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[GUIDE] Business Journal Rankings for Research Quality Evaluation

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2023. 10. 4.

Business Journal Rankings for Research Quality Evaluation 


Executive Summary: Evaluating Business Research Quality for Faculty Career Advancement

The progression of business faculty careers is not only pivotal to the continuous triumph of business education but also essential for the individual success of business educators. A cornerstone of this career development, especially in AACSB-accredited, research-teaching balaned institutions, is academic research. The benchmark for evaluating the significance and impact of this research often hinges on journal publications.

Renowned metrics utilized by numerous business schools include the UTD Top 100 research ranking, the ABDC ranking, the Financial Times Top 50 Journals list, and notably, the Academic Journal Guide (AJG) from the ABS list.

Additionally, universal research quality indicators like SCOPUS and SSCI, along with other standardized journal indices, offer insights into research caliber.

Armed with these specialized business research rankings and broader research metrics, our intention is to holistically assess the research quality of our business faculty and researchers, thereby promoting excellence and ensuring our institution remains at the forefront of business education.



1. UTD* (24) List


The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings™ are based on research contributions to specific journals. As of my last training cut-off in January 2022, the UTD rankings considered research contributions to a set of 24 leading business journals. These journals span various areas of business discipline.

Here's a list of those journals:


The Accounting Review

Journal of Accounting and Economics Journal of Accounting Research



Journal of Finance

Journal of Financial Economics Review of Financial Studies



Academy of Management Journal

Academy of Management Review

Administrative Science Quarterly

Strategic Management Journal


Management Science (MS) & Information Systems (IS):

Information Systems Research Management Science

MIS Quarterly

Operations Research



Journal of Marketing

Journal of Marketing Research Marketing Science

Journal of Consumer Research


Operations Management:

Journal of Operations Management

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

Production and Operations Management


Organizational Behavior:

Journal of Applied Psychology

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Personnel Psychology


International Business:

Journal of International Business Studies




The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings™ - Naveen Jindal School of Management - The University of Texas at Dallas

Research Rankings Overview The UT Dallas’ Naveen Jindal School of Management has created a database to track publications in 24 leading business journals. The database contains titles and author affiliations of papers published in these journals since 19




2. The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Ranking


ABDC journal ranking is a list that classifies business-related academic journals into different quality categories. The ABDC Journal Ranking aims to reflect the quality and impact of the journals, and it is regularly updated.

The rankings are typically divided into the following categories:


A* (A Star): World Elite

A: High Quality

B: Quality

C: Acceptable


Please check out the whole list of ABDC ranking here



ABDC Journal Quality List - Australian Business Deans Council

Downloads ABDC Journal Quality List (xls file, includes 2019, 2016, 2013 and 2010 lists: see corresponding sheets) ABDC 2022 Journal Quality List Review Report (pdf file) Journal rankings in the search tool below are current to the most recent completed r



Total 2689 Journliast are listed in the ABDC ranking in 2023 JQL: 

Excel file: 



PDF file: 



ABDC A*, journal ranking 

Journal Title Publisher ISSN ISSN Online Year Inception FoR 2022 rating
Academy of Management Annals Academy of Management 1941-6520 1941-6067 2008 3507 A* 
Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management  0001-4273 1948-0989 1958 3507 A* 
Academy of Management Learning and Education Academy of Management  1537-260X 1944-9585 2002 3507 A* 
Academy of Management Review Academy of Management  0363-7425 1930-3807 1976 3507 A* 
Accident Analysis and Prevention Elsevier  0001-4575 1879-2057 1969 3509 A* 
Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0951-3574 1758-4205 1988 3501 A*
Accounting, Organizations and Society Elsevier  0361-3682 1873-6289 1976 3501 A* 
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction Association for Computing Machinery 1073-0516 1557-7325 1994 4609 A* 
Administrative Science Quarterly Sage Publications 0001-8392   1930-3815 1956 3507 A* 
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology Elsevier  0065-2601 1557-8410 1964 3507 A* 
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics American Economic Association  1945-7782 1945-7790 2009 3801 A* 
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy American Economic Association  1945-7731 1945-774X 2009 3801 A* 
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics American Economic Association  1945-7707 1945-7715 2009 3801 A* 
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics American Economic Association  1945-7669 1945-7685 2009 3801 A* 
American Economic Review: Insights American Economic Association 2640-205X 2640-2068 2019 3801 A*
American Journal of Agricultural Economics Oxford University Press  0002-9092 1467-8276 1919 3801 A* 
American Journal of Political Science Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0092-5853 1540-5907 1950 3599 A* 
American Journal of Public Health The American Public Health Association 0090-0036 1541-0048 1911 3599 A* 
American Journal of Sociology The University of Chicago Press 0002-9602 1537-5390 1895 3507 A* 
American Political Science Review Cambridge University Press 0003-0554 1537-5943 1906 3599 A* 
American Psychologist American Psychological Association  0003-066X 1935-990X 1946 3507 A* 
American Sociological Review Sage Publications 0003-1224 1939-8271 1936 3507 A* 
Annals of Probability Institute of Mathematical Statistics 0091-1798 2168-894X 1973 4905 A* 
Annals of Statistics Institute of Mathematical Statistics 0090-5364   1973 4905 A* 
Annals of Tourism Research Elsevier  0160-7383 1873-7722 1973 3508 A*
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior Annual Reviews 2327-0616   2014 3507 A* 
Annual Review of Psychology Annual Reviews  0066-4308 1545-2085 1950 3507 A* 
Annual Review of Sociology Annual Reviews  0360-0572 1545-2115 1975 3507 A* 
Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory American Accounting Association 0278-0380 1558-7991 1981 3501 A* 
Australian Tax Forum Tax Institute 0812-695X   1984 4801 A* 
Automation in Construction Elsevier  0926-5805 1872-7891 1992 3504 A* 
Biometrika Oxford University Press  0006-3444 1464-3510 1901 4905 A* 
Boston University Law Review Boston University School of Law 0006-8047   1921 4801 A* 
British Accounting Review Elsevier 0890-8389 1095-8347 1968 3501 A*
British Journal of Industrial Relations Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0007-1080 1467-8543 1963 3505 A* 
British Tax Review Sweet & Maxwell  0007-1870   1956 4801 A* 
Cambridge Law Journal Cambridge University Press 0008-1973 1469-2139 1921 4801 A* 
Canadian Tax Journal Canadian Tax Foundation 0008-5111   1953 4801 A* 
Columbia Law Review Columbia Law Review Association, Inc. 0010-1958 1945-2268 1901 4801 A* 
Contemporary Accounting Research Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0823-9150 1911-3846 1984 3501 A* 
Cornell Law Review Cornell Law School 0010-8847   1915 4801 A* 
Critical Finance Review Now Publishers 2164-5744 2164-5760 2012 3502 A*
Decision Sciences Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0011-7315 1540-5915 1970 3509 A* 
Decision Support Systems Elsevier  0167-9236 1873-5797 1985 4609 A* 
Econometric Theory Cambridge University Press 0266-4666 1469-4360 1985 3802 A* 
Econometrica Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0012-9682 1468-0262 1933 3802 A* 
Economic Theory Springer International Publishing 0938-2259 1432-0479 1991 3803 A*
Energy Economics Elsevier  0140-9883 1873-6181 1979 3801 A*
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Sage Publications 1042-2587 1540-6520 1976 3507 A* 
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space Sage Publications  0308-518X 1472-3409 1968 3599 A* 
Environment and Planning B: planning and design Sage Publications  0265-8135 1472-3417 1969 3599 A* 
European Economic Review Elsevier 0014-2921 1873-572X 1969 3801 A* 
European Journal of Information Systems Taylor & Francis Online 0960-085X 1476-9344 1991 4609 A* 
European Journal of Marketing Emerald Group Publishing 0309-0566 1758-7123 1967 3506 A*
European Journal of Operational Research Elsevier 0377-2217 1872-6860 1977 3507 A* 
Experimental Economics Springer International Publishing 1386-4157 1573-6938 1998 3801 A* 
Federal Law Review Australian National University  0067-205X   1964 4801 A* 
Foreign Affairs Council on Foreign Relations 0015-7120 1665-1707 1910 3599 A* 
Foreign Policy (Washington) National Affairs, Inc.  0015-7228 1945-2276 1971 3599 A* 
Games and Economic Behavior Elsevier  0899-8256 1090-2473 1989 3803 A* 
Gender and Society Sage Publications 0891-2432 1552-3977 1987 3507 A* 
Global Environmental Change Elsevier  0959-3780 1872-9495 1990 3599 A* 
Harvard Law Review Harvard University Press 0017-811X 2161-976X 1886 4801 A* 
Health Economics Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 1057-9230 1099-1050 1992 3801 A*
Human Relations Sage Publications 0018-7267 1741-282X 1947 3507 A* 
Human Resource Management (US) Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0090-4848 1099-050X 1961 3505 A* 
ILR Review (Industrial and Labor Relations Review) Sage Publications 0019-7939 2162-271X 1947 3505 A* 
Industrial Marketing Management Elsevier  0019-8501 1873-2062 1971 3506 A*
Industrial Relations: a journal of economy and society Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0019-8676 1468-232X 1961 3505 A* 
Information & Management Elsevier  0378-7206 1872-7530 1977 4609 A* 
Information and Organization Elsevier 1471-7727 1873-7919 1990 4609 A* 
Information Systems Journal Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 1350-1917 1365-2575 1991 4609 A* 
Information Systems Research The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) 1047-7047 1526-5536 1990 4609 A* 
Insurance: Mathematics & Economics Elsevier  0167-6687 1873-5959 1982 3502 A*
International & Comparative Law Quarterly Cambridge University Press 0020-5893 1471-6895 1952 4801 A*
International Economic Review Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0020-6598 1468-2354 1960 3801 A* 
International Journal of Hospitality Management Elsevier  0278-4319 1873-4693 1982 3504 A* 
International Journal of Information Management Elsevier  0268-4012 1873-4707 1980 4609 A*
International Journal of Research in Marketing Elsevier  0167-8116 1873-8001 1984 3506 A*
Journal of Accounting and Economics Elsevier 0165-4101   1979 3501 A* 
Journal of Accounting Research Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0021-8456 1475-679X 1963 3501 A* 
Journal of Applied Econometrics Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0883-7252 1099-1255 1986 3802 A* 
Journal of Applied Psychology American Psychological Association  0021-9010 1939-1854 1917 3507 A* 
Journal of Banking & Finance Elsevier 0378-4266 1872-6372 1976 3502 A* 
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics Taylor & Francis Online 0735-0015 1537-2707 1983 3802 A*
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0306-686X 1468-5957 1974 3501 A*
Journal of Business Venturing Elsevier 0883-9026 1873-2003 1985 3507 A* 
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics Taylor & Francis Online 1061-8600 1537-2715 1992 4905 A* 
Journal of Conflict Resolution Sage Publications 0022-0027 1552-8766 1957 3801 A* 
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management American Society of Civil Engineers 0733-9364 1943-7862 1983 3504 A* 
Journal of Consumer Psychology Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 1057-7408 1532-7663 1992 3506 A*
Journal of Consumer Research Oxford University Press  0093-5301 1537-5277 1974 3506 A*
Journal of Corporate Finance Elsevier 0929-1199 1872-6313 1994 3502 A* 
Journal of Development Economics Elsevier  0304-3878 1872-6089 1974 3801 A* 
Journal of Econometrics Elsevier  0304-4076 1872-6895 1973 3802 A* 
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization Elsevier  0167-2681 1879-1751 1980 3801 A* 
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Elsevier  0165-1889 1879-1743 1979 3801 A* 
Journal of Economic Growth Springer International Publishing 1381-4338 1573-7020 1996 3801 A* 
Journal of Economic Literature American Economic Association 0002-0515 2328-8175 1963 3801 A* 
Journal of Economic Perspectives American Economic Association  0895-3309 1944-7965 1987 3801 A* 
Journal of Economic Theory Elsevier  0022-0531 1095-7235 1969 3803 A* 
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 1740-1453 1740-1461 2004 4801 A*
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Elsevier  0095-0696 1096-0449 1974 3801 A*
Journal of Experimental Psychology: general American Psychological Association  0096-3445 1939-2222 1916 3507 A* 
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Cambridge University Press 0022-1090 1756-6916 1966 3502 A* 
Journal of Financial Econometrics Oxford University Press  1479-8409 1479-8417 2003 3802 A*
Journal of Financial Economics Elsevier  0304-405X   1974 3502 A* 
Journal of Financial Intermediation Elsevier 1042-9573 1096-0473 1990 3502 A* 
Journal of Financial Markets Elsevier  1386-4181 1878-576X 1998 3502 A* 
Journal of Health Economics Elsevier  0167-6296 1879-1646 1982 3801 A*
Journal of Human Resources The University of Wisconsin Press 0022-166X 1548-8004 1966 3801 A* 
Journal of Information Technology Sage Publications 0268-3962 1466-4437 1986 4609 A* 
Journal of International Business Studies Springer International Publishing 0047-2506 1478-6990 1970 3507 A* 
Journal of International Economics Elsevier  0022-1996 1873-0353 1971 3801 A* 
Journal of Labor Economics University of Chicago Press 0734-306X 1537-5307 1983 3801 A* 
Journal of Management Sage Publications 0149-2063 1557-1211 1975 3507 A* 
Journal of Management Accounting Research American Accounting Association 1049-2127 1558-8033 1989 3501 A*
Journal of Management Information Systems Taylor & Francis Online 0742-1222 1557-928X 1984 4609 A* 
Journal of Management Studies Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0022-2380 1467-6486 1964 3507 A* 
Journal of Marketing Sage Publications  0022-2429 1547-7185 1936 3506 A*
Journal of Marketing Research Sage Publications 0022-2437 1547-7193 1964 3506 A*
Journal of Monetary Economics Elsevier  0304-3932 1873-1295 1975 3801 A* 
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0022-2879 1538-4616 1969 3801 A* 
Journal of Operations Management Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0272-6963 1873-1317 1980 3507 A* 
Journal of Organizational Behavior Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0894-3796 1099-1379 1980 3507 A* 
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology American Psychological Association  0022-3514 1939-1315 1965 3507 A* 
Journal of Political Economy The University of Chicago Press 0022-3808 1537-534X 1892 3801 A* 
Journal of Product Innovation Management Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0737-6782 1540-5885 1984 3599 A* 
Journal of Public Economics Elsevier  0047-2727 1879-2316 1972 3801 A* 
Journal of Retailing Elsevier 0022-4359 1873-3271 1993 3506 A*
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Springer International Publishing 0895-5646 1573-0476 1988 3803 A*
Journal of Service Research Sage Publications 1094-6705 1552-7379 1998 3506 A*
Journal of Strategic Information Systems Elsevier  0963-8687 1873-1198 1991 4609 A* 
Journal of Sustainable Tourism Taylor & Francis Online 0966-9582 1747-7646 1993 3508 A*
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Springer International Publishing 0092-0703 1552-7824 1973 3506 A*
Journal of the American Statistical Association Taylor & Francis Online 0162-1459 1537-274X 1888 4905 A* 
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 1532-2882 1532-2890 1950 4609 A* 
Journal of the Association for Information Systems Association for Information Systems (AIS) 1536-9323 1558-3457 2000 4609 A* 
Journal of the European Economic Association Oxford University Press 1542-4766 1542-4774 2003 3801 A* 
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (Statistical Methodology) Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 1467-9868 1934 4905 A* 
Journal of Travel Research Sage Publications 0047-2875 1552-6763 1962 3508 A*
Journal of Urban Economics Elsevier  0094-1190 1095-9068 1974 3801 A* 
Journal of Vocational Behavior Elsevier 0001-8791 1095-9084 1971 3505 A* 
Journal of World Business Elsevier 1090-9516 1878-5573 1997 3507 A*
Law Quarterly Review Sweet & Maxwell  0023-933X   1885 4801 A* 
Management Accounting Research Elsevier 1044-5005 1096-1224 1990 3501 A* 
Management Science INFORMS 0025-1909 1526-5501 1954 3507 A* 
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management INFORMS 1523-4614 1526-5498 1999 3509 A*
Marketing Science INFORMS 0732-2399 1526-548X 1982 3506 A*
Melbourne University Law Review Melbourne University Law Review Association 0025-8938 1839-3810 1957 4801 A* 
MIS Quarterly University of Minnesota Press 0276-7783 2162-9730 1977 4609 A* 
Operations Research INFORMS 0030-364X 1526-5463 1952 3507 A* 
Organization Science INFORMS 1047-7039 1526-5455 1990 3507 A* 
Organization Studies Sage Publications 0170-8406 1741-3044 1980 3507 A* 
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Elsevier 0749-5978 1095-9920 1966 3507 A* 
Organizational Research Methods Sage Publications 1094-4281 1552-7425 1998 3507 A* 
Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal Taylor & Francis Online 1472-9342 1757-8469 2001 4801 A* 
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Sage Publications 0146-1672 1552-7433 1974 3507 A* 
Personality and Social Psychology Review Sage Publications 1088-8683 1532-7957 1997 3507 A* 
Personnel Psychology Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0031-5826 1744-6570 1948 3507 A* 
Probability Theory and Related Fields Springer International Publishing 0178-8051 1432-2064 1962 4905 A* 
Production and Operations Management Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 1059-1478 1937-5956 1992 3509 A*
Psychological Bulletin American Psychological Association  0033-2909 1939-1455 1904 3507 A* 
Psychological Review American Psychological Association  0033-295X 1939-1471 1894 3507 A* 
Psychological Science Sage Publications 0956-7976 1467-9280 1990 3507 A* 
Quantitative Economics Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 1759-7323 1759-7331 2010 3802 A* 
RAND Journal of Economics Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0741-6261 1756-2171 1970 3801 A* 
Regional Studies Taylor & Francis Online 0034-3404 1360-0591 1967 3599 A* 
Research Policy Elsevier 0048-7333 1873-7625 1971 3507 A* 
Review of Accounting Studies Springer International Publishing 1380-6653 1573-7136 1996 3501 A* 
Review of Asset Pricing Studies Oxford University Press 2045-9920 2045-9939 2011 3502 A* 
Review of Corporate Finance Studies Oxford University Press 2046-9128 2046-9136 2012 3502 A* 
Review of Economic Dynamics Elsevier  1094-2025 1096-6099 1998 3801 A* 
Review of Finance Oxford University Press  1572-3097 1573-692X 2004 3502 A* 
Sociology Sage Publications 0038-0385 1469-8684 1967 3507 A* 
Strategic Management Journal Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0143-2095 1097-0266 1980 3507 A* 
The Accounting Review American Accounting Association 0001-4826 1558-7967 1926 3501 A* 
The American Economic Review American Economic Association  0002-8282 0065-812X 1911 3801 A*
The Economic Journal Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0013-0133 1468-0297 1891 3801 A* 
The European Accounting Review Taylor & Francis Online 0963-8180 1468-4497 1992 3501 A* 
The Journal of Economic History Cambridge University Press 0022-0507 1471-6372 1941 3801 A* 
The Journal of Finance American Finance Association 0022-1082 1540-6261 1946 3502 A* 
The Journal of Law and Economics University of Chicago Law School 0022-2186 1537-5285 1958 3801 A*
The Leadership Quarterly Elsevier 1048-9843 1873-3409 1990 3507 A* 
The Modern Law Review Wiley-Blackwell Publishing 0026-7961 1468-2230 1937 4801 A* 
The Quarterly Journal of Economics MIT Press 0033-5533 1531-4650 1886 3801 A* 
The Review of Economic Studies Oxford University Press  0034-6527 1467-937X 1933 3801 A* 
The Review of Economics and Statistics The MIT Press 0034-6535 1530-9142 1917 3801 A* 
The Review of Financial Studies Oxford University Press  0893-9454 1465-7368 1988 3502 A* 
The Sydney Law Review Sydney Law School 0082-0512   1953 4801 A* 
The Yale Law Journal The Yale Law Journal Company, Inc. 0044-0094 1939-8611 1891 4801 A* 
Theoretical Economics The Econometric Society 1933-6837 1555-7561 2006 3803 A* 
Tourism Management Elsevier  0261-5177 1879-3193 1983 3508 A*
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Elsevier  0965-8564 1879-2375 1967 3509 A* 
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Elsevier  0191-2615 1879-2367 1979 3509 A* 
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies Elsevier  0968-090X 1879-2359 1993 3509 A*
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Elsevier  1366-5545 1878-5794 1964 3509 A* 
University of Chicago Law Review University of Chicago Law School 0041-9494 1939-859X 1933 4801 A* 
Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies Sage Publications 0042-0980 1360-063X 1964 3599 A* 





3. Financial Times Top 50 (Business) Journals list.





50 Journals used in FT Research Rank




The list below details the 50 journals used by the Financial Times in compiling the FT Research rank, included in the Global MBA, EMBA and Online MBA rankings.

1. Academy of Management Journal

2. Academy of Management Review

3. Accounting, Organizations and Society

4. Administrative Science Quarterly

5. American Economic Review

6. Contemporary Accounting Research

7. Econometrica

8. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

9. Harvard Business Review

10. Human Relations*

11. Human Resource Management

12. Information Systems Research

13. Journal of Accounting and Economics

14. Journal of Accounting Research

15. Journal of Applied Psychology

16. Journal of Business Ethics

17. Journal of Business Venturing

18. Journal of Consumer Psychology

19. Journal of Consumer Research

20. Journal of Finance

21. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

22. Journal of Financial Economics

23. Journal of International Business Studies

24. Journal of Management*

25. Journal of Management Information Systems*

26. Journal of Management Studies

27. Journal of Marketing

28. Journal of Marketing Research

29. Journal of Operations Management

30. Journal of Political Economy

31. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science*

32. Management Science

33. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management*

34. Marketing Science

35. MIS Quarterly

36. Operations Research

37. Organization Science

38. Organization Studies

39. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

40. Production and Operations Management

41. Quarterly Journal of Economics

42. Research Policy*

43. Review of Accounting Studies

44. Review of Economic Studies*

45. Review of Finance*

46. Review of Financial Studies

47. Sloan Management Review

48. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal*

49. Strategic Management Journal

50. The Accounting Review




4. AJG (Academic Journal Guide) Ranking


Target Journals (Example of Colorado State University's College of Business) 

The Academic Journal Guide (AJG) is produced by the Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS) and is often referred to as the "ABS ranking" or "ABS list." It ranks academic journals in the field of business and management. The AJG aims to provide clarity to academics about where to target their papers based on their topic, research method, and style.


The AJG categorizes journals into several ranks:



Academic Journal Guide 2021 - Chartered Association of Business Schools




*4 (Four Star)**: World Elite - these are the top journals, often seen as the pinnacle of academic publishing in the business domain.

4 (Four): Top - journals that are highly respected within the academic community.

3 (Three): Highly Regarded - high-quality journals with a good reputation.

2 (Two): Well Regarded - standard journals that many academics in the field publish in.

1 (One): Recognized - more specialized or newer journals.



Definitions of AJG Journal Ratings


4*  : Journals of Distinction. Within the business and management field, including economics, there are a small number of grade 4 journals that are recognised world-wide as exemplars of excellence. As the world leading journals in the field, they would be ranked among the highest in terms of impact factor. The initial paper selection and review process would be rigorous and demanding. Accepted papers would typically not only bring to bear large scale data and/or rigour in theory, but also be extremely finely crafted and provide major advances to their field.


4  :  All journals rated 4, whether included in the Journal of Distinction category or not, publish the most original and best-executed research. As top journals in their field, these journals typically have high submission and low acceptance rates. Papers are heavily refereed. These top journals generally have among the highest citation impact factors within their field.


3  : 3 rated journals publish original and well executed research papers and are highly regarded. These journals typically have good submission rates and are very selective in what they publish. Papers are heavily refereed. These highly regarded journals generally have good to excellent journal metrics relative to others in their field, although at present not all journals in this category carry a citation impact factor.


2  : Journals in this category publish original research of an acceptable standard. For these well regarded journals in their field, papers are fully refereed according to accepted standards and conventions. Citation impact factors are somewhat more modest in certain cases. Many excellent practitioneroriented articles are published in 2-rated journals.

1  : These journals, in general, publish research of a recognised, but more modest standard in their field. A 1 rating is a useful indicator in that it indicates the journal meets normal scholarly standards, including a general expectation of peer review. Papers are in many instances refereed relatively lightly according to accepted conventions. Few journals in this category carry a citation impact factor




Based on the ABS List and AJG, Target Journals are listed as below (Example of Colorado State University's College of Business) 









2023. 01. 14: Education Journal for Publication of Interational Management

  Title Frequency ISSN Location SSCI SCI/AHCI CC ABDC? 
1 Academy of Management Learning & Education quarterly 1537-260X USA SSCI . SBS A*
2 Asia Pacific Education Review tri-annual 1598-1037 Netherlands SSCI . .  
2 Asia Pacific Journal of Education quarterly 0218-8791 UK SSCI . SBS  
2 British Journal of Educational Studies quarterly 0007-1005 UK SSCI . SBS  
2 British Journal of Sociology of Education bimonthly 0142-5692 UK SSCI . .  
2 Comparative Education quarterly 0305-0068 UK SSCI . SBS  
1 Comparative Education Review quarterly 0010-4086 USA SSCI A&HCI SBS, AH  
2 Educational Administration Quarterly bimonthly 0013-161X USA SSCI . SBS  
2 Educational Leadership bimonthly 0013-1784 USA SSCI . SBS  
1 Educational Management Administration & Leadership bimonthly 1741-1432 UK SSCI A&HCI AH  
2 International Journal of Educational Development bimonthly 0738-0593 UK SSCI . SBS  
2 International Journal of Inclusive Education monthly 1360-3116 UK SSCI . SBS  
1 Journal of Diversity in Higher Education quarterly 1938-8926 USA SSCI . .  
2 Journal of Higher Education bimonthly 0022-1546 UK SSCI . SBS  
2 Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management bimonthly 1360-080X UK SSCI . SBS  
2 Journal of School Violence quarterly 1538-8220 UK SSCI . SBS  
1 Journal of Studies in International Education bimonthly 1028-3153 USA SSCI SCI SBS  
2 Studies in Higher Education monthly 0307-5079 UK SSCI . SBS  








2023. 12. 31: PIU's Evaluation Criteria for SSCI and ABS, ABDC ? 





2024. 06. 06: ABDC A*, A, B Listed and SSCI Journals for HR/OB Research Field of Study 

Sharp Focus; Aligned Effort. ^^

Here are my professional selections of ABDC A*, A, and B listed journals, all of which are also SSCI indexed, for my recent research in the fields of Human Resources (HR) and Organizational Behavior (OB).


ABDC Level Journal Name Journal Website Publisher Manuscript Word Limit Abstract Word Limit
A* Academy of Management Journal (AMJ) https://journals.aom.org/journal/amj Academy of Management 10,000 250
A* Journal of Management Studies (JMS) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14676486 Wiley 12,000 250
A* Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/asq SAGE Publications 10,000 150
A* Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP) https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/apl American Psychological Association 10,000 250
A* Organization Science (OS) https://pubsonline.informs.org/journal/orsc INFORMS 12,000 250
A* Strategic Management Journal (SMJ) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10970266 Wiley 9,000 200
A* Academy of Management Review (AMR) https://journals.aom.org/journal/amr Academy of Management 12,000 250
A* Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) https://www.palgrave.com/gp/journal/41267 Palgrave Macmillan 10,000 150
A* Journal of Marketing (JM) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jmx SAGE Publications 9,000 150
A* Management Science (MS) https://pubsonline.informs.org/journal/mnsc INFORMS 10,000 250
A Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (JOOP) https://bpspsychub.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/20448325 Wiley 10,000 250
A Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10991379 Wiley 10,000 250
A Public Administration Review (PAR) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15406210 Wiley 8,000 150
A Health Care Management Review (HCMR) https://journals.lww.com/hcmrjournal/pages/default.aspx Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 5,000 250
A International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rijh20/current Taylor & Francis 8,000 200
A Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART) https://academic.oup.com/jpart Oxford University Press 10,000 250
A Journal of Business Ethics (JBE) https://www.springer.com/journal/10551 Springer 8,000 150
A Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/17488583 Wiley 10,000 200
A Journal of Management & Organization (JMO) https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-management-and-organization Cambridge University Press 8,000 200
A International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14682370 Wiley 10,000 250
A British Journal of Management (BJM) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14678551 Wiley 10,000 250
A European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (EJWOP) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/pewo20/current Taylor & Francis 10,000 200
A Human Relations (HR) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/hum SAGE Publications 8,000 200
A Journal of Vocational Behavior (JVB) https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-vocational-behavior Elsevier 8,000 200
A Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (JOHP) https://www.apa.org/pubs/journals/ocp American Psychological Association 10,000 250
A Journal of Business Research (JBR) https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-business-research Elsevier 10,000 200
A Journal of Business and Psychology (JBP) https://www.springer.com/journal/10869 Springer 10,000 250
A International Journal of Management (IJM) https://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijm Inderscience 8,000 200
A Journal of Organizational Change Management (JOCM) https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/jocm Emerald 10,000 250
A International Journal of Project Management (IJPM) https://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-project-management Elsevier 8,000 200
A Leadership Quarterly (LQ) https://www.journals.elsevier.com/the-leadership-quarterly Elsevier 8,000 200
A Journal of Management Inquiry (JMI) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jmi SAGE Publications 8,000 200
A Group & Organization Management (GOM) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/gom SAGE Publications 10,000 250
A Journal of Business Logistics (JBL) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/21581592 Wiley 8,000 200
A Journal of Service Management (JOSM) https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/josm Emerald 10,000 250
B Journal of Health Organization and Management (JHOM) https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/jhom Emerald 8,000 200
B Leadership in Health Services (LHS) https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/lhs Emerald 8,000 150
B Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources (APJHR) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/17447941 Wiley 8,000 150
B Journal of Nursing Management (JNM) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/13652834 Wiley 6,000 150
B International Journal of Health Planning and Management (IJHPM) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10991751 Wiley 8,000 150
B International Journal of Public Administration (IJPA) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/lpad20/current Taylor & Francis 8,000 150
B Health Services Management Research (HSMR) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/hsm SAGE Publications 6,000 150
B Journal of Health and Human Services Administration (JHHSA) https://www.spaef.org/jhhsa.php SPAEF 8,000 150
B Health Policy and Planning (HPP) https://academic.oup.com/heapol Oxford University Press 8,000 150
B International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance (IJHCQA) https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/ijhcqa Emerald 8,000 150
B Journal of Health Psychology (JHP) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/hpq SAGE Publications 8,000 200
B Public Health Reports (PHR) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/phr SAGE Publications 8,000 200
B BMC Health Services Research (BMC HSR) https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com Springer Nature 8,000 250
B Journal of Healthcare Management (JHM) https://journals.lww.com/jhmonline/pages/default.aspx Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 6,000 250
B Journal of Public Health Policy (JPHP) https://www.springer.com/journal/41271 Springer 8,000 250
B Journal of Social Service Research (JSSR) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wssr20/current Taylor & Francis 8,000 200
B Health Promotion International (HPI) https://academic.oup.com/heapro Oxford University Press 8,000 200
B International Journal of Health Economics and Management (IJHEM) https://www.springer.com/journal/10754 Springer 8,000 200
B Journal of Health Communication (JHC) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/uhcm20/current Taylor & Francis 8,000 200
B Health Policy (HP) https://www.journals.elsevier.com/health-policy Elsevier 8,000 200
B Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC) https://www.igi-global.com/journal/journal-organizational-end-user-computing/1074 IGI Global 8,000 200
B Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (JABS) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jab SAGE Publications 8,000 200
B Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management (JCCM) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14685973 Wiley 8,000 200
B Knowledge Management Research & Practice (KMRP) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tkmr20/current Taylor & Francis 8,000 200
B International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM) https://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-knowledge-management/1080 IGI Global 8,000 200
C Journal of Health Management (JHM) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jhm SAGE Publications 8,000 150
C Public Organization Review (POR) https://www.springer.com/journal/11115 Springer 8,000 150
C Journal of Hospital Administration (JHA) https://www.sciedupress.com/journal/index.php/jha Sciedu Press 6,000 200
C Health Services Management Review (HSMR) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/hsm SAGE Publications 6,000 150
C International Journal of Public Sector Management (IJPSM) https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/ijpsm Emerald 8,000 200
C Journal of Health and Social Behavior (JHSB) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/hsb SAGE Publications 8,000 150
C Journal of Management in Medicine (JMM) https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/jmm Emerald 6,000 150
C Healthcare Management Science (HMS) https://www.springer.com/journal/10729 Springer 6,000 200
C Journal of Public Health Management and Practice (JPHMP) https://journals.lww.com/jphmp/pages/default.aspx Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 6,000 150
C Global Journal of Health Science (GJHS) https://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/gjhs Canadian Center of Science and Education 6,000 150
C Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition (JHPN) https://jhpn.biomedcentral.com Springer Nature 6,000 150
C International Journal of Healthcare Management (IJHM) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rijh20/current Taylor & Francis 6,000 150
C Journal of Global Health (JGH) https://www.globalhealthaction.net/index.php/gha Taylor & Francis 6,000 150
C International Journal of Health Services (IJHS) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/ihs SAGE Publications 6,000 150
C Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved (JHCPU) https://muse.jhu.edu/journal/128 Johns Hopkins University Press 6,000 200
C International Journal of Health Geographics (IJHG) https://ij-healthgeographics.biomedcentral.com Springer Nature 6,000 150
C Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis (JCPA) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fcpa20/current Taylor & Francis 6,000 150
C Journal of Health Organization (JHO) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jho SAGE Publications 6,000 150
C Global Health Action (GHA) https://www.globalhealthaction.net/index.php/gha Taylor & Francis 6,000 150
C Journal of Public Health Research (JPHR) https://jphres.org/index.php/jphres PAGEPress Publications 6,000 150
C Journal of Leadership Studies (JLS) https://journals.sagepub.com/home/lsj SAGE Publications 6,000 150
C International Journal of Leadership in Education (IJLE) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tled20/current Taylor & Francis 6,000 150
C Journal of Organizational Effectiveness (JOE) https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/joe Emerald 6,000 150
C Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM) https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/jkm Emerald 6,000 150
C Journal of Public Affairs Education (JPAE) https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/ujpa20/current Taylor & Francis 6,000 150






2024. 06. 06: Target ABDC Journal List for HR/OB field of Study

2023. 12. 31: Added biased criteria 

2023. 10. 04: Initially Archived

