International Kean Business Plan Competition
2024: Kean BPC 2024 Announced
I'm sorry but I cannot work for WKU temporarily or permanently because of a sudden "Administrative order".
This is my lawyer’s comment.
1、 首先,该事件起因仅是由于教师间关于使用语言产生的观念冲突,并不涉及到暴力事件,且双方已与学校行政人员进行配合沟通,不存在需要进一步调查的情况。
2、 其次,学校作出的停职处罚无相关文件依据。
3、 最后,学校也并未给予一个明确的调查时间。
2024. 01. 30,
Dr. Jerry Choi
2023 Kean Business Plan Competition Conference (April 20, 2023 @ Miron Studnet Center, Kean USA)
2023 Finalist and Prize Winners
2023. 04. 10: Kean BPC Event Video (WKU teams)
Presenter: Yuanbiao Guo (Steven); Yexuan Weng (Andy); Zhaoxiang Fan (Alvin) guoyua@kean.edu Mind Xi LLC
Presenter: Shuning Gao 1130007@wku.edu.cn Pet's Eulogy
Chenge Zhou zhouche@kean.edu Hi Locals!
Youfei Fu fuyou@kean.edu FamTech
Wu Haoran, Zhou Yibo zhouyib@kean.edu Recycle Technology Co.
Semi-Finalist (Announced on Mar. 13, Expected Submitting the Full-Business Plan by Mar. 19, 2023)
Yuanbiao Guo (Steven); Yexuan Weng (Andy); Zhaoxiang Fan (Alvin) guoyua@kean.edu Mind Xi LLC
Shuning Gao 1130007@wku.edu.cn Pet's Eulogy
Chenge Zhou zhouche@kean.edu & Zhu Chong (added) Hi Locals!
Youfei Fu fuyou@kean.edu FamTech
Wu Haoran, Zhou Yibo zhouyib@kean.edu Recycle Technology Co.
"Ziyue Lin Mian Jia" linziy@kean.edu Listen to me
Yuling Xiao xiaoyul@kean.edu Social GreenGogo
Yuanxue Gao 1163115@wku.edu.cn Wenzhou Lingsu Biotech Co., LTD
Kean BPC 2023
Important Dates
- Feb 1, 2023: Registration Begins
- March 1, 2023: Registration ends & Last day to submit executive summaries
- March 9, 2023: Semi-Finalists notified
- March 19, 2023 Deadline for full business plan submission
- March 31, 2023 Finalists notified
- April 20, 21, 2023 Final event
- The Annual Business Plan Competition at Kean University.
- Open to all students at Kean and other participating schools.
- Register as an individual or a team (maximum 3 members).
- Finalists will present the plans to a panel of judges from industry and the Kean community.
- Two tracks: regular entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship If you need more information
- Please join the Online Information Session at 3:30PM on Feb 17
And send your Executive Summary to bizplan@kean.edu
Executive Summary for Commerical Entrepreneurship
Executive Summary for Social Entrepreneurship
2021. Kean BPC Archive:
Semi-Finalist notified (Nov. 01, 2021):
2nd rounder2 (Full Business Plan by Nov. 07, 2021)
Rachel Liu liuy1@kean.edu Old Friends
Bolin Xiao xiaob@kean.edu Remagic
Jinwang Ma 1162796@wku.edu.cn Screw IT
Yeyiyi Xu 1129732@wku.edu.cn U’ Guess LLC
Han Sijia hansi@kean.edu W'Ku Tech
Hu Jiamin hujiam@kean.edu Wenchuang
Finalists Notified (Nov. 12, 2021)
Hu Jiamin hujiam@kean.edu Wenchuang
Rachel Liu liuy1@kean.edu Old Friends
Finalist Notification (Nov. 19, 2021)
WKU Finalists' Full Business Plan Samples (Wenchuang Media):
WKU Finalist Full Business Plan Sample:
Final Event (Dec. 02, 2021)
Kean BPC 2020
First Round (Executive Summary Competition)
Five WKU Teams were chosen as 2nd rounder (Mar. 06, 2020)
Second Round (Full Business Plan)
[March 26, 2020] "Postponed the Kean BPC 2020 for Coronavirus-19 to Fall 2020"
Final Round (Conference, Dec. 05, 2020)
Three WKU Finalists Teams participated the Virtual Kean BPC Conference.
1. Green sharing ( Winning $ 800)
2. VNECT (Winning $300)
3. ProSilver Care (Winning $ 300)
2020 Kean BPC Awarding Winning Ceremony.
Three WKU Teams got winning prizes from 2020 Kean BPC
Kean BPC 2020 WKU Prize Winners
1. Green Sharing Team ($800): Cong Jiahui; Feng Zhengyu; Li Haoxuan
- The team proposed the e-scooter sharing on campus in China. Cultivating a new market niche of personal mobility service on campus, the team would invite more than 12 colleges within 3 years that targets more than 30,000 customers. Gradually, the service would cover more than 1 million customers in 3000 colleges in China.
Green Sharing Business Pitch: https://youtu.be/ djJbuM7pwc4
2. Pro Silver Care Team ($300): Mu Huiyan; Yuan Zhengqing; Wan Fangke
- Pro Silver Care team proposed Silver Workforce Management services for elder population in China. As aging population increases, the silver workforce management such as developing, networking, job searching, and job placement services are getting important. The team proposed using Mobile app services to manage silver workforce.
Pro Silver Care Business Pitch: https://youtu.be/ e8NBaYs7tV0
3. Vnect Team ($300): Jiang Ao; Huang Zijin; Chen Xingyu
- Vnect team proposed the mobile platform of "V-Logging Users". Video Log is getting more popular all around the world, but only small 'influential' users get most of attention. Vnect team will provide a mobile platform for "under-dog" users who create 'quality contents' but relatively submerged. The company will proactively cultivate 'high quality contents creators' and expose them to the general public throughout innovative marketing services. The service will create 'mutual benefits' between quality contents users and contents consumers.
Vnect Business Pitch: https://youtu.be/ PJFllBBKWuM?t=1001
4. Mavis Team ($100): Sun, Zixuan; Xu Jialing;Xu Xiayu
- Mavis Team's idea was chosen as a participation prize for their innovative business idea.
You can see the whole conference in here:
Kean BPC 2020 Virtual Conference. https://youtu.be/ PJFllBBKWuM
2020 Kean BPC Prize Award Ceremony (Dec. 11, 2020)
Kean BPC 2020 Prize Award
Kean BPC 2019
First Round (Executive Summary Competition)
Total 12 teams participated in the 2019 competition.
Second Round (Full Business Plan)
Second round evaluation: Three out of nine teams were chosen as finalists
AvatarCare Team Full Business Plan:
Pro Pet Sitter Team Full Business Plan:
Black Wings Team Full Business Plan:
Final Presentation (April 11, 2019)
AvatarCare Team Final Presentation:
Pro Pet Sitter Team Final Presentation:
BlackWings Team Final Presentation:
Awarding Ceremony (TBA)
1st Round (Executive Summary)
Semi-Finalists (Mar. 09, 2019)
Black Wings
CreatiOn Child Care Center
Express Master
Pets Onsite Service
Travel Together
Lyrebird Company
Kean BPC 2018
First Round (Executive Summary Competition)
Executive Summary (1-2 pages single-spaced)
Sample Executive Summary Template is here!
1. Company Name & Contact Information
• Company name and location:
• Your contact information (names, email addresses and phone numbers):
2. Opportunity/Problem
• Briefly describe the key problem or unmet need that you will address for your customers.
3. Solution
• What products or services will you offer to address the problem above to meet your customers’ need(s)?
4. Competition and Competitive Advantage
• What other options do your customers currently have to address their needs, and what makes your solution better for them?
• What is your “crystal clear” competitive advantage? What are you most counting on to encourage potential customers to buy from you?
• If you have a common business, explain why customers need your particular business. Do you offer lower prices? More convenient hours? A better location or distribution method? A specialty that is not otherwise available in your area? Do you have a different way of promoting your business?
• If your company is doing something new and different, explain why the world needs your product or service innovation. What is it about existing businesses or situations that are subpar? Are you improving on a mediocre product or service category?
5. Target Market
• Who is your primary target market?
• What is the size of that market?
• What are the key trends affecting your industry that will make it an attractive market (e.g. competitive, economic, cultural, demographic, lifestyle, technological, political/legal, environmental sustainability, etc.)?
6. Why Us?
• What is it about your company — your skills, experience, subject-matter expertise, business acumen, team, innovations, industry connections, key advisors, and so on — that makes you (or your team)the right one(s) to take advantage of this market opportunity?
7. Forecast
• Summarize your financial goals. How much revenue do you expect to make in the first year of your business? What kind of revenue growth do you expect in the following years? When do you expect your business to be profitable, or do you have a strategic reason for running at a loss instead?
8. Financing Needed
• How much money will you need to raise and what will it be used for?
• How do you plan to fund your business? Will you need to seek outside financing or invest your own money to get it started?
The Submitted Business Plan will be evaluated in accordance with this evaluation rubic measurement. Please keep in mind this measuring factors when you write up the executive summary.
Definitions of Rubic
Business Opportunity
Presented the business opportunity and how the company will take advantage of that opportunity
Distinctive Product or Service
A unique/well-thought-out product and/or service that gives the company a competitive advantage
Target Market
Explained the target market, its need, its size and the customer usage trends
Management Capability
Discussed how the founder and his/her team will develop this company and handle the associated risks
Financial Understanding
Displayed a good understanding of the financial requirements and projections for the business
Investment Potential
Clear and compelling business idea, obvious investment potential
Quality of presentation
Presented business idea in a logical, persuasive manner, and answered questions convincingly. Visual materials effectively supported and enhanced the oral presentation.
• All ratings are on a 10-point scale, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.
Example of Business Plan Evaluation
Samples of 1st Round Winners' Business Plan Idea
Green Community Farming
Intellectual Exchange community
Smart Mirror
Cougar's Food Truck
Second Round (Full Business Plan)
Semi-Finalists are expected to develop a full business plan that describes each following items in detail.
1.Company Name & Contact Information
2.Opportunity/Problem3.Solution4.Competition and Competitive Advantage 5.Target Market6.Why Us?7.Forecast
8. Financing Needed
Please Complete a full business plan, and submit it to bizplan@kean.edu until the due date.
Here are several samples of Full Business Plans that won prizes in previous Kean BPC.
Full Business Plan Example: 2017 Kean BPC Prize Winners
- Fly Solo:
- Home Style Furniture:
- Leisure & Love Coffee Shop
You can also refer to the following website:
Guide to developing a full business plan:
Finalist Notification
Three finalist teams were chosen
Green Community Farming:
Community or Urban farming is a popular social enterprise model in the US and Western Europe. The plan identified a unique niche for the target customer. However, the business model seems like a B2C, which may limit the growth of the social value from the business. Social enterprise model can be sustained and flourish if the model is deeply embedded on a specific community and local environment. The plan does not tap the aspect yet. If the plan can show the potential of B2B or B2Community, it will be more fantastic.
The plan addresses a unique target market : Vegetarians; Muslim; Females; Healthy food consumers based on their marketing research and market analysis. And the plan proposed using S-ERP system for controlling function at the start-up. A smart idea! And the plan proposed a realistic financing and net income statement. The experienced team composition is a big potential for investment.
Impressively, the team already established a Website and ready to operate. The plan follows the all necessary business strategy formulation processes. Financing strategies are reasonable. However, the target market and the need assessment are still ambiguous. For example, how large the potential market is not well identified for the customized design service from ‘novice’ designers. Targeting the whole campus of China is too ambitious to achieve a meaningful success at the first stage of a new business.
Final Event (Business Plan Presentation, April 12, 2018)
HealthyBlender Team: PT Slide
Green Community Farming: PT Slide
2018 Kean Business Plan Competition Winners
Green Community Team ($900)
李馥宇 (Fuyu Li, Fiona); 毛湘宁 (Xiangning Mao, Olivia); 陈应方平(Yingfangping Chen, Sylvia);
Healthy Blender Team ($900)
Qi Zhang (Verna); Anqi Zheng (Carina); Jiayi Wu (Ashley)
MasterPiece Team ($150)Jinxin Xu 徐金鑫 (Allen)
; Lantian Jia 贾蓝天(Sapphire)
2018 Kean Business Plan Competition Award Ceremony (May 11, 2018, Hall of Fame Event @ CBPM Building )
Introduction of Kean BPC & Winner of 2018
Kean BPC Winners of 2018
Kean Business Plan Competition QR Code