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How To Write a Professional Business Email?

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2021. 1. 24.

How To Write a Professional Business Email? (By Dr. Jerry Choi at WKU CBPM) 


Email is an important communication tool in business. 
For example, a business executive gets over 100 emails daily. 


But many do not write an email in a proper way.
A wrong form of Email makes a reader frustrated, and the sender cannot get what intended to.  

Harvard Business Review suggests the best practice of Business Email writing. 
Learning from the Military practice, Sehgal suggested three guidelines.
Here, I added two more guides for better Email writing in the real world. 

These five suggestions are…. 

First, Subjects with Keywords in the Title sentence
Second, Bottom Line Up Front - BLUF
Third, Be Economical - Bullet type is recommended
Fourth, Keep the structure,  containing 5W and 1H, Whom, Why, What Where, When, How
Fifth, clearly indicate who is the sender. 

With keeping these five suggestions, you can write this style of professional Email. 

In the title, you can clearly describe what is the purpose of your Email with a “Keyword”. 

In the first line, You can clearly indicate ”Whom” you are sending your Email to. 

Then, you can give the ‘Bottom Line’ of your Email. 

Providing background or details will help a reader to take action. 

Be polite, and please tell the receiver who is sending this Email and how to get you. 


This is it. 


Let’ keep these ‘Business Email Writing’ rules to make a professional communication. 




Youtube Video:  youtu.be/TNhVbTk5BvE


BiliBili: www.bilibili.com/video/BV1954y1s7Bp


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Thank you. 





2021. Jan. 24: Firstly, Archived. 

