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AmericanBizEdu@China/1. Guides & Policy

[QIFA] "How to Manage Public Message (Poster) in WKU?"

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2021. 12. 15.

"How to Manage Public Message in WKU?" 



Series #1:  How to Use Poster on WKU Campus? 









[QIFA] WKU POSTER GUIDELINE with Chinese Caption!_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

轻松学建模,挑战用接单养活自己~ 零基础免费学建模




1. Posters are always a key component to promote your events. While it is not uncommon to find a board filled with scraps of paper which make audience hard to read and clean. For instance, please look at the rendering below of an average bulletin board.

1. 海报一直以来是推广活动的重要方式。然而一些被纸张覆盖的展板随处可见,不方便学生浏览和清洁。例如,请看以下例子


2. What you might quickly notice is that the various items on the board are crowded and overlapping. This is the way most bulletin boards look, and the “feel” of a board like this is one of chaos and confusion.

2. 可以发现,上面都很拥挤并且覆盖了其他的海报。这是大多数公告板的样子,像这样的板子给人感觉是混乱无序的。


3. What you might quickly notice is that the various items on the board are crowded and overlapping. This is the way most bulletin boards look, and the “feel” of a board like this is one of chaos and confusion.

3. 可以发现,上面都很拥挤并且覆盖了其他的海报。这是大多数公告板的样子,像这样的板子给人感觉是混乱无序的。


4. we are going to show you how to post your posters properly on campus. 
Posters on campus must follow these guidelines to be clear and effective. 
Please follow me with steps below.

4. 在本视频中,我们将向您展示如何在校园内正确张贴海报。校园海报必须遵循这些准则,才能清晰有效。请参考以下步骤:


5. First, posters should be easy to read, not crowded, and organized in a logical manner. The content of poster should basically be English based.

Second, materials should not be posted on them without prior approval. All materials posted must receive a stamp from Media Center .

5. 首先,海报应易于阅读,不拥挤,内容有序有逻辑地展示。海报的内容基本上应该以英文为主。
其次,未经事先批准,不得在其上张贴材料。所有张贴的材料必须获得学生事务(GEH D203)或学校部门的印章。


6. Third, all materials posted on campus must be attached to bulletin boards. Walls and doors, windows, trees, light standards, permanent signs, other interior or exterior building surfaces, and similar locations are not appropriate places for posters. Posters found in such places will be removed by Student Government or staff.

6. 第三,所有张贴在校园的材料都必须附在公告栏上。墙壁和门,窗,树木,光标,永久性标志,其他内部或外部建筑表面以及类似位置不适合张贴海报。在这些地方发现的海报将被学生会或工作人员删除。



7. Fourth, posters should be posted with tape or pins on four corners. Double-sided tape or Sticky back are prohibited. 

Moreover, please do not cover other posters unless they are invalid or remove them before pasting your posters.


7. 第四,海报应在四个角上贴上胶带或别针。禁止使用双面胶带。




8. The campus reserves the right to remove any materials from campus general information bulletin boards that are in violation of law or school regulations.


8. 若海报内容有任何违规等现象,学校有权从信息公告板上删除海报的权力。



9. Please refer to the location list of bulletin boards on campus



10. Thank you for your following this guide. 

10. Xie Xie 






Full Script: 


1. Posters are always a key component to promote your events. While it is not uncommon to find a board filled with scraps of paper which make audience hard to read and clean. For instance, please look at the rendering below of an average bulletin board.

2. What you might quickly notice is that the various items on the board are crowded and overlapping. This is the way most bulletin boards look, and the “feel” of a board like this is one of chaos and confusion.

3. What you might quickly notice is that the various items on the board are crowded and overlapping. This is the way most bulletin boards look, and the “feel” of a board like this is one of chaos and confusion.

4. we are going to show you how to post your posters properly on campus. 

Posters on campus must follow these guidelines to be clear and effective. 
Please follow me with steps below.

5. First, posters should be easy to read, not crowded, and organized in a logical manner. The content of poster should basically be English based.

Second, materials should not be posted on them without prior approval. All materials posted must receive a stamp from Student Affairs(GEH D203) or other school departments .

6. Third, all materials posted on campus must be attached to bulletin boards. Walls and doors, windows, trees, light standards, permanent signs, other interior or exterior building surfaces, and similar locations are not appropriate places for posters. Posters found in such places will be removed by Student Government or staff.

7. Fourth, posters should be posted with tape or pins on four corners. Double-sided tape is prohibited. 

Moreover, please do not cover other posters unless they are invalid or remove them before pasting your posters.

8. The campus reserves the right to remove any materials from campus general information bulletin boards that are in violation of law or school regulations.

9. Please refer to the location list of bulletin board on campus

10. Thank you for your following this guide. 


1. 海报一直以来是推广活动的重要方式。然而一些被纸张覆盖的展板随处可见,不方便学生浏览和清洁。例如,请看以下例子

2. 可以发现,上面都很拥挤并且覆盖了其他的海报。这是大多数公告板的样子,像这样的板子给人感觉是混乱无序的。

3. 可以发现,上面都很拥挤并且覆盖了其他的海报。这是大多数公告板的样子,像这样的板子给人感觉是混乱无序的。

4. 在本视频中,我们将向您展示如何在校园内正确张贴海报。校园海报必须遵循这些准则,才能清晰有效。请参考以下步骤:

5. 首先,海报应易于阅读,不拥挤,内容有序有逻辑地展示。海报的内容基本上应该以英文为主。
其次,未经事先批准,不得在其上张贴材料。所有张贴的材料必须获得学生事务(GEH D203)或学校部门的印章。

6. 第三,所有张贴在校园的材料都必须附在公告栏上。墙壁和门,窗,树木,光标,永久性标志,其他内部或外部建筑表面以及类似位置不适合张贴海报。在这些地方发现的海报将被学生会或工作人员删除。

7. 第四,海报应在四个角上贴上胶带或别针。禁止使用双面胶带。

8. 若海报内容有任何违规等现象,学校有权从信息公告板上删除海报的权力。

9. 10. Xie Xie 


Poster Guidelines PPT v1.pptx







2022. Jan. 13: Media Center (suddenly) announced an non-agreed 'Public Message' control policy. 



7.(终)已校对-3温州肯恩大学校内刊物、宣传品管理规定 -译文 (3) (1).docx




2022. Jan. 24" WKU CBPM MGM Department Bulletin Poster (A5 size) Norm Template: (Category Title + 5W 1H + Reference + Posting Information) 



2022. April 14" OA Notice | WKU media publicity materials and platform review process have been launched OA"



1.For event posters application (including on-campus LED, paper posters), please fill in the "Activity Publicity Application Process" in the OA.


2.For publication approval and change, please fill in "Publication Approval Process" or "Publication Change Approval Process" in the OA.


3.To open new online media, including Websites, WeChat official accounts, Weibo,  Douyin, etc., please fill in the "Web Media Registration Process "in OA.

7.(改)已校对-3温州肯恩大学校内刊物、宣传品管理规定 -译文.docx


8.(改)已校对-3温州肯恩大学网络媒体备案监管实施办法 (5)-译文.docx


2022.04.14: Email to Media (?) to disagree the procedure! 



Hello, everyone!
Last year, media center released the"Notice on Issuing the Measures of Wenzhou-Kean University for the Management of Internal Publications and Publicity Materials (Trial) "and "Notice on Issuing the Measures of Wenzhou-Kean University for the Implementation of Web Media Registration and Supervision (Trial)".
So far the trial runs smoothly. To facilitate your application,we have incorporated the process into the OA system.

1.For event posters application (including posters on campus LED, paper posters,banners,display rack, etc. ), please fill in the "Activity Publicity Application Process" in the OA.
2.For publication approval and change, please fill in "Publication Approval Process" or "Publication Change Approval Process" in the OA.
3.To open new online media, including Websites, WeChat official accounts, Weibo,  Douyin, etc. please fill in the "Web Media Registration Process "in OA.
Please read the two attachments carefully and cooperate with the review process. Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Media Center 


2022.10.20: Poster Management "Disagreement" the third letter to Media Center. 



2022.10.21: Approved Posters were vadalized by Media Center. 


Approved poster (by Students Affairs) before the new policy at the 2nd floor of CBPM Building in front of Faculty Housing to guide  UIUC-WKU MSA, MSBA Program, NYU Project Management, Duke Fuqua, Rensselare University Graduate Programs, and Guiding to Graudate School programs were taken off from workers (probably ordered by Media Center). 






[Found] Broken Posters. 



Information: 2021.Nov. 13: Approval of the New Policy without "Users, Faculty, Students" participation. 




Poster Approval needs 13 steps.



2022. 12. 13: Poster application process in the new measure. 


First go to: Wenzhou OA sytem: You can go to OA system at wku.edu.cn -> My WKU menu. Please login with your WKU ID/PWD. 



Click: Activity Publicity Application Process


Input necessary information: 

Waiting for approval



2023.  04. 28: Raising a issue to Media-Center a Violation of Poster Rules and Norms that damanged the Bulletin board with 100% non-English poster.





2023. 05. 03: Media Center confirmed that the office would strengthen the Poster audit and require the poster in Chinese + English or Full English version. 




The English Immersive environment at the China campus is confirmed by the Founder of the school (President of HQ campus) 





Also, the policy of English Immersion can be found in the 10th anniversary 



Kean University Celebrates Decade of International Collaboration at Wenzhou-Kean University

Kean is celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the China Ministry of Education's establishment of Wenzhou-Kean University, highlighting a key milestone in WKU's development and its foundational role in fostering cross-cultural academic exchanges.




Added the Summary of Poster guildeline:

Poster Guideline (especially for CBPM building):


First, posters should be easy to read, not crowded, and organized in a logical manner. The content of the poster should basically be English based.


Second, materials should not be posted on them without prior approval. All materials posted must receive a stamp from the Media Center.


Third, all materials posted on campus must be attached to bulletin boards. Walls and doors, windows, trees, light standards, permanent signs, other interior or exterior building surfaces, and similar locations are not appropriate places for posters. Posters found in such places will be removed by Student Government or staff.


Fourth, posters should be posted with tape or pins on four corners. Double-sided tape or Sticky back is prohibited.


Moreover, please do not cover other posters unless they are invalid or remove them before pasting your posters.


The campus reserves the right to remove any materials from campus general information bulletin boards that are in violation of law or school regulations.






2023. 05. 24: Request for Clarification Public Message: "Policy Dissemination" in Website both in Local Language and English. 






20230524_[REQUEST] Clarification of public message - Re_ 通知 Notice.pdf









2023. 05. 24: Request for Clarification Public Message: "Policy Dissemination" in Website both in Local Language and English. 



2023. 05. 03: Media Center will strengthen the Poster auditor and require the poster in Chinese + English or Full English version. 


2023.  04. 28: Raising a issue to Media-Center a Violation of Poster Rules and Norms that damanged the Bulletin board with 100% non-English Poster. No-response, and visited the Office A114 WKH on May 03, 2023. 

Poster_Manual.7.(改)已校对-3温州肯恩大学校内刊物、宣传品管理规定 -译文 (3).pdf




Poster Manal

7.(改)已校对-3温州肯恩大学校内刊物、宣传品管理规定 -译文 (3).docx


2022.10.25: Poster Approvals need 13 steps! 


2022.10.21: Approved Posters were vandalized by Media Center. Lost, and Found, and Reapply for Approval at OA system for new Stamp. 


2022.10.20: Poster Management "Disagreement" the third letter to Media Center. 


2022.04.14: Media Center(?) announced "Public Message" control, and Disagreement Email was sent to Media Center. 


2022. Jan. 24" WKU CBPM MGM Department Bulletin Poster (A5 size) Norm Template: 





Dec. 15, 2021:  Prepared by Cyndi Chen (Student Affairs), Announced by Liu Yanxi (Tracy - Student Government)






2023. 12. 12: 





2023年12月12日: Notice onf the Management of Internal Publications adn Publicity Materials 

Dear all,

Thank you all for supporting the media center's promotional material review work!

Since the release of "Measures of Wenzhou-Kean University for the Management of Internal Publications and Publicity Materials (Trial)" in November 2021, nearly 400 applications have been received in the past two years.

The activities organized by various departments are rich and exciting, contributing to the construction of campus culture. However, some things could still be improved in approving promotional materials.

The following is a summary for your reference:

1. The theme content must be in English, and essential information such as time and location must be in English. For external cooperation projects, it is necessary to let the other party know beforehand that the promotional materials require English content.

2. Please pay attention to English spelling, standardize Chinese language usage, etc., and do not mix two languages.

3. Due to the involvement of multiple stages in the approval process (applicant>department leader>media center administrator>media center leader>logistics leader) Please apply three working days before printing and go to WHK A114 for stamping after completing the approval process.

Due to the possibility that the administrator may not be at the workstation when stamping, it needs to be replaced by other teachers. Please take an OA process sheet (electronic screenshot or paper) as proof.

4. Please print and produce after the application is approved to avoid wasting funds and resources.

5. The banner on the homepage of the official website can only be applied for activities at or above the school level, and you should pay attention to the design style of the poster. For specific details, please reach out to the webmaster in advance.

6. Departments should register their publications online on time and submit 1-2 copies to the media center for archiving after each magazine issue (please also make up for previous issues).

Thank you all for your support and cooperation!

Good luck!

Media and Design Center

December 12, 2023



