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0031-5826 | 1744-6570 | 1948 | 3507 | A* |
Probability Theory and Related Fields | Springer International Publishing | 0178-8051 | 1432-2064 | 1962 | 4905 | A* |
Production and Operations Management | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 1059-1478 | 1937-5956 | 1992 | 3509 | A* |
Psychological Bulletin | American Psychological Association | 0033-2909 | 1939-1455 | 1904 | 3507 | A* |
Psychological Review | American Psychological Association | 0033-295X | 1939-1471 | 1894 | 3507 | A* |
Psychological Science | Sage Publications | 0956-7976 | 1467-9280 | 1990 | 3507 | A* |
Quantitative Economics | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 1759-7323 | 1759-7331 | 2010 | 3802 | A* |
RAND Journal of Economics | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0741-6261 | 1756-2171 | 1970 | 3801 | A* |
Regional Studies | Taylor & Francis Online | 0034-3404 | 1360-0591 | 1967 | 3599 | A* |
Research Policy | Elsevier | 0048-7333 | 1873-7625 | 1971 | 3507 | A* |
Review of Accounting Studies | Springer International Publishing | 1380-6653 | 1573-7136 | 1996 | 3501 | A* |
Review of Asset Pricing Studies | Oxford University Press | 2045-9920 | 2045-9939 | 2011 | 3502 | A* |
Review of Corporate Finance Studies | Oxford University Press | 2046-9128 | 2046-9136 | 2012 | 3502 | A* |
Review of Economic Dynamics | Elsevier | 1094-2025 | 1096-6099 | 1998 | 3801 | A* |
Review of Finance | Oxford University Press | 1572-3097 | 1573-692X | 2004 | 3502 | A* |
Sociology | Sage Publications | 0038-0385 | 1469-8684 | 1967 | 3507 | A* |
Strategic Management Journal | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0143-2095 | 1097-0266 | 1980 | 3507 | A* |
The Accounting Review | American Accounting Association | 0001-4826 | 1558-7967 | 1926 | 3501 | A* |
The American Economic Review | American Economic Association | 0002-8282 | 0065-812X | 1911 | 3801 | A* |
The Economic Journal | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0013-0133 | 1468-0297 | 1891 | 3801 | A* |
The European Accounting Review | Taylor & Francis Online | 0963-8180 | 1468-4497 | 1992 | 3501 | A* |
The Journal of Economic History | Cambridge University Press | 0022-0507 | 1471-6372 | 1941 | 3801 | A* |
The Journal of Finance | American Finance Association | 0022-1082 | 1540-6261 | 1946 | 3502 | A* |
The Journal of Law and Economics | University of Chicago Law School | 0022-2186 | 1537-5285 | 1958 | 3801 | A* |
The Leadership Quarterly | Elsevier | 1048-9843 | 1873-3409 | 1990 | 3507 | A* |
The Modern Law Review | Wiley-Blackwell Publishing | 0026-7961 | 1468-2230 | 1937 | 4801 | A* |
The Quarterly Journal of Economics | MIT Press | 0033-5533 | 1531-4650 | 1886 | 3801 | A* |
The Review of Economic Studies | Oxford University Press | 0034-6527 | 1467-937X | 1933 | 3801 | A* |
The Review of Economics and Statistics | The MIT Press | 0034-6535 | 1530-9142 | 1917 | 3801 | A* |
The Review of Financial Studies | Oxford University Press | 0893-9454 | 1465-7368 | 1988 | 3502 | A* |
The Sydney Law Review | Sydney Law School | 0082-0512 | 1953 | 4801 | A* | |
The Yale Law Journal | The Yale Law Journal Company, Inc. | 0044-0094 | 1939-8611 | 1891 | 4801 | A* |
Theoretical Economics | The Econometric Society | 1933-6837 | 1555-7561 | 2006 | 3803 | A* |
Tourism Management | Elsevier | 0261-5177 | 1879-3193 | 1983 | 3508 | A* |
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice | Elsevier | 0965-8564 | 1879-2375 | 1967 | 3509 | A* |
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological | Elsevier | 0191-2615 | 1879-2367 | 1979 | 3509 | A* |
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | Elsevier | 0968-090X | 1879-2359 | 1993 | 3509 | A* |
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review | Elsevier | 1366-5545 | 1878-5794 | 1964 | 3509 | A* |
University of Chicago Law Review | University of Chicago Law School | 0041-9494 | 1939-859X | 1933 | 4801 | A* |
Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies | Sage Publications | 0042-0980 | 1360-063X | 1964 | 3599 | A* |
3. Financial Times Top 50 (Business) Journals list.
50 Journals used in FT Research Rank
The list below details the 50 journals used by the Financial Times in compiling the FT Research rank, included in the Global MBA, EMBA and Online MBA rankings.
1. Academy of Management Journal
2. Academy of Management Review
3. Accounting, Organizations and Society
4. Administrative Science Quarterly
5. American Economic Review
6. Contemporary Accounting Research
7. Econometrica
8. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
9. Harvard Business Review
10. Human Relations*
11. Human Resource Management
12. Information Systems Research
13. Journal of Accounting and Economics
14. Journal of Accounting Research
15. Journal of Applied Psychology
16. Journal of Business Ethics
17. Journal of Business Venturing
18. Journal of Consumer Psychology
19. Journal of Consumer Research
20. Journal of Finance
21. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
22. Journal of Financial Economics
23. Journal of International Business Studies
24. Journal of Management*
25. Journal of Management Information Systems*
26. Journal of Management Studies
27. Journal of Marketing
28. Journal of Marketing Research
29. Journal of Operations Management
30. Journal of Political Economy
31. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science*
32. Management Science
33. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management*
34. Marketing Science
35. MIS Quarterly
36. Operations Research
37. Organization Science
38. Organization Studies
39. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
40. Production and Operations Management
41. Quarterly Journal of Economics
42. Research Policy*
43. Review of Accounting Studies
44. Review of Economic Studies*
45. Review of Finance*
46. Review of Financial Studies
47. Sloan Management Review
48. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal*
49. Strategic Management Journal
50. The Accounting Review
4. AJG (Academic Journal Guide) Ranking
Target Journals (Example of Colorado State University's College of Business)
The Academic Journal Guide (AJG) is produced by the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) and is often referred to as the "ABS ranking" or "ABS list." It ranks academic journals in the field of business and management. The AJG aims to provide clarity to academics about where to target their papers based on their topic, research method, and style.
The AJG categorizes journals into several ranks:
Academic Journal Guide 2021 - Chartered Association of Business Schools
*4 (Four Star)**: World Elite - these are the top journals, often seen as the pinnacle of academic publishing in the business domain.
4 (Four): Top - journals that are highly respected within the academic community.
3 (Three): Highly Regarded - high-quality journals with a good reputation.
2 (Two): Well Regarded - standard journals that many academics in the field publish in.
1 (One): Recognized - more specialized or newer journals.
Definitions of AJG Journal Ratings
4* : Journals of Distinction. Within the business and management field, including economics, there are a small number of grade 4 journals that are recognised world-wide as exemplars of excellence. As the world leading journals in the field, they would be ranked among the highest in terms of impact factor. The initial paper selection and review process would be rigorous and demanding. Accepted papers would typically not only bring to bear large scale data and/or rigour in theory, but also be extremely finely crafted and provide major advances to their field.
4 : All journals rated 4, whether included in the Journal of Distinction category or not, publish the most original and best-executed research. As top journals in their field, these journals typically have high submission and low acceptance rates. Papers are heavily refereed. These top journals generally have among the highest citation impact factors within their field.
3 : 3 rated journals publish original and well executed research papers and are highly regarded. These journals typically have good submission rates and are very selective in what they publish. Papers are heavily refereed. These highly regarded journals generally have good to excellent journal metrics relative to others in their field, although at present not all journals in this category carry a citation impact factor.
2 : Journals in this category publish original research of an acceptable standard. For these well regarded journals in their field, papers are fully refereed according to accepted standards and conventions. Citation impact factors are somewhat more modest in certain cases. Many excellent practitioneroriented articles are published in 2-rated journals.
1 : These journals, in general, publish research of a recognised, but more modest standard in their field. A 1 rating is a useful indicator in that it indicates the journal meets normal scholarly standards, including a general expectation of peer review. Papers are in many instances refereed relatively lightly according to accepted conventions. Few journals in this category carry a citation impact factor
Based on the ABS List and AJG, Target Journals are listed as below (Example of Colorado State University's College of Business)
2023. 01. 14: Education Journal for Publication of Interational Management
Title | Frequency | ISSN | Location | SSCI | SCI/AHCI | CC | ABDC? | |
1 | Academy of Management Learning & Education | quarterly | 1537-260X | USA | SSCI | . | SBS | A* |
2 | Asia Pacific Education Review | tri-annual | 1598-1037 | Netherlands | SSCI | . | . | |
2 | Asia Pacific Journal of Education | quarterly | 0218-8791 | UK | SSCI | . | SBS | |
2 | British Journal of Educational Studies | quarterly | 0007-1005 | UK | SSCI | . | SBS | |
2 | British Journal of Sociology of Education | bimonthly | 0142-5692 | UK | SSCI | . | . | |
2 | Comparative Education | quarterly | 0305-0068 | UK | SSCI | . | SBS | |
1 | Comparative Education Review | quarterly | 0010-4086 | USA | SSCI | A&HCI | SBS, AH | |
2 | Educational Administration Quarterly | bimonthly | 0013-161X | USA | SSCI | . | SBS | |
2 | Educational Leadership | bimonthly | 0013-1784 | USA | SSCI | . | SBS | |
1 | Educational Management Administration & Leadership | bimonthly | 1741-1432 | UK | SSCI | A&HCI | AH | |
2 | International Journal of Educational Development | bimonthly | 0738-0593 | UK | SSCI | . | SBS | |
2 | International Journal of Inclusive Education | monthly | 1360-3116 | UK | SSCI | . | SBS | |
1 | Journal of Diversity in Higher Education | quarterly | 1938-8926 | USA | SSCI | . | . | |
2 | Journal of Higher Education | bimonthly | 0022-1546 | UK | SSCI | . | SBS | |
2 | Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management | bimonthly | 1360-080X | UK | SSCI | . | SBS | |
2 | Journal of School Violence | quarterly | 1538-8220 | UK | SSCI | . | SBS | |
1 | Journal of Studies in International Education | bimonthly | 1028-3153 | USA | SSCI | SCI | SBS | |
2 | Studies in Higher Education | monthly | 0307-5079 | UK | SSCI | . | SBS |
2023. 12. 31: PIU's Evaluation Criteria for SSCI and ABS, ABDC ?
2024. 06. 06: ABDC A*, A, B Listed and SSCI Journals for HR/OB Research Field of Study
Sharp Focus; Aligned Effort. ^^
Here are my professional selections of ABDC A*, A, and B listed journals, all of which are also SSCI indexed, for my recent research in the fields of Human Resources (HR) and Organizational Behavior (OB).
ABDC Level | Journal Name | Journal Website | Publisher | Manuscript Word Limit | Abstract Word Limit |
A* | Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) | | Academy of Management | 10,000 | 250 |
A* | Journal of Management Studies (JMS) | | Wiley | 12,000 | 250 |
A* | Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) | | SAGE Publications | 10,000 | 150 |
A* | Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) | | American Psychological Association | 10,000 | 250 |
A* | Organization Science (OS) | | INFORMS | 12,000 | 250 |
A* | Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) | | Wiley | 9,000 | 200 |
A* | Academy of Management Review (AMR) | | Academy of Management | 12,000 | 250 |
A* | Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) | | Palgrave Macmillan | 10,000 | 150 |
A* | Journal of Marketing (JM) | | SAGE Publications | 9,000 | 150 |
A* | Management Science (MS) | | INFORMS | 10,000 | 250 |
A | Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (JOOP) | | Wiley | 10,000 | 250 |
A | Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB) | | Wiley | 10,000 | 250 |
A | Public Administration Review (PAR) | | Wiley | 8,000 | 150 |
A | Health Care Management Review (HCMR) | | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 5,000 | 250 |
A | International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM) | | Taylor & Francis | 8,000 | 200 |
A | Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART) | | Oxford University Press | 10,000 | 250 |
A | Journal of Business Ethics (JBE) | | Springer | 8,000 | 150 |
A | Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ) | | Wiley | 10,000 | 200 |
A | Journal of Management & Organization (JMO) | | Cambridge University Press | 8,000 | 200 |
A | International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR) | | Wiley | 10,000 | 250 |
A | British Journal of Management (BJM) | | Wiley | 10,000 | 250 |
A | European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (EJWOP) | | Taylor & Francis | 10,000 | 200 |
A | Human Relations (HR) | | SAGE Publications | 8,000 | 200 |
A | Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB) | | Elsevier | 8,000 | 200 |
A | Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (JOHP) | | American Psychological Association | 10,000 | 250 |
A | Journal of Business Research (JBR) | | Elsevier | 10,000 | 200 |
A | Journal of Business and Psychology (JBP) | | Springer | 10,000 | 250 |
A | International Journal of Management (IJM) | | Inderscience | 8,000 | 200 |
A | Journal of Organizational Change Management (JOCM) | | Emerald | 10,000 | 250 |
A | International Journal of Project Management (IJPM) | | Elsevier | 8,000 | 200 |
A | Leadership Quarterly (LQ) | | Elsevier | 8,000 | 200 |
A | Journal of Management Inquiry (JMI) | | SAGE Publications | 8,000 | 200 |
A | Group & Organization Management (GOM) | | SAGE Publications | 10,000 | 250 |
A | Journal of Business Logistics (JBL) | | Wiley | 8,000 | 200 |
A | Journal of Service Management (JOSM) | | Emerald | 10,000 | 250 |
B | Journal of Health Organization and Management (JHOM) | | Emerald | 8,000 | 200 |
B | Leadership in Health Services (LHS) | | Emerald | 8,000 | 150 |
B | Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (APJHR) | | Wiley | 8,000 | 150 |
B | Journal of Nursing Management (JNM) | | Wiley | 6,000 | 150 |
B | International Journal of Health Planning and Management (IJHPM) | | Wiley | 8,000 | 150 |
B | International Journal of Public Administration (IJPA) | | Taylor & Francis | 8,000 | 150 |
B | Health Services Management Research (HSMR) | | SAGE Publications | 6,000 | 150 |
B | Journal of Health and Human Services Administration (JHHSA) | | SPAEF | 8,000 | 150 |
B | Health Policy and Planning (HPP) | | Oxford University Press | 8,000 | 150 |
B | International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance (IJHCQA) | | Emerald | 8,000 | 150 |
B | Journal of Health Psychology (JHP) | | SAGE Publications | 8,000 | 200 |
B | Public Health Reports (PHR) | | SAGE Publications | 8,000 | 200 |
B | BMC Health Services Research (BMC HSR) | | Springer Nature | 8,000 | 250 |
B | Journal of Healthcare Management (JHM) | | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 6,000 | 250 |
B | Journal of Public Health Policy (JPHP) | | Springer | 8,000 | 250 |
B | Journal of Social Service Research (JSSR) | | Taylor & Francis | 8,000 | 200 |
B | Health Promotion International (HPI) | | Oxford University Press | 8,000 | 200 |
B | International Journal of Health Economics and Management (IJHEM) | | Springer | 8,000 | 200 |
B | Journal of Health Communication (JHC) | | Taylor & Francis | 8,000 | 200 |
B | Health Policy (HP) | | Elsevier | 8,000 | 200 |
B | Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) | | IGI Global | 8,000 | 200 |
B | Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (JABS) | | SAGE Publications | 8,000 | 200 |
B | Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (JCCM) | | Wiley | 8,000 | 200 |
B | Knowledge Management Research & Practice (KMRP) | | Taylor & Francis | 8,000 | 200 |
B | International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) | | IGI Global | 8,000 | 200 |
C | Journal of Health Management (JHM) | | SAGE Publications | 8,000 | 150 |
C | Public Organization Review (POR) | | Springer | 8,000 | 150 |
C | Journal of Hospital Administration (JHA) | | Sciedu Press | 6,000 | 200 |
C | Health Services Management Review (HSMR) | | SAGE Publications | 6,000 | 150 |
C | International Journal of Public Sector Management (IJPSM) | | Emerald | 8,000 | 200 |
C | Journal of Health and Social Behavior (JHSB) | | SAGE Publications | 8,000 | 150 |
C | Journal of Management in Medicine (JMM) | | Emerald | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Healthcare Management Science (HMS) | | Springer | 6,000 | 200 |
C | Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (JPHMP) | | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Global Journal of Health Science (GJHS) | | Canadian Center of Science and Education | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (JHPN) | | Springer Nature | 6,000 | 150 |
C | International Journal of Healthcare Management (IJHM) | | Taylor & Francis | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Journal of Global Health (JGH) | | Taylor & Francis | 6,000 | 150 |
C | International Journal of Health Services (IJHS) | | SAGE Publications | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (JHCPU) | | Johns Hopkins University Press | 6,000 | 200 |
C | International Journal of Health Geographics (IJHG) | | Springer Nature | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (JCPA) | | Taylor & Francis | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Journal of Health Organization (JHO) | | SAGE Publications | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Global Health Action (GHA) | | Taylor & Francis | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Journal of Public Health Research (JPHR) | | PAGEPress Publications | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Journal of Leadership Studies (JLS) | | SAGE Publications | 6,000 | 150 |
C | International Journal of Leadership in Education (IJLE) | | Taylor & Francis | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Journal of Organizational Effectiveness (JOE) | | Emerald | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM) | | Emerald | 6,000 | 150 |
C | Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE) | | Taylor & Francis | 6,000 | 150 |
2024. 06. 06: Target ABDC Journal List for HR/OB field of Study
2023. 12. 31: Added biased criteria
2023. 10. 04: Initially Archived
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