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[GUIDE] Kean University's Code of Conduct and Ethics: Guidelines for WKU Faculty Members

by Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi 2023. 5. 20.

[GUIDE] Kean University's Code of Conduct and Ethics: Guidelines for WKU Faculty Members

Due to recent developments, there has been a growing need for training in Kean University's Code of Conduct, Ethics, and Integrity, particularly for faculty members at the Wenzhou campus.


Although the online training for this purpose was discontinued in 2017, it has become increasingly essential to address these important matters.


To assist faculty members, we have compiled a comprehensive guide on Kean University's code of conduct, ethics, and integrity, providing fundamental information and guidelines.


Additionally, we outline the procedures for reporting ethics-related issues that may impact intercampus policies or operations, ensuring a transparent and accountable environment. We recognize the significance of upholding ethical standards and fostering integrity within our institution, and this guide serves as a valuable resource for all faculty members.


Together, let us strive for a culture of ethical conduct and promote the values of Kean University throughout our diverse campuses.



Kean University's Code of Conduct and Ethics for Faculty Members





CLICK BELOW TO DOWNLOAD Kean Code of Conduct and Ethics DOCUMENTS:


Summary of Ethic sn Integrity Policy of Kean University for WKU Faculty members







Title IX officer change: DeEtra Pickett dpickett@kean.edu







MSCHE (Middel State Commision of Higher Education)'s Standard II: Ethics and Integrity 




MSCHE's requirements of Ethics and Integrity in the accreditation process for higher education institutions.

  • 1. Institutions must have policies and procedures in place to ensure ethical behavior and integrity.
  • 2. These policies and procedures must be periodically assessed to ensure they are effective.
  • 3. Institutions must disclose any material issues related to ethics and integrity in a timely and accurate manner.
  • 4. Ethical behavior and integrity must be demonstrated in institutional policies, processes, practices, and implementation.
  • 5. Institutions must promote ethical behavior and integrity among faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders.
  • 6. Institutions must provide training on ethics and integrity to faculty, staff, students, and other stakeholders as appropriate.
  • 7. Institutions must have mechanisms in place for reporting ethical violations or concerns.
  • 8. Institutions must investigate reported ethical violations or concerns promptly and thoroughly.
  • 9. Institutions must take appropriate action to address ethical violations or concerns.
  • 10. The accreditation process includes an evaluation of an institution's adherence to ethical principles and values related to academic programs, research activities, financial management, governance, student services, and other areas as appropriate.

These requirements are outlined on page 10 of the Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation document.

[MSCHE]2023 Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation DRAFT 2.2.pdf









2023. May 20: Migrated from "Goals and Values" to a New webpage:


2023. May 05: MSCHE (Middel State Commision of Higher Education)'s Standard II: Ethics and Integrity 


2023. May 01: Kean University's Code of Conduct and Ethics for Faculty Members.




