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Wenzhou O-K Innovation Center Project The purpose of WKU CBPM Project Based Learning (PBL) Initiative is to provide the experiential learning opportunities for WKU CBPM students through addressing the real business problems and cases from Wenzhou businesses. Source: https://leadershipcenter.tistory.com/473 Aligning with the purpose of PBL Initiative, WKU CBPM initiated the "Wenzhou OHT-Kean.Town (O-K) Innovation Center" project in N.. 2020. 11. 6.
WKU CBPM MGM FACULTY SERVICES COMPLIANCE (Standing Committee, Research Center, Initiative, and Advisory) Aligning with WKU/KU Mission, Vision, Value, and Strategic Goals, CBPM Management, Global Business, and Marketing (MGM) faculty members are actively engaging in standing committees, research centers, student group affairs, event participation, taking initiatives, and others. This is the summary of the Faculty Service engagement of WKU CBPM MGM faculty members (As of Aug. 10, 2022). WKU CBPM MGM .. 2020. 11. 2.
Dispute & Resolution (Fall, 2019) - Cooking Smell Issue 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2020. 11. 2.
Dispute & Resolution (Fall, 2019) - Cooking Smell Issue 보호되어 있는 글 입니다. 2020. 10. 28.
Wenzhou Business Consultancy Group (WBCG) Wenzhou Business Consultancy Gropu (WBCG) Since 2017 the WKU WBCG has worked with over a dozen businesses in the Wenzhou area to provide consulting and business support services including data gathering and analysis. The Mission of the WBCG is to connect with local businesses, to assist and support them, to add value, and to interconnect with the community by supporting and encouraging business .. 2020. 10. 25.
WKU CBPM's Open Education Resource (OER) Initiative Open Education Resources (OER) is a category of educational materials available in the public domain that is available with little or no-cost access, and with zero or limited restrictions in terms of usability repurposing and redistribution. libguides.kean.edu/OER Kean OER Homepage Research Guides: OER: What is OER? Open and Affordable Educational Resources we will help you embrace OER libguides.. 2020. 10. 13.
WKU CBPM Building Operational Improvement WKU CBPM Building Operational Improvement CBPM has a nice building to provide world-class education. But it needs to get improved continually in operation. Social Media Lab, 2nd Floor Outdoor space, and the North side of the building can provide operational excellency if we can improve it slightly. Social Media Lab is to create world-class business educational contents. But it has risks of fire .. 2020. 10. 5.
Donating 10 Hours (1,000 RMB) for WKU Campus Social Enterprise (Small Tree Team) WKU Student Career Development supports student's participation in innovation and entrepreneurship development within WKU Campus. Career development center would like to provide a necessary resource for making several Video content for the "Small Tree Project Team". Fortunately, WKU CBPM started operating the Social Media Lab from Nov. 2019. And the Lab possesses sufficient facilities to create .. 2020. 9. 29.
WKU Remote / Online Class Technical Tips! (IT & Blackboard) 1. How to Delete Blackboard Course! BB --> Packages and Utilities --> Bulk Delete Don't check the "USERS" to keep users in the blackboard section. IF deleted users, please add users manually. 2. VM Ware Setting. 3. WKU IT HELP HANDBOOK helpdesk.wku.edu.cn/hc/kb/article/1250655/ IT HandBook for Faculty - WKU - IT Help Desk IT HandBook for Faculty 陈奕余 • Created at:Mar 20, 2019 17:11:38 • Updated a.. 2020. 9. 5.
When CISCO AnyConnect does not work on your Mac system in Wenzhou-Kean University! CISCO Anyconnect is necessary when you want to use Kean Email, G-suite, Youtube, and mandatory software for Kean Learning. However, Mac system's recent MacOS (specially afterh Monterey Ver. 12.4 ) is not compatible with Cisco's old version of Any Connect. 1. Please use the most recent Any Connect Software! (dmg file for Mac Users & exe file Windows Users ) Please download most recent one: anycon.. 2020. 8. 21.
GUIDING WKU CBPM MGM FACULTY TO SUCCESSFUL ANNUAL REVIEW (REAPPOINTMENT)! Fortunately or unfortunately, New Jersey State mandates conducting the annual review of all public college faculty members (both tenure-track faculty and lecturer) for reappointment. Kean University & WKU are not exceptions. From 2021, All the annual review process will go to 'Cloud' - the Interfolio. So, this is an archive of the old-fashioned Annual Review guide. [Updated 2020-21 Annual Review.. 2020. 8. 18.
[주장] 2020, 대학교육에 대한 공격을 멈추고, 진짜 "인재" 개발에 투자하라! ~ 최근 한국에서 끊임없이 자행되는 대학교육에 대한 공격을 멈출 것을 제안하고, 문제의 본질인 기업/사회/현장 교육에 투자할 것을 한국 사회에 告함 요사이 "대학교육"에 대한 문제 제기 및 개혁을 요구하는 의견이 한국사회에서 창궐하고 있는 것 같다. "대학이 나라를 망치고 있다"면서 한국사회 구성원이 불행한 것이 마치 대학교육이 잘못되서 그렇다고 하는 분의 강연이 유명세를 타고 있는 것도 그렇고, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CDa8sCiwNs "10년내 대학 절반 사라진다" 는 위협적 타이틀로 사람들 불안감을 부추기는 언론들의 행태도 그렇고, https://www.sedaily.com/NewsVIew/1Z47C1TGX8 [서울포럼 2020]“10년 내 대학 절반 사라진다”.. 2020. 7. 27.
仙談 20200720 善惡是非曲直이 없는데 好惡가 있으랴... 緣起에 따른 生滅만이 있을 뿐. 세상에 옳고 그름이란 것이 없는데 좋고 싫은 마음이 일어날리가 있으랴? 인연에 따라 생겨나고 없어지는 것만이 있을 뿐. 2020. 7. 20.
2020 한국판 뉴딜의 두가지 심각한 결함 및 개선모델! 2020년 7월 14일 문재인 정부는 한국판 뉴딜 종합계획을 발표했다. 한국판 뉴딜은 디지털 뉴딜과 그린 뉴딜을 양 축으로하고, 고용사회안정망과 사람투자를 발판으로 9대 역점분야와 28개 프로젝트를 통해 2025년까지 일자리 190만개를 만든다는 구상이다. 담대한 구상이며 잘 구성된 계획이라 평가할 수 있다. https://www.ebn.co.kr/news/view/1442442 [그린 뉴딜] 73.4조 투자·일자리 66만개···2025년까지 전기차 113만대 정부가 '한국판 뉴딜'에 2025년까지 총 160조원을 투자해 일자리 190만개를 만든다는 구상을 담은 한국판 뉴딜 종합계획을 14일 발표했다.한국판 뉴딜은 코로나19 위기 극복과 글로벌 경제 선도를 �� www.ebn.co.kr 그러나, 제시된 .. 2020. 7. 16.
Dr. Choi's Lemmas for Social Relation as Energy Exchange! Dr. Choi's Lemmas for Social Relation as Energy Exchange! Lemma1: People have no interest in you. Lemma2: If people show you interest, that is for your energy. Lemma3: A social interaction is becoming the multiplication relations of Energy levels, not adding. (e.g. If a partnership's energy levels are 0.5 and 0.5, the energy level becomes 0.25 - getting poorer. And the relation is getting broken.. 2020. 7. 14.
Hire Only Fully Formed Adults (완전히 성장한 어른만 채용하라)! 완전히 성장한 어른만 채용 하는 7가지 기준 외부 기준: 책임감 상호이익 우선 경청하기 내부 기준: 명확한 미래상 확고한 가치관 관용 다중성 Seven Criteria to Hire Fully Formed Employees EXTERNAL Takes responsibility for their life and blames nobody else Think Win-Win Disciplined Listening INTERNAL Have clear vision, mission, and purpose Have a clear values and priorities Not only tolerate differences but also respect varied opinions, perspective, and expe.. 2020. 7. 13.
RETURNING TO CAMPUS PROTOCOL UNDER THE PANDEMIC: WKU CBPM INTERNATIONAL FACULTY CASE THIS IS THE ARCHIVE OF INTERNATIONAL FACULTY MEMBERS' RETURNING TO CAMPUS PROTOCOL AND EXPERIENCES UNDER THE PANDEMIC SITUATION (2020, COVID-19): WENZHOU-KEAN UNIVERSITY INTERNATIONAL FACULTY CASE =================== 1. Returning to Campus Protocol Four class forms of Kean University https://www.kean.edu/offices/registrars-office/spring-2021-prep-weeks Spring 2021 Prep Weeks | Kean University ww.. 2020. 6. 30.
Management Paradigm Change Under The COVID-19 Crisis (By Dr. Jeonghwan Jerry Choi). 2020 Impact Investment International Forum: Opportunities and Challenges of Impact Investment Under the COVID-19 Crisis, Wenzhou. More than 110 media published the article in China, The article is exposed to more than 55214 times for readers. 2020. 6. 23.
2020 Korea Industrial Workforce Development Conference (June 12, 2020), Web-conferencing @ South Korea 2020 Korea Industrial Workforce development conference (June 12, 2020). 2020 한국 산업교육학회 학술대회 ================================================= CONFIDENTIAL 더보기 IBM HR Value Change Machine Bureaucratic Organization Structure to Adhocracy (Professional) Organization. IBM uses "Chatbot (Myca & many Chatbots)" - AI assistance for HR functions (Talent Acquisition; Talent Development; HR Operation). If.. 2020. 6. 12.
How to Apply Pass/Fail Grade Option? (Wenzhou-Kean) Kean University Union / Wenzhou accommodates the demand for learning flexibility in the Remote Class situation in 2020. The University provides the "Pass / Fail Grade Option" (This is for Spring 2020 Grade). The Pass (P) /Fail (U) option application procedures are here. : For 2020 Fall Semester Grade Please use this "Pass/Fail Grading Application Form" to apply the option. (Dec. 18, 2020, update.. 2020. 6. 11.
Final Grade Input - Kean University (Wenzhou) CBPM Final Grade Input System (Since 2023 Spring) Final Grade Input To submit your grades, please follow these steps: 1. Visit Faculty Self-Service and sign in using your KeanWISE credentials. Login to your KeanWISE account at https://webreg.kean.edu/ https://webreg.kean.edu:443/WebAdvisor/WebAdvisor?TYPE=M&PID=CORE-WBMAIN webreg.kean.edu:443 2. Select "Faculty" from the menu. 3. Choose the Final Gra.. 2020. 6. 10.
WKU CBPM MGM Business Analytics Program Development May 15, 2020: Approval Kean Board of Trustees (BOT) approved the "Kean CBPM's Business Analytics Program". May 16 ~ June 03: Hiring The Best Talent for Business Analytics (Dr. Chad Chae) youtu.be/EmAjikBiYtU June 04, 2020: A Primitive Proposal of Integrative Business Analytics Program in Kean System (Union & Wenzhou) to the Chair of School of Management & Marketing. June 05, Proposing "Collabora.. 2020. 6. 4.
Faculty Handbook (WKU, 2020); Benefit Guidline (WKU, 2021); Kean Employee Handbook (Kean USA, 2018) Faculty Handbook (WKU, 2020) Guideline on Benfits (2021) (Cost Application) during the pandemic situation Employee Handbook (Kean USA) 2018 TIME and Attedance (42 ~ 44 pages) WKU Onboardings System (Protected by Password): https://wku.edu.cn/en/org/hr/benefits/ Benefits - Wenzhou-Kean University There is no excerpt because this is a protected post. wku.edu.cn 2024.02.01: Updated Kean USA Harassm.. 2020. 5. 18.
An Online Class Participation Issue (WKU 2020 Spring, MGS 4999) I would like to update one issue of MGS4999 W01, W02 online class participation. I am actively participating in the DQ discussions for those courses at Blackboard system. But, as you know, I am using Google Classroom for MGS4999 W01, 02 classes for Assignment participation because the pre-defined course structure was not compatible with my teaching. You can see my google classrooms: MGS4999 W01:.. 2020. 4. 29.