To apply for Tenure and Promotion, One-should request for Opening the "6th year Faculty Reaapointment Evaluation Packet" and "Promotion Packet" to Kean USA (Academic Affairs) through WKU Academic Affairs or Dean. These two process are mutually exclusive.
Tenure Application
6th Year & Tenure Application in Kean System
Necessary Document:
** To see more detail WKU ARTP (Appointment, Reappointment, Tenure, and Promotion) Activities (First year and 2-6th year Reappointment Process), Please refer to below:
Guiding to Faculty Activity Report (FAR) and Reappointment Application via Interfolio for WKU CBPM
더보기 On Nov. 24, 2020, Kean USA Office of the Provost / Vice President for Academic Affairs announced the "Faculty Activity Reporting: Initial Completion at Faculty180 - the Online Platform of Int..
The PhD Coach: Preparation is Key: What to Expect When Applying for Tenure-Track Position
Preparation is Key: What to Expect When Applying for Tenure-Track Positions
Key stages of preparation for faculty undergoing the tenure-track appointment process.
Tenure & Promotion Question Protocol:
1. How does tenure here fit into your long-term goals?
Why have you decided to apply for tenure here?
What is your idea of what it means to be tenure-faculty here?
What is one thing that you learned here that will help you to be an effective tenured faculty member?
If granted tenure, what are you looking forward to doing within your first year?
2. What have you done to contribute to creating the new Knowledge (Research) as a scholar?
3. What have you done to achive school's mission, vision, and value?
[Reference: CBPM Mission (Engagement in Innovation, Impact, Inclusiveness]:
We transform diverse students into impactful members in the global community through engaged learning, excellence in teaching, applied and pedagogical scholarship, and service, with leading-edge management programs in a world-class, innovative, and inclusive environment in our regions.
CBPM Vision (GDP):
We aspire to become the management college of choice in our regions recognized for its Global orientation, commitment to Diversity, and Professional and experiential approach to management education.
We embrace a culture of striving for excellence, integrity, fairness, respect, diversity, community, and social responsibility. ] What leadership roles have you taken on and how have they shaped your leadership philosophy (Service)?
4. What have you done to support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and the institution’s commitment to DEI?
5. What leadership roles have you taken on and how have they shaped your leadership philosophy (Service)?
6. What have you done to improve your teaching?
7. What is your understanding and idea of student success and assessment?
Reference: American Tenure System in Higher Education (Tenure is granted, not earned".
미국 대학 교수 Tenure 심사 과정
많은 교수들이 바라는 Tenure를 받기 위한 심사과정에 대해 얘기해 보겠습니다. 제 전공 분야인 회계학 분야와 제가 경험한 몇 안되는 학교에 국한되는 얘기가 많으니 감안하고 읽으시기 바랍니
Promotion Application
2022.09.14: Kean Interfolio Released the "Promotion Packet" for candidates.
An official Guide for Promotion Interfolio (Instruction) is available here:
Apply - Interfolio
Packet required 13, 14, and Promotion acknowledgement by candidate; Promotion verification form.
(Promotion) Candidate Instruction:
Oct 5, 2022
Decisions about promotion shall include consideration of several broad and interrelated factors (Faculty Senate Guidelines on Retention, Tenure, and Promotion, A3.3).
1. Mastery of subject matter --- as demonstrated by such criteria as advanced degrees, licenses, honors, continuing education credits, and general reputation in the academic field under consideration, etc.
2. Effectiveness of teaching --- as demonstrated by such criteria as evaluation by colleagues and students, development of new teaching materials and courses, etc.
Should include formal course evaluation data from designated instrument.
3. Scholarly abilities --- as demonstrated by such criteria as published research in the academic field, contribution to artistic creation, the prestige of publication venues, presentations at international, national, or regional conferences etc. To ensure that Kean scholars are performing at a level of achievement demanded by their disciplines nationwide, a process of external peer review will be implemented beginning in the 2023-2024 Academic Year. The details to be negotiated in a subsequent agreement.
4. Effectiveness in University and community service --- as demonstrated by such criteria as participation in university governance, improvement of departmental, college, and all-University programs, service to students, service to the University community and to related professional organizations, etc.
5. Continuing growth --- as demonstrated in a consistently open and emerging pattern of research, continuing education courses and service that indicates a capacity for further professional development.
The following are the Profile and Activity sections from Faculty Activity Reporting that are generated into your Promotion for AY 2022-2023 Vitae:
- Degrees
- Honors and Awards
- Professional Licensures & Certifications
- Professional Membership
- Grants
- Current Position
- Administrative Appointments
- Work Experience
- Consulting
- Non-Credit Instruction
- Professional Development
- Advising Load
- Mentorship / Supervision
- Scholarly Contributions and Creative Productions
- Other Institutional Service
- Institutional Committees
- External Service
- Teaching
Promotion for AY 2023-24 (Packet)
Follow the Kean University Application for Promotion Template:
Fill in templates, and get prepared to submit section by section!
Promotion Acknowledgment by Candidate
Promotion Verification Form
Preview the Promotion Packet (for final check)
Submitted: FAR & Candidate Document (Both) and packet would be locked.
2022.10.14: Urgent Request for "Peer Evaluation: Three Peer Evaluation by Three Different Evaluators within two years" for Promotion.
Promotion Package Section 13: Peer Observation requests for "Three ARTP Peer Evaluation of Class Observation by Three Different Evaluators within Two years". Promotion applicants should keep the record of Class Observation results from ARTP by years to prepare the section.
The Peer evaluation form looks like this.
2023. 05. 30: Promotion Letter
Results of Tenure Applications
Re-Appointment Letter (6th & Tenure) from Provost (December 02)
Re-Appointment Letter (6th & Tenure) from President (April 21)
2023. 05. 31: Promotion recommendation letter
2023. 06. 16: WKU VPAA sent an Email about "Sabbatical Application" policy would be approved by WKU Board members in 2023.
2023. 06. 16: WKU Faculty Handbook indicated that the post tenure evaluation should be approved by Kean USA Provost Office by two years.
In the Faculty Handbook, WKU Tenured faculty mest be certified by the Kean USA Provost every two years or they are anot eligable to teach. However, there is not clear process of how to apply for certification.
Evidence of WKU HR and WKU VPAA's and WKU Board Involvement for Two year Post-tenure assessment.
2023. 06. 16: Calendar Tenured Faculty's Evaluation
2023. 07 .17: Promotion Decision Letter from WKU without salary information.
HR indicated that Salary information would be sent in another separate Email from Promotion letter after careful re-calculation.
2023, 07. 18: Copied and added "Tenure Application Process and Results".
2023. 07 .17: Non-salary information at the promotion decision document.
2023. 06. 16: WKU Faculty Handbook indicated that the post tenure evaluation should be approved by Kean USA Provost Office by two years.
2023. 06. 16: WKU VPAA sent an Email about "Sabbatical Application" policy would be approved by WKU Board members in 2023.
2023. 05. 31: Promotion letter
2022. Jan. 05: Firstly Archived.